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June 6, 2021 at 11:57 am #226geektalkKeymaster
In this video I cover ho the once respectable fan run website for LORD OF THE RINGS news/content fell to the dark side and exposed themselves as access media shills. Special shout out to Gary aka @Nerdrotic & @Just Some Guy for helping to expose this!
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andwhat’s up all new yorkshire’s droids andwookies it’s anna all centers that starwars girl and todayi am ironically going to be talkingabout lord of the rings because therehas beena complete [ __ ] show that went down ontwitter betweena very popular lord of the rings newssite that a lot ofyoutubers and content creators have beenusing as their sources for the newamazon lord of the rings television showbecauseapparently the has gottensome kind ofspecial access to the pre-production andyou know the filming of the showand because they have been the one thathave been releasing all of thethe new information about the lord ofthe rings amazon television shownow ironically i haven’t been makingvery much content on my channel becausei got inspired i’m a huge lord of therings band i was a little kid when lordof the rings was coming out i rememberjust how packed the theater was whenreturn of the king came out and i meanme and my parents we had to sit inlike the almost basically the very frontrow and i haven’t made making a lot ofcontent becausei’ve been getting excited and hyped upfor lord of the rings becausei actually haven’t been following thisnews because i wanted to be surprisedso i’ve actually been working on lord ofthe rings paintings which you guys ifyou want to seeany of those progress pictures or timelapse videosthey’re up on my art instagram and soi just got the inspiration to paintarwen and you know it’s still a work inprogress because it’s an oil paintingand oils take incredibly long time todry andso while i usually work on at least fivepaintings at a time because againworking in oils is a very time consumingas wellslow process and so i started paintinggaladriel as well and again this isstill a work in progressso i’m a pretty big lord of the ringsfan i’ve been hyped up about itbecause i know it’s coming but i wantedto be surprised about this becauseone of the rings is one of thosefranchises that i actually still hadhope foruntil all of this went down so what’sgoing to happen in this video is i’mgoing to go through and i’m going toshow you all of the tweets from theonering.nettwitter account that started all of thisand then the way that they responded topeople that asked them pretty reasonablesimple questions and respectful wayshow they responded and basically turnedinto the thing thatwe’ve seen happen with all chill mediasis oh my gosh we make a ridiculousstatement and people question us withlike reasonable questions and argumentsand you know points with actwith you know references to sourcematerial what are they hobos and racistsso i’m going to show you guys that’sgoing to be kind of a long video becausei’m going to go through i’m going toshow you all of the tweetsand then i’m going to get into whathappened withnerd roddick’s and just some guy and howthey basically uh sent the one ring.netrunning for the hillswith you know their knowledge and factsand reasonso strap in your seat belts because i amgoing to diveright into this right now so here’s thetweet from that startedall of thislisten we’ve been dealing withhomophobic comments for decades and it’sstillwrong notice how they say we’ve beendealing with homophobic comments fordecades and it’s still wrongtake a note because that’s going to beimportant later whatever toxic argumentsare being saidnow about lord of the rings fandom andadaptations is still the same trashthat said ian mckellen was the worstaffront to tolkien’s legacy ever hashtagpridethey continue cognate respectful debateon tolkien is alwayswelcome but homophobic racistmisogynistic trashis always cause for banning it’s notwhat tolkien fandom isonce or welcomes we used to be able tobanin the era of message boards and ircbut in the area of social media dot dotdot the platformscan’t keep toxicity out of theircommunity we can mute and block butthat’s onlyfor this accounts feed twitter is not acommunitysimply because it lacks anti-troll toolsnasty people still show up in repliesbecause their toxic friend subtweeted usif you still think ian mckellen is theworst and that catholic tolkienwould have never approved i beg you toread more of tolkien’s books and lettershe was woke stood againsthate embraced all cultures in life andfictionit’s why his books are translated inevery language if you think ian mckellengets a passbut whatever amazon is doing is adisgrace totolkien please think more about yourpersonal bias before tweetingour block button is very active and ifyou retweet enable toxic voicesin the name of free speech you do notlove tolkiengave us some of the greatestperformances beyond all expectationsnow when i saw this i thought it wasinteresting because theysaid specifically we’ve been dealingwith homophobic comments for decades andit’s still wrongnow when you are on the internet you areexpectingmillions uh because there’s millions ofpeople on twitter rightyou’re expecting all of these strangersto take your word for itnow i know from personal experience youcan’t expectrandom strangers especially on theinternet to take your word for anythingyou have to provide receipts foreverythingso i saw this and thought well sinceyou’ve been getting this for decadesyou probably have some evidence of thisright so i saidplease provide receipts to back up theseaccusations because if thereare people that are going around makingtoxic argumentsthat are being homophobic that are justbasically thescum of the freaking universe show thatexpose these [ __ ] [ __ ] because inmy experience in the lord of the ringfandom i have never once experiencedthati remember watching lord of the rings inthe theaters when i was achild i was a very young child when lordof the rings came outand there was none of that nobody wasworried about ian mcallen being gayhe was the best actor he is freakinggandalf the great then later ganned offthe whitenobody cared at least from my experiencenobody was concerned what the actor’slove life was likeoutside of lord of the rings it was ofno interest to every anyone that i knewat least but i mean i cared more aboutthe characters and the the storytellingin the world buildingi don’t know what the heck other weirdoswere thinking of but if this is going onthen expose it especially if it’s beengoing on to the since they saidwe’ve been dealing with homophobiccomets for decades i didn’t think thiswas going to be a controversial tweetuh little was i wrong so i had to go andexplain myself further and i said forthose that don’t understand the one ringaccount say thatthey’ve been dealing with homophobiccomments for decadesi asked if they could please providereceipts of that if it’s been going onfor decadesi’d expect them to have some and i evenhad to highlight this here for themand of course the weirdos uhlost their minds so here is a tweetthread that lady gravemasterwas able to catch in a screenshotbecause naturally what what happens whena weirdo loses their mind on theinternet anduh people call them out and say hey yousound pretty [ __ ] insanethey go and they block everyone or theyprivatize uh their tweets which is ofcourse what happens with all theseweirdosit’s one of those things where if you’regonna cause [ __ ] on the internetat least have the [ __ ] balls to standyour groundand stand up for yourself and what youapparently believe in since you wereable to go on this long tweet threadbut of course not no the if you goand private your account you’re a[ __ ] [ __ ] and a coward and i haveabsolutely no respect for you but solet’s read this a great threadquestion mark the one sheliterally calls tolkien racist as [ __ ]he fought in world war one talk aboutnot knowing history andwoke was weaponized from the get-go bypeople who started ituh this has blown up in your face andyou’re proving you don’t knowor respect tolkien now this is the tweetthreadso this is for anaria blue check mark ifyou’re not surprised by thatso this well-intentioned but nightmarishtweet and i’m going off in private totalk about it becausethis well-meaning and wildly deceptiveliberalism is why people of color andqueer folks are so fundamentally unsafein the tolkien fandomoh my godwe shouldn’t sanitize stories or theirauthorswe shouldn’t sanctify that which washarmfultolkien was a rich upper middle classcystis or sit settist i don’t even knowhow to say this [ __ ] wordwhite catholic man in the 20th centuryenglandhe was racist as [ __ ] was probablyhomophobiche deliberately based orcs on mongolshe ca uh his caste system anddescriptions of the elves are explicitlycolorist his uh estherlinseasterlines are literal raciststereotypes his womenthough written adoringly were far andfew betweenmy god we do not have to eraseuh erase to engage read that againwe do not have to erase to engageoh my goodness uh this is what we’velostthe plot on in all these years of rapidfire online discoursein the digital binary characters andworksand people are good or bad are allowedto exist or demor ah or our damn jesus acting likedisneytalking star wars etc we’re never racistdoesn’t help us entertainment is not ourpath to liberationpretending the racism away is notrevolutionary the author was problematicthe woke is problematic avoid it if youwishfeel free to hate it engage with it ifyou wishbut do it honestly love it butcriticallywith open eyeswhat do white run accounts gainfrom doing [ __ ] like this these blatantlies validate the tantrums of unhingedright ringers and are a slap in the faceto the marginalized fans whoalready [ __ ] on the frankly whitesupremacist fandomthen the one decided to replygreat thread that stems from a coremisunderstanding on the worldthe word woke its history and itscurrent weaponizedusage then she replies yeah andalso i think it’s really reallyimportantthat we don’t erase harm from works andpeople welove the real truth is that it doesn’tmatterwhether tolkien would have tweeted apride flag emoji in supportof mckellen you know the fact that somanybrown and black peopleadore lord of the rings shows thatacknowledgingthe bad doesn’t mean we can’t still loveittimes change so do stories inthreat now then we get over to the nerderoticsection of this whole [ __ ] showbecause if you guys don’t know gary fromneuroderotic isa pretty huge lord of the rings fan andhe has been coveringall of this lord of the rings news withthe new amazon tv show very closely andhe’s made a few videos on it that get alot oftraction uh cause gary is kind ofpopular and people tend to trust him andlike what he has to say about the thingsthat he talks about because he isa very knowledgeable guy veryentertaining hasgreat content has a great channel and uhwas actually the onethat was referring toover in their very longuh tweet thread that talked about youknow toxic friend sub tweeted usso uh this is what gary from nerdronichad to say about this tweet thread hesaidthat’s strange i was obsessivelyfollowing every article postthread and didn’t see any of this maybethere was a couplemaybe a few nothing worth takingseriouslythis is how it begins throw fans underthe bus for accessdisappointed but not surprised in theleast and of coursethey responded ignorance does notpreclude fact ian mckellen wrote on thesubjectgary followed up i’m aware of ianmckellen’s storyyou stated this with listenwe’ve been dealing with homophobiccomments for decadesian mckellen is an inspiration anduniversally lovedinstead of pointing that out you choosethe route of the straw manto get some attention they respond strawmanian mckellen in his own words again withthe same link that everyone has beenshowingyou seem to have a lot of homophobes andracists in your replieswith your misuse of strawmannow naturally this tweet got a lot ofattention because they basically calledeveryone that follows gary oreveryone that was pointing out the samething that me and gary pointed outbecause me and gary both pointed out thefact that theywere referring to themselves uh in theirtweet you knowwe’ve been dealing with homophobiccomments for decades and it’s stillwrong they referred to themselves andthen threw an ian mckellen at the endme gary and a lot of other peoplepointed that out and they decide tosay oh that’s straw man it’s like it’snot a straw manwhen we are literally going off of thewords that yousaid so a lot of people got upset aboutthis because a lot of lord of the ringsfans are like what the [ __ ]you’re calling us homophobes and racistwhat the [ __ ] then uh there’s anotherthread from garyit says respect the lore uh decodedrespect the loresee you on youtube and it’s a link tothis tweet this tweet is no longeravailable butgary included the screenshot so this isfrom uh just some guyi have this pulled up so that way i wasable to zoom in and it says ignorancedoes not precludefact in mckellen wrote on the subjectand just some guy if you guys do notknowuh he is a man of color and uh he isactually pretty good friends with gary’sbeen on friday night tights a few timesand he does he has a channel where hetalks about comics and stuffso go check him out if you haven’talready and so he jumps in and says areyou talking about thissome chat rooms 20 years ago come on noone thinks amazon’s show will suckbecause the actors might be gaypeople think it’ll suck because amazonisn’t going to respect the loreand lord of the rings you know responds withrespect the lore is becoming codedlanguage for racist perspectiveson a text that never describes colorholy [ __ ] [ __ ] and like clockworkthe mystery to why this tweet wasdeleted aside from it’s completelytone-deaf statementsjust some guy knocks it out of the[ __ ] park and completelyowns their moronic asses he respondswithyeah i’m black and i don’t use codedlanguage i sayexactly what i mean tolkien describedwhat eldar and aidanlooked like multiple times in his book isuggest you put down the phone and readthe book since apparently you never[ __ ] have mike [ __ ] dropjust some guy yes own themthese people that are supposedly thebiggest lord of the ring fans out therethat run an entire website about lord ofthe [ __ ] ringsapparently don’t pay [ __ ] attentionto the contentthey are supposedly obsessed with andlove and are the main authority onhonestly if you are not subscribed orfollowing joe some guygo freaking give a guy a follow just forthis [ __ ] statementhe is [ __ ] awesome but guys guesswhatyou would think after this that uhit would have been dear but guess whatit didn’t it continuesand then with the tweet where garyrightfully calls them out and had toinclude a screenshot since they wentback and deleted the tweetthey responded with feed the angry nerdcontent machineenjoy the revenues holy [ __ ][ __ ] this [ __ ] show just got 10 timesworse garyyou know nerd roddick called it over ayear ago you either die a hero or youlive long enough to see yourself becomethe villaingiving into shill tactics by callingfans who supported your website foryearshomophobes and racist is beyond patheticyou exposed your truecolors the one thisis a screenshot of a podcast that garydidover a year ago now this is up onhis other channel nerd roddick live soit’s not as many views as he actuallygot when it was live because here-uploads his live streamsbut he called it from the beginning youknow is the is lord of the rings nextis it the next one to go woke are theygoing to try to destroy lord of theringsunfortunately the answer was yes witheverything i have shown you guys withthe way that the onering.netis reacting to fans nowfor years there’s been nothing for lordof the ringsand since the hobbit movies come outthere has not really been any news withlord of the rings becausethere hasn’t been any content being madefor it outside of specialized figuresand merchandiseso what’s been keeping the one ring.netalive the fansthe fans that go and read their articlesthe fan that go the fans that go andsupport their websiteand what did they do just like the restof the show mediathey called us homophobes and racistssimply because they were stupidand didn’t know how to properly word atweet if it wasn’t what that they meantthat they were referring to themselvesherewhich is clearly what they did mean theywere referring to themselves hence thefact that they saidwe’ve been dealing with this becausethey go onin this tweet thread in their own[ __ ] words and talk about how twitteris not a community andhow they have to deal with blockingpeopleand blocking toxic you know toxicfriend subtweeted us garyrightfully called them out on theirstraw man by trying to turn this aroundand make it about ian mckellenwhen it was clearly them venting abouthow they have to block toxic people it’slike okay so a person is toxicbecause they asked you for receiptsbecause they asked you to prove theseclaims that you’re making uh and thenyou try tohide behind ian mckellen and eat thestuff that ian mckellen actually wentthroughwhat a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] yeahgary was right to call them out gary andjust some guyeveryone else that’s been calling themout on it rightfully [ __ ]so they just strawmanned to getattentionand then they go and fall back behindian mckellenwhat pieces of [ __ ] shitsimagine being so [ __ ] pathetic thatyou take sir ian mckellen’sreal life experience and try tocapitalize on that becauseit’s pride month and trying to take hisactual storyto go manipulate so that way you getwoke pointsand to tell your sob story because oh mygodhomophobic misogynistic racist peoplecomment on our website and you knowthey’re not actually saying homophobicstuffthey’re just actually presenting factsand actual argumentsand being completely reasonable butwe’re going to use we’re going to fallback and hide behindthe shield that we have of ian mckellenwhich i mean gary rightfully [ __ ]called them out so did you some guy ithink so did i ii asked them for receipts i said hey iflike you saidit’s been happening to you for decadeslike i just showed you guys with thosetweet with the thread they saidthey said it’s been happening to themthen they go they bring up ian mckellenat the end but then they go andgo and complain about how we can’t youknow basically blockeveryone from our twitter it’s not acommunity so it really was about them itwasn’t about ian mckellen but then theytry to use ian mcellen as a strawman argument to hide behind and callanyone that questions them homophobicwhich gary called them out on it icalled them out on it just some guycalled him out on it a lot of peoplejust callcalled them out on it and what do theydo ah you’re allit’s like homophobic [ __ ] christ thisis what happens when you sell outto access hollywood is thatyou sell your soul to them so that wayyou can getearly access to things so that waypeople will go and read your website butthen you become the actual thingthat you you know you swore against itwas a fanone website that you know the the fansother fans that read these fans articleskept alive for yearswhile there was no content coming outfor lord of the rings yes there werespecial releases of the movies and thehobbityes there was toys and merchandise thatwould come out butwhen you don’t have new content youcan’t you slowly run out of things towrite about whichif you actually are creative you couldwrite about lord of the rings forfreaking ever i meanthere’s a college course that you cantake in tolkien soif you’re actually creative you couldspend the rest of your life writingabout lord of the rings andyou know you can do art of lord of therings you there’sfor a creative person you don’t have tosell your soulto be able to create content which isapparently exactly what happened and imean just some guy called it out it’slike hey you guysobviously didn’t even [ __ ] read thebook if you didn’t if you weren’t awarethat there was descriptions of theseactual characters and they had to go anddelete the tweetit’s ironic isn’t it and ironic that thepeople thatcall everyone names are actually the badguys in and of itself it blows my mindbut it never ceases to fail it happensevery single timeso i know that this was a long video ido hope you enjoyed it i’ve spent umyou know a lot of time going andcollecting everything and getting all ofthis uh prepared for you guysif you guys haven’t go follow nerderotic on twitter go follow just someguy on twitter go subscribe to theiryoutube channels they create greatcontent they’re huge lord of the ringsfansthat are actually covering this lord ofthe rings news like i showed you guysearliergary called this [ __ ] a [ __ ] year agowhen it’s like is lord of the rings nextwe lost star wars we lost star trek theylost doctor whois lord of the rings next yeah obviouslyit if it [ __ ] isif this is the way that it’s going so ijust wanted to collect all thisinformationto show you guys on how this all wentdown on twitteri’m kind of glad that i haven’t beenfollowing it and i wanted myself to besurprised because i did get inspirationfrom you know this thing that i grew uploving and now it’s likeis there any hope for the tv show idon’t [ __ ] know let me know what youguys think in the comments below if youlike this video go ahead and smash likebutton if you didn’tthank you so much for watching this farthrough and until next time everyone ihope you have a great rest of your daymorning evening afternoon wherever youare in the world and may the force bewith you because we are reallyreally really going to need it byeeveryonehey everyone if you’d like to helpsupport the channel check out my etsywhere i sell prints of my original oilpaintings and drawings that range fromhorror villains heroes and your favoritestar wars charactersi also have an art channel where i posttime lapses and tutorialsand also if you want to see work inprogressesi also have an instagram dedicatedspecifically tothat then finally you can check out myteespringfor wearable merch and all platforms arelisted down below in the description ofthis videoso thank you so much everyone and have agreat rest of your day -
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