Geek Hut Forums › Forums › MCU › Captain Marvel › There Will be No Captain Marvel 2 in the MCU
May 7, 2021 at 8:06 pm #86
KeymasterWe’re stuck with the character, but this subtle rebranding speaks volumes for how valuable Captain Marvel really is…
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so if you have a pulse you probably know
what marvel is for the zombies among us
marvel known as marvel entertainment is
one of the world’s largest entertainment
most known these days for their film
universe the mcu
of the 23 films in the mcu only one
draws the fans ire
captain marvel so much in fact that
marvel is scared to the point of
rebranding so they can avoid the
incoming disaster
sometimes successful things can have
unforeseen consequences and we’re
finally experiencing that with the mcu
back in 2019 captain marvel was on
everyone’s lips
but not for good reasons outside of the
blandest trailer in history
where smiling was forbidden captain
marvel was coming in colder than brie
larson’s personality
there was controversy phantom ticket
sales and fan bashing from every
reputable news outlet
this side of the mary sue it was the
stuff of legend
they altered the way rotten tomatoes
operates too because they needed to
protect this film at all costs
in the end it was all for naught as
captain marvel brought in a billion
if all was well with this billion dollar
winner why would marvel make the same
mistake coca-cola wishes they could undo
is marvel making new coke well coke
could justify some of their stupid
decisions but not this time
marvel is attempting something because
they’re desperate in today’s world
branding is key according to branding
branding is important because not only
is it what makes memorable impression on
a consumer
but it allows your customers and clients
to know exactly what to expect from your
it’s a way of distinguishing yourself
from the competitors and clarifying what
it is you offer that makes you the
better choice
it’s safe to say that marvel has branded
itself into a shitload of money
for years they have been the undisputed
champion of comic book films
that little red low has millions of
people around the world ready to open
their wallets to see the newest flick
then run out and buy the dancing baby
groots the spider-man action figures and
captain america shields
merchandising marvel knows what makes
money and it knows what doesn’t
captain marvel made money at the box
office but not much elsewhere
in the month the film debuted captain
marvel’s comics soared higher faster
better all the way to the number 58 spot
before the film was even released
captain marvel merchandise was already
being discounted across the country
and captain marvel is still a staple of
discount chains all over the world
just like disney star wars none of that
matters to the real fans it made a
billion dollars they say
pop quiz hotshot if captain marvel was
so hot why are they rebranding her
sequel to hide her from the audience
yeah i didn’t think you’d have an answer
marvel just dropped their phase for teas
which went over about as well as a wet
farted aunt mays out
and while some people are talking
nothing really stood out
except one thing take a look at the
films announced
black widow the eternals doctor strange
and the multiverse of madness
guardians of the galaxy 3 black panther
wakanda forever ant-man and the wasp
thor love and thunder spiderman no way
home and shang chi the legend of the 10
yeah it seems weird that captain marvel
2 is now the marvels
great are they a cover band she’s the
only character whose name doesn’t appear
every other film features the lead
character even zealous characters like
shang chi which sound about as generic
as can be
have their names in the title but why
not captain marvel
the flagship character of marvel why
easy no one likes her i guess
all that brie larson said really
had an effect
i guess people got tired of the toxicity
spouted off by the actors and the media
who were so hell bent on defending her
seriously every other film in the mcu
features the character’s name in the
i’ll spare you reading the list because
you’re already trying to figure that out
in your head if it’s true it is
even in the phase four announcement we
got films titled black panther wakanda
forever and he’s not even in the film
see if marvel could have made a film
called wakanda forever they would have
but that would have been confusing
that’s why black panther is a part of
the title so you know that it’s part of
the franchise
thor ant-man the wasp black widow
they’re all there but why not captain
over at dc they never took batman’s name
out of the title of the film until the
dark knight
which was another name for him the
sequel kept the dark knight branding
same with superman every superman film
featured his name until man of steel
which is his moniker when the sequel
rolled out it was batman vs superman
dawn of justice
at least those names came first wonder
woman got a sequel titled wonder roman
84 and aquaman 2 is probably going to be
aquaman 2. even with a failure like
birds of prey they threw in harley
quinn’s name
because she herself is a recognized
brand so why is marvel ditching captain
marvel’s name from the title
to some it may sound unimportant but
this is a failure right in front of your
rebranding something that’s successful
rarely works raise your hand if you like
everyone does most people don’t like
burning money but companies make
that seem like they do rebranding can
fail spectacularly
here’s an example back in 2019 weight
watchers decided to make a major change
to its brand image repositioning itself
from being weight watchers to instead
wellness and well-being this change was
done in the wake of the online body
positivity movement
as it believed weight watchers had too
many negative connotations attached to
as a brand they wanted to broaden their
clientele remit inviting not only people
who want to lose weight but also people
who want to make healthy life choices
however sadly for weight watchers this
brand overhaul didn’t go to plan
despite the very uninspiring brand image
which we’ll get to in a little bit later
the new brand identity drastically
impacted the company’s bottom line with
a stock market earning of less than half
not what you want from a rebrand while
we don’t know how much the rebranding
process in the campaign costs the
company we do know that it cost them in
terms of membership and revenue
in the second half of 2018 they reported
a loss of six hundred thousand members
with a dismal new membership number
going into 2019.
so where did it all go wrong despite the
very uninspiring and boring new logo
weight watchers biggest slip up is it’s
rebrand that has been its name
the brand that has been known as weight
watchers since its first launch back in
and has since become an instantly
recognizable name in the weight loss
changing that was a huge gamble and one
that did not pay off
i guess she wasn’t that successful in
the first place or else why would they
run from putting captain marvel at the
forefront of her own movie
they already shoved the character into
places she shouldn’t be so the weight
watcher’s fiasco is one thing
but there’s one more epic rebranding
failure there are books
podcasts and one day a film about the
massive marketing failure
known as new coke new coke was the
reformulated soft drink that the
coca-cola company introduced on april 23
to replace its flagship drink in the
hopes of revitalizing the brand and
gaining market share in the beverage
the announcement sparked a fur and
within a few days the decision to
discontinue the prior version of coke
was called the biggest marketing blunder
of all time
the company reintroduced the original
coke formula within three months
rebranded coca-cola classic the story of
new coke remains influential as a
cautionary tale against tampering with a
well-established and successful
brand marvel is a successful brand
so successful in fact that the sub
brands are billion dollar earners
each hero in the mcu is its own brand
the iron man movies have their own
identity the captain america films
redefined the superhero genre and had
their own identity as well
and while the captain america films felt
different from the iron man films each
respective series felt
on brand simply put all the films work
together to create a unified mcu
captain marvel was running from what
made it a billion dollar picture because
it was a continuity breaking mess with a
pariah for a lead actress
marvel was dropping the captain marvel
name from the title of the film and
teaming her up with kamala khan and
probably monica rambo
look at the logo that s stands for
okay i’m joking it’s just part of the
miss marvel logo but what’s the
speaking of logos the only captain
marvel identifier was the captain marvel
and that isn’t as iconic as marvel would
like you to think she’s not batman or
superman or wonder woman
when i saw infinity war a lot of people
were confused by that beeper
maybe because it was thrown in there
last minute to generate hype i’d buy
maybe that’s why thanos punched captain
marvel out of the movie
you got knocked the out man nobody
wanted her
why change captain marvel 2 look at
literally every other mcu film
and see the hero’s name above the title
of the new film why is marvel running
away from captain marvel
i thought she was the greatest thing
ever their flagship character
her name features the company name it
was repeating their big branding fail
from a few years earlier
ditch spider-man as their flagship hero
and replace him with a character that
shares the marvel name and whose film
rights were already owned
by the parent company the captain marvel
led marvel rebranding made the face of
their company an unlikable with a
chip on her shoulder
gone were the days of great power and
responsibility the new marvel hates you
just as much as brie larson i waited to
say it but i’ll say it now
this is all brie larson’s fault all her
activism speeches
all of her anti-white dude comments all
of her trolling slash bad attempts at
comedy killed the excitement about her
joining the avengers
she’s a social pariah people
hate her her youtube channel can’t catch
fire and no company will bank billions
of dollars on her
yes her movie made cash but that was
because it was the penultimate film in
the infinity saga
put any mcu film in there and it would
have brought in the same amount of money
in 2019 marvel was the hottest ticket in
now not so much the case it’s too
expensive to make excuses for captain
marvel this time
disney is going to do their best to make
us all forget about their haughty build
to captain marvel
and it’s too late for that the fans were
already told to off
we’re now past end game a global
pandemic snapped away the 2020 box
office and uncertainty has reared its
ugly head again
it might just be the anemic phase four
or fatigue but why is marvel leading
with a mostly b
team phase to prove that the marvel
brand is strong
clearly marvel has other branding
concerns or else they wouldn’t be trying
to dupe viewers into thinking that this
is all new and all different
there’s the flip side of this argument
some would argue the name change is more
apt since this is the all girl marvel
team up film that they’ve been talking
not a force which is fine because i
don’t think anyone could handle the
cinematic equivalent of the girl power
scene from end game
rebranding is tricky but this is
blatantly obvious
teaming up captain marvel with miss
marvel isn’t going to put butts in seats
if we take a look at the square enix
avengers video game than this marvel
game in disguise we can see
playing this day that it’s a
failure so outside of a successful film
the marvel sub brand of marvel
entertainment confusing i know
isn’t that incredible in a world where
the heroes names are supposed to be on
the lips of millions
marvel the world’s biggest superhero
branding factory wants to hide the fact
that you’re watching captain marvel 2
because if they call it captain marvel 2
the movie would take a nosedive
audiences are sadly dumb enough to be
duped by this too in hindsight
my assessment of brie larson was
accurate she has cost marvel a lot of
it wasn’t immediate but her big mouth
just talked herself out of headlining
more superhero films
she’s getting a sidekick oh good the
best batman movies have robin in them
i’m gonna put a pin in this one though i
have more to say about marvel but before
go let’s check this out
ah that always makes me happy
so folks what do you think about this
i’m surprised to see marvel rebranding
right in the middle
usually when something is happening i
know everything has a working title
but they never dropped the superhero
names out of the working title
captain america 2 became captain america
the winter soldier
captain america 3 became captain america
civil war
captain marvel 2 becomes the marvels
it’s kind of confusing
or maybe it won’t be that serious it’ll
be a film that no one talks about
because captain marvel’s not that
popular so folks thank you for watching
i’ll be back next time with more
before you go make sure you subscribe to
this channel and hit that thumbs up
and let us know that you enjoy this
video we have it on good authority that
really really helped the channel
speaking of help i want to thank
everyone who backed the comic
we reached the goals we got the magnets
and now stealing solo is gone
unless you want to pick up a book in
demand we have some copies left and once
they’re gone that is it and
be on the lookout for what’s next for me
jeff hicks a world-class bullshitter
so folks i’m gonna get out of here be
smart be safe be cool but always be
excellent to
each other
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