Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Star Trek › Strange New Worlds › Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Last Stand for Secret Hideout and Alex Kurtzman?
May 25, 2021 at 6:03 am #169geektalkKeymaster
Lost in the noise of the various issues facing the Star Wars franchise in the aftermath of the firing of Gina Carano; Paramount Plus launched without making any waves to speak of.
More recently, the announcement of the official start of production of Star Trek Strange New Worlds, as well as the addition of five new cast members, seemingly went unnoticed by the larger entertainment media complex. What did not go unnoticed though, was the value of ViacomCBS being sliced in half by the market.
Against this backdrop, Star Trek Strange New Worlds isn’t just a Discovery spinoff – if rumors are to be believed, it may be Secret Hideout’s proverbial last stand.
In this video, we will go through the background against which Strange New Worlds is released, how it will differ from Discovery and Picard, and how it may shape the future of Star Trek.
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lost in the noise of the various issuesfacing the star wars franchise in theaftermath of the firing of gina caranothe newly rebranded cbs all-accessstreaming service paramount pluslaunched without making any waves tospeak ofmore recently the announcement of theofficial start of production of startrek strange new worldsas well as the addition of five new castmembers seemingly went unnoticed by thelarger entertainment media complexwhat did not go unnoticed though was thevalue of viacom cbs being sliced in halfby the stock marketagainst this backdrop star trek strangenew worlds isn’t just a discoveryspin-offif rumors are to be believed it may besecret hideout’s proverbiallast stand in this video we will gothrough the background against whichstrange new worlds is releasedhow it will differ from discovery andpicard and how it may shape the futureof star trekthe current state of star trek is to putit mildly that the franchise has seenbetter daysin 2016 audiences showed howdisappointed they werein star trek into darkness by stayingaway from star trek beyond in drovesit bombed and every single one of thenumerous attempts at bringing star trekback to the big screen sincehas failed to attract the fundingnecessary to make it happenas such the franchise appears to beconfined to the small screen for theforeseeable futurealas things aren’t looking much betterthere star trek discovery was theflagship for the streaming service cbsall accessa service that was recently discardedand replaced with paramount pluswe will get back to how that is going indue courseinternationally star trek discoveryfared so well that the internationaldistributor netflixpassed on their right of first refusalfor star trek picardleaving amazon to pick it up at a lowerpriceneither amazon nor netflix picked upstar trek lower decks when it wasreleased in the usamazon only picked up the internationalrights for that six months laterafter the asking price was drasticallycut despite numerous headlines andarticles proclaiming both star trekdiscovery and star trek picard to bemassive hitsdiscovery utterly tanked in the ratingswhen season 1 was broadcast on theregular terrestrial cbslast fall on top of that the previousextremely lucrative merchandise saleshave dried up to a trickle to put itbluntlythe franchise may be in the worst placeit has ever beenbecause after both the cancellation ofthe original series back in 1969 andafter the cancellation of enterprise in2005there was a demand for more after thekind of star trek audiences have beentreated to over the past decadeit is debatable how much demand for morethere is left todayin june of 2020 former fox executiveemma watts was named president of theparamount motion picture groupserving directly under paramount pictureceo jim gianopouloswatts would come on board to paramountunder the newly remerged viacomcbs and she was given a clear mandatedirectly from ultimate owner sherryredstoneget star trek rebooted and back on trackthe only production in activedevelopment where any kind of meaningfulchange could still be madewas strange new worldsto many the highlight of star trekdiscovery in its entiretywas anson mounts captain pike mount whohad previously starred in hell on wheelsand marvel’s biggest misfire theinhumanswas first announced as taking the roleon april 9th of 2018alongside rebecca romain is number oneand ethan peck as a youngerlearning disabled spock[Laughter]are you serious yes we are not jokingmichael burnham hasn’t taught him how tobe spock yetpike number one and spock all appearedon screen in discovery’s second seasonand despite all other flaws in thatseason and there were manyanson mounts captain pike becamesomething of a fan favoriteas he was the only thing that remindedaudiences of star trekrumors of a captain pike spin-off seriesstarted to swirl as pitch after pitchafter pitch were submitted behind thescenesin the end a take cbs could get behindwas foundand the series was announced in thespring of 2020 a year afterpike and his crew were last seen in theend of discovery’s second seasonthe show was greenlit with a pilotwritten by akiva goldsmith jenny lumetand alex kurtzmanand with goldsmith kurtzman and lumetserving as executive producers andshowrunnersthe series promised to bring back thequote-unquote optimism of the originalserieswhich marks a significant deviation fromthe dystopian star trek discoveryand picard changes may however be moresignificant than anyoneinvolved with it had originally plannedstrange new worlds was already indevelopment by the time emma watts wasannounced to be overseeing things goingforward for paramounther mentioning right away that gettingstar trek back on track was a topprioritynot only cast significant shade onsecret hideout and alex kurtzmanwho were implied to have derailed it itwas also a signalthat a new direction would be taken fromthere on outshowrunner akiva goldsman has workedwith alex kurtzman for a while nowbut he has a far longer history withemma watts to this endstrange new worlds has been rumored tobe akiva goldsmith’s baby more thananyone else’sand after emma watts provided her notesit has also been rumored that theversion of it now going forward atparamount plus is quite different fromhow it was envisioned when alex kurtzmanhelped co-write itconsidering goldsmith has worked withwatts before it has been opined to us bypeople who claim familiality with thesituationso do take this with the regular grainof salt and treat as rumorthat goldsman has been given the mandateto reimagine strange new worlds inwhatever way is needed to bring back theaudience that were chased away bydiscovery and picardto this end kurtzman has apparently beencreatively cut out of the loopsupporting this we were told by a fewdifferent sources that a blow up behindthe scenes caused kurtzman to walkuntil things were worked out at whichtime he returnedthough from what we understand notwithout any intention of admittingdefeator allowing the direction to change bytoo muchthe most recent rumors we’ve heardindicate that kurtzman and his team aredetermined that shreknot go too far in the direction of theoriginal series that emma watts andakiva goldsman want to take itdespite not being actively involved instar trek anymore kurtzman is being keptbusy with the critically mauled clarisseon a day-to-day basishe still exerts influence for as long asviacom cbs are bound by the ironcladcontractles moonves gifted kurtzman and secrethideout on his way out the doorhence there are some limitations to whatkind of changes can be done to any startrek made under the alternate licenseunder which all track has been madesince the first jj abrams moviethis is something we’ve been toldkurtzman takes very seriouslyviacom cbs also can’t get rid of himeasily or reject everything he doeswe have rumors indicating that over thecourse of his tenurethey must grant him a specific number ofseries regardless of any other mattersthat secret hideout botched the firstseries out of the gate so badly that nointernational funding partner wants tostick around for the upcoming onesis a huge problem for viacom cbsas of this moment when star trek strangenew worlds has no internationaldistributor or funding partnerit is viacom cbs that have to shell outfor itin the meantime this is a bad time foranextra expenditure like thaton friday march 26th viacom cbs hit theheadlines of any financial publicationworth their assaultreason being because it’s not every daythat a giant media corporationsees half its stock value wiped out in amatter of daysthere are a couple of reasons for thisone is that viacom cbs started sellingsharesindicating they need money and tookadvantage of high share pricescausing some analysts to examine them abit closeranother reason is that shares of viacomcbs have been overpriced for a whiledue to the promise of paramount pluslooming over the horizonas such this is in some sense anexpected market correctionhowever that it was such a big one thatit may indicate a couple of thingsone of them being a major loss ofconfidencebloomberg pointed out that the fall inviacom cbs’s share price was connectedwith themcrowding into the streaming market wherethey face intense competition fromestablished leaderslike netflix incorporated the waltdisney company and amazon.comincorporatedthey have less to offer in the breadthand popularity of their programming andface a tough fightat the same time they are losingtraditional pay tv customers to thebigger playersin other words paramount plus simplydoesn’t have the contentneeded to compete against theestablished players and althoughbloomberg doesn’t say thischances are emma watts and the higherups at viacom cbs are perfectly wellawarethat they should have had that in startrek but that they don’tstar trek discovery is not a populardraw neither is star trek picard and theanimated series lower decks and prodigyaren’t even worth mentioning this is atestament to how badly star trek hasbeen managed by jj abrams and bad roboton the big screenand their section 31 secret hideout andalex kurtzman on the small screentogether they have taken star trek fromwhat used to be one of the mostprofitable entertainment brands in theindustryand turned it into something audienceshave positively recoiled fromnow it is up to akiba goldsmith torebuild and bring audiences back to startrek with strange new worldsby still having to work within the startrek discovery continuityand aesthetics do you think he can do itor that it can even be donewe wouldn’t have needed to find out ifsecret hideout had valued the audiencethat come with star trek in the firstplaceno matter how big you may think you areyou are nothing without your audiencethis isn’t just true for those thathappen to hold on to one of the biggestentertainment ipsbut for any business big or small andindeed for anyoneoperating in any public space andespecially those who are building theiraudience in the first placeanyone starting out in any kind ofenterprise or who have started out butare kind of stuck needs to build anaudience and a community to move on tothe next levelsomeone who can help out in doing thatis squarespace the sponsors of thisvideowhether you’re looking to create awebsite an online store or even a blogwith commentary features that supportsthreaded repliessquarespace has you covered and willprovide a venue and marketing tools thatenables you to build and interact withyour audience within your chosen fieldwe emphasize chosen field becausesquarespace is endlessly customizable tofit your particular fielddepending on your brand interest orenterprise squarespace provides numeroustemplates that can be tailored to fityour needsallowing you to create the perfectonline venue to build and cater to youraudienceor allow you to put yourself and yourofferings out thereso head on over to squarespace for afree trial and to start building theonline presence and marketplace you wantwhen you are satisfied and ready tolaunch go to squarespace.commidnight to save 10 off your firstpurchase of a website or domainas for the continued developments withstar trek over at vicom cbswe will keep you up to date here atmidnight’s edge till then let us knowyour thoughts and how excited you arefor strange new worldsin the comments -
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