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January 18, 2022 at 4:43 pm #392geektalkKeymaster
People calling this the Worst Star Wars TV Episode? – Book of Boba Fett Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 3 of the Book of Boba Fett – the streets of Mos Espa – is now here. Was this the show’s first BAD episode? We’ll cover that and more today!
hey guys this is justin hello andwelcome to another video we arereturning to the book of boba fett foranother episode breakdown this timechapter 3 the appropriately titledstreets of moss espa i’m going to warnyou guys right off the bat there will bespoilers for this review as thereusually are so if you haven’t seen theepisode yet you may want to come backlater alright so for me the streets ofmoss espa was an episode with a fewhighs and a few lows i’ve seen somepeople describe it as the worstlive-action star wars episode to dateand i think that’s clearly not true atleast in my opinion this episode didhave a few weaknesses definitely whichwe’ll talk about in a few moments but itwas better than episodes like the icespider one from the mandalorian seasontwo that for me was a low point but eventhat wasn’t too bad let’s get thenegative out of the way though becausethis episode wasn’t perfect it wasn’t myfavorite of the book of boba fett and ithink i can point to a few things thatwent wrong first of all i think when itcame to direction there were some issuesthroughout a lot of people have pointedto how weirdly shot the last chase scenewas and i do think that for the end ofthe episode and for a pretty prolongedchase there’s a lack of pace i guess orurgency the vehicles are moving tooslowly now it’s my guess that this was achoice so they could emphasize howvibrant and amazingly decorated andproduced the actual streets of moss espowere and they were great it was one ofmy favorite parts of the episode forthat reason but i think the general starwars fan would probably be let down alittle by the action it was a robertrodriguez episode that along with someother bits definitely made it feel alittle spy kids like speaking of spykids one of the other big complaints wasabout the sort of vespas the new gangare riding on first of all i really likethe gang they’re a bit cheesy even bystar wars standards they probably don’tfit into tatooine like you might expectthey would but they’re definitely a callback to the 50s and 60s style ofsomething like american graffiti that’swhat i was thinking at least it’s a sortof homage to the things george lucas wasinterested in especially as a child he’stalked about how he liked cars andmotorcycles of that era so that’s how iread it anyway the motorcyclesthemselves are definitely a bit garish iguess but i think the characters offer aunique potential for action and i likethe fact that they’re already prettymuch ride or die literally for boba fettafter he steps in and adjudicates theirsituation i understand why some peopledon’t like the tone it’s very robertrodriguez we’ve got a girl with a robotarm and we’ve got cutting lasers comingout of people’s body parts but overallit really really worked for mepersonally one thing however that didn’twork for me and this is anothercomplaint that i’ve seen but one that iagree with a bit more strongly is thesometimes weakness of guest actors thisis an issue the mandalorian also had inmy opinion especially early on sometimesthey’ll bring in someone who’s a littlebit famous to play a minor role and theyjust sometimes ham it up a bit too muchthis time for me it was steven root theguy who played the water monger ithought he did kind of a strange job inthe role he hammed it up too much and itdefinitely took me out of the episode alittle bit on the other hand if youthought i was about to mention dannytrejo was being a problem absolutely noti thought danny trejo was perfect inthis i had the biggest smile on my facewhen i saw him on screen because himbeing a rancor trainer just makes toomuch sense he fit the characterperfectly i thought his acting was greatit was really a surreal moment to heardanny trejo talking about the witches ofdathomir but moving on i think therewere a few other small direction issuesi thought the scene where boba fett wasriding the bantha and talking to thepikes was a bit awkwardly filmed butanyway i still really enjoyed theepisode overall there were some weakmoments but i’ve really liked how thisshow is staying a bit more grounded ontop caf transmissions last week iaddressed the sentiment that i’ve heardfrom some that marvel movies have in away ruined the movie watching experienceand i agree with that especially when itcomes to star wars fans and what i meanby that is marvel movies pretty muchalways tell their own story but also arebuilding towards something bigger even astory that works perfectly fine on itsown will usually in a post credit sceneor something have a hint towards someupcoming threat whether it was thanosfor the longest time whoever is next andi just think that the way that marvelhas played on people’s hype and the waythose shows and movies have really likeweaponized fan excitement has taken awayfrom some fans ability to enjoy contentnormally i really like this show becauseit’s telling boba fett’s story and we doknow that something is going to happen ithink people are taking issue with thefact that it’s not kira who’s popping upit seems to be the pike syndicate andfor me that doesn’t really make senseyes kira popping up would connect him tothe greater universe already but maybewe don’t need that for this show maybeit’s okay that we’re talking about acrime lord establishing himself on asmall out of the way desert planet andof course by the end this season whenboba fett rescues luke skywalker orwhatever i’m going to be proven wrongbut i just think we should try more toenjoy a story on its own worth ratherthan how it contributes to the overalluniverse not saying that that’s a badthing necessarily but just somethingthat i’ve been trying to sort of keep inmind to keep myself in check for anywayi’m really not trying to come off assome sort of dusty boomer who hates themcu or anything like that i don’t i justthink it’s okay to have shows ofdifferent scale and that’s somethingthat people are really going to need toget in their mind before kenobi comes aswell all right so i do briefly want totalk about the things that i like iappreciated that less of this episodewas focused on the past i did appreciatethe past scenes before but i think amixture is good and now we are seeingmore plot progression in the present i’mnot sure how i feel about the tuscanraiders being killed off generally ithought the emotion showed by tamura wasgreat the scene itself was good as wellit just does feel a bit of a waste tolose these characters that have beenreally built up over the past couple ofepisodes but i guess that is what’sgoing to drive this sort of conflict nowfor those past scenes and it certainlydoes a good job of making boba fett amore complex character as well i reallylike the black chrysanthemum scene ithought he was great i’m reallyinterested to see if he plays in theshow in the future it was one of thefirst times we’ve actually seen the trueferocity and strength of a wookiee atplay there’s basically like a six orseven on one and he just kept going ithought that bits with the rancor wasgreat it was also nice to see anotherside of boafet there where he’s showingsome like care and even love for thiscreature already it was like he found areally creepy looking puppy i alsoreally enjoyed the ending with the pikesyndicate some people are going to befrustrated that it’s not crimson dawn orkira i think that ties back to the factthat sometimes a story can just stand onits own i didn’t really mind that and ithought the scene with the landerscoming in was very intimidating and setsthe stage for what will come i assumethat we’re going to see boafet trying tounite the sort of underworld oftattooing to stand on its own againstoutside influence for the first time insome while i mean tatooine has beenunder someone’s thumb for a long timewhether it was one of the gangs or jabbaand the hutts so that’s sort of how isee the season going in that sense butjust overall it’s the detail everythingfrom the city which is just so alive ilove every single shot that’s setoutdoors the characters watching theholo projector to really everythingaround tattooing so much detail so muchcare is put into this show and it’senvironment that it really puts me insort of the star wars mood and givesmore of a location that i really lovebut guys that’s all for today that’s mythoughts on this episode you disagreedyou agree did you like the episode didyou like the chase did you like thevespas did you like the rancor all ofthat and more please down below tillnext time be safe have a good one maythe force be with you -
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