Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Geek TV Shows › Masters of the Universe › Masters of the Universe: Revelation trailer bait and switch EXPOSED!
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June 12, 2021 at 1:46 pm #248
Keymaster#HeMan #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #MastersOfTheUniverse
Kevin Smith lies caught in 4K! Masters of the Universe: Revelation trailer bait and switch EXPOSED!Kevin Smith’s upcoming Netflix show Masters of the Universe: Revelation has been in the news quite a bit lately, and a new trailer has dropped. However, Kevin Smith appears to be covering something up that the fans have been asking him about for awhile. Did he just get caught in 4K?
our time has comefor 300 years we preparedwe grew strongerwhile you rested in your cradle of powerso yesterday they dropped a trailer formasters of the universerevelation and i gotta say i wasactually really impressed i think thatthis is a prettyhigh quality trailer the animation looksfantastic this isreally good looking animation uh he-manlooks pretty coolvery very different than the she-raseries and i gotta sayhere’s something that i think is prettyfunnyisn’t it funny that he-man is just finenothing needs to change with he-man butif you got shiraand shira is a little bit more femininelookingmaybe she’s showing a little bit of boobwindoweveryone loses their mind but this isthis is finethere’s nothing wrong with thiswhatever the trailer looks goodum i’m pretty kind of i’m pretty pumpedto watch thisactually i think this looks really goodi was very surprisedi was very surprised what didn’tsurprise me thoughwas the salt first trailer for kevinsmith’smasters of the universe reboot fornetflixis as overblown as he-man’s musclesjust as it should be manyou are one pathetic loser quite saltyquite salty in fact i saw fromclownfish’s video people were comparingthis to she-raand she-ra fans were getting saltybecause of the fact that well i meanthe animation difference in qualitybetween this showand she-ra it’s pretty damn obviousshe-ra looks likecal arts tumbler garbagethis is high quality looking stuff nowhe-man was a little bit before my timeso i don’t really know a lot aboutthe lore for he-manbut i’m gonna watch this this this hasme interested i think this looks reallycooland i’m looking forward to seeingwhat it does however this is netflixthoughnetflix is getting pretty woke and ireallyjust don’t see them letting some bigmuscle-bound toxic masculine dudegetting the win and it kind of lookslikeall of those rumors that he’s taking aback seat in his own showso that tila can jump forward and be theherois likely true in fact there’s somestuff that cameout last night where it was revealedthat kevin smith has been lyingabout being a he-man super fanhe got exposed in 4k as theyas they say let me show you what’s goingon hereso listen there’s going to be somespoilers for the show in hereit could actually potentially not bespoilerswe don’t really know right soi guess move forward with the videoat your own caution is what i’ll say soif you don’t want to take the chance onthese spoilers you might want toturn it off here because we are going toshow some toys and a few other thingsso let’s get into it so thecontroversialthing for this show is that tilais going to be the main character andgoing to be stepped upas the main hero and he-man is going tobe pushed aside as a worthless manand she’s going to be the one to restoreand restore eternia and defeat skeletorand become the championwith a show that was all about he-manbefore but now she’s the top dog andat the end the big the big rumoris that she’s gonna be gonna she’s gonnabecome ashe woman or something and get the powersword and become the new person to havethe powerthis is the official plot synopsis forthe show right hereafter a cataclysmic battle betweenhe-man and skeletorskeletor eterna is eternia is fracturedand the guardians of gray’s skull arescatteredand after decades of secrets tore themapartit’s up to tila to reunite the brokenband of heroes and solve the mystery ofthe missingsword of power in a race against time torestore eterniaand prevent the end ofthe universe that sounds prettyinteresting to meyou know we’ll see what happens but thefans of the show are very very upset andi don’t blame thembecause everyone wants to see he-maneveryone wants to see he-man with thepower sword getting the winso it’s kind of insulting that this showis being pushed towards hardcore fansand it kind of looks like it’s gonna bethat you know we got to have the toxicman step aside so that the womancan jump up and become the powerhouse ofthe showwe’ll see what happens uh kevin smithat one point came out and called theyoutubers clownfish tv liarsbecause they have been covering thisshow and shira pretty extensivelyand they were one of the first people tocrack thisand say hey you know this is what thislooks likethis is what it sounds like it’s goingto be andyou know wtf and kevin smith came outand saidi wish people just wouldn’t run withthese kinds of rumors well the problemistoys have come out and confirmed thatheythere might be something to this andthis is where i was talking aboutspoilers for sure right hereuh this is the toy lineyou think but there’s one in here that’svery very interestingthis one this skelly god or whateverhis name is i don’t remember hisofficial namebut if he noticed something he’s gotthis on his chest hereright he-man’s he-man’s logoand he’s got the power sword this isskeletor with he-man’s powersso he-man loses there’s that fight wherehe says bring-ishbring your champion in the trailer andhe-manfights him well he-man’s gonna lose thatbattleand skeletor is gonna get the swordand this is why attorney is fracturedhe-man is missing and tila rises upso she’ll be the one to beat him i guessmaybe with the help of some buddiesyou know where is prince adam and allthis i don’t knowmaybe he’s captured the whole time butthere it is and that kind of confirmswhat a lot of people have been sayingabout this show another big revelationis superfan kevin smithso he said kevin smith said he’s asupermana super fan right he’s been saying itfor a long timeuntil this tweet came out and this isarchive now by the waythis is from january 102013i wasn’t a he-man fan but gallery 1988is running the awesome masters of theuniverse art showand he’s promoting this what do you meanyou weren’t a he-man fan that’s veryvery interestingbecause in interviewswith entertainment weekly he’s describedhimselfas a superman a super fan of the showeverything i’ve worked on in like 27years this is easilyin the top five of my favorite mostsatisfying projectssays smith a he-man superfan whoshow runs revelation and executiveproducerswith mattel television’s frederick’ssoulnowto be fair this is entertainmententertainmentweeklysaying superfan butit would have been him telling themhe’s a super fan for them to have thatand to his creditknow most a lot of people are going tojust believe him on thatbecause he’s he’s built up a lot of nerdcredit over the time andi’m gonna be clear i don’t i don’t havea big problem with kevin smith in factgrowing upi really loved the man’s moviesparticularlyloved dj and silent bob stuff and uhit’s kind of sad to see him becomingsuch a shillyou know what i’m saying like he’sbecome a huge company shillover the past couple of years cryingover every star wars thing andit’s like dude what happened to you manused to be used to be so coolhe is right now like i can’t wait smithsays as he claps by the power ofgrayskull manso uh i don’t know doesis this true does mattel want to replacehe-man you know how the tila gonna jumpupi don’t know now if this show is goodi’ll give it a fair shake when i watchit like i said like i wasn’t reallyattached to him and this is way beforemy time buti do understand that a lot of peoplea lot of people love this property andthat’s this isn’t what they want maybeit’ll be all right butuh the way he’s acted and lied nowand tried to kind of cover up this bsand the way he called out clown fishfirst off i think he ownshe owes clownfish an apologyfor sure for the way he treated themespecially when it kind of looks likethey were rightand uh just knock off the behavior mancrying all the timein line it’s okay if you work on theshow and you’re not a superfan in my opinion like a lot of peoplework on properties and aren’tsuper fans or even particularly fans ofa propertyas long as you you brush up and doresearch andmake sure you know what you’re doingwhen you walk into the job right i thinkthat that will be fineyou didn’t have to to lie and tellpeople you were super fan that justmakes youlook bad in my opinion kevin smith butthis is kind of everything surroundingthis right now it’ll be interesting toseethis comes out i think this summer soi’m gonna watch this i’ll definitelyreview itand we’ll see we’ll see how it is butyou know at the end of these are mythoughtswhat do you guys think i’d like to hearwhat you have to say about thisalso if you would please like subscribeshare the video make sure you’re stillsubscribed hit that notification belland i’ll see you guys on the next onepeacealso if you want to help support thechannel check out my teespring storethere’s a link in the description youcan find some merchandise in there thatyou might want to check outalso take a moment make sure you’restill subscribed to the channelthere’s something going on right now andthey’ve been unsubscribing people sojust take a secondand double check on that and subscribeif you’re new -
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