Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Star Wars › Book of Boba Fett › What Tusken Raiders Look Like Under The Mask! (The Book Of Boba Fett) | Star Wars Explained
January 18, 2022 at 4:40 pm #390
KeymasterWhat Tusken Raiders Look Like Under The Mask! (The Book Of Boba Fett) | Star Wars Explained
In this Star Wars update, we look at The Tusken Raiders from the Book of Boba Fett and what they look like unmasked. We discuss when Tatooine had oceans, Jawas, the history in Star Wars Legends and how it may connect to a Star Wars theory relating to the female Tusken that Boba has learned to use a Gaffi Stick from. Could we see an unmasked Tusken in the Mandalorian spin-off by Robert Rodriguez and Jon Favreau? We also explore George Lucas and some of the secrets he wanted to keep unknown that only Dave Filoni and a select few at Lucasfilm know about – where the Yoda species comes from (Grogu, Yoda and Yaddle), and what Jawas and Tuskens look like underneath. Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen have been promoting the show recently and revealed big characters and villains are still to come. Black Krrrsantan and The Twins (The Hutts) appeared in Chapter 2 ‘The Tribes of Tatooine’ and Chapter 3 is only two days away from dropping on Disney+.
hello my dear friends and welcome backto another video the tuscan readers areback and have so far played asignificant role in boba fett’s storyafter his escape from the sarlacc pitjohn favreau seems to love these guyshaving written them into themandalorian’s first two seasons and nowthe book of boba fett the biggestdifference between previous depictionsof tuscans and how these shows areportraying them is that they’re finallybeing humanized and depicted in a muchbetter light not only are they capableof complex emotions and socialstructures but they also haveestablished their own style of combatand most surprisingly they have aprofound ancestral spirituality whichwith it comes ritualistic ceremonies wevaguely knew from the games and visualdictionaries that toscans had mysticalconnections to nature but we didn’t knowthe true extent of their spiritualityuntil the book of boba fett showed us inthis series we’re truly learning newthings about them all the time and withevery passing episode the loresurrounding them expands but theresurgence of the toscans in the book ofboba fett has fans once again asking thequestion we’ve all been curious aboutsince the franchise was born what dotuscans look like under the mask andperhaps an even better question whichi’m going to save to the end of thevideo is could we see what an unmaskedtuscan looks like for ourselves in thebook of boba fett but with regards tothe first question to understand whattoscans look like beneath the mask weneed to go back to a time when tatooinewas covered in oceans until chapter 2 ofthe book of boba this information waslegends but the tuscan chief informsboba over time before the oceans oftatooine dried up tatooine was once alush world that had large oceans and aworld-spanning jungle inhabited by thenative kumunga this species is theevolutionary ancestor to both tuscansand jawas the kumunga weretechnologically advanced and colonizednearby star systems which unfortunatelydrew the attention of an amphibian-likerace known as the rakata the rakata alsoknown as the builders used dark sidefuel technologies like the force poweredhyperdrive and their empire the infiniteempire dominated known space forthousands of years in25793 bby the recarton infinite empireinvaded tatooine enslaved its nativeinhabitants and abducted many of themand moved them to their other conqueredworlds after a terrible plague weakensthe rakata the kumunga eventuallyrebelled and managed to drive the rakataof the planet in response the ricartasubjected the planet to an orbitalbombardment which unfortunately glassedthe planet in other words it fused thesilicone the soil into glass which thenbroke up over time into sand thisprocess boiled away tatooine’s preciousoceans over time this change split theindigenous kamunga into two races thegolfers which we know as the tuscanraiders and the jawas so both races havethe same evolutionary ancestor the sunpeople began wearing mouth grills andeye coverings to retain moisture andkeep the sand out and they also had afilter to help facilitate breathing inthe desert climate but their need toprotect their bodies from tatooine’sweather developed into a taboo againstexposing any part of the body in publicbecause of this the toscans almost neverunmasked themselves even in front of oneanother they were forbidden to removetheir clothing in front of others exceptat childbirth on their wedding nightsand at coming of age ceremonies inaddition no outsider is known to haveseen behind a tuscan’s mask and livedit’s a coat that is not broken due totatooine’s harsh climate for the sake ofsurvival and protection toscan raiderswere very hostile to outsiders and evenother locals of the planet so there wasno way they would ever allow forvulnerability and that is how removingone’s mask is perceived but underneathto definitively answer the question thetuscans probably still resemble thekamunga something between an ape-likecreature and a weak way in any case mydear friends this is a mystery i doubtwe’ll ever get an answer to because ittreads on george lucas’s legacy ofkeeping certain things a secret he madeit clear that there are some things instar wars that are best left to theimagination that should not be revealedand this includes yoda’s home planet andspecies name and i can imagine unveilinga jawa or a tuscan would be on that listas well but i can think of one exceptionwhere maybe it could happen and it allsurrounds the female tuscan chieftain inthe book of boba fetts she’s been set upin the first two episodes of the book ofboba fett as a very significant figurein boba’s life post-salak having trainedhim in the art of the gaffy stickembraced him into their culture andhaving been a big part of that period ofhis life i think she might be importantlater on in the series in the currentday timeline and not in flashbacks atheory that i came across which is worthhighlighting is that she might risk herlife for boba fett and be left severelyinjured it could be at this point thathe lifts up her damaged face plate andwe get our first reveal of what tuscansactually look like it’s just a theorybut i’m not sure it’s a good idea toreveal such a mystery and i don’t eventhink i want to know what they look likeunderneath some things in star wars arebest left unanswered so far in the storyi’ve loved the tuscan subplot it deepensboba fett’s character he’s learnt a lotthrough them and they’re kind of likehis new mentors in the process robertrodriguez john favreau and the amazingfolks who work on this show haveinadvertently expanded star wars lauraby giving us a different take on thetuscan raiders the mandalorian season 2helped us to get to know them a littlebit better but this series has given usa reason to care about them as theseries progresses we are probably goingto get a bit more tuscan raiderflashbacks but as i say near the end ofthe show or at least the first season weare probably going to get a big payoffwith them coming into boba’s story inthe current day they might prove to be avaluable ally and i can imagine thembeing his army if he goes up againstsome of the big crime syndicates we sawthis with the pikes but what if blacksun or crimson dawn come in boba fett isgoing to need some help and he might getit from other bounty hunters like boskor dengar but i think the tuscansultimately are going to be the stars ofthis show and in a way their possibleimportance adds to the notion that ikind of hope we don’t see what they looklike yes it’s a curiosity but i thinkit’s one that should be left to theimagination and not shown flat out weknow that dave filoni respects georgelucas’s legacy and i just can’t imaginehim approving of them showing us whattuscans look like it’s the same thingwith grosgu and the yoda speciesgenerally we’re probably never gonnafind out what they’re called nor are wegonna find out where they originallycome from as i say it’s a fandomcuriosity but it is something that hasto be left unsaid especially if theywant to respect his wishes we’ve seenhim present on the mandalorian sets andi think he’s happy with grogu but ican’t imagine him ever wanting them tospill the beans on what grogu and yoda’sspecies is called but you never know wejust have to wait and see what’s instore for us in future seasons andseries but that my friends brings us tothe end of this video if you enjoyedthis one please be sure to give me a bigfat thumbs up let me know your thoughtsin the comments down below what do youthink tuscans look like underneath anddo you think we’ll ever see one maybeeven in the book of boba fett i’mcurious to hear everything you have tosay so let me know if you’re new to thechannel please be sure to subscribe anda massive welcome if you are and alsowhy not consider checking out my patreonpage we have so many fun videos on thereover 100 posts with reaction videosmegasodes and so much more we’re justone and a half days away from the bookof boba fett chapter 3 dropping and ican’t wait to break it all down butuntil the next one my dear friends i’mstar wars meg may the force be with youalwaysyou -
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