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May 24, 2021 at 8:16 pm #156
KeymasterPatrick Explains BATMAN: THE MOVIE (And Why It’s Great)
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you’re right we should talk thismight be the last time we see each otherfor a while i wanted to ask you guyshave either of you recentlywatched the 1966 batman moviedo you think we can get a reward if weturn them inweird question i know but see i’ve beenwalking through the woods for the pastfew daysand at one point to feed myself i had toeat bugs which reminded meof bats which then obviously reminded meof batmannow i’ve talked about batman here beforei’m sure you remember myexhaustive explanation of the 1993animated filmmask of the phantasm and why it’s greatbut todayi want to talk about a very differentversion of batmani want to talk about the 1966 moviecommonly known as batman colonthe movie which was a spin-off of the tvshow that premieredthat same year for decades it was hatedbyvast swathes of bat fans who complainedits campy tone made a mockery of thecharacter but idisagree i think this version of batmanshould be celebratedfor being more faithful to the comicsthan it gets credit forfor its inimitable extremely cool stylefor being a good adventure movie and agreat comedyfor the genuinely brilliant adam westperformancethat still does not get the credit itdeserves andfor being a movie that forever changedmy lifeyou see batman the movie rulesand today we’re gonna talk aboutwhy holy lecture series[Music][Applause]sponsored by raycon thisis a movie from a different time a timewhen 20th century foxstill existed and they owned the movierightsto batman batman the movie directed byleslie hmartinson is a 1966 film that spun offfrom the 1966 abc tv seriesit was created and produced by williamdozier and developed by writer lorenzosemple jr who also wrote the screenplayfor the movieit is for lack of a better worda silly film it’s full of comically overdramatic dialoguesome of the angles of that rectangle istoo monstrous to contemplateabsurd costumes sets that resemble popart installationsdutch angles on dutch angles on dutchangles and of courseanimated sound effectsusually when i show up here to explain amovie to you guys it’s some kind ofautourist masterpiece made by one of myfavorite distinctive filmmakersthis is not that batman the movie is aglorified episode of the tv showthe director is a journeyman televisiondirectorthe movie brought over the same crew thesame composer and same cinematographerfrom the showthe writer was the head writer on theshow alsofun fact lorenzo semple jr would go onto write the screenplays for theparallax viewand three days of the condor holyversatility batmanwhile the movie lacks a few of theshow’s famous elements namely the batusiand the iconic narration that would comeat the cliffhanger endings of episodessame bat time same bat channelit represents the best version of theshowit has just about everything that madeit great in onetight beautiful 105 minute packagemovie’s under two hours you love to seeit so let’stalk about what actually happens in themovie because it isexactly what the title of some 41’sdebut album promisedall killer no filler except unlike thatalbumthis actually delivers yeah i’m comingfor you some 41.the film starts in a truly bonkers waywith a dedication inscribed on a brickwallsaying the film is for lovers ofadventure andenemies of crime and yes i know whatyou’re thinking but i do not considerthe stuff i did to actuallybe criminal activities so this movie isstill for mefrom there it goes into this rad as hellquintessential mid-60s title sequencethat introduces the castin bright vibrant primary colors andalso has a little narrative of its ownkind of like the pink panther titlesequences that doesn’t really haveanything to do with the rest of themovieif you’re a kid this is exactly what youwantfrom a batman movie it is all non-stopadventure and action and crime fightingit’s almost all batman and barely anybruce waynethere’s none of the boring stuff noangst no broodingno wayne enterprises business subplotsand thank godno flashback to bruce wayne’s parentsgettingshot because this movie is funand i just don’t really know how youmake that scene fun[Music]yeah just doesn’t work instead of atedious origin story flashback which tobe fair was noteven really a thing yet since this wasthe first feature-length superhero moviethe story jumps right into the actionbruce wayne and dick graysonrush back to wayne manor to get thebatmobile which brings them to the batcopterwhich brings them to a stolen yacht thisis not a movie that needs to waste timeexplaining how batman got a helicopterhe just has itget on board we’re doing this in thestorybatman and robin as well as commissionergordon and sergeanto’hara with his wonderfully terribleirish accent while they were luring youto a watery gravethe commodore’s yacht was being hijackedsomeplace else preciselyplus alfred who gets to wear a littlemask in one scene uncover aspectacularly sinister plotall of their greatest enemies the jokerthe penguin the riddler and catwomanhave teamed upstolen a deadly piece of experimentalweaponryand plan on using it to take over theworld their minimumobjective must bethe entire world you know howso many modern superhero movies tryreally hard to make things grounded andrealisticthey make everything gray and metal andconcrete and justboring looking well this is a movie thathas some real [ __ ] stylethe villains ride around in apenguin-shaped submarine and fly throughthe sky on jetpack umbrellasthe riddler has multiple costume changesincluding this very cool suit with anice patterned lining that igenuinely would like for myself and theyhave a secret headquartersover a bar down by the gotham waterfrontand for some reasonall of their henchmen are pirates that’sright thisis technically a pirate filmand there’s also a pretty compellingbatman story going on herecatwoman disguises herself as a russianjournalist who seduces bruce wayne sothe villains can capture himto lure batman into a death trap butbruce actually falls in love withcatwoman without knowing she’s catwomanand to quote robin when the truth isfinally revealedholy heartbreak the movie creates thefeeling of reading a bunch of comicbooks in a rowevery few minutes there’s a new bonkerstwist or cliffhangerbatman and robin are stuck to a magneticbuoy as the villains fire torpedoes atthemthe penguin infiltrates the bat cavewith an army of dehydrated assassinsbatman must dispose of a bomb and acrowded seaporta shark jumps out of the water and bitesonto batman’s leg as he hangs from thebat copter on the bat ladderand that last one happens less than 10minutes in this movie wasteszero time getting to the good stuff nowiknow what you’re thinking patrick ashark a bat ladderisn’t this all kind of ridiculous well iforgot to mention that the shark is alsoa robot shark that explodes but this iswhere we need to talkabout the tone of the 1966 batmanbecause thisis where its brilliance becomes apparent[Music]for decades the show and movie’sreputation has been as thesilly comedy batman a parody who’salways dancingand joking around when it premiered manybatman fanshated the show four so they claimedmaking a mockery of the characterfor decades comic book fans complainedthat it ruined the reputation of themedium and the superhero genreturning it into a joke that did notaccurately represent the source materialbut that’s not entirely correct you seethe 1966 batman is actually anincredibly faithful adaptation more thanhalf the episodes in the first season ofthe showwere directly based on specific issuesof the comicsthe costumes sets vehicles and even theframing of shotswere all ripped directly from the sourcematerialbecause as much as some comic book fansmight insist that these have always beenserious stories intended for adultswe must acknowledge uh that there hasalways been an inherent absurdity tothis stuffbatman comics of the time were about twofriends in brightly colored costumesmasks and capeswho beat up a guy in a top hat wieldingweaponized umbrellaswho commits bird-themed crimes and inthe 1950sthe comics had been even sillier withbatman and robin constantly going onwacky sci-fi or fantasy adventures andhanging out with a magicalinterdimensional impnamed batmite is that characterridiculous and stupidyes do i love him yes so the masterstroke of the batman show and movie wasto embraceall of that absurdity the costumes theoverdramatic dialoguethe secret lairs and themed henchmen andendless array of clearly labeled batgadgetsand to take it all totally seriouslyon my way over here walking through thewoods when i wasn’t tracking the policeradio signali was using this pair of raycon earbudsto listen to the audiobook of the capedcrusadebatman and the rise of nerd culture byglenn weldonin the section on the 1960s batmanthere’s a quotei wrote down the abiding ironythat hardcore fans decry the show fornot taking batman seriouslylies in the very fact that taking batmanseriously was precisely the show’sorganizing principlethe particular genius of the show’sapproach and the key to its mass appealwas this tonal jujitsu they reproducedthe conventions of the era’sone-dimensional batman comicsin three dimensions and asserted themwith a species ofterrible poker-faced gravity thatproducer william doziercharacterized as like we are going todrop the bomb on hiroshimain doing so they achieved something thattelevisionlet alone the culture had never seenbeforethis is what makes adam west’sperformance truly essentialhe treats batman like he’s playinghamlet there is never a momentwhere you doubt his belief that whathe’s saying is the mostimportant thing in the worldi swear by heaven if you’ve harmed thatgirli’ll kill you all i’ll rend youlem from lamb watching this you realizethe mistake of casting george clooney inbatman and robinjoel schumacher mostly does a good jobof capturing the spirit of the 60sbatmanbut the problem is that clooney iswinking why are all the gorgeous oneshomicidal maniacs is it me he’s smilingthrough the whole thing clearly aware ofhow sillyit is but for west every momentis life or death this is the brillianceof batman the movieif you’re watching it as a kid it’s anawesome straightforward faithful batmanstory rippedright from the comics but as you getolderyou start to see the second layer to ityou start to realizethat this is one of the very bestcomedies of the 1960snow the word everyone associates withthis version of batmanis camp camp can be hard to define butsusan sontag in her famous essay noteson campdescribed it as a sensibility whoseessence isit’s love of the unnatural of artificeand exaggeration it usually refers tounpretentious pieces of mass culturedefined by their sincere commitment tostylizationthat are playful in her essay sontaglists old flash gordon comics as anexample ofcamp so if those are camp then thebatman comics of the 50s and 60s aredefinitely camp batman was camp waybefore the 1966 showso let’s stop complaining that this iswhat made batman campor that a camp batman is in any way abad thingso as i mentioned a minute ago whilewalking through the woods i waslistening to theaudiobook on a nice pair of rayconearbudscome on you’re on a run from the copsand you’re doing an adthis is ridiculous and these things aregreatthey are premium wireless earbuds thatare only half the price of theircompetitors and the company isco-founded by rayjaywho everyone knows i am a huge fan gottarespect that hustle anddiversifying your income streams theyfit great and look great and thebluetooth pairs seamlessly with thisphone that i stole from one of theprison guardsthey have over six hours of battery lifewhichlet me tell you is great when you’respending all day walking through thewoods and eating caterpillars forsustenanceand they come in this cool littlecharging case so i can discretely chargethem when we stop at gas stations forsuppliesright now you can get 15 off your ownraycon earbuds by clicking the link inthe descriptionor going to buy patrickwilliamsthis is a product that i genuinelyrecommend and plusany money i make from this sponsorshipgoes directly towards the free patrickfoundationan important cause i care about deeplybatman the movie is not a comedy withtraditionaljokes setups and punchlines once in awhile there’s somethingresembling that like when batman saysthe drinking water dispenser is clearlymarkedand the camera pans over to a machinewith a giant drinking water dispensersign but more often the comedy comesfrom the combination of deliveringutterlybonkers absurdity with a completelystraight facelike when west dramatically calls forthe shark repellentbat spray hand me down the sharkrepellent bat spray and the scenereveals this entire collection ofoceanic repellentsincluding one for wales or the totalconviction of their performancesas the heroes deduce which villains areresponsible for a crimewith some truly head-spinning logicpretty fishy what happened to me on thatladderyou mean where there’s a fish therecould be a penguin but wait it happenedat seasee see for catwoman yetthat exploding waspulling my leg the joker it all adds upto a sinister riddleriddler riddler if you wanted to makegrand declarations you could say thatadam west’s performance herepaved the way for leslie nielsen inairplane and the naked guni’m not sure i’m gonna go quite that farbut it’s a thingthat you could say i love the way thateach of batman and robin’s near-deathcliffhangers is resolvedthanks to true absurdity but presentedas great dramathey are saved from a deadly torpedowhen a nobleporpoise hurls itself in the way it wasnoble of that animal to hurl himselfinto the path of that final torpedowhen the bat copter is hit by a missileit crashes toward the groundbut miraculously lands on a foam rubberwholesale conventionthis stuff was laying the groundwork forgags and goofs foryears to come paving the way for jokeslike thisnow i’m a man who loves a good sillynameand this is a movie that truly has someof the bestsilliest names around there’s a majorcharacternamed commodore schmidlap another namedadmiral fangschleysterand then there is catwoman’s aliasshe disguises herself as a russianjournalist who goes bymiss kitka but kitka is actually waitfor itan acronym which stands for her fullnamecatania arena to tanya karenska alisoffmy name is kitanya irena tataniakarenskalike seriously holy [ __ ] what a goddamnnameevery element in this movie workstogether in harmony toperfectly create this bizarre wonderfultoneevery performance is on the samewavelength every costume is the rightkind of theatricalthe cinematography makes the brilliantchoice of shootingevery single shot in the villain’shideout with a dutch anglethe art direction not only labels everybat gadget but also gives each villaintheir own shelf in their hideout full oftheir own individual traps and weaponsand then there is nelson riddle’s scorefirst of all nelson riddle great nameand yeah he’s got the catchy theme songthat we all know and love but start tofinishthe score just completely slaps i meanthe bat boat theme[Music]hans zimmer top that i dare you batmanthe movieis not a satire or parody of batman itis a totallylegitimate even great version of thesecharactersand in terms of movies where batman hasto get rid of a big bombthis is definitely the better one now asi’ve made it very clear by nowi think this movie is great i love itand there are so many things in it thati lovebut i just couldn’t fit them all intothis preceding speech sonow here at the end are an assortment ofseveral of my favorite things aboutbatman the movie i love that this batmanand robingive press conferences the way leemeriwethersays cossack in her russian accentreport these riddles to your police oror perhaps to that mass cossack batmanthe hand-drawn animation wheneveranything gets zappedi love that the movie ends with batmanand robin accidentally swapping thebrains of the members of the um securitycounciland then discreetly just climbing outthe windowi love that robin is not allowed todrive the batmobilecatwoman’s cat-shaped radio i love thatbruce wayne’s romantic moveis to quote edgar allan poe and all mydaysour trances and all my nightly dreamsare where thy dark eye glances okay thewaythe riddler lays out this elaboratedeath trap that will throw batman intothe waiting arms of the penguinsexploding octopuspenguins exploding octopusand then in the middle of a fight one oftheir goons justaccidentally triggers the death traphimselfi love how batman and robin are belovedmembers of the communityand everyone waves to them as they flyoverhead in the bat copterit’s nice i love how when the batmobilebreaks down it just happens to be rightnext to the spot where they have stasheda hidden batcycle which makes me wonder did theyjust get really lucky or does batmanhave bat cycles stashedall over the city now look if there isone fact you know about meit’s that i love to explain things butif there’s a secondfact it’s that i love ranking things aswellso don’t worry here are my top fivemoments of alliterative dialogue inbatman the movieeach about treacherous trumps my fineopinion the piratesholy halloween plagueis with hiscriminal conundrumsthis brassy bird has us buffaloed andnowthe big one my top five bat gadgetsnumber five the magnifying batlens number four bat gasanother sniff of bad gas which justsounds funny number three theanti-penguin gastablets number two the super moleculardust separator and number oneobviously the oceanic repellentsnow we’ve had a lot of fun here todaybut you may be askingpatrick why this movie there are manybatman movies you’ve even explained oneto us beforeso why this one and why now welldear parents it’s because this movieholds a special place in my personalhistoryi’ve had an exciting past few years fullof disorienting highs perilous lows andmoderately comfortable middles but noneof this would be possibleif it wasn’t for you two and a choiceyou mademany years ago you see when i wasfour years old you decided to show methis movie until then i didn’t reallyknow anything about batman and i had nogreat interest in movies or comic booksbut this changed everythingas you may remember i would rent thismovie over and over and over againbecause i could not get enoughi was obsessed and that obsession led tomore obsessionswhich snowballed over many years and nowthe pathyou set me on has brought us allto this point so you see mom and dadyou two are responsible for thisfor all of this for creating a person soobsessed with movies and comic booksthat he can simply never talk about themenough to fill the void at the center ofhis beingso obsessed that he stopped caring aboutfrivolous things likepersonal hygiene or what some stupidcompany called theirs had to say about his taxespatrick williams we have the housesurroundedplease step outside with your mouthtaped shutwe would prefer duct tape but scotch isalsoacceptable okay looks like it’s my timeto boogiepatrick you really should turn yourselfin if you’re goodthey might reduce your sentence okayit’s been about 30 minutescharles said he needed 30 minutes to getthe interdimensional portal readycharles yeah charles my buddy fromprisonthe one i mentioned earlier he’sactually been out in the barn this wholetime getting the rift and the fabricbetween dimensions readyfor our escape it’s a long story but areyou surethere is no more vanilla extract in thehousetry the cupboard over the sinkhey take some of willem’s homemade maplesyrup for the rideout the back window and go to the leftto the barn quick before they see youhankwhat and i got the youtube channelcovered okaymaybe a little more woodworking in lacrosse but it’ll be just fine it’ll behere when you get backmom dad over the past few yearsi couldn’t have asked for two betterpeople to whom i couldexplain why various movies and tv showsare greati’ve got a whole new universe ofpotential subscribers to go meet butjust know that to meyou too will always be my firstsubscribersthe very first people to ever smash thatlike buttonmetaphorically speakinga rift in the fabric between dimensionsi know we always encouraged him to beimaginativebut this has gone way too farcharlie charles you looking good yetyou look differenta fresh look for our newaudience whatever you say buddy honestlythe new lookit’s pretty adorableso we’re ready ready for anew world andnew clout
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