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June 7, 2021 at 11:49 am #234geektalkKeymaster
Neill Blomkamp’s ALIEN 5 is a project that was so close and yet so far away. The project aimed to re-unite Michael Biehn and Sigourney Weaver as Hicks and Ripley in the the latest chapter of what is the greatest saga of Science-Fiction-Action-Cosmic-Horror of all time.
This video will take a look at why, between 2015 – 2017, the project unraveled.Watch More From
set deep in the cold infinite expanse ofspace light-years away from Earth whereno one can hear you scream the alienquadrilogy for accounting the ongoingstory that pits humanity against aterrifyingly hostile and hybrid speciesof alien creatures the series began whenRidley Scott in at 1979 directed alienand brought us the concept of truckersin space James Cameron with 1986’saliens would evolve the concept withMarines in spaceDavid Fincher in 1992 made alien 3showed us prisoners in space Jean PierreJune 8th and 1997 sequel AlienResurrection presented us withmercenaries and the military in space20th Century Fox were keen toimmediately move forward with a part 5in 1997 from the set of AlienResurrection studio boss Tom Rothmanwould go on record saying all I can sayis that the end of alien resurrectionpoints towards the locale of alien 5 wefirmly expect to do another oneJoss Whedon will write it and we expectto have Sigourney and Winona if they’reup for it Joss Whedon would then tellthe interviewer there’s a big story totell in another sequel the fourth filmis really a prologue to a movie set onearth imagine all the things that canhappen Whedon would later elaborate onthe matter sayingif I write this movie and it has mywriting credits on it then is going tobe on earth and it’s going to be verydifferent from the last one with thisone I can promise you something newsomething completely different fromwhat’s been seen before the studio wouldeventually commit Sigourney Weaver to atwenty two million dollar rollingcontract with the commissioned treatmentby Joss Whedon rumored to be titledalien revelation Whedon’s enthusiasmwasn’t shared by Weaver she said I’m notinterested in returning back to herWhedon would move on saying I’m notinterested in making somebody else’sfranchise any more any movie I make willbe created by Mae Ridley Scott wouldlater show interest in the project whenasked about a fifth Alien movie thedirector said you know I thought it’d benice I do itit really is entirely dependent on thetake of the material it’s all aboutmaterial we’ve started a script meetingI mean I’ve started it off so I may aswell close the door if in fact this ismeant to be the last one in 2002 JamesCameron announced his intention topossibly return to the alien universesaying what came up was the idea ofdoing alien 5 and at one point I pitchedthat I would write it and produce it andRidley would direct it and we had lunchtalking about this and we were inviolent agreement then nothing happenedCameron would also tell BBC 1 we’relooking at doing another one somethingsimilar to what we did with aliens abunch of great characters and of courseSigourney I’ve even discussed thepossibility of putting ArnoldSchwarzenegger and to be alienand speaking of casting Ridley Scott whoat the time had directed Nicolas Cage inmatchstick man would tell total filmmagazine if there’s room for him in thenew alien movie we’d love to get himScott would also say at the end of theday a studio has to be pleased a coreaudience has to be pleased and adirector has to agree to all that I amglad to say things are proceeding inbroad terms it’s something for thosefolks that want to see Ripley’s journeycome full circle momentum would slowdown upon the release of alien versusPredator a crossover based on thelong-running series of comic bookspublished by Dark Horse Comics the filmhad been in development since the early90s and it was director Paul Andersonwho would pitch Fox a storyline thatwould get the project Greenland RidleyScott would remain connected to the ideaof going back to the beginning anddeveloping the unexplored origins of thealien species and Scott would finallyreturn to the alien universe in 2012with prometheus Scott would fall in lovewith the material and the world buildingof entirely new landscapes andmythologies pertaining to the aliens andorigins of man and would announce grandplans to make a sequel a three crew andmaybe even complete a fourth and a fifthFox would give the green light for Scottand his team to enter script developmenton the prometheus sequel initiallytitledalien Paradise Lost before the change toalien covenant and it was around thistime that director Neill Blomkampentered the frame the director producerscreenwriter had burst onto the scenewith the critically acclaimedoscar-nominated district 9 in 2009 asfar as debuts go the sci-fi actionallegory had shown the director to be upthere with the most innovative creatorsof science fiction cinema in the worldhaving an extensive background inspecial effects in 3d animationBlomkamp already had a cv of short filmscommercials and other credits that hadalready gained him a wave of Industryrecognition famously Peter Jackson theproducer of district 9 had earlier putforward Blomkamp’s name as a potentialdirector for the big-screen adaptationof halo which would unfortunately amountto nothingthe director followed up district 9 with2013’sElysium and 2015 s chappie chappie thestory of an artificial generalintelligence law enforcement robotcaptured and taught by gangsters wouldfeature Sigourney Weaver leading thedirector to reveal to her that he was aself-confessed fan and that the firstmovie he ever became enamored with wasalien you know ironically I think thefirst science fiction film I rememberseeing is alien and it was in a coastaltown in South Africa that we used tohave like a sort of holiday flat inOldham slum gets next to Durban and Isaw like I was really young I mean I wasprobably six or five and I saw maybe 40minutes of it and then my family wantedto go down to the beach and I basicallylikes past like fully because I justwanted to keep watching it and then overthe years I found out that there’s a VHSmachine in the bottom of the apartmentblock that the woman at the base of thebuilding would like cyclo films thatwere filtered through all of thedifferent flats and I was like what isthat that you were playing you know ittook me like two years actually gets tothe bottom of it like this pre-internetlike super young phase so yeah it wasalien I had no idea what it was and weterrified by III I saw everything up andsold the chest bursting scene right somost of it like my memory of it was inthe ship with the eggs and the spacejockey like that was the imagery thatyeah and then I didn’t see it again likewas 40 minutes and then I just never sawit for like several years so I did I thescary fact that wasn’t in there yet onNew Year’s Day 2015Neill Blomkamp released some alienuniverse artwork in a commissioned workby Jeff Roy Thorens a talentedillustrator concept artist and painterBlomkamp described the artwork asa mental stroll into the world RidleyScott created he didn’t initiallyelaborate as to whether this was anofficially sanctioned project or simplywork he was doing as a fan arepresentative from Fox confirmed thatthis was a project Blomkamp undertook onhis own as there was at the time no dealin place between the studio and thedirectorBlomkamp would also say I just sort ofself-funded the artists to work on theartwork the speculative art seemed totake place in a world where the event ofalien 3 and Alien Resurrection neverhappenedHicks facial wound was clearly acontinuation from the end of aliens butremembering the character had beendeclared dead at the start of numberthreespeculation mounted over how Blomkampwould hypothetically resurrect thecharacterthere was also designs by artist DougWilliams of what appeared to be Ripleyin a sort of battle suit and helmet andof a new style of face huggerthe face hugger was originally done backin 2012 as prometheus fan art butBlomkamp later released it alongside hisalien 5 artwork which seems to implythat he had hired Williams for theproject the art would instantly begantrending around the world and wouldgenerate an online buzz had promptedBlomkamp to address the situation ontwitter saying PS this has nothing to dowith the studio I just feel like I mightdo something else instead in which casewhy not show some work Sigourney Weaverwould say after repeatedly discussinganother film’s potential I finally saidyou know it’s a pity we didn’t reallyfinish the story it’s such a good storyit’s really loved I said I shouldprobably talk to Jim Cameron about thatand he said don’t talk to Jim Cameronababa talk to me about that so we kepttalking about it Blomkamp’s public pitchseemed to do the trick as a new headlinebroke that a new alien sequel wasofficially in the works to be directedby Neill Blomkamp Fox had called him infor a meeting and the deal had beenstruck Blomkamp would hire a frequentcollaborator Philip IV as his productiondesigner and a phase of design andpre-production would officially beginin February 2015 Blomkamp took toInstagram to say so I think this isofficially my next film a lien is along-standing franchise this is becauseyou had a great idea t came up with thatyou pursued them or yeah yeah I meanI’ve definitely you know I pursued themto the point that Fox didn’t even know Iwas working on itso um you know that’s I mean that initself is just unique like you youshould you should always be working onsomething that the studio doesn’t evenknow you’re doing and that way you’relike I want to do that by the time it’sdone and then they can decide you knowyeah I mean when you get hired to dosomething you’re in dangerous territorybut so the truth about you know projectsthat are my own like the thing that’sannoying about films they take threeyears to make it’s a constant thing thatI that I face all the time which is likewhatever you commit to you’re gonna beout of the game with everything else andyou’re gonna be doing this one thing forthat amount of time so that’s a verytrue thing I mean you know that wouldstill be my on so with almost everythingit’s just that alien isn’t almosteverything alien is like the one thingthat’s just I think I I actually thinkit’s the first science fiction film Iever saw rightand it’s my first memory of like filmand so it’s just emblazoned into my headin a way that I it would be a shame forme to not do it for myself you knoweven if it even if it doesn’t live up towhat people want like for my own selflike I need to at least try I think thatwhat I think the combination of whatRidley did and the end the usage ofgigas Freudian sexual terre imagery andthe set up of the first film and thenwhat Cameron did with the second filmlike what just the perfect storm of whatthose ingredients were and for my ownlike visual style and what I like and itjust was this weird perfect unity ofeverything you know and I think that’sreally what it is it’s just it’s it Ican’t think of anything that that comesclose to to it in terms of an existingfranchise alien is or is a unique thingfor me it’s a unique storm of perfectingredients I think that people think Iwas like playing some kind of game withthe studio where I was like releasingstuff to try to createhi to try to go back to them and likeI’m totally not Machiavellian in thatway and like him just not and that’swhat alien was where I was like maybe Ishould just go off for a couple of yearsand do some other stuff and I had thisall of his accumulated work of a projectI thought was really awesome so I waslike I know there’s gonna be some fansout there that like this here you go youdon’t I mean and my apprehension withalien was that I had never worked withwith someone else’s material you knowand especially not even someone else atthis point it was like I’m gonna countFincher in with with the third one eventhough the third one I don’t like asmuch as the first two it’s all threeawesome filmmakers so it’s it’s notabout living up to it and being nervousabout it it’s like I just don’t wantother people to tell me what to do it’sa different thing we think in this filmthis should happen because it happenedin that one yeah kind of scared me alittle bit so then I was like I’m justnot gonna do it I’ll put it out yeahbut then you know I spoke to Sigourneyand like she was she was I lovedSigourney and her her wanting to executethe story that I wrote and she thinksit’s the right story for Ripley that Iwas like now I’m fully gonna do this20th Century Fox confirmed they hadclosed a deal with the director and thatthe as-yet untitled sci-fi project wasseparate from prometheus – which Fox wasstill making with Ridley Scott that Neilwho is very very cool and not fazed byanything the moments ago he walked onset it was literally that’s true it’strue I mean it is I was saying to shoollike recently about how thing I’m reallysort of non self reflective and I don’tspend a lot of time thinkingIII don’t feel like I take enough timeto really be sort of thankful for thingsin general and it’s kind of ridiculousthat that you know I mean even asidefrom alien just just Sigourney beinginvolved in this film where you knowyou’re like a struggling artist tryingto get into films when you’re young whenyou’re younger you know and it’s likejust getting any film made is difficultbut to have someone in it that was youknow connected to one of my favoritepieces of art ever I need to I need tobe in touch withthat more and I’m not really I kind ofjust like motive through things too muchso yeah I mean alien is it’s insane thatthat you know it’s a possibilityum how big a possibility is it very verybig I mean you’d say possibility I thinkit’s happening yeah no that’s true[Laughter]we found the host and it’s been news wasofficially announced that month that theRidley Scott creative group would carryproduction with Ridley Scott as aproducer and Blomkamp in the director’schair working from his own screenplaythe alien 5 project would carry theworking title read harvest and what wasseen as likely to be a nod to blueharvest the fake working title to Returnof the Jediyes there is an incredible script and tobe directed by Neill Blomkamp who was alove these movies so much that he brokethe tapes and when we were workingtogether on chappie a movie I love he westarted chatting about how the seriesleft and I had not wanted to do a fifthone I just I didn’t want to go to earthI thought the earth was boring so anywaythat whole first day we started justtalking about it and four months later Igot a script that was so amazing and itgives the fans everything they arelooking for plus innovates in a lot ofwayswith things that just immediately for mebecame part of the world so he has workto dooh I have work to do and I’m hoping whenwe finished those jobs we all circleback and start to do it thanks foraskingtalk of the proposed new entry into thealien series would continue to arise inmany of the interviews Blum camp andWeaver would do when promoting therelease of chappie we have a new alienmovie coming out with Neil you’re thehead of itSigourney you’re coming back give us alittle what kind of fans expect I don’twant to give too much away it’s justearly days I get I’ll say I’m extremelyexcited I cannot believe Sigourney’s init I wanted to feel like alien 1 andalien 2 and that is all I would add thatprobably the alien is going to be in itas well let’s let’s let’s assume thatthere will be a xenomorph in the film axenomorph could you explain that to thecrowd that did it just in case foranyone who isn’t a fan or doesn’t knowthe Alien franchise well a xenomorph iswhat they refer to the alien as thankyou now it’s very very serious aboutavian like do you feel kind of nervoustaking on like this kind of friendsresidue that’s how you write in it no noI I don’t right now I whatever phase I’min in my career I don’t feel that Idon’t feel that you know like the ideaof of artists that get caught up in ifthey’ve had previous success and thenthey’re like well I’m so scared to putsomething out now what if it doesn’tlive up to it you know I don’t feel thatand in terms of taking oh and stuff likealienI don’t feel the negatives either Ithink I think if you’re ever gonna dogood work you just have to like go outand like you know swing large swings andjust be committed and love what you’redoing so I I feel the good pressuremeaning as a massive fan ofthose movies I want to make a film thatI as a fan would love and I think thatI’m ill suited to other franchises Ithink that there are many otherfranchises where I would want to turn itupside down and like totally just screwwith it an alien isn’t one of them alienis like I want to do my best to sort ofhonor the lineage of the first twomovies and give fans like myself what Ithink we deserve from where it went offthe rails in July 2015further art appeared on Instagram thispiece featuring Ripley and abattle-scarred Hicks is titledmercenaries and was released alongsidethe message alien going very wellthe artwork of Hicks tended to raisemore questions than it answered themajority of fans were now curious as towhether or not alien would be playingout a retroactive continuity which wouldmean alien 3 and Alien Resurrectionnever happened or whether those storieswere the events of one of Ripley’snightmares and crasslyor if it would be a time travel slashwormhole plot or just simply a paralleluniverseeither way lots of people were excitedby the prospect of bringing back Hicksas naturally this would mean a return tothe alien universe for actor and fanfavorite Michael Biehn[Applause]it’s such a brilliant straightness everyintention of doing as we were asked towait this is prometheus movie make usunderstandably they did 100 moviescoming out at the same time so I thinknow they think now Neil is directinggone world and and I have a little thingcalled Avatar to do but then[Applause]the idea of an entire Armada of colonialmarines and mercenaries in the year 2204led by corporal Duane Hicks as theyconfronted weyland-yutani and waged waragainst genetically modified aliens wasbecoming more and more appealing by theday in an interview beam would saythey’re talking about doing anotheraliens movie with Neill Blomkamp and Foxcame and announced it and Sigourney hascome out in an asset the basic idea isacting like alien 3 & 4 never existedI know Ridley Scott is doing his moviefirst and is going to be the executiveproducer on this one so I’m reallylooking forward to that I know thatRidley’s focus is on the secondPrometheus and I’m sure that he and Foxxboth don’t want that and Neil’s movie tocome out right next to each otherbecause they’re kind of two differentworlds with aliens taking placethousands of years later which is howthey explained it all to me but at thesame time they want to give them asimilar feel I know they’re putting thebrakes on Neil’s movie just for a littlewhileBen then made a pose to Facebook statingthat he was purely speculating what theplot could be and obviously if he knewthe plot as a professional actor hewouldn’t do such a thing before a moviewas released I have to I have to askthis out because there’s been yes norumors the next aliens are you comingback as hitch there’s a huge wherethere’s a bacon again or if NeillBlomkampif Neil and Neil Blomkamp and Sigourneyget to make their a movie yes absolutelyabsolutely and what will happen is thatthey will bring back new also new willbe 2627 don’t get some great actress forit you know wonderful actress for thatbut right now Ridley Scott is doingaliens the Covenant or something likethat this procedure so continues fromwhat if you if you didn’t deep enoughinto Ridley’s interviews or interviewsthe tour and so forth you get thefeeling that he’s gonna do his and oncehe’s finished with his then he’s gonnathey’re gonna let me do his cuz andhe’ll have to change a few thingsyeah and Neil’s got the one thatSigourney really really wants to finishup with and I think they’ll be kind of apassing of the torch between that’s myguess you know I haven’t even seen ascript to talk to Neil and it was it wason a it was on we they were moving aheadwith it and then readily decided I thinkthat he wanted to get his his finishesdid his in there first and so if theymake Neil’s and they should he’s abrilliant filmmaker and I think they oweit to Sigourney and they’ve alreadyannounced they’re gonna make it so Ithink it’d be a true embarrassment toFox that he never made the movie all bein itAmalgamated dynamics incorporated knownas ad I are responsible for thepractical alien creature effects onalien 3 and Alien Resurrection and thealien versus Predator films they wouldtake one of the conceptsBlomkamp had shared and turn it into aphysical reality the makeup test wasdone by David Woodruff and the man inthe makeup standing in for Hicks is hisfather Tom Woodruff and the armor isactually Michael beans armor form aliensWoodruff jr. did the makeup test throughhis company generation of factsIncorporated saying this Neil Blomkampproject is the first possibility I’veseen or heard of of another alien filmand I’m all about it I know the guys atamalgamated Dynamics are pushing forsomething like this – it’s time lotdetails were still non-existent beyondguesswork and speculation from theartwork as both Weaver and Blomkamp werehappy to confirm the project was stillproceeding but were somewhat shy aboutrevealing too much too soonyes yes we’ve been talking about it fora year and actually it’s it’s been ahuge secret to keep you know no secretsanymore and I think we’re both delightedand I can’t think of a director I wouldtrust more with this I hate to call it afranchise to sounds like french fries orsomething but with this story andtelling the ending of the story which Icould never figure out how it should endand and I never wanted to do justanother one to do it so I feel that thiswas meant to be and you’ll be doingalien next and you worked with the starSigourney for this film so did your timewith Sigourney on the set of chappiekind of influenced your ideas for thenext alien totally speaking to her mademe understand her point of view onRipley and also how she felt about thewhole franchise in general so that ledto afive years there was also a briefflirtation with the idea of the filmbeing broken into two partsafter Blomkamp told Empire the first twoare the ones that I care about then Istarted to realize there was a wholefilmat least a film if not more that stillcontained Ripley which I was reallysurprised by in October 2015Blomkamp released a photograph of apulse rifle with a strong hint that itwould appear in the upcoming film yetsoon to follow was a tweet from thedirector stating the project was now onhold pending prometheus – in April 2016we saw more concept art this imagefeaturing a grownup version of Newt fromaliens it was seen that this all butconfirmed the inclusion of the characterin bloom cams film and that as a directsequel to aliens the events of part 3would be erased from the continuitydespite to the uncertainty of whether ornot production would proceed SigourneyWeaver would tell Entertainment Tonightthat it’s just as if you know the pathForks and One Direction goes off twothree and four and another directiongoes off to Neils movie so it was nowclear that Blomkamp’s alien movie wouldveer off and I divergent chronology andWeaver also suggested that the aliensequel would delve into the motivationof the aliens themselves exploring whatit is their race has been seeking shesaidthe script itself has so much in itthat’s so original but also reallysatisfies the I would say the primalneeds of the aliens it’s a tribute toall of the great work that the otherdirectors have done in a way but goes ina completely new directionI hope he’ll do it it’s at this pointall talk of the project seemed to stallRidley Scott would confirm that he’dseen a draft of alien 5 and it was stillon course for a 2017 release that he wasconcentrating all of his energy intoprepping his Prometheus sequel alienParadise Lost later retitled aliencovenantif you’ve made comments on Blomkamp’salien 5 that they were working on ofcourse we should have continued theRipley storyyeah have you had any thoughts at allperhaps kind of bridging the prequelsand the original thought ever thoughtabout maybe D aging people likeSigourney as they do in a lot of filmsat the man well I think that’s notparticularly new idea first of allsecondly I think they cooked it put anoranges mug with crackling on his backfrankly when they did alien vs. predatorabout the bikes so I think you want tokeep what you’ve got something reallygood don’t spread it around and I thinkI was part of the process with that withBroome camp and I was going to be intheir sub you said yeah yeah by allmeans but there was no real script cameout and I was doing my other thing so ifFox doesn’t want to decide not to somedon’t I think we’ve got this is enoughjust keep going down this route RidleyScott would begin to publicly play downhis involvement in the new part 5 itseemed as if Scott felt the sequel toaliens would somewhat distract from hisown direction for the alien universe andso alien 5 was put on ice so Scott couldprioritize the completion and release ofhis own sequel whatever wondering iswhat is your relationship with the NeillBlomkamp like there’s been a lot ofrumors circling around that he had toscrap his alien movie his version of thealien universe for you to gain backcontrol of your versionnot only that I did the first one so Idon’t really give a [ __ ] you know I readokay excuse me write in an extendedpodcast interview with IGN whilstpromoting alien covenant Scott wood inreferencing alien fives postponedproduction reveal Blomkamp’s workingtitle of alien awakeningthey want to do a lien was a wakeningyeah I said fine I was gonna be theproducer yeah if I could have I wouldhave except I do question why I haveboth of it yeah seems just like shootingyour big toes yeah yeah it doesn’t makesense but they didn’t go forward with itFox yeah so I kind of just kept out ofitso I mean I’d literally ignited yeahthis thing to bring it off the groundagain because I was lying that in indormant on himself and I had this thingto bring it back up and here we are Iwas obviously being you know encouragingsaying yeah yeah by all meansand Fox saying do you want to produce ityeah of course but it didn’t really Idon’t know what happens yeah didinvolved I think it was a Neil withSigourney because he knew that don’tsomething was to go that’s right yeahshe’s in chappy another film with hisyeah yeah in October 2017 Scott spoke ofhis intention for a sequel to aliencovenant saying I think the evolution ofthe alien himselfis nearly over but what I was trying todo was transcend and move to anotherstory which would be taken over by a isthe world that the AI might create as aleader if he finds himself in a newplanet we have actually quite a biglayout for the next oneas time passed Scott would appearindifferent to the idea that there wasroom for his work and Blomkamp’s tocoexist in the same universea question from spare attorney and hesays and what do you think of theproject that nailed Blanc um started foralien alien number five and with thereturn of Sigourney Weaver Weaver in itwell there was never a script it was anidea which was evolved on I think a tenpage pitch and I was meant to be partthe producer on that and it didn’tevolve Fox decided they didn’t want todo it so that was it so I just I wasalready on to I think I’ve donePrometheus I was already planningcovenant so don’t know that’s nevergonna happen I don’t think so no nowhether or not Scott used leverage tomega power play is unknown but what isnow is that pre-production on alien 5had now all but ceased and Weaver wouldnow fulfill our obligation to film theAvatar sequence and bloom camp would seehis name attached to an upcoming RobocopReturns sequel I think the part ofHick’s is just a beautifully writtenpart of this very coolyou know marine with great heart andstrength and intelligence in NeilBlomkamp’s you see a lot more of themtogether you guys would would like tosee it’ll happen we have to wait tillafter prometheus 2 is made and then weget to start or a lot more challenges inNeil’s sequel but I can’t discuss it itwas really fun to it’s it’s gonna bevery satisfying you know I kind of feltlike we left the character after four itwas all gonna end up on earth and Ididn’t want to end up on earth I justthought so it seems so mundane to mecompared to the beauty of space so youknow I didn’t we kind of just left thewhole story hanging in on and and I’dalways sort of felt a little incompleteto me like and so when Neill Blomkampstarted to talk to me about a sequel tothis moviegosh that would be so great to know thatRipley has has a resting-place kind ofeventually and wouldn’t it be great toto end a series like that not that theother two didn’t happen but that they’resort of parallel you know I love themall but I just thought you know youcan’t the the filmmaker has to beinspired by what he’s inspired by andwhat he grew up with and I think or thetapes out of South Africa so anywaywe’ll see what happensactor Lance Hendrickson was asked if hewas involved to play another incarnationof the Android Bishop and if he knewwhether or not the sequel was stillhappening we don’t know that we don’tknow that that’s happening especiallynot with bloom camera I haven’t heardanything recently I think that thatreally Scott was taking too long to makeup his mind or what to give to pull thetrigger on it so that blue can’t justsaid I’m gonna go make movies man Ican’t wait around forever in December2017 Blomkamp would post more conceptdesigns with the message just goingthrough the volume of art created forthis never to be made early in sequelfrom environments to characters to setdesign we did a lot mostly over 2015this would show the corporation’suniforms and accessories as drawn bycharacter artist Callum Alexander whatwhat would later say my first costumingwork was for Neill Blomkamp’s unmadealien project I think he had seen mywork on alien isolation and wanted totap into the future slash retro stylingin December 2017Blomkamp would share more concept art aGeoffroy Thorens piece featuring alienclimbing up a ventilation shaft as aMarine weights atop and a second one byrenowned concept artist pooled chanduson painting over 3d work by the talentedartistty ribbon Ellingson was of aud forutility dropship the one primarily usedbythe united states colonial Marine Corpsseen stationary in a hangar in April 202011 would release previously unseenconcept designs featuring a sky cranevariant on the dropship ellingson’scredits include design work on AvatarPacific Rim Blomkamp’s Elysium andsequels to Hellboy & Blade and he wouldwork as a conceptual designer inpre-production and were specificallyselected by Blomkamp to be one of ahandful of designers tasked withbringing his vision for the film to lifehe is Ellingson speaking briefly on histime on Blomkamp’s pre-production to thetalking bay 94 star wars podcast Neil’sproject like if there was one more thingI could add to my life that I reallyreally wanted to have happen it wasreally to be connected to the Alienfranchise in a big way I actually wasinvolved with alien 3 and was all set togo to England to work with David Fincheron that and then at the last minutethere was a an issue that arose out ofwith the studio and and and anindustrial light magic doing the factswhich had to do with Fincher being fromMarin County that was in his home turfand I think the studio didn’t want himup there and you know own but that wasthe closest I’d come and then of courseyou know when Neil was developing hisproject I was super enthusiastic aboutit and I actually feel like we workedover the course of a summer maybe threemonths which was a pretty long hauldoing like 10 pictures a lot longer butthose are actually ones that are gonnaget you know they’re going intoproduction but this was all part of apre-production phase and I was extremelydisappointed because not only did I lovewhat lll was trying to do but I thoughtthat our collaboration because we don’tcollaborate before was just it was likewe hit the perfect pitch like I was soproud of the work and yeah and Iactually was doing the same thingthere’s I was actually going like Ican’t believethis is gonna happen yeah I mean I wasjust so what’s the Mars movie he didwith Martian it was so successful yeahand it seemed like now he’s all teeingup science fiction again you know what Ithink that that but I know it was Ithink Neil was very heartbroken aboutyeah I don’t I honestly and you know I’mnot talking about any of its content butthe likelihood of that coming back nowseems very unlikely special effectswizard Alec Gillis from Studio Adi wouldgive an interview saying I said to nailwhy aren’t you doing this all digitallybecause if it’s biomechanical andharder-edgedit lends itself to digital and he said Iwant a real man on set because it forcesyou into a certain way of shooting thatwould be more like what Ridley did inthe first film if it’s all digital Iwon’t have those parameters to workwithin it and it’s gonna end up lookinglike something different and I don’twant that I want it to look like RidleyScott did it that’s how he thinks and Iguarantee you there’s no studioexecutive in the world that would saythat because they don’t see things inthat specific and nuanced kind of wayhere’s Gillis together with DavidWoodruff speaking to alien versusPredator galaxy lamenting the loss ofthe chance to work on alien 5 we we werebrought in for a while to work withNeill Blomkamp on on his alien five-ishstory you know to say any more than it’slike you know had a great idea of Neilhad the right he was in the right placeat the right time with the right peopleand still it did not happen so theprospects of it happening were worse areso remote that there’s no reason Neil isone of our favors and he’s got greatideas I have no doubt that everybodywould have loved his alien 5 but it’sall kind of under wraps until he says soin February 2018 Carlos went a thephenomenal artist and renowned creaturedesigner would temporarily put up imageshe designed during Blankapre-production quente had alreadyproduced volumes of work that had beenused in prometheus and alien covenantand would label his work with thecaption for a project that never gotmadeobviously unsuccessful creatures thatwouldn’t have functioned all that wellwhich makes you wonder what these werefor well all I can say is they were fora version of a storyline that never gotmade so not for covenant or Prometheusbut for something else the artist wouldallude to the fact that work was similarto what he’d done on Jurassic Park forit seemed likely that weyland-yutanihad been experimenting and creating andweaponizing an array of xenomorphhybrids that were being kept in a secureenclosure bomb camp didn’t say a lotabout why his project was over he latertweeted I have moved on what I meant wasthat I wish there was a way for fans tosee some of what we had designed it wasan amazing chance to work in the worldRidley and James Command created andcollaborate with Sigourney but thesubject was one that would arise duringinterviews I basically worked on alienfor about you know I met Sigourney onchappie and I I had a different idea foran alien film that I wanted to make Imean that’s probably my favoritefranchise I suppose I hate the wordfranchise I hate anything thatquantifies things financially but I wasobsessed with alien and aliens and theyprobably made me want to get into filmand and then so I had this idea for astory set set in the world of those twofirst films that was not a continuationof James Cameron’s it was just in theworld of it and it had it had a totallydifferent character that was the leadcharacter because my assumption wasSigourney just would never make anotherone and and then I told her about it onchappie and she was like no no no Iactually would make another one becauseI felt like Ripley’s story didn’t endcorrectly so I was like oh okay nothingthat’s amazing so I went back toVancouver and while I was editing ChafeeI started to think about what I would dowith Sigourney as basically a sequel toto James Cameron’s film and I spentabout a year working out on it with onlySigourney knowing and I hired I hiredonereally awesome concept artist and thenwho basically puts we we put togetheressentially a script and all the artworkand that’s what I went to 20th CenturyFox with and they seemed really into itand then Ridley came alone as a producerand then it just you know unraveled it’svery difficult to speak about on severallevels because it’s it’s like Ridley ityou know Ridley created alien it wassomething that inspired me deeply I gotinto film because of it everything thathappened with my script and with youknow the way the film collapsed it’slike it’s hard to talk about it withoutit seeming like I’m kind of bashing himwhich is like one of my idols to getinto film Joan I mean it so it’s a superstrange psychological place but films godown in Hollywood all the time and it’slike that’s just essentially I thinkwhat happened and it sucks for me and itapartment it’s not that it sucks forSigourney I mean it’s not gonna make anydifference to her but I think that shereally did like the story because itallowed Ripley to it really felt like acool third film in 2019 even more quitestunning art by Farzad Farah Ramyatitledalien 5 design sketches would appear online the art was dated August 2015 withthe artist saying in 2015 studio adiasked me to submit some quick conceptsfor genetically altered aliens for NeillBlomkamp’s alien this one was mutatedwith centipede inspirations but Ithought the interesting part of it wasthe flexible secondary alien mouth andtongue the tongue could move like asnake when you see the imprint upon thealien reading unit b22 batch nine eightnine one five zero six zero along with abarcode and the number thirteenit would heavily imply that the aliensare finally the property and stock ofweyland-yutani the company has seeminglyachieved their goal of takingexperimental control of the species tocreate biomechanical artillery createweapons out of their biology and ensurethat humanity would remain the elitespecies in the universe artist Jeff RoyLorenz was later asked about his timeworkthe visual development of alien 5 sayingI was contacted by Neill Blomkamp in2014 while he was finishing his filmchappie because he wanted to collaboratewith me to illustrate different projectsthe first of which was alien 5 it was atthe beginning only a simple personalproject then Neill obtained the rightsfrom Fox to direct the film alien 5 waspart of the continuity of the secondopus disregarding the following filmsSigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn wereassigned to take over their roles andthe script was set 25 years after alien2 it was very promisinghowever Ridley Scott decided to modifyPrometheus to 4 alien covenant which putalien 5 on standby then Fox was boughtby Disney and to date the alien 5project was aborted it was a veryenriching experience for me to have beenable to participate in these projectsbecause I have never drawn as quickly aswith him his ideas abound at a sustainedpace which has resulted in me producingan average of one concept per day forvery long periods so that I can keep upwith this pace James Cameron’s namewould re-enter into conversation oncethe buyout of Fox by Disney was completeCameron’s enthusiastic response toBlomkamp’s idea had led the director topublicly toy with the idea of working asa producer to bring the project back tolife can you give me or Blomkamp a callabout aliens just I’m working on thatyeah Sigourney Weaver would also acceptthat the project had all but officiallydied but still held out hope that EllenRipley story would get the conclusionshe deserved which Fox wanted to do Heyand then Ridley Scott wanted to make hisprequels first so it was put to one sideand Kim was actually has been veryinterested in producing that showed usactually what happened to Ripley andkind of gave her an ending becauseinstead of complaining or showingbitterness or speaking out against theindustries and justices Neill Blomkampwould instead set up a self-sufficientself-funded movie studio thatsidestepped Hollywood altogetherproducing a wave of high budget highconcept short films that are free toenjoy on out Studios YouTube channel theidea is to turn the best received shortsinto features theoretically reducing theblind risk of the Hollywood process inthe same way his initial features weredeveloped the studio’s debut featureraka featuring Sigourney Weaver in aplot set in a near-future Earth which isattacked by technologically superior andhighly aggressive reptilian aliensBlomkamp’s final word on the topic wouldbe an uploaded image of alien sculpt andamalgamated dynamics Incorporated sayinghow much he enjoyed working on alien 5Alec Gillis of the ad I would say inresponsehappy he’s letting you all see some ofthe design work we did there’s no doubtin my mind you would have loved whatNeel had planned until further word fromthe director or until perhaps the studiosystem and Blomkamp crossed paths onceagain and the project is reignited inone form or another I guess we’ll neverknow -
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