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January 18, 2022 at 4:51 pm #394geektalkKeymaster
Peacemaker – Angry Review
AngryJoe, OtherJoe & Alex review DC’s TV Spin-off for HBO Max Peacemaker! Disney is killing it with Marvel on Disney+ how does DC fair with its this big budget entry to the streaming services? Worth Watching? YES!
hey guys welcome to our hbo mac seriesreview for peacemaker which is dc’sforay intouh television series taking theircharacters from their extended universethe dceuand bringing it to television on theirown service hbo max much like disneydoes with disney plus and the marvelshows so here we go our first one ispeacemaker uh marvel started what wasmarvel’s first tv showuh who did they focus on first it wasjuan division wasn’t it or loki yeahso peacemaker i don’t know [ __ ] aboutpeacemaker from the comics and i’m ahuge dc fanumbut i will say that john cena makes thiswork i love him in suicide squadcharismatic as hellum i’m happy to see his acting skillshave improved over time i think he firststarted in the marine or something likethat um and honestly he’s a greatcomedic actor he’s got great comedictiming and he’s really coming to his ownand that’s really good when you pairedup with james gunnwho you know is a big name in uh moviemaking for both dc and marvel marvelmarvel’s guardians of the galaxy suicidesquad the suicide squad didn’t do verywell budgetary rough time a year roughtime of the year there was a little bitof disappointment for warner brothersbut i liked it a lot um and so now it’skind of cool to get somebody of thatlevel where both studios revere him andyou think you’re gonna get movies fromhim to for him to come down and do a tvseries right and honestly i don’t knowif it’s really coming down because in tvseries it shows that you can do so muchmore uh with a character especially acharacter like peacemaker then you canreally flesh it out in a in a televisionshow and when you have a great writerlike james gunn when you have a greatgreat director like james gunn and youhave great actorssomething that really shouldn’t workworksnumber one i was not really that allexcited for peacemaker when i heardabout it i was curious but i wasn’t likeanticipating itthat’s funny and now that i’ve seen it i[ __ ] love iti was like i i was begrudginglyi don’t know why i’m getting like this iguess for each superhero thing comingi’m very like mmmplease i’m crunchy i’m old i’m like nahwhen is when is it going to be the firstfailure of a superhero thing epicfailure i guess that wasjupiter’s ascending or whatever that wason netflixyeah eternals um but this one you knowsome jokes i’m like okay this is way tooquirky this is way too cringeybut then the joke hits or the punch linehits and i’m like god i started laughingi’m like god damn it um you know you gotme and then uh over time uh it got meand what i think helps is thatpeacemaker started with a three episodedebut that’s what you gotta do you gottastart with a three episode debut i’mtired of these like one episode thingslike boba fett uh didn’t land right welldidn’t land well with people buti think a three episode premiere of thiseight episode series really does helphowever even the individual episode onei think is strong enough to stand on itsown if they were gonna do it uh week byweek so i really liked peacemaker notonly because of the writing thedirection and john cena but it’s got aninteresting story and uh this guy iskind of a piece of [ __ ] was kind of avillain inuh uh suicide squad and it’s interestingto see what happens to a villain afterthe movie is over kind of thing and thatfirst episode is really really good so ireally liked peacemaker and i highlyrecommend that you go out and see it ithink hbo has a hit on its hands wherethey go with the next i don’t know butuh let’s finish the series first to seeif it can stick to landing but so farthis debut fantastic good job dc what doyou guys think i think john cena’scharacter in suicide squad was amazing iwanted to see more of it and here we getit i do love it like ii’m enjoying the show but at times i’mjust think it’s too much sometimes toomuch on the corki james gunlike tone it down a bit tone it down abit it’s still a great watch for me ilike it umjohn cena is just uh he carries the showhe’s amazing um other than that like isaid uh the quirkiness i need to tone itdownandso far yeah i’m enjoying iti i love it i think it’s great i thinkthat there’s times where i think there’stimes where it does go a little over thetop and even then where i’m like uhthis the joke didn’t land or thesituationdidn’t quite make sense but i think thatthe vast majority of the showi’m thoroughly enjoying i think thestory is interesting i like what the thedirection that it’s going i think thecharacters independently are interestingi think james gunnlike his style of humor resonates withme because all the things that for themost part the things that he likes toput in his movies are things that ienjoy and so for whatever reason we’reon the same wavelength and i like thisand i’m not worried about the directionit’s going i’m not worried about itshumor there are some in your face stuffthis is not something sit down with yourmom and watch yeah but it is super fun ithink the action is on point and for themost part i mean like i said like otherthan like tiny little things that’d belike i didn’t quite get that i stilllove it yeah i agree completely now thequirkiness uh there again joe points outthere’s a few times where it went toofar and it does but when you’re doing atv show where essentially we’ve seenthree hours of a movie you’re gonna havemoments where it’s like that that thatpush for the boundaries and it went toofar for me but other times it reallydoes a good job and so i don’t mindhaving a few of them not land right yeahjust the attempt is good and those thosemight have actually worked for otherpeople um but i just obviously uh hishe is um a peacemaker himself is afascinating character because he’s a[ __ ] [ __ ] uh he’s dumb as rocks buti mean he [ __ ] loves his guns big assguns and like this idea of being anamerican and doing the right thing andbringing peace no matter what it’s likeyou know that’s interesting how did heget this way and we get a little bit ofthatum and in his father i did not see thatcoming there is yeah uh where have youseen this boy uh terminator returns hereuh as his fatherwho so far is uh it seems like he’sgonna be kind of a piece of [ __ ] and youcan kind of see where well he is a pieceof [ __ ] but we’re going to see wherepeacemakergrew up and why he’s kind of screwed upand that maybe he just wants he wants aplace to belong and and under it all heseems to be a really good dude which isreally [ __ ] hard to do because ithought how the [ __ ] are they going totake this character who killed rickflagg and i thinkwe didn’t really like regular we didn’tgive a [ __ ] about right yeah that soundslike well john cena is great and thisone like you see more than humanity’ssidei’m like okay i feel for him i reallylike him i was like what happened so i’mintrigued for you you would think in inlike a marvel universe that would followhim and then they’d address it and it’dbe like a non-stop thing but here theydo like one little scene and it’s overwith yeah you know we’re moving on redflag no big deal but i do think thatthey’re going to expand that and andhe’s starting to question himselfbecause rick flack told him a peacemakerwhat a joke yeah i know and so he’sself-reflecting and stuff so um justfantastic the uh here’s the thing uh theaction is good it’s filmed wellchoreographed well good action scenesgun play and stuff like that and thestakes uh you don’t really know what’sgoing on episode one you you get a nicea superhero-like battle uh that reallyties together that episode i think it’sone of the stronger episodes uh but bythe end of episode three you’re likeokay they fought starro in the last onehow the [ __ ] do you outdo starrow do youneed to outdo starro is this going to belower level street level stuff is thisgoing to be high level [ __ ] and honestlythis is [ __ ] high level [ __ ]they managed to uh raise the stakessomehow from suicide squad which isreally [ __ ] hard to do and i have noidea why this is aamanda waller slashmirn i forget his name a lot of theagents have weird names in this uh i idon’t knowwhy it’s their responsibility this seemsmore like a justice league level [ __ ]threat that these guys are going upagainst but you know what that’s kind ofwhat the suicide squad is but this isn’treally a suicide squad this is like ablack opsyes side thing with oneheroum and anyway and then this and then therag tag team ragtag team and this ragtagteam keeps getting um you know additionsto it it seems uh that are strengtheningthe show vigilante is a quirky uh weirdguy kind of reminds me of black noirfrom from uh the boys only a littlequirkier a little better i like it umyeah you’ve goti i don’t want to do too many spoilerswe’ll probably get to our episodebreakdowns but i just think the setup isawesome i’m [ __ ] you could tell i’m[ __ ] excited becausewe’ve been praising marvel and marvel’sbeen getting all the [ __ ] love andpraise and [ __ ] and and they to behonest they deserve it they’ve beenhitting it out of the park with theirdisney plus series and it’s good to seethat dc can still hit with the best ofcourse they had to use james gunn whichis some money that’s some money rightthere i worry about i worry about thefuture or anything like that if somebodyelse were to take it over or we’d get itfrom somebody else but i gotta just singits praises right now dc television isstarting really reallywell okay that’s not fair because doompatrol is really good and titans has itsmoments but i mean from the dceuexpansion it’s starting really well withpeacemaker so umi’m i’m i’m sure how to do this let’s uhokay so you could tell that i think it’sreally good you should watch it now weshould go into individual episodebreakdowns i think yeah instead ofgiving it some kind of season premiererating we just rate these individualepisodes is what i’m thinkingokaycool so umnow is the part we’re going to get intoa little bit of spoiler so if you wantto stop here if you haven’t seen it yetgo out uh and watch it on hbo max andhonestly i recommend it we recommend itwe think it’s worth it um you know turnon the service for a month or whateverand whatever you need to do to check outuh what’s going on here with uhpeacemaker soepisode one isumcalleda whole new worldand uh this basically sets up the wholedamn thing um and it’s picks up rightwhere it leaves off of the umuh suicide squad even got a suicidesquad recap he’s out of the hospitalthere’s a there’s a janitor guy he talkswith has some quirky dialogue and andhe’s scared that he’s going to go tojail because literally doctor said icould go yeahdo you see any cops out there it’s likeno you’re free to go it’s like this isfeels like a trap but something’s goingon are you sureand he was ultimately right becausethere isa second team amanda waller puts some ofthe agents that whacked over the back ofthe head when she was trying to get alittle too crazy she’s kind of punishingthem by giving them a side mission andwho she thinks is a [ __ ] up and kind ofyou know screwing them overum and so uh it kind of then so you getyour show intro gotta talk about theshow introi don’t like it what do you think aboutthis show i like it that’s the problemit’s too far it’s yes it’s too far it’sexactly i mean i liked watching it onceit was working was interesting but thento see this thing multiple timesokay what do you think alex yeah that’sa weird intro i don’t i’m glad i watchedit one time but one time was enough yesyeah and it seemed more like a like athing that would happen after the seriesor something yeah like a little funthing but no it’s in the series itselfi guess showing you how quirky it’sgonna be it does prep your body for thequirkiness here um okay so then itstarts with umthey go he goes back to his house hetries to get into his rvuh he couldn’t get in because itactually starts with a leotaat the bayou the adebayo and her uhgirlfriend so you have a lesbian couplehere and you’re like howwhy do i care because they’re talkingabout their future and kids it’s likei i’m with peace you knowmaker here i don’t give a [ __ ] aboutthis but then you realize that she isobviously needs backstory because she isa new member to the team and as it turnsout uh she is um the daughter of amandawaller but it’s it’s veryweird because she doesn’t seemshe she has a good heart any trainingshe doesn’t seem to have training she’si you know not of the toned body that uhnormal agents would be if you’re sendingout on black op missions you would thinkthat you would be athletic and so she’sa little out of place because the techguy’s like not really muscular true oranything but he’s likeshe goes out in the field yeah she’s notan agent she’s the spy right she’s vyingfor waller and ii don’t understand so i guess thatamanda waller put there as her eyes andears in this particular team but there’sno other agent i guess she trusts herand her daughter yeah it’s your daughterit’s like this is i know that you’regonna tell me as it is and get all thesethings right and they do say that she’shad incredible amounts of training rightshe passed like the combat exam when shewas 14. i don’t [ __ ] believe it i’mjust saying they they try to explain itaway sure but but yeah yeah so that’sbut see it’s uh the cognizant yeah ijust don’t believe it uh we need to seemore of her actually doing it out in thefield give me a secret because i alsocall her out he’s like what are yourskills well i can’t really tell youthat’s kind of weird rightsomeone’s asked one person yeah we’llsee we’ll see so eventually like ididn’t like her character at first butby the end of the episode three i waslike okay i like her you knowthey’re doing a good job of evencharacters that may not be your yourspeed or things and you’re not quitesure of developing and that’s the wholepoint of the series um and it’s doing agood job of that so far uh so anywayuh they he gets a cab to go homeand he’s got no money so he gives thegabby his [ __ ] peacemaker helmetwhich is bulletproof and tech heavy uh[ __ ] number was noum but anyways he’s got this funnytrailer his trainers just painted withamerican flags he’s got america all overthe place his trailer is funnyand it’s just interesting to follow avillain after they’ve lost in a majorfilmum anywaysthe team shows up he’s like [ __ ] youlike i knew you that i wasn’t out of itbecause they’re like dude you’re in thesuicide squad you’re in jail and you’vegot many years left on your sentenceit’s we’re not done with you uh whiletheeconomist digs through his fridgebecause he’s got low blood sugar andagain it set off my thing it’s like okayyou’ve got a rookie here who has no ideawhat the [ __ ] she’s doing and then youget this guy who you know when he goesout he has low blood sugar he’s likethis is the worst [ __ ] team ever it’sa rag tech but i think maybe it’ssupposed to be the point it’s like i’mgonna put all my misfits on one team butthen why give your misfits the mostimportant [ __ ] mission ever once yourealize what it is in episode three lotsofyeah maybe um anyways so we get ourintroduction to the their handler uhwhich again i can’t figure this guy’sname out it’s umnobody knows his name i’m looking mirnclemsonhe’s the leader of uh project butterflywho reports directly to waller so uh youknowa peacemaker makes another point it’slike uh last time these names aren’tvery creative i [ __ ] spot a starfishuh literal starfish so i’m gonna fightliteral butterflies and it’s like nomothrayeahi like that one it’s like can i get ajet pack yeahif i’m gonna find mop and i’m gonna needa [ __ ] jet pack later on when hefalls from the buildings i was like he’slike oh [ __ ] it’s like would have beenperfect he said i need a [ __ ] jetpackso the writings is is fun and strongokay anywaysuh that i wrote that here yeah am ifighting mothra i need a jet pack um buteventually he realized okay i got a newmissions project butterfly so he goesand visits i guess his dad because heneeds money or no he needs tech rightbecause he gave away some of his um hiscostume and [ __ ] uh there’s a neighbornext door who interacts with him andthey [ __ ] insult each other uheverybody the only drawback i think andsomething that you have to excuse andand suspend your disbelief as everybodykind of acts the same you know that thatkind of corky riding where it’s likeeveryone’s quirky even the side officergoing into the elevator as they’rechasing down bad guys and doing a littledance out chasing bad guys it’s likedoes everybody need to be that kind ofcharacter i’m not sureanyways i get that his dad is [ __ ]crazy he’s like a hardcore right-wingconspiracy theoristwhite supremacist he’s literally a nazihe’s literallyliterally a nazi okay yeah and they saidhis i think they said his name is smiththat’s his name okay yeah but uh wedon’t really learnbut as his dad is supposed to take careof things while he was in jail like cutoff his phone bill he never did and theythey go back and forth about that andtake care of his eagle now at least hisdad did take care of his eagle then weget that trailer shot of the eaglehugging him and his eagle is namedeagerly eagerly yeah very creative whichpeople make fun of him for so i was likeoh this is cool i saw this eagle in thetrailer i thought he was going to factorin here a lot and so far in episode onethrough three hasn’t factored in reallyat all he hasn’t done anything he’sreally fluffy he gave him a hug he gavehim a hug first one and he gave it’semotional support he gave him a littleuh ferret in another time for food orsomething so but it’s cool it’s a[ __ ] eagle and it follows him aroundand does what he’s you know he’s like apet so that’s coolanyways umhe’s trying to connect with his dad andheis such a piece of [ __ ] that the onlything that they connect over is laughingon how some dude was being tortured todeath and that’s when his dad lights upand they start talking uh but then he’slike this wouldn’t happen to be the guythat shot you right and he was like yeahso he’s likehe’s like you [ __ ] you’re so bitter he’sso disappointed in his son but yeah andhe calls him a nancy boy but yet thenhe’s like dad i need i need some techand helpthen he goes into whatso they’re in a shitty house this islike the [ __ ]crappy house and then he presses somebuttons and then our what the hellhappens it turns into like a pocketdimension with insane tech it’s likematrix almost in a different way whereit opens up and he’s got some of themost insane [ __ ] crazy asstechnologies everywhere guns and helmetsand [ __ ] that do all sorts of crazythings and then while he’s giving hisson this new equipment we realize he’s aracist piece of [ __ ] because he’s likeyou need to kill some black people andjews and all these other things thathe’s like whatever dad just you know ineed this um and so i guess it’s his dadthat is like i don’t know is he a supergenius is he’s the one that creates allthese texts was he the originalpeacemaker or something like thatwell they did talk about him re-suitingback up again later on so he was a suitof some of some sort so we don’t knowyet and i don’t know enough about thecomic series to understand his characteryetum then we go and we have the team meetsup again at a diner and uh just aftermeeting this racist piece of [ __ ] we seethat he’s rubbed off on his son becausehis son is saying things that’s not pcand it doesn’t work but his son youcould clearly tell he’s not doing it ina malicious way he calls the waitersweet cheeks and [ __ ] and everybody’slike uncomfortable around you know whatshe had nice cheeks that means your buttit’s like no it doesn’t yeah he’s likeno that’s not what it is so he’s justlike you know isa dumbass yes but a lovable one um andthen but how could i say that after he[ __ ] murdered rick flagg and he’s abad guy but again because he doesn’tknow what he’s doing he’s trying to dothe right he’s doing it for the greatergood for the or so he thinksamanda waller is is her own little thinganyway so theythe team finally reveals to him thattheir target is a u.s senator it’s ablack ops mission he may end up havingto kill kids which he’s not okay withbut that’s later on but that’s thetarget of this project butterfly umandiand then while they’re in the restaurantthere’s this guy staring at him and thisis an introduction of the vigilantecharacter which i loved i hated at firstbecause yeah he’s weird they go he wasweird they go he goes outside he’s likeso [ __ ] excited that you knowpeacemaker is out of jail he’s trying tokeep it to himself but it’s just tooquirky too cringy then his co-workercomes out and it’s like no i i wasreally excited because you know i gotthis girl pregnant my girlfriendpregnant and but then he’s like why areyou always trying to hit on my sisterthen yeahwe’re getting an abortionand you want to come do you want to comeand he’s like no man i don’t want tocome near abortion and then she made melaughit’s like i [ __ ] hated it but then itmade me crack up so then it kind ofexcuses the rest that the setup and thenthe payoff was worth it basically thepayoff was worth it and it made me laughand umyeah and then hehe’s driving down the street sees hisco-worker go into the bar and uh courthow was it yeah it’s hardcore i can’tget her name that is hardcore hardcoreit’s hard court yeah so then they havethe scene that makes sure that she’s abadass she’s the hot toned body and thenof course the men in the bar hit on herright away and she kicks their ass andpeacemaker’s looking at all this andhe’s like yeah this this this woman’sawesome you wanna have sex and you wannado these things i’m in prison come onthe [ __ ] she’s like shut the [ __ ] up noyou you’re creepy you followed me inhere no i’m out of here and just then hesees this lady like looking at him andshe’s all smiling and there’s stillstress yeah she’s got a mother ladiesgear they start [ __ ] man you seeeverything you see your tits hanging outthis is hbo hbo i guess james gunn knowshe’s on hbo he can do whatever the [ __ ]he wants so he’s gothe’s full on nudity in suicide squadthere are dicks all over the place insuicide squad yeah and there’s [ __ ]in here too uh but anyway while that’sgoing on we get the reveal that uh she’samanda uh waller’s daughterand that she’s like the inside girl forthem um and so anyway he has sex andthat girl thensuddenly while she’s brushing her teethturns into a zombie monster with extremestrength and we get a really [ __ ]badass fight scene i mean they areliterallyflying through walls smashing into stufftrading blows and i’m like this isawesome and it works out well
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