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July 31, 2021 at 5:49 pm #273geektalkKeymaster
Jodie Whittaker QUITS Doctor Who | The First Female Doctor FAILED | Chris Chibnall OUT as Well
certainly want an expert because you’rea whovian yeah i grew up with itabsolutelyabsolutely is yeah um and so then istarted towatch a bit during my audition processand i quickly decided that was not thewayis that not helpful not at all to toonly seetv shows or films from one very specificdemographicis scott and for usthere’s absolutely no point being in ashowthat has a divide erotic.comit has been four years and 13 days sincethey announced jody whitaker as the 13thdoctorand today we have reached the end of thereignof the first female doctor played byjodi whitaker who we will lovingly calldr karen but that’s not all turns outchris chimnell will be joining her rightafterdestroying a 50-plus year-old belovedfranchisebeyond repair jody whitaker leavingdoctor whoalongside showrunner chris chibnall thefirst femaletime lord is leaving the cult show withanepic blockbuster special after threeseasonsin the retardus don’t let the tardisdoors hit you on the asson the way out goodbye and good riddancei’m not gonna tellthe doctor who fans not to celebrate youget so little to celebrate these daysgo ahead and enjoy this it’s not gonnalast very long because i knowmost of you know things are not gonnaget better from the hollywood reporterwhittaker who joined the series in 2017becoming the 13th doctor and the firstwoman to playthe bbc’s iconic time lord is leavingthe cult show alongside show runnerchris chibnall after three seasonsenjoy it enjoy itbecause the news doesn’t get much bettermore on that in a minute the duo are setto exit the retardusin a trio of doctor who specials whichwill culminatein what the bbc is describing as an epicfailure of biblical proportions i’msorry noepic blockbuster special which will airin autumn of 2022 as part of thebroadcaster’s centenarycelebrations now i did drop a video lastyearstating that the first female doctorplayed by jody whitaker would be leavingalongside chris chibnall after apossiblesplit season and it turns out that wasmostly rightprior to that i made a video passing onsome information that i heard from aninsider who i’ve knownand done business with for over 15 yearsstatingthat william hartnell would no longer bethe first doctorthe first doctor would indeed be thiscute little girl that they threw off acliff which wasunfortunately accurate symbolism becausethe show fell off a cliff i’m not gonnasit here and say i told you so becausei didn’t i simply passed on informationthat i heardfrom a friend and it ended up beingcorrectand so what the show is completelybrokeni wish i was wrong about all of this iwish the bbc didn’t feel the needto take away a positive male role modeland replace himwith a preachy karen doing a bad davidtennant slash matt smith impressionin 2017 i opened my glorious gift boxof size 13 shoes you have a size 13 footi could not have guessed the brilliantadventurous worlds and wondersi was to see with them said the firstfemale doctor played by jody whitakerwho we will lovingly call dr karenwho was widely praised for hermulti-layered warmfunny and inspiring depiction of thedoctoryou gotta be kidding whitakercontinues my heart is sofull of love for this show i seem torecall you not wanting to prepare forthe rolefor the team who make it for the fanswho watch itexcept for all of those fans whopractice the malegaze and for what it has brought to mylifeand i cannot thank chris enough forentrusting me to completely destroy thisrolei’m sorry with his incredible stories[Laughter]we knew that we wanted to ride the waveand destroy this showside by side and pass on the batontogether after it’s in piecesso here we are weeks away from rappingon the best job i have ever had i willagree with you therethat’s the best job you will ever have idon’t think i’ll ever be able to expresswhat the role has given to meand what did it give her a platformi will carry the doctor and the lessonsi have learnedforever i hope you will lessons likepreparing for a role ornot alienating a fan base before youtake that roleit was chris chibnall who lazily castwhitaker just because he worked with heron broadchurchwhen he took over from stephen moffat asshow runner he also brought in co-starstosin coleryan mandeep gill yeah as you know thecompanion who loves to sit there anddoes it very welland bradley walsh graham the best thingin this show who they did dirtyand cast the acclaimed sasha dewan asthe latest incarnation of the masterplus joe martin as the mysteriousfugitive doctor ohthe first female doctor of color playedby joe martin whose story line wasshoehorned inlast minute to i don’t know possiblystave off any criticism with going backto a male doctorwhich is something else i heard from myfriend which i have mentioned inprevious live streams and that may ormay not happen or hell they could juststick with the first female doctor ofcolor played by joe martin as far as iknowjody and i made a three series and outpact with each other at the start ofthis once in a lifetime blastso now our shift is done and we’rehanding back the tardis keyssaid chibnall who is exiting alongsideexecutive producermatt stevens and the only hope this showhas of turning around is if the entirebbc goes with themhashtag defund the bbc the first femaledoctor played by jody whitaker who wewill lovingly call drkaren’s magnificent iconic doctor hasexceededall our high expectations so you did setout to destroy the show because you hadto try to make it this badi’m not going to read the rest of thisarticle because these people are high ontheir ownfarts and they’ve turned doctor who intoa fart in the windthis has been an abysmal failure but thebbchas only just begun and i hate to breakthis to anyonewho actually believes that they’re gonnawalk back the timeless children or justforget about it i remind you that thiswas all part of the planfrom the beginning and it wasn’t just tocement the horrific legacy of the firstfemale doctor played by jodi whitakerwho we will lovingly call drkaren it was to make the past morediversethat’s right i know he-man fans arefeeling it right now butthey deliberately went into the pastgave the doctor anorigin that no one asked for andmade william hartnell a little blackgirland then pushed her off a cliff sheregenerated and thenthe stunning woman of science known astechtayoon went and murderedthe doctor over and over again i putthis up on twitter the other day thelist of murdered franchises in order ofseverity and doctor who isa clear number one no one evenquestioned it now the mcu will end up onthis listthat’s a work in progress when it comesto sacrificing on the altar of agendadoctor who remainsthe prime example we got to give the bbcsome credit they worked really hard tomakethe show for everyone the show forabsolutely no oneagain with the rumors that was just mepassing on information i’m not gonna sayi was right i’m not gonna say i told youso but i will say i told you sospecifically to the bbcon this i told you the female doctorwouldn’t work because the doctor is anestablishedmale character and i have all the proofi needcratering ratings horrible rottentomatoes and metacritic scoresand it’s only going to get worse and itis fitting that it will be the 13thdoctor’s13th season now most of you haveprobablyalready forgotten by now but a couple ofdays ago there was a doctor who panel atcomic-con at home and they releaseda trailer which showed rainbows and onlyone passing mention of the timelesschildreni was dumb enough to think they broughtjohn bishop in to win back some of themale audiencebut no he’s an idiot more rainbows andthen of course there’s grey worm fromgame of thrones who asappropriately named discount killmongerand rainbowsover the course of a 40-minute panelthey managed to tell us next to nothingbut what we did learn wasthis season is going to be one storymeaning if they don’t hook people onthat first episodethe ratings are gonna crater and i canpromise youthat’s gonna happen and that’s the onlyhope we have that this show failsso spectacularly it forces them tocancelthe show some might argue that that’salready happened and i would agree withyoubut not enough for the bbc rememberpiers wenger saideditorially this show is spot on butwhat the bbc is finding out iseditoriallydoesn’t pay the bills by all meanscelebrate you have had so little toenjoy over the last few years doctor whofansyou’ve earned this jody and chibi aregoneunfortunately we are sitting here fouryears laterjust where i thought we’d be standing orsitting amidst the ashesof our favorite show doctor who theposers are long gone off to go destroysomething else and we’re left to pick upthe pieces and the only thing we haveleftis laughter and there will be plenty ofit we can laugh our asses offat the inevitable failure series 13will be if you like what you heardplease like share and subscribe if youdidn’t like what you heard i thank youfor listening this long jody botts i’llsee you in the next videothen when it came out and then you knowpeople and the fans and wepotentially from the figures got newfans i realizedoh i could have set us back erotic.complease subscribe -
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