Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Star Wars › The Mandalorian › Off with Ashoka’s head! Disney’s favorite Star Wars fans want Rosario Dawson six feet under!
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May 27, 2021 at 3:57 pm #183
KeymasterRosario Dawson has been at odds with the Twitter Puritans for some time now, and even though all the claims they make against her are now officially dropped, they aren’t stopping. Will Disney Lucasfilm bend the knee again like they did with Gina Carano and Star Wars?
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so last year when rosario dawson wasofficially announcedto be playing ahsoka tano which theytried to keep under wraps but it leakedout pretty earlyand people were taking fan artand showing that she would look reallygood as the characterand she did i think she looks reallygood as ahsokapretty good casting i think she did apretty good job i enjoyed the episodesof the show that she was on and she’salso getting her own spin-off showwhich will probably be about hersearchingfor ezra who went missing at the end ofrebelsit’s pretty much probably going to bethe plot pointhe was hurled off across the galaxyand she’s likely been looking for himever sincei wonder if they’ll cast somebody as himthat’sgoing to be interesting to see how thatturns outhopefully it’s good casting butconsidering who they have behind theseshows i think itmight be an interesting show we shallseebut anyway when the rumors first droppedthat it was going to be rosario dawsonplaying this role of ahsoka tanothere was a little bit of a backlash andnot from people that justwant to enjoy their life and livestress-free livesno it was from the fringe group ontwitterthat gets angry about every singletype of rumor or nonsense that comes outthat is against their personal ideologyor politicsand she got dragged into a bigbig mess and it was all overallegation there were no rumorsor there there was no evidence no policereportsnothing what had happened wasa former handyman thatthe family had employed for about 20years and was really close to themdecided to file a lawsuit saying thatuh rosario dawson and her familywere very very mean to her and that hermombeat her up now why did this happen wellapparentlythis stems from this persontransitioningfrom being afemale to a maleand apparently this person claims thatthe family decided tocome after him now this is a very veryinteresting court case if you follow itbecausewell the evidence that was presented wasvery very weakand as such the case was completelydismissednow the reason that a lot of peopleincluding myself thought that thethe thing was complete bs is becausethere was never anyany criminal charges that were filedi don’t think there was a biginvestigation it was all just kind ofbrushed off because it seemed like abunch of nonsenseuh the person went right to the court toget moneyran right to court to get money andthere was a very interesting thing withthis casethe lawyer that represented the person ithink his nameis uh dedrick finley here uh thelawyer actually withdrew from the caselike yeah uh i gotta get out of herebecause this is a complete messi thought i could get a little name formyself and some money because this is acelebrity familyit was like well this isn’t a very thiscase isn’t holding up very welland he bounced uh anythingthat was bringing rosario dawsoninto this into this case was actuallydismissed a while agouh they dropped the charges against hera while ago and i say charges i mean thesuit against herbecause there are no charges there’s nocharges at allin this so those got droppeduh the stuff against her actual familywas continuingand now that also has been dismissed sonow there’snothing there’s nothingin court however do you think that thisisgoing to stop the people from twitterfrom going after her no uh may 9thy’all can stay mad i muted this a whileagoshe and her family were literally suedfor harassing trans mango support some less problematic actorsthis isn’t that long ago this isn’t thatlong agoand what’s funny is she’s actuallyresponded to all thisas you can see right here uh this is awholethis is a whole interview with her theindie wire coveredwhere she says like i don’t understandwhat’s happening here i’ve alwaysalways supported everybody’s rights andequalityand it’s true she’s been a champion ofthe left for a long timeshe’s quite woke actually but she is agood actress and she plays as good asahsoka so i don’t really care umshe doesn’t i don’t see any of that [ __ ]in the role as long as she plays therole goodthat’s fine with me uh butit doesn’t matter that even beforethis dropped getting rid of everythingshe was vindicated completely i thinklikefive months ago uh but that didn’tmatterthere were people saying hey uhshe still needs to apologize even thoughshe didn’t do anythingshe still needs to apologize she needsto apologize andand and make things right well what doesshe need to make right she didn’t doanything wrongit just goes to show you like you cannever pleasethis mob they’re always going to comeafter you they’re always going to try todestroy you they’re always going to wantbloodand even with this dismissed thiscampaign against her isn’t going to stopuh wait till the ahsoka series finallycomes outthey start talking about it all this isgoing to flare up againand all of this is literally ignoredthey always go backto the same article this one right hereokay it’s this nbc news articleuh they always feel the need to postthis and this is from i want to pointoutthis is from october 21st2019. do they share thisarticle pretty much breaking downwhy this is a mess of a case and wascompletely dismissed becauseeverything that uh the person herededrick finley was throwing against therosario dawson familywas weak with barely any evidence idon’t thinkany evidence at all in fact the judgedismissed thisbecause there was no good evidence tomove forwardthat’s why it was dismissed okayand it’s all outlined in here if youwant toread it for yourself just google thetitle pop right upall of it’s dismissed but don’t theydon’t show these articles or theprevious one showing that everything wasdropped against herno they just go to this one this is goodenoughnbc news just going over allegations bythe wayuh nothing circumstantial in here butthis article is enoughare they gonna update this article nothey’re not but they’ll just keeppassing this aroundthis is good enough also they’ll say ohlook at this she was dismissed well notaccording to thisdisney opened these floodgates by thewaydisney opened these floodgates becausethey decidedto go ahead and fire gina carano thoughtthat would be a good thing over somestupid [ __ ]but what that did was empower the moband now the mob thinks that they can getaway with anything and if they don’t gettheir way you know what they’re going todo they’re going to doubletriple quadruple down this is this isnever going to go awayfor rosario dawson it’s a shame shedoesn’t deserve it because she didn’t doanything wrongokay she didn’t do anything wrong it’sproven right here was all dismissedbut that’s not going to matter it’s notgoing to stop people from going afterthis ismarch 20th by the way march 20th 2020was when this post right here was madehey let’s put this out this is from aperson that’s got a verification badgeand has over 13 000 followersjust that alone will get this person 425quote tweets7 000 likes and 2 914 retweetsthat went pretty far is this persongonna post this article toono probably not and this is the realitythat disney has created anywaylet me know what you guys think aboutall this in the comments below do youthink this is going to go awayand she’ll finally be able to just liveher life without people slinging mud atheror do you think that it’s just it’s justit is what it is let me know what youthink let me know what you have to sayin the comments below also if you wouldplease like subscribe share the videomake sure you’re still subscribed hitthat notification belli’ll see you guys on the next one peacealso if you want to help support thechannel check out my teespring storethere’s a link in the description youcan find some merchandise in there thatyou might want to check outalso take a moment make sure you’restill subscribed to the channelthere’s something going on right now andthey’ve been unsubscribing people sojust take a secondand double check on that and subscribeif you’re new -
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