Geek Hut Forums › Forums › DC Universe › The Batman › THE BATMAN 2022 – Joker IN Arkham and BRUTAL Batman
June 7, 2021 at 1:36 pm #238geektalkKeymaster
THE BATMAN 2022 – Joker IN Arkham, BRUTAL Batman, Wayne’s History & Court of Owls Arc
THE BATMAN 2022 – Joker IN Arkham, BRUTAL Batman, Wayne’s History & Court of Owls Arc – The Batman 2022 Plot and Theories. Covering the The Batman, The Batman 2022 theories, Robert Pattinson Bruce Wayne, Joker, Robin, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Selina Kyle Catwoman and The Penguin! The Batman 2022, The Batman New Photos, The Batman Filming Leaks.
I’ll be doing more videos for The Batman Teaser Trailer, How does The Riddler fit into the movie & more exciting details for The Batman 2021 as it releases. The Batman trailer reveals Jim Gordon, Zoe Kravitz Catwoman, The Riddler, Oswald Cobblepot, and more! The Batman Trailer Theory, The Batman Trailer Reaction, Easter Eggs & More.
it’s been two weekstwo weeks and two depth three dayi didn’t realize how long it had beenanother one is coming your waynow[Music]what is up bat family welcome to a brandnew the batman video and yeah thatthat intro i i just realized it’s beenuh two weeksthree days roughly since the last one ofthese so i do apologize for that but ithink it’s becausei thought i did one last week but reallythat was to address the whole batmanleaks with the posters and whatnot sohere we are again with anotherinstallment youguys get how this works if you’re brandnew here very quicklyyou guys sending questions we allspeculate together back and forthuh your questions get featured in thevideo and we just speculate about thebatman and keepthe hype alive and i really love doingthis i loveseeing how much you guys love thesevideos as well so i’m going to keep themgoing because heythere’s always something else to talkabout believe it or not there reallyis and by the way i feel like i’ve had adose of the dropsthat the gotham health department are umyou knowwarning the citizens about during themovie because i got my firstdose of the vaccination today so alittle clap there but if idisappear during this video is becauseside effectsi blame you jonathan crane i felt likethere was something fishy about thatneedle oh yeah and one big thank you tothe channel memberson this channel thank you to those whohave clicked that button and my patreonmembersappearing on screen you guys really dohelp what i do on this channel and evenif you aren’t signed up as a channelmember or patreonum even a like on this video would go along way but let’sstart with number one brick studios 105.i feel likeif i answered one of your questionsbefore that’s a familiar name to me bythe wayyour videos are a real highlight of myday but thank you very much man thatmeans a lot ii honestly i wouldn’t be here if youweren’t watching me soit’s kind of surreal to me my questionis should this movie flesh out bruce’srelationship with his parents more sothis corruption element of the storywould be more meaningful so yesin a certain point of view as they sayno so yeah inin one aspect but not necessarilyretreading the same beaten path thatwe’ve seen in batman before solong story short there we don’t need tosee them getting gunned down we don’tneed the uncle ben like rehash thingagain and again like we’ve hadin a lot of recent batman history notthat i’m complaining about it i likedseeingthe wayne’s death attached to joker thatwas quite a cool way of doingit same with bvs and whatnot but nowwhen we’re talking about fleshing outthe parents i think that should be apart of bruce’s journeybecause no there’s no way they aren’ttied into this i’ll hold my hands up ifi’m wrongbut 99.8 of every fiber of my beingbelieves through what matt reeves saidin the dc fandom panel which i’ve gotmemorized likethe back of my freaking ass cheek umliterally that he said you knowhow does my family tie back to this whenhe was talking about the corruption thatwas quite an abbreviation from mebut that wouldn’t have been said unlessit does indeed tie back to either thomasor martha or both you know wayne’s nowthat doesn’t necessarily make him out tobe a part of the massive gotham elite apart of thecourt of hours if that’s gonna be like alittle subplot that turns into a mainplot by the end of the movie for thesecond movie who knows like this iswhere i’m almost getting tangible tbut they should definitely flesh you outwhether there’s no quarterbacks or noti think corvallis is going to be quite abit of a subject again in today’s videobecause there’s a lot of questions aboutthatum so regardless whether there’s noquarterbacks or not gotham is a corruptcity in of itself and i thinkdespite brucey putting them up on apedestalthey will be corrupt in one way oranother maybe not to an extreme end buta way that will kind of make him shookso to speak and that will be the wholeeuro part of this cool kind of thingso yeah they should flesh it out somehowbut just withoutas i said going down the same beatenpath of seeing them die and whatever itshould be kind ofit should be a part of bruce wayne’s androbert pattinson’s bruce wayne’s batmandetective journeywhere he has this absolute kind ofrevelation that shakes him to his veryidentity because that’s why he startedthis mission not only is it acriminological experimentthink about why he’s doing this it’sbecause ofa big part of it is mommy and daddy soyeah 100and i think it will be done just verytactfully very tastefullyif that makes sense next question isfrom the world’s greatest detective heyboba do you think that thisinterpretation of bruce wayne will besimilar to what we see in arkham originswhere he is most definitely a lot moreangryand a much more darker even in how hetalks and interacts with othercharacters compared to what we see laterin the arkham games in the timelineof the vids they’re always soentertaining to brainstorm with youthank you so much for watching so yeahdefinitely i think i think a lot ofpeople have this vision already but youknow through the grapevine and stufflike that through what’s being saidnot only is it shown and portrayed inthe trailer but this batmani think people to an extent actuallydon’t realize how brutal he’s gonna be ithink there could even be comments aboutthatand then you’re gonna get even when themovie’s out or maybe if it getshighlighted even more in another traileryou might get that typical media outrageor something he’s like oh my god batmanhasn’t been in this brick but you get afan saying yeah he is and he has beenand also the context of where he’s atbeing the most important thingexplains how brutal he is so yes i thinkhe’s gonna besavage and i mean angryangry batman and i know that’s inherentin batman’scharacter it’s literally his dna but asyou pointed out yourself he kind of doesas he goes and unfolds for his journeyin this case the criminologicalexperiment but you know year four yearfiveway into it he’s still angry batman he’sstillvengeance as he likes to say but thereis a bit of a toned downum aspect to him which you pointed outwhich we knowand he’s a lot more brutal usually inhis early days that not that he can’tinstantly tap into that vein ifsomething happensalong the the career line if that makessense like losing a robin he might goberserk this that and the other but whati need to isolate here is the the batmanwe’re seeing one year six months inaka year two we are going to see manyscenes where i think they will even walkthe line of killingbut he he’s he’s still going to have ano kill rule i think that would be apredictable part of this movieuh that ties into all kinds of earlybatman law anywayvarious stories i always mention batmanegothat’s obviously something that’sgetting uh you know rehashed a lot inthese videos but you know i really dostress you guys to read thatand you’ll seriously kind of start tounderstand a lot more of what i’mspitting out when i talk about stufflike thisso yeah robert patton’s batman i thinkit won’t be a surprise to manybut it will also be a surprise to iguessi guess like the the commoners almosthow brutal he’s going to bebut it will tone down as time unfoldsbut a big part of thisis a he’s frustrated because hiscriminological experiment isn’t workingthe way he wants it to that’s literallywords from the director himselfum b the murders start happening andhe’s gonna feel powerlesscan you imagine how pissed bruce isgonna be in this filmhe’s gonna be angry i’m gonna startrepeating myself now but prepareyourselves for some savage fight scenessome savage batman who it’s excusablebecause it’s a part of his journey youknow it will tone it down a little bitas time unfolds but i can’t wait i can’twaitto see him go freaking hand nextquestion is from tristan consideringthis film is taking more of a noirapproach do you thinkit would benefit from a black and whiteversion similar to how logan and zachsaid his justice league has done alsolove these videos can’t wait for morethank you manum you know i i chose this questionreally off the cuff today because ithought holy crap yeahobviously i haven’t seen the movie butwe have a very good idea over here onthis channel with the way things aregonna goand yes i think i mean i can’t say ifthere will or won’t bebut i would buy it do you know what imean i think seeing this movieespecially as you say the noirapproaches taking and many differentfactorssome that still may yet be a surprise tous and the pleasant surprise hopefullyfor examplenoir monologue of bruce talkingthroughout the film maybe intermittentlylike a truethrowback to a noir and you know alsojust batman’s introspective commentary ithink we would all love to see thatespeciallywith what reeves has teased us so ablack and white versionwith everything like that in mind wouldbe really cool i know some people don’tget black and white andblack and white versions and i i getthat i mean you know it is like a littlekind of a niche tastetasteful thing sometimes it’s applied tosome things which i thinkaren’t as relevant as other things but ii feel like if any the batman could beprobably the most relevant so we’ll haveto wait and see but i kind of hope sothat’d be pretty dopeorange julius caesar salad says sincematt reese umseems to have seems to love the depth ofthe batman universepsychologically do you think realisticvillains like ventriloquist or madhatter will get any screen timei i would wager like you know it wouldbe more likely formad hatter for example you know i wouldlike to be optimistic in thinking thatmatt reeves will break the mould bymaybe doing a character who is a popularcharacter don’t get me wrong but usuallywhen you come to a trilogy it’s almosttypical that they may retread bane againwhich i wouldn’t be opposed to you knowpeople lots of people want dave batistain a properproper proper you know adaptation thereoryou know whoever again but like maybe itis time to do someone who is lesserknown like ventriloquist or something ormaybe actually tackling clay face as amain villainit’s just interesting because there aresome villains that i think maybe it’sjust because it’s what we’ve been usedto seeingfeels like it’s easier to tackle or onthe on the inone of these trilogy movies as the mainvillainbut i i wouldn’t i would really respectmatt reeves if he like just said yeahsecond villain ventriloquist i thinksome people would be like huhbut i would be so for it because it’snot the easy way out because you knowwith bane you could be like okay comesto the city of the bat and he wants toyou know oranother one mr freeze who i would reallylike to see like giancarlo esposito orsomeone butimagine the balls that you would have tohave to be like okay you know what i’mgonna do a ventriloquist like dummy kindof personand who’s running around with scarfacesoit is harder to tackle the only reason ithink it might not be ventriloquistis because i don’t know if the wholeseries is going to be like a murdermystery kind of thing it can still benoir detective based even if you don’thave like someone like scarface andventriloquist running aroundso maybe even one of the other lesserknown ones but ultimately we’ll have towait and see therei feel like there will be an overall arcthough and that this will lead intoanother question that i’m about to getintobut yeah i would say it’s probably moremad hatred over ventriloquist but ireallyhope one of the other villains whohasn’t actually had too much spotlightinan actual main batman movie before getsand very lucky the next question is kindof what i was just referencing to i hadno idea when this would pop up butharrison jolly says awesome video mybrother i love watching these every timethey drop thank you my friendthank you very much for watching themhow would you feel about a quarterback’spost-credit scene teasewe’ve kind of spoke about this before ithink and set them up as a sort ofpalpatineuh esque overarching villain throughoutthe trilogy that comes fully into thelight in movie 3.yeah with other villains this is theimportant thing also beingin the movie kind of like scarecrow inbatman beginsperfect example there because you hadmultiple antagonists kind ofas you said scarecrow but also liamneeson’s uh razzo ghoulrachel goro however where you want topronounce itleague of shadows so maybe guys likegiancarlo esposito asfrieze as sort of the main villain inmovie two or something but yeah with thequarterbackstill floating around maybe in thebackground what do i think of thatconcept i can’t rule it out totally ican’tbecause there could be an overarchingkind of thingand you know which is the court of vowsthat would be very easy to weave in withwhat we know about this filmthat’s the thing it’s not the quartervowels aren’t a one movie story and ifit wasit would be a disservice to thepotential that’s just a facti can’t and i don’t see how i could everretract that comment you know i meanthat the court of owls and the city ofowl’s storylineis something that would be so wellfleshed out in one two and three butthat wouldimply that what the riddler is trying toexpose here albeit through a verycrazy way through murdering people it’sobviously not the the way you go aboutdoing it but that’s what’s got tothat you know that’s what’s driven himto this point we’ve got teasers on theposters of the rof the riddler saying i know what i haveto becomeand my life has been one big cruelriddle or something soit’s it’s i don’t want people memeingabout the joker comparison our societydrove him to rise up and likeit’s kind of like that but like you knowgotham does birthvillains to like you know rise up and dosomething in that villainous wayso maybe what through what he’s doingthere it exposes the largest thinggotham’s elite maybe you want to chuckthomas wayne in there maybe you want tocheck martha in there who maybe werereluctantlya part of the court of owls maybe youcan’t helpbut dip a toe in the paddling pool ofthe court of hours if you’re that kindof whain the gotham elite and yeah that mightbe the revelation we’ve been speaking ofin this videobut i would be desperate to know and andwant the reassurance that it’s not justdone in the first movie and in so doingit can be like what you proposed andwhat i think we’ve proposed here on achannel beforethat it doesn’t really properlysurface until the third and final moviethusallowing for example with your perfectcomparison therescarecrow in batman begins who was inthere you know he was he was flowingaroundit was very much so a part of the plotbut there was a bigger antagonist theleague of shadowsso in the second movie of the batman uhyou could have like mr freeze as youpointed out butyou know things are still fishy andunresolved from bruce getting to thebottom ofuh this you know this um the court ofours who are in the shadows and alwayswatchingit’s just interesting it would be anamazing thing to see the quarterbacks inlive action ittruly would the only thing i feel likesome fans may have reservations forthere is that okaythat means that can they really bringanother villain story tofull fruition if they do that so what imean is there isif for example your batman beginscomparison scarecrow wasn’t really theheart and soul of the movie so he wasn’tfully actualized like he could have beenso if you do that in this trilogy if wehave the quarter vowels lurking in thebackground and yeah you want to cast anew mr freeze ormaybe even ventriloquist or whoever takeyour pickit won’t purely be about that storybecause there’s stillthe web being woven in the background ofthe quarter vowelsthat continues on from the the riddler’suh expose on them in the first movie soi don’t know there and and then you knowifit it can go either way so i think thatwould be a cool conceptdefinitely i just don’t know you knowthat’s one of the things we don’t knowtill we knowbut i would love for you guys to replyto that would you want that storylinebeing an overall arcthroughout the three movies thus alsogetting other villainsspread thin throughout each movie forexample the batman begins comparisonwith jonathan cranebeing there also while the league ofshadows were doing their thingor do you kind of rather not have likean overarching kind of trilogy plotwith the quarterbacks lurking there inthe background and have each filmtruly a one and done kind of thingbut you know when it comes to trilogiesthere usually is some kind ofunderlying thematic kind of arc i meanmaybe that will just bein of itself bruce is growing and that’sthe ark you knowand that allows room for like thevillains to have their own separatestories in their films it doesn’t havethe ark doesn’t have to beone continuous villain group villainousgroup or organization if you’re like thecourt of valves it can be done in otherways i suppose butramble over i’ll leave that one to youguys next question is from giles orgillies givevan i’m not going to go to try uh butgreat work on the video thank youum do i think that arkham is closed downat the beginning of the movie and thatbruce will fund the renovation reopeningat the end what afantastic idea obviously that’s thething here where it’s like okaywell i can say to you maybe it is closedor maybe it isn’tthat’s the thing but i would like toweave a way in sorryinto your perspective a bit more becauseone thing we do know about this gothamis that it’s like umit’s kind of like a an abandoned cityalmost don’t get me wronguh there’s still people living therebusinesseskind of trying to flourish there peoplelive therebut this you know through the grapevineand the leaks and whatnot it’s kind oflike acity you know like the no man’s landstoryline it’s not no man’s land thebridges aren’t blown and stuff like thatbut likepeople tend to stay away from gotham andthat’s like a common fact anywayso it makes me think of things like theasylums are there is iti could easily argue okay why would itbe closed like i’m sure they’ve got itopen and they have people to take careof and that isi want to revisit that in a second butit is a really cool perspective thatthings like thatin this city that is decaying almost onfunctioning like they should like a cityshould have a ward or anasylum and places uh homes for childrenand stuff like that because that’s beenteased inleagues orphanages that seem to becompletely like scrapped in a band andlikeit would be cool if through bruce tryingto bring lifeinto the city again through hiscriminological experiment by the endwith it working you start to see gothambrighten upall while still remaining the gotham weknow and love because it’s never reallygoing to have itsstink eliminated so to speak so that’s areallylike i would say romanticized conceptthere that i really like the idea ofhowever you know if we do get peoplelike there’s theories umand stuff out there like all joker couldbe in the first moviebut the thing is he could already be anarkham andjoker might be a bigger part to playwithin the trilogybut we’re talking like four to six yearstime from this very recording right nowthat you’re watching of me talkingfor him to appear so if you’re thinkingah too much jokingly that doesn’t meanthat we’re gonna get him in a heavy doseit just means in the first movie batmanmight visit himin arkham la di da da because he mighthave a connection to the drops which arevery much so a part of the plot linewith the gotham health crisis that’sgoing outand that’s all you see of him they don’thave that romanticizeddance back and forth of each other likei’ve kept spitting out in previousvideosbut that will kind of come you know likebatman arkham origins like joker waskind of there but likewhen he’s like why why why did you dothat i love that scene you know whenbatman saves himthat moment was like a cool catalyst forhis obsessionthink that kind of injected if the jokeris truly there so what i’mtrying to get to the bottom of there isarkham could already actually be openbecause there might be a few wackos inthere like the jokerwho might not even be called the joke itmight be john doe that’s the cool thinglike i havei feel like they could be going thatdirection which would meanthat arkham isn’t closed down and yourcore concept of like theyou know grand reopening at the end itis such a good ideabut i would probably say it is open butthat doesn’t mean thatbruce at the end wants to add securitymeasures maybe wayne enterprises want tomake sure that arkhamwhich was already open during the moviesince batman you know is uh by the endof the first moviebecome a bit more batman obviouslyputting some more people in there ahemedward nation the riddler and whatnotmaybe he wants to makeyou know donate some money to uh as youkind of say mayberenovate refurbish so it’s still openbut maybe he adds extra securitymeasureswhich batman would you know he he hehe’s very kind of involved in thethe i would say the anatomy of arkhamasylum so that would be a cool thing aswell brilliantbrilliant comment and i would love toknow your guys’s thoughts on that aswell next question’s from roo’s daycake um brucy is becoming quite acelebrity thank you for being one of thereal ones um love the videos thank youanyway so if this has been asked beforeand maybe it has but likei want to talk about it again what doyou think of batman losing how do youfeel about itand what do you think the chances are ofit happening so i guess what you mean bythat is him losing overall likeby the end of the movie i don’t thinkthat will happenbut losing will happen still yeah i knowthat sounds contradictory soi think ultimately he will be by the endof the movie successful in some capacitybut obviously not to a full extentwhether you want to weigh in therevelation of the court of houzz therebeing the overall trilogy like he mighthavejust burst through the you know theceiling but he’s still got a long way togo do you know what i meanso you could say he’s not quitefulfilledhis criminological experiment obviouslybecause you knowbatman’s gonna do this for decades anddecades obviously i i don’t know ifrobert pattinson’s brucequite realizes that yet i think you knowthis is what matt said he’s not gettingthe results he kind of wants straightaway i think maybe he thought it wouldbenot easier than what he thought it wasbecause i’m not saying bruce is thatfoolish but you get the vibe of what i’msaying hereso back to your question i don’t thinkhe will lose like i think he’s gonna putriddler away i thinkmore answers will come out of that whichmay lead to the second movie maybethrough post credit scenesor even if there is no post-creditsscene just at the end of the movie butlosses will happen like there’s just onething that comes to mind which i almostdon’t likethe only thing that i find questionablein the trailer is when bruce gets shotby a gun right herei think he’s gonna we’re gonna see somefails in this moviewe’re gonna see not quite toby mcguirespider-man going around with his webs inthe pajama costume if you know what imeanit won’t be that level of like remycheese if you know i mean even though ilove that butit’ll be done very like elegantly butlike you you’ll be like damn bruce thatmust have hurt or like oh hehe got a punch here do you know what imean he has he has bruises around hiseyes batman takes punches in this filmit’s grounded he’s he’s still batmanhe’s still trained but he’s only humanat the end of the day even though he’smeant to be the best of the best butthere one thing about that scene man ifthatthug aimed just just a little bit higherthat cow isn’t bvs cowthat cow like forget about the cow thegun could have just shot through hismouth andout from the back of his head that it’snot that i don’t like that moment butit’s almost relevant to your questionthere’s going to be some newbiebattenson moments which are gonna be bigbig learning curves for bruce i thinkand umyeah i just think it’s so painful tothink in that moment if that thugyou know pretend that this bottle offreaking soda you americans call ithe shoots him battenson gets shot hereon his symbol and he’s likebut imagine if if the gun was raised upa bit it would have gonei know so it’s gonna be interesting tosee where if that mistake was shownthroughuh batman and you know i can’t i meanhe’s fighting multiple thugs at thattime you knowhe’s gonna the suit’s gonna get shot ii i’m just nitpicking to the point ofwhere if you think the gun was raised upbatman would be dead and that reallybothers me but you know i i doand i am completely open to rookiemistakes because at the end of the dayi’m completely down for a more humanizedeven batman can make mistakes almost umthisis year two like two year one year sixmonths in butyou get my point of what i’m trying tosay um i think he will be losing alittle newbie waves like that i can’twait to see them because it shows thegrowth of the characterand it just makes you think really likegod if that if we’ve got that shot inthe trailerwhat the heck happened to him in thefirst one year and six months that wehaven’t seeni i’ve talked about flashbacks beforewho knows are we gonna get like momentswhere we see him completelybreak his hip or uh fracture his wristorcause he’s still making mistakes likethat like to the point of actuallygettingshot on his suit where as i said hecould have got headshottedthrough the face or the nose it doesn’teven matter if it was here that cowlisn’t good enough to stopit here so jesus could you imaginewhat happens in the first one year sixmonths so yeahno overall loss but little loser losseswill happenand yeah i think what will happen at theend of the film is it’s not so much aloss but it’s like uhit’s not even a victory either herealizes there’s a wholelot more work to do next question fromjp deleon uh would you rather keep thearmoredsuit star or move on to a suit similarto the one we got on bbsum very good question because i love ilove so muchabout the ben affleck suit other thanthe neck that which kind of makes himlook because ben affleck’s got a neckand he’s notchunky he’s just not so it makes himlook like his shoulders go like that andhe’s likei know he can slightly turn his head inthat but i don’t like thatit looks great in some angles but otherthan that face only looks too much likethis so i do like the material butthis is the thing i’ve always said i’mnot so much of an armored batman guy iam in the comics and games it looks coolbut when we’re grounding this in realityand you cast robert pattinson and youwant to do something cooli think the suit we’ve got now isperfectionthe only thing i might slightly changeeven though i love the cowi love it is maybe in the other movieshey why not just experiment with a chinstrap see what that looks likedoesn’t need it but like hey obviouslythings got to change in number two andnumber threenow as for the the armored bit here i idon’t actuallyit is armored but like it’s not likearkham games like quadrant of likescreenattached to his arm which provides aoracle hologramyou know i mean it’s not that level sothe armor that we’ve got i thinkis i would say is like kind of coolmid-tier stuff it’s not over you knowexaggerated it’s not in your faceer when you look down at the other partsof his armor he’s wearing tactical pantshe’s literally gotfreaking handcuffs on his belt that’samazing it’s practical it’s realisticand they’re handcuffs so like i don’tfeel like the overall vibe is tooarmored so the fact that thequadrant of the chest torso piece areaand the absare armored makes sense it’s not tooinvasive when you take into the factthat it’s cowl as leather-esqueand the pants are just like camomilitary grade riot gear typeso long story short here as i usually doum would i rather keep the armored suitsthough i’d rather keep thatrather than it go into more of askin-tightben affleck batman now i do love thatit’s very comic accurate at the sametime so a lot of comicsif they don’t want to massively overexaggerate in the art style thethe armor to batman it does almost looklike it’s pajamaor like for example like you know aspider-man suit just something skintight almostbut you know there’s there’s debatesfrom whether that’s so realisticallyprotective i know yousome commenters out there would be likebut what about the kevlar weavy kind ofskini know what you mean but this isfurthermorewhy i feel like we need to maintain thecurrent back suit withslight upgrades here and there maybelike the boots and stuff i don’t knowbecause it’s realistic in everyfathomable wayreeves said i think he spent they spentlike well over a yeari think it was indeed over a year comingup with thatthink about batsuit so imagine if youworked on that all the time and that wasyour job you could probably come up withso many designs in a few weeks or a fewmonthsthey took imagine doing that solidlythey did itsolidly for like over a year that’s howmuch thought went into that andwhen you assess it in every capacitythat you canit’s so realistic it’s so well done andi don’t think it needs to change and idon’t think it will changelike literally i think the only teasewe’ll get is maybe there’s otherprototype things being worked on in thebatcave maybethey say something about another suit atthe end buti truly do think the riddler’s designwon’t really changethe batman design and the suit won’tchange and i know i’ve been ranting fora while now but umyeah i’ll keep the armored suit iwouldn’t mind by the way if it went morelow profilebut i think this is the most badasspracticaluh realistic thing that matt reevescould ever freaking give usand it looks awesome so next question isfrom casey and they sayhow do you think they can work mr freezeinto a quote unquote groundeduniverse i want him done justice so thisisn’t interesting because the way youphrase that makes me think that youdon’t think that youthink that maybe that you don’t thinkthey’re gonna get fantastical at alland that is not the case i i’m veryconfident with that so all while this isgroundedit doesn’t mean that we’re not gonna getthe possibility of an actualyou know quote-unquote meta-human likepoison ivy oruh maybe something that isn’t maybe asrealistic as what people think like clayface oruh maybe as you say mr freeze it’s likecan you reallybe cryogenically in that that negativedegrees stasis andfunction in a grounded you so the beautyof what matt rose is trying toaccomplish here is a blender of whatnolan did withbut not quite that because nolan reallytried to insert a batman into our worldthat’s why bane no venom you know so andso forth nolazarus pit um it’s just there wasn’tanyyou wouldn’t get a clay face you justwouldn’t howeverthis carries over the grounded as yousaygritty aspects of real life in the waysi even just mentioned about the suit thefact that he built that carum things back and forth like that butthat doesn’t mean in this world they’renot gonna also try and uh make thingslikeuh mr freeze come to life so i trulybelieve mr freeze is arguably one of themorequite fantastical villains that you canreally put into this grounded world umjust because they say oh cryogenicallyand andthat might not exist in our world that’ssomething that istechnologically almost achievable andi’m not going to get intoresearch and how that is in today’sworld but you know i mean that’ssomething thatdoesn’t require a lot of suspension ofdisbeliefat all in my opinion and i feel likematt reeves would try and make it asgrounded as possiblebut totally make it rely on the factthat it also isn’t reallike because it’s mr freeze do you knowwhat i mean um so this universe as it’sbeen said even by geoffrey wright it isgrounded but it will have fantasticalaspects as wellum i truly do believe that means you canget a clay face out there and missmatt reese’s world you can get poisonivy out therebut the the way everything’s shot theway everythingis is gonna feel also very realisticit’s going to be batmanin real life i feel like oh man it’sjust so easy to be taken as a fanboy atthis point but i truly dohave such conviction in these followingwords i’m about to speak andwhen i say that this will maybe andarguably bethe most accurate batman depiction youcould ever bringto live action sure it might not be yourfavorite you still might prefer nolanwhen all of this is said and donebut if you want to try and bring inbatman the animated seriesor whatever batman comics to live actionbring him noir making the best detectivein the wholeworld make his rogues gallery realisticand i’m not even talking aboutrealistic ones who you can maybe putdown to a psychologicalor mental disorder like the joker or theventriloquist we’re talkingwe are talking mr freeze and poison ivybeing in that world tooif he can achieve the realism and thefantasticaland blend 50 and 50 togetherwhich i think he’s got to do how cananything top thatin terms of actually adapting batman butladies and gentlemeni’m gonna leave this video there i thinkthis has gone on for a decent amount oftime but don’t worry there will be moreto comeif you’ve made it this far in a videoyou know what i’m gonna say to prove itput down him with whatever commentyou’re gonna put hashtag you’re a partof this tooand other than that i’m just reallylooking forward to reading every singleone of your comments and obviously i’llbe hearting every single onethat made it to this point of the videouh if you want to support me evenfurther as i said at the beginning ofthe video i have a patreonum which gives you rewards in my discordserver which reminds mei have a discord server um and also youknow twitter and stuff like that that’smy most active placeif you want to hang out with me a bitmore you know i talk about you know it’stwitter i offer my opinionmore or less every day on random thingsso thank you guys as always so much forwatching i really do appreciate yoursupportseriously i do i love the community thatwe have hereand um i guess i’ll hope that you have alovely rest of your dayand i will see you back family in thenextvideo goodbye -
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