Geek Hut Forums › Forums › MCU › ETERNALS › Marvel’s Eternals: Critics Hated It. Fans Hate It More – This is Why
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November 14, 2021 at 6:37 pm #361geektalkKeymaster
Marvel’s Eternals: Critics Hated It. Fans Hate It More – This is Why
It’s official, fans, not critics, are calling The Eternals the worst of the MCU after a disappointing opening weekend at the box office.
folks before you even start today’svideo pause it and go over and get yourself aworld-class bullshitters t-shirt we justlaunched we have some awesome designsand we’re going to be adding moremonthly we’re going to treat the storeas a reflection of the channel we have agreat joke on a show we’re going to putit on a shirt we’re also going to makeit very interactive if you buy our beerglass and drink with us you’ll get ashout out it’d be like drinking with usvirtually so folks go over support independententertainment because the real worldentertainment sucks and now it’s timefor the video the following is aworld-class bullshitters exclusiveso the eternals is out and it’s not thesuccess the mcu fans are claiming i’vethoroughly enjoyed covering marvel’sfirst rotten disappointment the eternalsduring the build-up to the film therewas all sorts of talks of first this andon-screen sex scene that and peopledidn’t bite what we have is anotherfirst for marvel a number one film thatis still a disappointment let’s take alook why the eternals is a box officedisappointment for the blockbuster mcudisney and marvel’s epic eternals heldjust short of early domestic box officeprojections this weekend opening atnumber one across north america marketswith 71 million dollars according toestimates from measurement firm comscorethe marvel cinematic universe tentpoleinitially expected to gross 80 milliondollars to 85 million domestically faredbetter overseas collecting 90. bypandemic and non-marvel standardseternals is a box-office successsecuring fourth place among all titlesreleased during the covet 19 crisis butcompared to other marvel entrieslaunched during and before the publichealth emergency the superhero film’sdomestic box office performance islackluster marvel and sony’s venom letthere be carnage still holds thepandemic era opening weekend record at90 million dollars followed by marveldisney’s properties black widow whichlaunched at 80.4 million in july andshang chi which launched at 75.4 inseptember black widow likely lost somebox office revenue because of itssimultaneous streaming launch on disneyplus whereas venom and shang xianeternals all opened exclusively intheaters directed by oscar winner chloezhao eternal centers on a team ofimmortal extraterrestrial beings taskedwith repeatedly saving humanity frommonstrous forces over thousands of yearsstacked up against other mcu moviesdistributed by disney since 2012eternals has only outperformed ant-manwhich opened domestically at 57.2million in 2015. on the other end of themcu box office spectrum the avengersmovies reign supreme the avengers openedat 207.4 million in 2012 infinity warlaunched at 257.7 million in 2018 andend game debuted with a whopping 357million in 2019 multiple factors mighthave contributed to a relativelydisappointing domestic box officeopening for eternals after a longpandemic-induced mcu drought ended ondisney plus with wand division injanuary it’s possible some audiences areexperiencing some marvel fatigueeternals is the sixth mcu installmentpremiering in 2021 following onedivision the falcon in the wintersoldier loki black widow and shang chithrow in sony’s venom let there becarnage and that’s a potentiallyoverwhelming amount of marvel content tocram into a single year with disney plushawkeye and sony’s spider-man no wayhome still to come from a criticalperspective eternal scored a mediocre 48on rotten tomatoes alright it’s gonedown good which is significantly lowerthan shang chi’s 92 percent blackwidow’s 79 percent or even venom’s 59leading up to its release eternals wasmarketed and touted as a different kindof mcu film unlike anything else in thefranchise due to its slightly moreserious tone especially grand scale andcomplex narrative structures yet anotherpossible turn off for die hard marvelfans who prefer standard superhero faremarvel fatigue is the media’s favoritesymptom for years fans have said no tomarvel fatigue most of us said we lovecomic book movies we’re here until themovies start to suckwell i just saw the gianna michaels ofmcu films and i didn’t have a good timethat was a first for me eternal’s opento 71 million dollars but multiple newsoutlets are considering that adisappointment after the initialprojections the projections dropped thesame time the critics scores did i thinka lot of eterno’s disappointment stemsfrom the fact that it was a bad moviethat didn’t get the usual pass fromcritics because of the diversity the l.atimes called the film a disappointmentwhile trying to praise the diversity butas you heard it was still adevastatingly bad review cost is at thecenter of all this concern and what didthe eternals cost marvelon the budget front the eternals cost200 million dollars to make before youadd an advertising cost and it cost alot to advertise unknown superheroeswith a lot of the mcu you have abuilt-in fan base you haven’t heard ofthe avengers well you probably knewcaptain america the incredible hulkcersei what is this game of thronesjon snow is that youit is youoh even with a 71 million dollaropening journalists are convinced thatthe eternals is done weak reviews didn’tmarvel’s latest film butmediocre audience receptions mighteternals prove what box office analystsalready knew marvel diehards don’t careabout reviews but after a weekend ofgood tickets sales but mediocre word ofmouth chloe’s house blockbuster isfacing a rougher road to the box officedomination and profitability that no mcuhas ever faced before eternals which hada reported production budget of 200million dollars before marketing costhas posted the worst score of any mcufilm on cinema score with a bnearly every mcu film has scored atleast an a-minus on cinema score withthe one exception being a b-plus for2011’s thorfor comparison zack snyder’s polarizingdc film batman vs superman dawn ofjustice also received a bthat doesn’t bode too well for theeternals it costs 200 million dollars tomake but that doesn’t includeadvertising the old tried and trueformula was that a film needed to make2.5 times its budget to break evenrecently it seems like three times thebudget is the new metric but we’ll stickto the older one for today eternalsneeds to cross 500 million dollars tobreak even meaning marvel will have madeno money will the eternals keep goingblack widow cost 200 million dollars tomake just like the eternals open to 9million dollars more at 80 milliondollars featured in ayla’s star scarlettjohansson and had a connection to theavengers and it still only made 376million dollars it brought in anadditional 125 million on disney plusbringing its total to 501 milliondollars but based on the 2.5 multiplierrule black widow made a million dollarsin profit that’s awesome for most thingsbut not a marvel film the box officeresults are a new orleans story big andeasy but there’s a bigger indicator thateternals is foobar and the fans have nowturned on iti’m so fascinated by the obsession withthe cinema score that all these articleswant to talk about it’s a weird metricthat these critics would go to when amovie they like isn’t performing wellthey held onto the cinema score sodearly as if it was all that matteredfor those in the back who don’t knowwhat cinemascore is it’s a marketresearch firm based in las vegas itsurveys film audiences to rate theirfilm viewing experiences with lettergrades reports the results and forecastbox office receipts based on the datacinema score describes itself as theindustry leader in measuring movieappeal there are 35 to 45 teams ofcinema score representatives present in25 large cities across north americaeach friday representatives in fiverandomly chosen cities give opening dayaudiences small survey cards the cardsask for age gender a grade for the filma through f whether they would buy thefilm on dvd or blu-ray why they chosethe film or whether or not they felt thefilm lined up with its marketingcinema score receives about 400 cardsper film the company estimates a 65response rate and a 6 margin of error sofans submitted reviews from people whohave no stake in this film succeedingalso opening day meaning the biggestmarvel fans are going to show up onopening day the eternals is the firstmarvel film i didn’t see on opening dayevery other one i could have been givena cinema scorecard now the fans justwant something entertaining but thecinema score is the alarming metric thepeople this movie is for aren’t likingit the eternals is sitting lower thanany other mcu filmlet that sink in just for fun i’m gonnaclose today’s video out with a rankingof every mcu filmbased on their cinema score it’s goingto be interesting it starts with blackpanther and wellyou’ll just have to watch the rest ofthe video to find outit’s not hyperbolic to call the eternalsthe worst of the mcu the fans have votedon it every metric used to sing thefilm’s praise isn’t coming up favorablepeople don’t like the eternals there’sone more big superhero film beingreleased this year and it’s spider-manno way homei’ve liked what i’ve seen but i thinkthe film is in serious danger if itdoesn’t live up to the unattainableexpectations and feature toby maguireand the other guy teaming up with tomholland people are going to be upset butmisinformation and wish fulfillment isgoing to fuel those fires all the wayuntil december but we’ll talk about thatlaterso what do you think about the eternalsdid you brave the weather to go see itit was a fairly normal weekendweather-wise here and uh it was a choreto watch the eternals marvel fatigue isdefinitely a thing for me because it’sbecome a chore to go support these filmsto go out and see them i had a big groupof people in town last night let’s gosee itoh god what a mistake we’ll havean in-depth review here on the channelin the next couple of days but it’sgoing to take some time to wake up fromthe snooze fest that was the eternalslook salma hayek sexy ass couldn’t savethe movie and she looked good in it shetried but she couldn’t do it oh alsothere’s a scene in the movie wherethere’s a selma hayek body double like alike a dummy a rubber dollit is laughably bad i remember there’s ascene where it’s on screen and i juststart chuckling like everyone else isjust quiet the theater’s not jam-packedlike you think we’re all just kind ofexperiencing the film together but icouldn’t stop laughing at the rubberbody used in this movie come on marvelthis is supposed to be a marvel filmwith an oscar-winning director in bigepic sets and wonderful special effectsbut the rubber doll looks like it’ssomething at a sleep away camp or anyother schlocky slasher from the 1980stry harderso folks what do you think about thissituation it’s been a lot of fun talkingabout the eternals and news of the mcu’sdemise keeps popping up every day so forthat and a whole hell of a lot more makesure you subscribe to this channel withyour bell notifications turned on to allthank you to all the new viewers thankyou to all the new subscribers and thankyou to everyone who’s been here sincethe beginning you are the only ones whoknow what i’m about to sayalways be excellent to each other -
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