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October 25, 2021 at 7:59 am #306geektalkKeymaster
The Wild Battle Over The Real Ghostbusters: How A Studio Almost Killed A Hit
The Real Ghostbusters is a 140 episode American animated television series, a spin-off/sequel of the 1984 comedy movie Ghostbusters that aired from 1986 to 1991.
As a Saturday morning cartoon and a daily series, behind the scenes of the Real Ghostbusters there was a lot more going on.
From a disagreement over the name of the show with The Ghost Busters to ABC bringing in a consulting agency to make over some of the characters, The Real Ghostbusters story is so much more.
after riding the wave of popularityfollowing two feature films it turns outyou can’t have too much of a good thingthe question is once you’ve realized itdo you double down on what started thewave in the first place or do you handoff to a new generation a newperspective cross your fingers and hopefor the best hi i’m dan larsen and thisis the history of the real ghostbusters[Music]thank you to for sponsoringthis video click the link in thedescription below and use code toygalaxy to get 30 off your order today ifyou like the 80s and all the stuffinspired by it then you’re going to it’s the kind of story wewould have shopped at back when all thisstuff was actually airing for the firsttime the future means being able todress today like we wanted to back thenwhether you’re into movies cartoonsvideo games superheroes music wrestlinggarbage pail kids they have it in factthey aren’t even limited to just the covers five decades of popculture excitement you can save ferristalk to me goose strike fast strike hardshow your friends you’re the cream ofthe crop and that you love it when aplan comes together without saying aword just point to your chest freeworldwide shipping on orders fiftydollars and up click the link below anduse code toy galaxy for thirty percentoff your order today again that’s codetoy galaxy for thirty percent off yourorder thanks again to 80st.comwe have previously covered elements ofthe real ghostbusters in a video thatfocused almost exclusively on the kennertoy line while it allowed us to touch ongeneral aspects of the brand it left outa whole lot of basic stuff we’rerevisiting it here to tell a morecomplete story that will unfortunatelybarely touch on things like theghostbusters movies and the spin-offseries the extreme ghostbusters theywill get their own videos eventually butnot today the real ghostbusters is a 140episode animated series that ran sevenseasons from 1986 to 1991 kind of asequel to sort of a spin-off of the 1984movie ghostbusters borrowing a lot butstill doing its own thing the seriesfollows new york’s foremost supernaturaleliminators egon spengler ray stancepeter venkman and winston zedmore in aworld where ghosts and ghouls are a veryreal potentially dangerous part ofeveryday life the ghostbusters aresimultaneously regular workaday schlubslike you and me and superheroes withexperimental technology defending thecity the world and this dimension fromthe most dangerous threats we couldpossibly imagine but take heart nothingis so terrible that the ghostbusterscan’t resolve it within roughly 22minutes and there won’t be anything soearth-shattering that it would impactthe greater ghostbusters franchise longterm because as much as the realghostbusters drove the brand on a dailybasis it was never steering the ship thefranchise was of course the movies thefeature filmed ghostbusters released in1984 was produced by ivan reitman andwritten by dan aykroyd and harold ramusit was produced and distributed bycolumbia pictures it starred bill murraydan aykroyd harold ramus and erniehudson as the ghostbusters it earnednearly 300 million dollars in itsinitial run in theaters and moreimportantly became a pop culturesensation the success of the film fasttracked the production of an animatedseries or rather series not just oneseries is what i’m trying to say seriesis more than one series from more thanone production company because beforethere was ghostbusters there was theghostbusters a completely unrelated 1975live-action television sitcom producedby filmation that ran for a singleseason of 15 episodes about a team ofparanormal investigators one of whomwas a gorilla years later during theproduction of the 1984 movieghostbusters columbia pictures licensedthe name from universal studios the thenowner of filmation’s 1975 theghostbusters the agreement did notguarantee universal or filmation therights to create a cartoon based on the1984 film ghostbusters at any pointregardless of performance that jobultimately went to deke entertainmentwithin a year of the release of 1984’sghostbusters deke was already racing toget a series in production and sold to anetwork with almost no lead time dekeproduced a segment just short of fourminutes long that showcased what aghostbusters cartoon would look like theshort was storyboarded on the fly byeddie fitzgerald and director kevinaltiri working with character designsthat were still evolving producers joemagic and michael c gross both served asassociate producers on the 1984 film andmade sure that there was a tonalconsistency in the cartoon while thecreators wanted to retain the spirit ofghostbusters the movie the intent wasnot to reproduce the charactersliterally deke was intentionally tryingto avoid any issues with likeness rightsthat said even in the finished pilotvenkman still looks more like billmurray than he does in the actual seriesdeke needed the freedom to develop thesecharacters independent of the movieversions keep the voices without usingthe actual voices for example erniehudson himself auditioned for the roleof winston whom he played in the moviebut lost the part to arsenio hallvenkman was played by lorenzo music whowas also the voice of garfield at thetime egon was played by maurice lamarchejanine was played by laura summer andfrank megatron welker played race danceslimer the stay puft marshmallow manmayor lenny cloth and a bunch of othercharacters filmation was denied theopportunity to work on the ghostbusterscartoon but that didn’t prevent themfrom making their own cartoon based ontheir 1975 tv show the ghostbusterswhich they did they started their raceto broadcast at the same time as dekethe simultaneous development of twocompeting ghostbuster themed cartoonsmeant that deke had to make it veryclear right up front in the title thatthe show they were producing was the onebased on the movie the real ghostbusterscartoon so they called it the realghostbusters filmation’s ghostbustersmanaged to air their first episode a fewdays before the first episode of deke’sthe real ghostbusters ultimately theattempt to piggyback off the popularityof the hit film created far moreconfusion for filmation than for dekedespite being older there was little tono public awareness of their 1975 tvshow with a gorilla filmation’sghostbusters was a well executed andperfectly entertaining show in its ownright with peter optimus prime cullenplaying a feature role but it seemedlike a knockoff attempting to steal afew minutes of fame due to the namingsimilarity the show and thereby the toysales related to it struggled filmationproducer lou shimer would later admitthat it was probably a bad business movefrom the start abc ordered an initialbatch of 13 weekly episodes of the realghostbusters from deke for the firstseason but didn’t stop there they alsowanted 65 daily episodes for use insyndication to be broadcast on networkaffiliates at the same time and you knowi won’t go so far as to say that jmichael strzinski is a friend of theshow but i did meet him at a conventionin connecticut once and he said he knewabout our show i was very nervous totalk to him because he’s kind of a bigdeal so i nervously said hi it’s verynice to meet you then just kind ofwalked away whatever that is that’s ourrelationship with him and not manypeople know this but j michaelstrozinski was one of the main writersand story editors for the realghostbusters the additional 65syndicated episodes presented strzinskyand the other writers at deke with a lotmore work to do than they originallythought they had and differentcircumstances under which they weregoing to produce all those episodes the13 season 1 episodes that would beairing weekly on abc were going to beheld to a higher standard for children’stelevision content they had to adhere tostrict broadcast standards and practicestone down the violence the demonicimagery everybody put a seat belt onplease the 65 syndicated season 2episodes were almost uncompromisedpractically aired as originallyconceived and written demons vampireswerewolves an episode inspired bycthulhu and samhain itself that’s howit’s pronounced in the show save yoursamhain and sowhen takes for yourhalloween parties season one aired onsaturdays from september to december of1986 a year later in september of 1987thanks to these 65 syndicated episodesand in order for 13 more weekly episodesfor season three kids got realghostbusters cartoons six days a weekmonday through saturday ghostbusters washot[Music]joey would you please get the realghostbusters from the cupboard[Music]real ghostbusters ghostly pasta in adelicious tomato saucethis ghost is historyyou ghostbusters love real ghostbustersnew from heinzif you said that today in 2021 yournetwork was number three in the ratingsthat would actually be okay there’s aton of networks and entertainmentchoices beyond television but in 1987with only three networks to choose fromin many markets third place was lastplace and somebody’s gonna get fired abcreached out to a consulting firm calledthe q5 corporation q5 was a collectionof psychology phd’s marketingadvertising and research professionalsaccording to that same article in the latimes from 1987 their objective was toquote determine product payoff the levelof product payoff is the degree to whicha product and its attributes match theneeds and wants of the consumeressentially they compiled statisticaldata from scientific studies that theystored in computers and then developed arecommendation respective to thespecific product and the intendedcustomer they had worked with companieslike hallmark marvel productions 20thcentury fox mattel and fisher price ifyou had a problem they claimed theycould solve itabc was looking to q5 for insight intohow they could improve their saturdaymorning performance overall against nbcand cbs some of that guidance landed onthe real ghostbusters season three waswhen things started to change some ofthe character designs were modifiedsubtly some drastically rey was a bitslimmer slimer got a tail aestheticthings that didn’t really affect whothey were janine on the other handjanine got a full makeover out with aspiky hair and in with a softer-spokenmore reserved character overall theresult was a janine melnettes withsofter features smoother hair big roundglasses and no jewelry knee-lengthskirts instead of minis as drazinski putit in 1987 q5 wanted us to knock off allthe corners janine was a strong vibrantcharacter they wanted her to be morefeminine more maternal more nurturinglike every other female on televisionthe writers weren’t on board feelingthat q5 was trying to engineercreativity instead of employingimagination and challenging the audiencethat q5 wasn’t trying to match thetastes of the youthful audience but thattheir methods were practically lettingkids create the show q5 recommendedeliminating rey altogether as in theiropinion he served no purposejeannie tryus vice president ofchildren’s programming abc counteredreassuring everyone that q5 was justanother objective voice in the room andthat a lot of what q5 recommends is justreinforcing what they already knew abouttheir products and customers and besidesthey aren’t necessarily going to act onit anyway rey isn’t going anywherelegend has it that bill murray didn’tlike venkman sounding like garfield andthat he pressured producers to recastwhether it was murray or q5 abc didrecast both janine and venkman replacinglorenzo music and laura summer with davecoulier and kath soucy furthermore theyre-recorded the dialogue for bothcharacters from the previous season forconsistency the reality is that thechanges q5 recommended were onlyintended for the weekly abc episodes anddid not affect the episodes that wereshown in syndication which was the bulkof the series trezinski would get thelast laugh in an episode during seasonsix called janine you’ve changed thatepisode directly addresses her change inappearance and personality by thecharacters in the story janine was bothunder influence of a demon and hadattempted to start a relationship withegon by becoming what she thought hewould be interested inthat ischange would be a constant with the realghostbusters the longer any series goesthe more they will have to adapt toquickly shifting tastes of the audienceand developments behind the scenes somecharacters will inevitably be morepopular than others season four sawarsenio hall leave the show to bereplaced by buster jones it also broughta change of episode format and seriesname in 1988 the real ghostbusters waschanged to slimer and the realghostbusters episodes went from a halfhour to a full hour that hour was one ofeight new regular episodes teamed upwith a series of either two or threeshorts focusing on breakout characterslimer a total of 33 slimer shortsbroken into 13 episodes introduced ahost of new characters tangential toslimer’s adventures independent of theghostbusters themselves and the new yorkfirehouse in 1989 columbia picturesreleased ghostbusters 2 the realghostbusters had done a fantastic jobkeeping the franchise alive long enoughfor a sequel to hit theaters but thatdidn’t necessarily help the performanceof the film itself it took in just over215 million dollars which resulted incolombia dismissing it as a financialand critical failure i can say now fromthe future that it was the definitiveend of the movie franchise for the nextthree decades but the real ghostbusterswasn’t done yet and also didn’t need themovie franchise to keep its audiencecoming back 21 season 5 episodes takeplace after the events of the secondfilm airing from september to decemberof 1989 a sixth season would add 16 moreepisodes in 1990 and a seventh seasonwould finally finish out the originalseries with four more episodes in 1991.ghostbusters was a pop culturephenomenon and incredibly popular withkids we absolutely can’t covereverything that was produced heck wecan’t even cover all of the toys thatwere produced kenner released a line ofaction figures vehicles playsets androle-play toys beginning in 1986 thedesigns and packaging were aestheticallytied to the animated series butobviously could also work as toys forthe films themselves all of theghostbusters were represented as werecharacters like janine melnitz luistully slimer the stay puft marshmallowman and all the ghost zombies monstersmutants and specters you could need thefirehouse came with a containment unit aworking fire pole parking for the ecto-1sold separately and vents at the topthat facilitated slime interactivitygreen ooze dripping down through theentire facility canter’s ghostbusterstoys were an immediate hit beginningwith the holiday season in 1986. eachcharacter featured in their cartooncolors jumpsuits with a proton pack andneutrona wand with a stream of energyemanating from the tip each figurepacked with a ghost accessory so theyhave something to catch subsequent waveswould introduce fright features withengineering that elicited exaggeratedexpressions of fear from each of thecharacters when you squeeze their legstogether screaming heroes that screamedwhen you wound them up and attachedtheir ghost accessory super frightfeatures that doubled down on theexpressions of terror from the previousfright features characters power packheroes slimed heroes and evenglow-in-the-dark ecto-glow an astounding10 waves were officially released butkenner had plans for even more by 1991not only had the series come to an endwith no more movie sequels in sight butkenner was also purchased by hasbroshifting priorities and consolidatingbudgets the real ghostbusters hit comicshelves in 1988 through now comics andmarvel uk now released 32 issues a 3dspecial and two annuals in 1989 when thesecond film hit they released athree-issue mini-series called realghostbusters starring in ghostbusters 2.marvel uk put out nearly 200 issuesalong with four annuals and 10 specialissues it was published weekly and evenrolled in some of the previouslypublished stories slimer got his ownseries with both publishers as well mostof these books have been collected intotrade paperbacks for easy reading youcould play as the real ghostbusters inthe arcades thanks to 1987’s the realghostbusters a shoot em up style gamereleased by data east in the us it’sactually a re-skinned japanese gamecalled may q hunter g but that shouldn’tdiminish your enjoyment of it at all itstill sings the ray parker jr version ofthe theme song the real ghostbusters wasalso adapted for home systems like theamiga the amstrad cpc commodore 64 andzx spectrum but you’d have to wait until1993 for another home system game basedon the cartoon that’s when chemcoreleased the real ghostbusters for thenintendo game boy yes it’s anotherreskinned game that depending on theinternational market you’re in mightfeature peter venkman mickey mouse orgarfield but again that shouldn’tdiminish your enjoyment of the gameespecially since the ghostbustersversion has 10 more stages than theothers that said it was not withoutcontroversy according to game developertraveling bits the real ghostbustersgame design and mechanics along with thealternate versions featuring mickeymouse and garfield are stolen from their1991 gamepp hammer and his pneumatic weaponand it is entirely unauthorized don’task it’s on the list ghostbusters andthe real ghostbusters were theinspiration for licensed merchandiseacross the spectrum of consumable goodsfrom sleeping bags to watches towalkie-talkies to bubble bath to colorforms backpacks handheld games fromremco a board game from milton bradleyand literal consumable goods like slimerand the real ghostbusters cerealepisodes of the real ghostbusters werereleased in 2004 and 2006 there wereeven a few episodes included on the dvdfor ghostbusters 2 in 2008 time lifereleased a comprehensive set in 2016sony began re-releasing the series inbatches of 10 to 12 episodes howevernearly 30 episodes and the slimer shortswere left out in 2017 those sameepisodes were released again in a stillincomplete collection as of this video56 episodes are available to stream forfree on or you can purchaseit digitally from google play or amazonprime some episodes are available at theghostbusters youtube channel and otherscan be purchased six years after thelast episode of the real ghostbusters anew series attempted to carry on thebustin legacy 40 episodes of extremeghostbusters pick up years after theteam has gone their separate waysleaving only egon and slimer to care forthe firehouse the containment unit andthe last of the petty cash egon is backteaching at the university where herecruits a new team of teenagers withattitude to fight back against therecent influx of spectral activity asthe ghostbusters taught us from thebeginning nothing stays dead forever notso long as there is value in the licenseand especially if there’s a movie tocreate spectacle the real ghostbustersis not immune to that the children ofthe 80s are adults now many with kids orgrandkids or cats of their own thenostalgia for the media and toys we grewup with and the desire to share it withthe next generation has ushered in thereturn of so many brands that hadlanguished and it has been very good fora variety of businesses not that there’sanything wrong with that in 2015 idwcomics published a four issuemini-series featuring the ghostbusterscharacters that had been in theirongoing comics since 2011 crossing overwith characters inspired by the realghostbusters the mini series calledghostbusters get real saw a collision oftwo universes worth of ghostbustersteaming up to fight against a villaincalled proteus in 2018 diamond selectreleased a set of real ghostbustersfigures built on the previously existingbodies and accessories of theirmovie-inspired series of ghostbustersfigures each individual figure had acartoon-inspired head and paint deco andcame packed with a piece of a firehousediorama in 2019 they released a sandiego comic-con exclusive box set thatfeatured those same characters repaintedand molded with translucent greenplastic as the spectral ghostbusters anhomage to the episode citizen ghostwhich explains how slimer came to livewith the ghostbusters after the eventsof the 1984 film as well as thereasoning for the new ghostbustersuniforms hasbro purchased kenner in 1991and has since owned the realghostbusters as part of the marketingpush for ghostbusters afterlife thesecond sequel to the 1984 film currentlyscheduled for release in november of2021 hasbro released kenner classic thereal ghostbusters toys that were modeledalmost exactly after the originalvintage figures and packaging surelythere is more planned for the futureafterlife box office notwithstandingghostbusters exploded into pop culturein 1984 inevitably inspiring a cartoonrelated action figures as was the way ofthe 80s reaching an audience larger thananyone could have predicted evensurviving the meddling of analysts andconsultants it was one of the longestrunning most popular cartoons of alltime even after the movie franchiseitself had burned out it’s likely thatmany fans of the show especially inlater seasons didn’t even know or careabout the movies their ghostbusters werethe ones they spent six days a week withthe ones whose adventures they followedin the comics and created for themselveswith the toys to them it wasn’t just acartoon about the ghostbusters it was acartoon about the real ghostbustersthanks for watching please like hitsubscribe if you’re not already asubscriber thank you very much to thoseof you who already are thank you againto for sponsoring this videohead over there to buy a shirt just likethis one or thousands of other designsif you haven’t heard we startedstreaming on twitch find us at twitch.tvtoy galaxy if you’re in the position tohelp the channel grow please visit ourpatreon or become a youtube channelmember and let us know in the commentsdown below if you are troubled bystrange noises in the middle of thenightdo you have feelings of dread in yourbasement or attic have you or any ofyour family ever seen a spook spectre orghost do you believe in ufos astralprojections mental telepathy espclairvoyance spirit photographytelekinetic movement full transmediums ididn’t read this at a time the loch nessmonster in the theory of atlantis myuncle thought he was st jerome -
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