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January 18, 2022 at 4:36 pm #388geektalkKeymaster
The Book of Boba Fett is Bad – Episode 3 – Clown Rangers
The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 Episode 3 Review and Breakdown explaining the story plot and other things you missed in The Book of Boba Fett
the first two episodes of this seriescould easily be described as awfulpoorly written and just plain lazy thisthird episode certainly includes all ofthat but it’s insufficient to describejust how shockingly bad this thirdepisode truly is i think the best way todescribe it would bedisgraceful i am insulted on your behalfit’s more than just bad writing thisseries is constantly recycling materialfrom other shows other star warsproperties and now it’s starting torecycle content from itself using thesame jokes from previous episodes thesheer amount of laziness is astonishingand of course along with all that is theever-present lack of attention to detailalso in this episode for some reason thecgi used is significantly worse than theprevious two episodes it’s almost as ifthey ran out of budget and just left alot of things in this episode unfinishedthe book of boba fett is bad episode 3we open up with some exposition fromboba fett’s droid he explains that thedistrict has been broken up into threeseparate areas with each one beingcontrolled by a different group jabbathe hutt controlled these through sheerforce while his successor bib fortunaused uneasy alliances because he lackedthe manpower boba fett is in an evenworse situation because he has even lessa water monger from the workmen’s grouparrives to petition boba fett his groupis responsible for supplying all thewater in the region and recently he wasattacked by a small group that stolesome of his water he also informs bobafett that the people of the districtdon’t have any respect for him partlybecause he got his ass handed to him afew days ago and also because he hasn’tbeen doing enough to establish controland order i am insulted on your behalfthe man says that if boba can solve theproblem with the group that stole waterfrom him then boba fett would startgaining new respect from the people inthe district and that the man woulddouble his tribute as a thanks though itdoesn’t really make a lot of sense forthis guy to seek out help from boba fettwhile boba is the daimyo of the area thewatermonger is a member of a group thatcontrols one-third of the entiredistrict you would have to assume thatgroup has some sort of enforcers inorder to control the area after all ifthe workmen group is strong enough tohold one third of the district evenagainst two other major powers then whyis it that they are incapable of dealingwith a small group of thieves who arestealing water from one of their membersit simply doesn’t make any senseinteresting this is especially true whenit’s later revealed that the small groupof thieves live within the areacontrolled by the workmen so it’s notlike the workmen would even have to gointo another part of the district andinvade one of the other group’sterritory this small group of thieveslives within the workmen’s area morethan that the thieves make no attempt tohide themselves they’re standing in theopen not even 20 feet away from the verybuilding owned by the watermonger thatthey had stolen from why are the workmengroup which is strong enough to hold onethird of the district not doing anythingabout thisam i right later that night boba fetteasily finds the group of thieves as isaid they’re not making any attempt tohide themselves and it’s revealed thatthey all have a variety of cyberneticimplants and they ride brightly coveredhover bikes so these clowns basicallylook like a combination of power rangersand the borg oh my god what’s wrong withyour face of the clown rangers strongwoman character then proceeds to insultboba fett to his face which in any othersituation other than this garbage serieswould have resulted in herdisintegrationshe also says that boba fett is a crimeboss just like the rest of them and sheshakes her head as if she somehowdisapproves and it’s a bit ironicconsidering that she and the rest of theclown rangers are nothing more thanlow-level thieves themselves so i don’tknow why she thinks she’s any differentsure boba fett is doing criminal stuffbut so are you who the hell is this[ __ ] the clown rangers then complainedthat the water monger was charging toomuch and that was the reason why theystole from him they continue saying thatthere’s no work to be found so theycan’t pay for anything boba fettresponds by saying they live in theworkers district so why aren’t theytrying to work and the clown rangers saylook around you and i guess this issupposed to imply that there are no jobsavailable but that really doesn’t make awhole lot of sense because they arecompletely surrounded by buildings thatare used for a variety of businesses solook around you okay i see a whole bunchof businesses that could hire peoplewhat are you talking about how come godhugs up all the good followers me getall the retards also there’s a goodamount of irony in the clown rangerstatement of look around you because oneof the first things that you’ll noticeis that this group of thieves are allusing extremely expensive cyberneticimplants and they’re all ridingextremely expensive brand new hoverbikes treasury bear such expense sowe’re expected to believe that the clownrangers are unable to find work and thatthey’re unable to buy food and water yetthey had no problem affording theimplants and the bikeshow are the writers so [ __ ] badboba fett decides that the clown rangersare now going to work for him and atthis point the watermonger walks out ofhis building which as i mentioned isonly about 20 feet away he gets mad atboba fett for not recovering his stolenproperty and says that they still owehim 1300 credits once more i need topoint out that credits are not used ascurrency on tatooine it doesn’t matterwhat kind of credits they are newrepublic old republic imperial doesn’tmatter they don’t use credits in theouter rim they are worthless if thewriters on this show had even theslightest bit of knowledge about starwars lore they would have known thatbest season everboba fett refuses to give him all 1300of the worthless credits that have novalue and instead only gives him 500 ofthe worthless credits that also have novalue and then he commands the guy tolower his prices for waterboba fett heads back to his base to getanother juice box and some more nappytime in the back to tank and then we getanother flashback and this takes place alittle bit after what happened in thelast episode boba fett is traveling intotown in order to collect payments fromthe pike aliens and this is theprotection money that he was going toforce them to pay however upon speakingwith the leader of the pike aliens bobafett is told that the higher-ups intheir organization don’t want to payprotection money to multiple groupsbecause another group claims that areaso boba fett will have to deal with themin order to get money from the pikealiens and that other group is the onewith the speeder bikes that boba fettstole from upon returning to the tuscancamp boba fett finds it destroyed bythat other group and all of the tuscanshave been killed i i see this as anabsolute win so this sort of makes sensethat the other group would be angry atboba fett and the tuscans after allthey’re the ones that took the bikes andthen destroyed them during the trainattack once more the show however istrying incredibly hard to garnersympathy for the group of tuscan raidersand once again i will say[ __ ] thathow about new as i explained in theprevious video the tuscan raiders areinherently bad people they have an awfulcivilization and an evil culture theykidnap others and force them into slavelabor and then work them to death thegroup that boba fett was with did theexact same thing they captured a badlywounded boba fett who was near death andforced him into slave labor they did thesame thing with the rhodian and the onlyreason why boba fett is still alive isbecause he managed to kill the lizardthing otherwisehe would have been worked to death inthe desert just like all the rest giveme some of the painand let me die so i don’t care how muchsad music the show creators put into thebackground i don’t care in the slightestabout these tuscan raiders they wereevil and tatooine is better off withoutthem once more [ __ ] them and the bantathey rode in on this is the way movingback to the present boba fett isawakened from his little nappy time tothe sudden attack of the wookie whoworks for the twins there’s a long drawnout fight between the wookie and bobafett where the wookie ends up throwinghim around the room obviously to not doany serious damage to him because intruth the wookie would have been easilystrong enough to have killed boba fettinstantly especially when boba fett isunarmed remember wookies are capable ofquite literally ripping people’s armsoff so there’s no way that boba fettwould have survived even more than a fewseconds had this wookie actually beentrying to kill him but it gets evendumber because during the fight thewookie bites down hard on boba fett’shand and yet mere seconds later we seethat boba fett’s hand is completelyunharmed that’s what turns me on aboutyou your attention to detail i’ve seenkittens capable of doing more damagethan this wookie is able to eventuallythe wookie grabs boba fett in a bear hugand this is when the lead clown rangerstrolls into the room and when i saythat she strolls into the room i meanexactly that she certainly is not tryingto sneak up on the wookiee she has timeto do a little flare with her weapon andshe’s not moving with any sense ofurgency at all she walks into the scenewith the very typical strong woman yassqueen attitude that we’ve seen on anynumber of garbage cw showswhen it fits a womanit’s an obviously forced attempt by theshow creators to make this characterlook badass because there’s somethingthat you should know about this femaleclown ranger before the show was evenreleased this character was being hypedup as super strong amazing womancharacter and that she’s going to makeall of the man babies cringe back at howawesome she isnow we’ll build a projection machinethat should tell you pretty mucheverything you need to know about thecharacter and what you can expect fromher moving forward as we’ve already seenin the show so far she’s incrediblyarrogant and extremely unlikable inother words she’s the typical strongwoman character that the woke weirdoscan’t get enough of which i’m sure willgo over quite well with the normalpeople in the audience is that like apersonal attack or something but don’tworry it gets worse the rest of theclown rangers arrive and everyone beginsfighting the wookiee of course boba fettgets the worst of it and continues tohave his ass handed to him the wookiethen fights the two gemorians in themain room and he easily defeats both ofthem but of course he just so happens tobe standing in the exact perfect spot sothat fennec can hit the trap door whichthen drops the wookie into the rancorpit it’s very convenient very convenientbecause every single aspect of the storyin this series requires plot convenienceto move forward look at the size of thisroom it’s gigantic and the trap door isat most two and a half feet across idon’t care if the clown rangers aretrying to pressure him to one side ofthe room or not that doesn’t matter theidea that the wookie would be standingin the exact center of this trap door is[ __ ] absurd your story was supposedto be awful and stupid i just failed topredict how well that would mesh withthe theme yeah i get it we saw luke fallinto the pit in return of the jedi andthen we saw the nostalgia bait where theshield guy fell into the pit in theprevious episode and now the wookie fellinto the pit in this episode you don’thave to keep doing it we get it fellinto a vat of redundancygod damn it’s like nostalgia bait is theonly trick in the bag and they just keepreusing it hoping people will be excitedeach and every time regardless the nextday the twins arrive at boba fett’spalace with an offering and a messagethey claim responsibility for the wookieand apologize and even offer a rancor asa gift they also tell boba fett thatthey’re leaving tatooine because thearea has been promised to a differentsyndicate by the mayor and they don’twant to get involved in any large-scaleconflicts however this doesn’t make anysense because the mayor is nothing morethan a puppet the daimyo of tatooine isthe one that has all the power so themayor can’t just usurp the daimyo anddecide to give the district to someoneelse that’s not how it works but bobafett says he’s going to stay on tatooineanyways and he even offers back thewookie but the twins don’t want him soboba fett frees the wookie and then hejust runs off into the desert it’spretty obvious that the wookie is goingto reappear later in the series andprobably end up working with boba fettor maybe even saving his life orsomething stupid like that i alsocouldn’t help but notice that for somebizarre reason they allowed the wookieto keep the energy weapon knuckle thingsthat he was using during the attack hereyou can see when he was using them andnow here you can see that he is stillwearing them even though he was theirprisoner and in handcuffs now grantedbeing in handcuffs is going to limityour fighting ability but these weaponsin particular are activated on the handyou could still just kind of strike outand hit someone even though you’rehandcuffed you could activate the energyknuckles and use them sowhy would they let him keep them it’sanother great example of the showcreators and their stunning lack ofattention to detail because quitefrankly they just don’t careyou can smell a [ __ ] from five milesaway i’m not so sure about the twinshowever if it’s the case that the twinsjust never show up again in the seriesthen i would have to ask why were theyeven included in the first place why notjust have boba fett in conflict with theother syndicate from the very beginningit’s like the twins were included asplaceholders just because the showcreators wanted to add yet morenostalgia bait and include some of thehots it’s also a pretty good way to padthe episodes and stretch the series as awhole because this is what the disneyplus show creators have been doing eversince the beginning all of the disneyplus shows have been padded out withextra garbage that didn’t need to bethere simply so that they could haveextra episodes and a great example ofthat is what happens in the very nextscene because the rancor is then broughtinto the pit but doesn’t seem to want todo anything and it’s just laying on theground but then it gets even more dumbbecause boba fett asks why the rancor isjust laying there and the trainerresponds by sayingthe rancor is depressedthe rancor is sad you have got to bekidding me who came up with thisnonsense probably the same [ __ ] whothought combining the borg and powerrangers was a good idea but don’t worryit gets worse we then get over three anda half minutes of boba fett treating therank or like it’s some sort of littlewounded puppy three and a half minutesof boba fett making kissy face noiseswhile trying to pet the rancorwhat a wonderful use of screen time didyou want me to weep with joy it’sterrible boba fett decides to haveanother visit with the mayor and hebrings along the clown rangers rememberin the last episode when the secretarywas trying to make excuses that bobafett didn’t have an appointment rememberhow unoriginal and cringy that was wellguess what they do it againthe same stupid scenario played out asecond timeplease please get some better writersknow your [ __ ] place trash once againboba has to force his way into themayor’s office only to find that he’sgone however boba fett runs outside tosee the major domo driving away theclown rangers are told to pursue and weget another incredibly bad unoriginalchase scene this chase scene has all ofthe stupid tropes that you would expecttwo people are carrying a large objectacross the street normally it would be abig sheet of glass but in this case it’sa large painting of jabba the hut and ofcourse one of the clown rangers crashesthrough it i expect nothing and i’mstill let down wow that’s so funny imean it’s completely unexpected that youwould do the exact same thing that’shappened a million times before and thenthe female clown ranger uses a ramp tocatch up to the major domo’s car justlike anakin did during the pod race imean it’s like poetry it rhymesand the pista resistance of this garbageunoriginal chase scene is when itfinally ends as the major domo crashesthrough a bunch of fruit stands and endsup in a position that looks exactly whathappened to biff tannen in the back tothe future movie the difference beingthat while biff tannen was only coveredin manure the entire series of the bookof boba fett is manure that is one bigpile of [ __ ] boba fett confronts themajor domo who confirms that the mayoris working with the pike aliens just aswe see a lot of them arriving on a largeship i honestly can’t believe thatsomeone wrote the script for thisepisode i find it harder to believe thatsomeone was actually paid to write thatscript and i find it even more difficultto comprehend why this travesty was everfilmed edited and then released i aminsulted on your behalf this is whathappens when all notion of quality isdiscarded and when quantity is made thesole priority you end up with this youend up with the clown rangers you end upwith recycled garbage you end up withthe supposedly feared bounty hunter bobafettmaking kissy noises for over three and ahalf minutes what you end up with isnothing short of disgraceful butthankfully that’s the end of episodethreeyou -
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