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November 14, 2021 at 6:15 pm #354geektalkKeymaster
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier – It’s The Best Show Ever Made
Truly, Falcon and the Winter Soldier stunned me with its fantastic writing, great performacnes and social commentary that never felt forced or heavy handed. Join me as I explore this wonder of modern TV.
falcon and the winter soldier is acharming romantic comedy about twolikeable misfits that have to learn towork together to save the familybusinessthey don’t always see eye to eye butgradually they learn to appreciate eachother’s abilities and their pluckycan-do attitude eventually inspires thewhole community to lend a handand the show ends with the two of themstanding together as firm friendslooking out on a job well done oh andthere’s a subplot about a ginger girlthat likes blowing stuff up i don’t knowi wasn’t really paying attentionthe point is that falcon in the wintersoldier is simply the greatest showthat’s ever been madeevery aspect of it is literal perfectionfrom start to finishfrom the writing to the pacing to thecasting to the subtle messaging thatstarts important conversationswithout ever becoming intrusive you’vegot to do better senator and i can’twait to talk aboutit so let’s dive right in shall we theshow picks up about six months after theevents of avengers end gamesam wilson has been handed captainamerica’s shield by steve rogers himselfbut he’s like nah i don’t want it so hehands it right backnow you might think that’s kind ofungrateful and disrespectful to the manwho basically dedicated his entire lifeto his country you might even think it’sweird and illogical when sam gets madthat the government decides to give theshield to someone elsewhen he never wanted it in the firstplace but bear with me dear viewerbecause all will become clearwith his work as an avenger done samgoes back to his hometown to reconnectwith his sister but it turns out to bemore difficult than he thoughtshe’s mad that he wasn’t around to helpout with the family fishing businessbecause he literally got erased fromexistence for five yearsit’s just any excuse with this guy isn’tit meanwhile bucky barnes is trying tomake a new life for himself and put thewinter soldier behind himby going to sensitivity training andtalking about his feelingsthrilling stuff indeed but when a newterroristsorry activist group called the flagsmashersbegins peacefully blowing up buildingsand killing sorryliberating innocent people the two menare forced to work together to take themdown but they can’t dosomething like this alone so they bustbaron zemo out of prison to help themoutyou remember him don’t you themastermind that almost tore the avengersapart through sheer cunning andintellectswell now he’s back and he’s ready toparty hard[Music]oh and the new captain america is hot ontheir heels only this time he’s beingplayed by a toxic white male namedjohn walker a man who had the audacityto fight for his country in afghanistanand selfishly devoted his life toprotecting americawhat a bastard look at the way he justmarches into foreign countries toapprehend international terrorists withnothing more than an official mandatefrom his government to justifyit of course it’s totally fine when thedora mulletmagi marmaladethe bald black ladies from wakanda do itthough because international law doesn’tapply to them dora milaji havejurisdiction wherever the dora milarifindthemselves to bei especially love how three lightlybuilt women armed with spears are ableto subdue a cybernetically enhancedsuper soldier with decades of combatexperiencea highly trained u.s special forcesoperative and one of the avengersall at the same time truly there’s noend to what these wakandans can donow you might be wondering what exactlydoes the terroristsorry activist group in this showactually wantswell the flag smashers are angry you seebecause they were given loads of freestuff that wasn’t needed when half theworld’s population vanished during theblipbut now that everyone’s been restoredthey’ve been forced to give back thehomes and positions that weren’tactually theirs to begin withi know right how unfair can you get sothey’ve done the logical thing and beguna campaign of bombings and kidnappingsto force the world’s governments tochange things back to the way they werehow exactly do they expect to make halfthe population of planet earth disappearagaindon’t think about it just eat the bugsand live in the podswait what truly the flagshmasters are agenius representation of today’s culturebecause of course you should expecthomes foodmoney and material goods to be given toyou free of chargeeven if they belong to someone else andyou should absolutely feel entitled toblow up buildings and burn innocentcivilians alive to get back the stuffthat you didn’t actually earn or own inthe first placeit just makes sense the thing that makesthe flag smashers a real threat hereis that they’ve all been dosed up withthe same super soldier serum that wasgiven to steve rogersbut drinker you malefluent maestro ofmedia manipulation i hear you saysurely that serum was destroyed duringthe war that’s why they were never ableto create more super soldiers likestephen buckyah but the show has a brilliantexplanation for this inconsistency youseeanother guy figured out how to make itanyway moving on now another thing ireally appreciate about this showis the way that it expertly subvertsyour expectationssee when you think of super soldiers inthe mcu you probably imaginetall powerful god-like beings enhancedto the very peak of human developmentsthat’s why steve went from this to thisbut that’s where the show’s genius comesinto play you seegiving us a short dumpy teenager with aginger afro[Laughter]this is carly the leader of the flagsmashers and what’s an antagonist she isable to seamlessly deliver every line ofdialogue like she’s reading it off ateleprompter with no understanding ofthe context or emotional toneand expertly put on a mask so that astunt woman can be conveniently subbedin for the fight scenesi mean look at this fighting techniqueon displaybut of course everyone knows that thereal antagonist here isjohn walker the toxic white male who wasunfairly given the title of captainamericanot only does he arrogantly offer towork with sam and buckyinstead of apologizing for his existenceand refuses to bow down before the baldwakandan spear ladiesbut he selfishly doses himself with thesuper soldier serum in order to fightother super soldiers on equal termshe even kills one of the peacefulprotesters at one point when all theydid was murder his best friend in frontof his eyescan you believe this guy luckily hiswife’s able to steer him back to theright pathnow some people might think it’sinconsistent and nonsensicalthat walker goes from psychotic vengefulmurderer on the verge of completeemotional breakdownto laughing and smiling hero in thespace of literally a few minutesbut clearly those people are justnitpickers and toxic fanboysso we can safely ignore them the thingthat really surprised me aboutthis show is just how elegantly it worksin subtle undertones and ideasin a way that feels completely naturaland organic like when sam and buckytravel to a black neighborhood and samgets into an argument with a young blackgirl about whetherhis name should be black falcon and thenthey meet an elderly black super soldierwho got written out of the history booksbecause he was blackand then they get into an argument onthe street and sam almost gets arrestedfor being blackno you might have missed the subtleundertones here but i didn’tclearly this show is exploring thegrowing sexual tension between sam andbuckyspeaking of which the development of thetwo main characters is one of the bestemotional journeys you could ask forby the end of this epic show sam isready to take up the mantle of captainamericabucky’s been rehabilitated and zemo’sback in prisonso basically everything’s exactly as itwas at the end of avengers end gamethe character arc in this is so strongthat it actually becomes a charactercirclethat’s the hallmark of greatstorytelling you see where everythingends upexactly as it was before so it’s likethe story never actually happensalso credit to the writers here samdelivers some of the best speeches evercommitted to filmespecially in the final episode where heinstructs the world’s politicians to benicer to poor peopleand recognize their own privilege geniusstuffthat’s what real heroes do when facedwith complex political issues in today’sworld you seejust march right in there and tellpeople to do better without providingany workable solutions or ideas of theirownthat’s something we could definitely usemore of these days and when i thinkaboutit i guess that’s the real purpose ofthis show the moral messageand man did i learn some real lessonshere such asit’s totally okay to burn innocentcivilians aliveand murder u.s servicemen as long as youwant free stuffnational borders and international lawsare badexcept for wakanda rules don’t apply tothem never wear the stars and stripeswithout first asking yourself thequestiondo i really want to be this evil we allneed to dobetter what exactly does that mean incontext and how can it be specificallymeasureddon’t know now this is all great but youmay still have some lingering questionsabout this showsuch as why would a beat cop fail torecognize sam wilson literally one ofthe most famouspeople on the planets why did sam needto apply for a bank loan when a singlephone call to pepper potts would haveprovided all the money he could everneedswhy is selena meyer in this show and whydoes she talk like a 14 year old withadhdwhy did sam waste time fighting batrocduring a ticking clock hostage situationwhen he could literally fly right out ofthere why do the flag smashers put onmasks to fight people that have alreadyseen their faceswhy did the wakandans take zemo to theraft rather than wakanda itself to facejustice for murdering their kinghow is sam able to survive a high impactcollision with solid steel pipes andlift an armored truck weighing at least10 tonnes despite not being a supersoldierwhy does sam struggle to use cap’sshield during his training montagedespite using it proficiently in hisconversation with bucky just minutesearlierwhy did marvel keep trying to makesharon carter happen but clearlythese questions are meaningless and ifyou find yourself asking them then youneed to check your privilege and dobetterultimately for me falcon and the wintersoldier truly is the best show on tvand if it’s any indication of where themcu plans to goin terms of writing quality and socialactivism then combined with a year-longgap between movie releasesand an absolutely sterling lineup ofphase 4 films that everyone’s excitedabouti just can’t see this going wrong anywaythat’s all i’ve got for today go awaynow -
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