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June 9, 2021 at 8:45 pm #242geektalkKeymaster
now just a little warning here at thestart that there will be some majorspoilers in this video for the firstepisode ofloki so if you have not seen it yet andyou don’t want anything ruinedit’s a really good time to click awayokay so first of all here let me saythat this was verydifferent though not in a bad way oranything i did enjoy it and i’mcertainly intrigued and looking forwardto moreit’s just that and i’ve brought this upbefore especially during one divisionbut slowly but surely the mcu has beenembracing more and more of theshall we say unique and or unusualaspects from the comic books things likethe tva or the time variance authorityfor examplethey’ve been easing us into some reallystrange or weird stuff from the comicsor what might feel weird if you don’tread or know much about what goes onthere how crazy or unusual thingsoftentimes get with all the time travelmagic different dimensions universesgods other powerful beings and so on imean if we go back to where it allstarted for the mcu back to that veryfirst iron man movie and i justput up a poll asking people to rank andcomment on it a link to which will be inthe description below if it didn’t popup in your feed or anything and ifyou’re interested in participatingbut anyway if we go back to that firstiron man movie everything therethough a bit on the fantastical sidewith the level of technology tony starkis able to create even though he isyes a genius well it still feels verygroundedin reality our reality there’s nothingreally strangeabout that movie in fact tony stark inthat movie would have laughed or scoffedat the idea of magicand time travel and all this other stuffas would many in the audience watchingit because again that movie felt prettygrounded in realityeven when we first get to thor andasgard and all of thatthey went out of their way to explain itscientifically to show us this is notmagic it just seems like magic to theuninformed mindjust like how arthur c clark said thatany sufficiently advanced technology isindistinguishable from magicthough yes the asgardians did seethemselves as godsand in the comics they basically aregodsbut anyway my point is there’s been agradual build to get here to get to ashow like loki where most are now goingto watch it and take it all in strideand not think to themselves this hasgone off the rails and or has gottentoo strange and crazy or just is toomuch to keep up with and to try andunderstand anymoreinstead of confused and disinterestedpeople are intrigued andwant to understand it all basicallymarvel hasslowly but surely indoctrinated peopleinto this weird world of marvel comicsto the point where i now get asked byfriends and family and others who knowmy love of comicspeople who 15 years ago didn’t know orcarewho or what an iron man was questionsaboutwhat exactly is the tva and how do theyfit into everythingor they want to tell me their currentwand division theory about how mephistowas behind it allwhich sometimes makes me feel like i’veslipped into an alternate realitywhere the once taboo world of comics hasgone completely mainstreamwhich it has but to get back to it hereto get to the show itself actuallywell we’ve basically been promised thatwe were going to get an airtightexplanation for time travel and themultiverse in this seriesthat everything we saw in endgame andelsewhere will make complete senseand the first episode is certainlytrying to do just that by telling usthat there wasonce a multiverse a long time ago butthat a war happened between thetimelines that nearly destroyedeverythingso they were all merged into onetimeline the sacred timelineand that the tva now guards that onetimeline and make surenexus events don’t happen or arecorrected when they do happenand that variants those who cause thesenew timelines are basically rounded upand dealt withand of course loki has become one ofthese variants or the loki from thefirst avengers moviewhen he picks up the tesseract duringthe events of end gameand disappears with it in fact theseries even starts with those eventsagain and continuesright on after them we’re basicallydealing with loki from that firstavengers movie and i think tomhiddlestondoes a really good job of bringing backthat loki of making it feel like hehasn’t gone through everything elsewe’ve seen in the mcuthough now he has seen everything that’sgoing to happen to him in the future ofthe mcuwhich i thought was one of the bestparts of the episode maybe the best asloki firstsees the death of his mother learns heis going to be responsible for itand then later sees himself start tochange and become betterperhaps he sees his father tell him thathe loves him he sees himself fightingside byside with his brother thor again andthen he sees himself killed by thanosand though loki doesn’t say anythingthrough it all as he watcheshiddleston knocks it out of the parkwith just the expressions and theemotions on his face you can seethe hope start to build that he’s goingto become a better person in the futureand deep down i do think loki wants tobe better in fact the two main thingsthis first episode does isworld built like crazy but it also digsdeep into the psyche of lokibut anyway though you see this kind ofhope growing in loki’s eyes and on hisfaceas he learns maybe he can or will yetturn things around in the futurethere’s then this sort of turn back whenhe sees his own deathwe see this awful pain and perhaps somebitterness about dying the way he doestothanos who is really kind of like a godmore so than himand it’s almost like he doesn’t careabout that good he’ll do anymorethat the selfish and scared part of himreemerges and he just doesn’t want todie like thatas i said it was probably the best partof the whole episodesomething else we sort of learned duringall this is that everything in thesacred timeline is predetermined thatthe tva only makes sure what’s supposedto happenactually happens which i findinteresting becauseat one point loki talks about takingaway choice from peoplethat people don’t want to be freeessentially that he makes life easierfor them in a waythat he has this glorious purpose tolead them and rule them allbut in a lot of ways that’s exactly whatthe tva does they don’t allow people toactually make choices to have free willthey make sure they live their life theway they’re supposed toand though i think it’s intentional youcan’t help but feel like the tvaare being hypocrites here and probablyin an effort to make loki appear moresympatheticthey’re trying to tell loki he’s wrongfor wanting to take away choice frompeoplewhen that’s exactly what they exist todoand so then in a twist of irony youcould say i think what the other variantloki is trying to do the one the tva ishuntingwell i think he’s trying to destroy thetva so that people get to havechoice again he’s trying to bring backthe multiverseand infinite possibilities though mainlyhe’sprobably doing it in an effort to avoidthe fate that he sawwhere he is of course killed by thanos ialso think the other variant of lokiis somehow the same variant of lokiwe’re currently followingor that he brings him about somehow howthat all will play out thoughi’m not exactly sure it’s just a theoryone way or another though i think it’spretty clear this series will end with acreation of a new multiverse since weknow there’s a movie called doctorstrangeinto the multiverse of madness comingnot to mention spider-man no way home issupposed to deal with it as wellanother question all this sort of bringsup or brings up againis the mystery around captain america inendgame how he goes back and afterreturning all the infinity stoneshe ends up living out a life with peggycarter in the past and ends upon a park bench to give the shield tosam in the present timeof the story there’s been a lot ofdebate and confusion about just whattimeline he goes back toor how it all works out and while inthis episode of loki we learn everythingthe avengers did in endgame was supposedto happen that way hence the tvadidn’t interfere the one thing thatwasn’t was of course loki picking up thetesseract and using it to escapethis also then means i’d assume whatevercaptain america did wherever he went andhow he lived out his lifewas how it was supposed to happen andthen when you factor in that wenow have learned that a timeline or anew branch when it’s createdruns the risk of more being created andthen chaos ensuingwell i highly doubt steve rogers wasallowed to live out his life in one ofthese alternate or branching timelines ithink he almost certainlysomehow someway lived out his days inthemain timeline in the sacred timeline andjust kept himself hidden the whole timewhich i know some people don’t likebecause then we have to believe thatcaptain america would sit back and letall these horrible things happen in theworldbut for all we know when returning theinfinity stones he encountered the tvaand they told him this was what he hadto do in order for everything to workout in the endthe way it should that it wasessentially his destiny to live out hisdays in the pastand in secret with peggy carter and todo nothing to interferein order for him to one day then givethe shield to sam and for things tocontinue to play out as they should atleast that’s my guess here and sooverall here this was certainlydifferent but not in a bad way as i wassaying beforeit’s amazing how the mcu just keepsexpanding and doing it in ways that feeli don’t know natural somehow even thoughit just keeps getting crazierbut it’s that expansion that keeps itinteresting at the same timethat keeps them from telling the exactsame story over and over againin very similar ways and becoming waytoo repetitivesort of embracing different genres alongwith the weirdness of the comic bookskeeping things ever evolving has beenthe secret to the success of the mcu ithinkand this show is certainly doing justthatwell that’s all i’ve got for you thistime now it’s your turn to tell me whatyou thought of the first episode of lokidid you likeit did you not like it were yousomewhere in between whatever the casemay beleave a comment below and let’s talksome marvel and until next timethanks for watchingyou -
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