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May 31, 2021 at 8:12 pm #217geektalkKeymaster
Media RAGES Over Joker 2 Annoucement Some Hilariously Predict It Will Flop (It Won’t).
Joker 2 is happening and the media is unhappy about it.
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what do you get i don’t think so whenyou cross i think a mentallyill loner with a society that abandonshim and treats him liketrump the police i’ll tell you whatyou’re going to call the police get whatyou deservegood night and always remember that’sso joker’s directed by todd phillipsstarts walking phoenixi feel like we all know that by now thiswas my number one anticipated movie ofthis entire timedoes it say something about howamericans feel about gun violence i meanis there a statement heresince so many peoplewhat’s going on everyone jeremy herefrom the quartering andthe tears have already begun to fall asjoker 2 has now been officiallyannounced looki don’t think there was any doubt in mymind that joker is going to get a sequeleven though i thinkit’s an excellent self-contained originstory talewhen a movie that costs what joker costswas which was relatively little andmakes abillion dollars um there there’s goingto be a sequeluh no matter what you think like thathollywood is so devoid of ideasum that the idea of making 800 milliondollars plus in profitis going to happen now of course there’salready a bit oftears um flowing but ultimatelywe didn’t do this to you you did this toyoumonths and months and months of endlesscomplainingthat the joker was gonna cause all sortsof bad things to happenusing the joke or two as a cudgel to umdenigrate white men uh he’s saying thejoker wasevil that’s why it made a billiondollarsi don’t think it makes more than 600million without that pressit’s a it’s a great movie i was going tosee it regardless of all the pressbut i think all the press amplified thatit caused people to see itmultiple times it caused people to tellpeople who hadn’t heard of it to gosee it and that’s exactly what happenedwith elita battle angel for exampleyou know we still have a lot of power asconsumers andnow the media is seems salty now arethere people out there thatthink joker two is is unnecessaryyeah i think that there are genuinelypeoplethat feel that way for me i understandthat sentimentbut selfishly i want to see more joaquinphoenix as joker imagine a whole moviein the asylumhow great would that be you could doanother like grittyyou could follow like basically the umit doesn’thave to be like this big budget thingcould just be you know the nextphase of this you know arthur flex lifein the asylum interviewing and andgetting treatment andworking with other you could have othercharacters in the asylum that are alsocrazyum you know you could have it be justyou know uhjoker two in arkham asylum kind of thingand i i think it could be great umyou know yes there are other dc villainsthat could use a lotum could you know could bane get astandalone movie sure i mean there’s alotbut joker joaquin phoenix’s jokeras as as almost as i wouldn’t i can’tsay it’s betterthan um you know it’s not the bestbut it’s it’s it’s dang closelike dark knight jokersyou know that performance was amazingbut so was joaquin phoenix’sum so like i mean it’s 1a 1b for meum but now news of the joker sequel onthe wayhas been but with an underwhelmingreaction from fansthe 2019 psychological thriller starringjoaquin phoenixas the anti-hero won rave reviewsearning its lead an oscar award for bestactortoday may 28th reports have emerged thatthe film’s director todd phillips hasstruck a deal to co-writethe next joker installment despite theoverwhelming praise for the originalnews of the follow-up of the comic bookadaptation has received an underwhelmingresponsewith many people arguing that it’s athousand percentnecessary what wait whatwhat does that mean the kind of gottaundermine responses arguing that it’s athousand percent necessary huhwhy do we need joker too one was fineother than introducing harley quinn orbatman i can’t see what they would doi mean both of those would be prettyawesome umyou know harley quinn’s had so manybites at the appleto be a great character and justcontinually continuously failsi don’t necessarily blame margot roby ijusti don’t know another commented icannot think of a less necessary moviethan joker twosomeone else wrote i don’t know how tofeel about joker was a complete film andon its own i’m still going to see joker2 but it’s a thousand percentnot necessary so the independenthas a typo right up here what really douh we really don’t need joker 2 said athird person the first movie stands verywell on its own it’s a fantasticself-contained storyand adding to it isn’t necessary stillgonna see it thoughnobody wants joker two wrote anotherperson i don’t knoware these people uh who are stillsalty about the first one and are ragingabout a sequelum you know a lot of the pushback onjoker originally wasum it’s fanserviceness umin that it didn’t like pander and itdidn’t it wasn’t like about being wokeit was just being a good movie and itcame at the time when people weredesperate for thatand all the all the king’s shills andall the kingssoy soy men couldn’t stop joker frommaking a billion dollarsso are these people like because yeahright i don’t know how i feel about thisjoker was a complete filmi’m still gonna see it i meani don’t know i cannot think of a lessnecessary movie than joker two i couldthink of about athousand of them how about fast andfurious nineand here the sequel will flop no itwon’t i guarantee you it won’there’s the thing people will stillsee a great movie whether or not i’mhyped about itis irrelevant if the trailer looksawesomeand the movie looks good i’m going tosee it and i’ll go see it in the theateri feel the exact same way you know ithinkyou know i know there’s like all thisstuff about robert pattinson’s batmani was on record originally thinking hewas gonna do an awesome jobthen that trailer came out and thattrailer was awesomeuh and i i think that ifthat batman movie is good it’s gonna bepeople are gonna go out and see it andthe same thing’s gonna be true for ajoker sequelthere’s a million batman movies youcould argue that each new batman movieis not necessarybut ones that are good people will seethe dark knight trilogy batman beginsdark nightboth amazing films huge successesthe conclusion of the trilogy was alittle bitblah for me but it was still really goodthat christopher nolan trilogy wasamazingwe didn’t need a batman trilogy right umyou see again i wonder if these arepeople if you did some digging werethese peoplewhining about the original joker i’d bewilling to bet that they probably wereum here me tweeting we don’t need ajoker 2 movie knowing full welli’ll go see it right exactly 7 000 likesso what do you mean many suggested thata better use of resources would be spenton creating an origin story for othervillains such as scarecrow or mr freezescarecrow would be awesome i i got toadmit he’s one of thebest villains and i’m glad that we gothim in the nolan seriesi would say that a scarecrow movie couldbeawesome and you could do it like a likea horror film even like you could bereally dark with itum mr freeze no mr freeze wouldn’t worki think mr freeze is a fine like comicbook characterbut i don’t want cgi anymore the jokertol showed me that i could have anawesome superhero movie with zero cgi imean i don’t knowwhat uh what else to say i mean it’sexactly what i would wantuh another added we don’t really need ajoke or two movie especially whenthere’s so many other batman villainsthat can hold their ownlike scarecrow clay face killer croc letme let me be honest with youif you’re honestly this is how i knowyou’re not a real dc fanif you’re honestly going to sit thereand say that mrfreeze is on the same level asjoker you’re not telling the truth ifyou thinkclay face is a movie that could be astand-alone superhero movie that wouldmake moneyyou’re insane the same goes for deepfreezeyou’re talking about deep lore batmanvillainsnow you could say the penguin thepenguin or the riddlernow these are ones that would probablydo okay in stand-alone filmswith the same kind of aesthetic andapproach i think would be greatbut deep freeze clay face and killercroc get out of hereum yeah and they’re showing nobody wantsjoker too yeah but they’re using a tweetwith a single likethere’s 7 000 likes on the one of peoplesaying uhthat i’m gonna go see it i think this isdisingenuous i think thatpeople maybe aren’t excited because wedon’t knowwhat it’s gonna be or how it’s gonnalook but we’re gonna go see it if itlooks like a good movie the idea thatit’s going to flop is hilarious insanityand you have likei mean are you crazy 124 people thinkit’s going to flopand then and then afterwards ahead addby flop i mean it’ll be nowhere near aswell received as the firstwell that’s not a flop that movie made abillion dollars it made more movie thanmore money than captain marvel all rightso what are you going to call a moviethat makes 900 million 800 million aflopnice cover i mean i i just i don’tunderstandany of this um hilarity around uharound saying that this movie is notgoing to be good it’s going to be greatit’s going to be great and especially ifit pushes all the right buttonswhat do you think i i me i’m cautiouslyoptimistic but we know nothing about itdo you think that these are actualsequel secretly salty people who areartificially raising up the the mehreport about joker 2 or do you thinkthat there’s genuine appgenuine apathy for the movie i’ll belooking forward to your comments in thecomment section down below and we’lltalk to you again real soon -
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