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May 27, 2021 at 5:52 pm #211geektalkKeymaster
It turns out The Expanse is absolutely fantastic, so what else can I do except give it a Drinker Recommends?
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the thing about being a youtube criticis that every new day brings morerecommendations and requests to reviewsomeone’s favorite movieor tv show or video game or book seriesone guy even asked me to review americanpoliticsthere’s literally not enough beer in theworld mates but one thing that’s beendog in my recommendations list frombasically the moment my channel took offis the expanse a show that i have toadmit i knew almostnothing about at the time i didn’t evenknow anyone that had seen it and i waskind of reluctant to invest dozens ofhours of my lifeinto something that i might not evenenjoy but it turns out that peerpressure is a surprisingly effectivetool given enough timeand [ __ ] man if someone managed to getme to watch quigly down underi suppose it was time i gave the expansea tryand a few weeks later here i am nowit pains me to say this because i know alot of people really like and supportthis showbut i was a [ __ ] [ __ ] for notwatching it soonerthe expanse is quite simply one of thebest sci-fi shows in recent memoryit’s smart mature complex well-writtenbrilliantly shot and perfectly portrayedby a cast of extremely talented actorswho invest their characters with genuinedepth emotion and gravitasit basically sets the benchmark for whati expect from sci-fi shows todayand it makes an absolute mockery out ofshallow pretentious garbage like startrek discovery[Laughter]i don’t want to [ __ ] around and wastetime with this one so let’s begin thenext installment ofthe drinker recommendsthe expanse is set a couple of hundredyears in the futurewhere humanity has managed to spread outand colonize the solar systemwe’re not exactly into warp driveterritory yet but we have fleets ofships plying their trade between majorcolonies and outposts the beginnings ofterraforming on marsand colony ships preparing to ventureout into deep spacethat’s all great but it’s also a time ofheightened tension and dangerearth and mars the two major superpowersin the systemare stuck in a kind of interplanetarycold waras they vie for resources andinfluencing thebelts a collection of moons andasteroids in the outer solar systemthat provide most of the raw materialsfor the inner planetslife out in the belt is hard and usuallyvery shorta bit like growing up in any city inscotland thenpeople toil away in terrible workingconditions only for most of their wealthto get shipped off somewhere elseneedless to say the belters are gettingkind of tired of this [ __ ]leading to the rise of the outerplanet’s alliancebetter known as the opa the opa want tosee the belt become an independentnation on par with earth and marsand the more radical elements within themovement are willing to do almostanything to achieve their aimthe series kicks off when a civilianfreighter stops to investigate aderelict shiponly to come under attack by an unknownenemy the only survivors are a smallgroup of crew men that happen to beaboard the salvage vesselthere’s naomi an engineer from theasteroid belt who sympathizes with theopaamos a big beefy dude with a dark pastwho acts as her enforceralex a former martian naval pilot andlastof all holden the ranking officer fromearth who eventually takes commandstraight away you can see that this is amixed group of people from differentplanets and cultureswhose loyalties and goals may not lineup with each otherin fact there’s actually plenty ofoccasions where they come into openconflictbut they’re forced to work together fortheir mutual survivaland eventually they form a close-knitfriendship their paths eventually crosswith millera jaded detective on the hunt for adecent [ __ ] haircutmiller’s been hired to locate a missingrich girl who happened to be on boardthe derelict ship that holden’s groupdiscoveredmeanwhile on earth un diplomat christianbegins to suspect that a third party istrying to manipulate them into going towarwait isn’t that admiral chainsmoker fromstar trek beyondanyway the destruction of holden’s shiptriggers a rapid escalation of tensionsbetween earth and marsboth sides blame the other for whathappened and mobilize their militariesfor warwhile the opa uses the chaos to stir upresentment and support for their causebut as holden and the others run fortheir lives they begin to uncover adeeper conspiracyto turn a newly discovered alien lifeform into a weaponpowerful enough to wipe out the humanrace as i think you’ve gathered from mybrief summary therethere’s an awful lot going on in thisshow and honestlyif i try to describe every major eventand character that comes into playi’d probably still be talking about itthis time next weekalso it would spoil the [ __ ] out ofthings for you and i really don’t wantto do thatbecause this is a show that youdefinitely ought to watch the thing ireally love about the expanse is that itactually feels like a show written byadultsfor adults instead of mentally deficienthyperactive children the world in whichits characters existis complex mature and often morally graythere are groups and individuals withineach major factionvying for power and influence sometrying to instigate a warand others to avert it some people arecompassionate and moralisticdoing everything in their power to avoidunnecessary loss of lifewhile others see the end as very muchjustifying the meanssome are idealistic and dedicated totheir cause others are jaded and cynicalwhile some just want to be left alonebut no matter what their outlook isthe writing is so strong and wellbalanced that you can empathize withalmost anyone’s positioneven antagonists who do bad things areself-aware enough to recognize theimpact of their actions but justify themwith the knowledge that they’re servinga higher purposeit’s smart and thought-provoking and attimes it actuallycauses you to question whether or notthey might be rightnaomi starts out overbearing andmistrustful towards holden but graduallyopens up as their relationshipdevelops only to be plunged into doubtonce againwhen she goes behind her companion’sbacks to assist the beltschristian comes across as a hard-noseddiplomat willing to charmthreaten or blackmail people into doingwhatever she wantsbut slowly she emerges as a valuableally determined to expose the misdeedsof her co-workerseven if it means putting her own life onthe line miller begins the story as ajaded copwilling to take bribes and overlookmisdeeds if it means an easier life forhimselfbut his search for the missing girlgradually rekindles the compassionateprotective side of his characterchanging him into a decent caring manwilling to sacrifice his own life forthe good of otherseven characters like amos who seems likea big dumb bruiser stranded deep innaomi’s friend zoneturns out to have more layers to hispersonality and backstory than theentire cast of disney star wars combinedthe expanse is also a perfect example ofdiverse casting doneright there are people of every sex andethnic group imaginablerepresented in virtually every episodeand it absolutely never feels forcedpreachy or contrived unlike theham-fisted attempts of lesser shows thatalways come across as smugdisingenuous and mean-spiritedcharacters are allowed to be smartresourceful and dangerous regardless oftheir demographic makeupno one group is elevated at the expenseof another and the writers never use itas a stick to beat you over the headwith present-day social issuesgod damn it why can’t we have more showslike thisthe world of the expanse also feelsbelievable and well thought outin a way that so few others managed toachieve the problems of travelling andcommunicating over vast distancesare a key component of many story linesinstead of being glossed over with some[ __ ] technobabble for the sake ofdramatic conveniencebattles taking place on one side of thesolar system are overlong before people on the other side areeven aware of them gravity can varywildly between different worldsand so do the humans born and raisedthere for examplepeople from mars struggle just to walkin earth’s heavy gravity while thosefrom the asteroid belt literally can’tsurvive itsships maneuvering at high speed caneasily kill their passengers with theg-force if they’re not carefulwhile space debris can punch cleanthrough the hull and human bodiesit all adds up to a setting that feelsgrounded and realisticlike this is how humanity really couldbe a hundred years from nowspace is depicted as a vast colddangerous placewhere it’s very easy to get yourselfkilled each faction and location has itsown unique culturelanguage technology and shapes mars is arising power and everything about themis sleekclinical and futuristic earth’s thedominant force in the solar system butthere are civilization in declinetheir navy is powerful but ageing andneglected their people arrogant andcorruptthe belters on the other hand arescrappy and resourcefulgetting around and cobbled together rustbuckets that barely runit’s also a world where life is oftenhard and unforgivingdeath can come without warning andpeople are forced to make tough choicesjust to survivelike an evacuation ship that doesn’thave enough space to get everyone out ofa dying settlementso what do you do do you open your doorsand risk being overrun to save afraction of the populationor do you cut and run to protect yourown people these are the kind ofdifficult choices that characters oftenface in the expanseand needless to say sometimes there isno right answer for themultimately the expanse is a show thatreally demonstrates what good sciencefiction can and should beit’s proof that there are still smarttalented and passionate writers workingin hollywoodand when they’re just left alone toconcentrate on telling a tightgripping and mature story withoutulterior motivesgreat things can still happen and myonly question iswhy can’t more shows be like this anywaythat’s all i’ve got for today go awaynow -
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