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June 20, 2021 at 4:08 pm #265geektalkKeymaster
PLEASE stop stealing our books! Marvel Comics threatens comic pros with SHUT DOWN?!
our time has comefor 300 years we preparedwe grew strongerwhile you rested in your cradle of powerlet’s talk about the comic book industryand what’s happened to it now i’ve doneseveral of these videosbecause i really like to point out howfarthe comic book industry has falleni mean you don’t have to look anyfurther than the graphicnovel sales for adult booksand the top 20 all mangathis happened in may it happened inapriland i think it’s a safe bet it willprobably happen in june as wellbut let’s go to a different topic let’stalk about piracyokay comics moviesvideo games manga animeit happens to every form ofentertainmentmanga had a big problem with this andstill does but people still buyit it’s still a very a veryhighly successful medium despite piracyuh there’s enough people buying thebooks that it kind of works out not justthe books they buy the merchandisestuff like that it helps take care ofthingsmerchandise goes a long way from what iunderstandthe whole reason that we got godzillaversus kong great moviecheck it out it’s because the toysfor the godzilla movies sold very wellparticularly forking of all monsters which was a boxoffice flopbut that movie did so the toysdid so good for that movie they decidedto move forward with another one that’swhat i that’s what i’ve been toldtake it with a little bit of a grain ofsalt but i kind of believe it when youconsider three dollar toys that sell for15flew off shelves well we got to keepthat cash cow goingso merchandise goes a long way butpeople there’s still enough peoplebuying these books right herethat the piracy is a non-issueand a lot of those people that pirate doend up buying merchandise it all kind ofworks outfor manga and however doesn’t work outvery wellfor the comic book industry andnow you’ve got creators coming out andbegging people not to pirate themhere’s a comic book writer who blockedme by the wayso sorry i will never be buying any ofyour books againso i said make books people want he says16klikes comic creators deserve to be ableto make aliving and instead we get radioactivetakes like thisif you can’t afford to buy books or goto comixology please ask your library tostock them thank youand he’s responding to a tweet that saysy’all gotta stop shaming people forwatching movies and reading comics onillegal sitesso it’s i’m not here to tothrow any moral stuff on piratingif you had enough people interested inbuying your booksyou wouldn’t need to worry about thetable scrapsso much but the problem is nobody wantsto buythese books and it’s apparently leadingto a big issueuh eric larson has revealed some stuffthat i found very interestingwe’re gonna go over because there’s twotakes here here’s the take on piracyand he has a take on apparently what hehears in the comic book industry ericlarson in case you don’t knowcfo at image comics andused to work still does kind of dothings with marvel once in a while hehad a reallyreally uh good run on spider-man a longtime agobut he’s also saying heystop pirate stop pirating and it’s likewellyou know i don’t think you can reallystopthat so here’s the conversation he’shaving and let’s go over this and we’lltalk abouton the piracy debate there is no debateit’s criminal behaviorpeople are struggling to make a livingand you are taking what they arecreating without giving themcompensation there is no justificationcomic book industry is dead seton telling this woke these woke assstoriesand pushing these politics and theirbooksand it just turns a lot of people offthe only people that you’reattracting with this behavior are peoplethat are goingto pirate it’s the factyou’re telling these people that reallydon’t have much money to buy your booksand they just they’re not going to dothat they’ll read themand they’ll support them uh with likesand stuffbut nine times out of ten they’reprobably telling their friends just togo pirate themi’m sorry it’s just the fact especiallywhen you’re just bringing back kamalakhan for the 30th timeall the sights are celebrating kamalakhan returnsin new miss marvel comic book seriesjust in time for her disneyplus debut well she wouldn’t bereturning if her book had sold well inthe first placeso another reboot for kamala khan thisis like her 50th reboot becausenobody cares about this character andher ugly powersand her ugly costume i said it a milliontimes and i’ll say it againher costume looks like it came from aclearance rack at walmartand her powers suck she makes giganticfistsall the time literally the one powerno woman wants what woman wants gigantichands it’s literally the stupidest powerand i hear when she goes to marvel themcu she’s not going to have this powershe’s going to have some technology thatmakes herthat makes her bigger already making thecharacter betterfor the mcu getting rid of this stupidinhuman origin too that that’s athat’s a smart move sothis was his first tweet and then thisguy comes in and says where do you drawthe line for bloated cross title blatantcash grab storiesthat marvel consistently pulls withtheir main titles though look atx of swords from last year is it fair toexpect a kid who is reading x-men to buy22 extra comics 100 plus over threemonthsthis guy has a fair point here this issomething that marvel does all the timeconstantly tying books together makingit so you can’t just read your oneyou know i like just reading one book idon’t like to read crossover titles somuch anymore because most of the timethey’reespecially when it comes to marvel so ifi’m reading amazing spider-man i’d liketo just be able to read amazingspider-man and not30 other spider-man books well x-menhave decided to pretty much make all oftheir books talk together you reallycan’t readx-men without reading pretty much all ofthe booksit’s expensive and then you take in thefact thatthey’re doing this hellfire gal rightnow ex of swords was the same way butthis is worse because the premises isboringand i’ve made a video making one of thecostumes it’s the hellfire galawhere there’s 12 issues of a dinnerparty how amazingi’m sure that’s really getting the kidsexciting meanwhile my hero academiadominating the charts hereconsistently the first volume is in thetop 20.and uh the latest issue is still onthere oh here’sissue two uh these are all new peoplegetting into theto the manga for the first timeokay so you know our super poweredculture well we’ll just go read that atmy hero academiainstead of reading that marvel who cameup with the idea firstbecause you have 12 issue dinner partieswhichyou have to read you can’t just readx-men and that’s the problemthis is what encourages people to piratebut uh eric larson says there’s nothingabout it which entitles you to own it ifit’s too expensive don’t buy ithow about you make better books thatmake me want to buy itit’s less of a problem of entitlement asit is a problem of a corporateassumption that all consumers are ableto withstand that rate of commentcontent imagine a landlord giving noticethat the next two months you have to paythemseven times as much as usual to keepyour apartment eric larson respondsthese companies are floundering andfailingthe threat from upstairs is that they’llgo toall reprints and stop rep and stopproducing new materialthey are doing everything that they canto stay aliveif you can’t afford it do without nowthis is aninteresting comment here and we’ll comeback to thisof course i do agree with everythingyou’re saying stealing from artistsand creators is wrong in all scenariosit was just a specific instance thatcame to mind when a company’s decisionmade me scratch my head because italmostinherently begets pirating and thisguy’s absolutely 100 rightokay you’re 100 right i’m not condoningor or dismissing pirating i’m not sayingit’s okay i’m not saying it’s not rightdo what you want to i’m not your dad i’mnot telling youwhat to do i will say you knowan industry that runs on cash grabbingcomics and rebootingproperties that never work this kamalkhan bookhas never been a big hit i hear a lot ofrumors that scholasticgoes crazy for her but i’ve never seenevidence for thatnever seen evidence for thati’ve never seen evidence that thegraphic novels selli don’t believe this character is asuccess or hitthey literally just push her because ofidentity politicsthat’s it that’s the only reasonand then you say oh these new companiesare floundering and feel or thesecompanies arefloundering and feeling well nothey’re floundering and feeling theyconstantly push identity i need anypoliticsthey they constantly push you knowwoke i’d ideologies all over the placein all of their books and then you tellme they’re floundering and failingwow what a shocker thatfive dollar books that are full ofidentity politicsare failing but what do these companiesdo what does the comic book industry dothey double down they triple down thequadruple downon all the smoke nonsense and nowthey’re failingand according to eric larson threateningto go to reprintsnow eric larson is a big insight heknows what’s going on in the comic bookindustry sointeresting stuff there but i can’t saythat i would be surprised now i don’tthink comic books are going away anytimesoonbut i think that if the popularity ofcomic book movies were to fall downyeah and i’m gonna ask you don’t reallyneed they have so much backmaterial that they don’t even reallyneed the comics that much anymoreso i don’t know we’ll see interestingstuffyou cannot deny thatyou know people are moving to japanesestories and i don’t blame them they’rebetterthey don’t push any and they’refunyou get you reap what you sow mananyway that’s pretty much it let me knowwhat you guys think about all this inthe comments below also if you wouldplease like subscribe share the videomake sure you’re still subscribedhit that notification bell and i’ll seeyou guys on the next onepeace also if you want to help supportthe channel check out my teespring storethere’s a link in the description youcan find some merchandise in there thatyou might want to check outalso take a moment make sure you’restill subscribed to the channelthere’s something going on right now andthey’ve been unsubscribing people sojust take a secondand double check on that and subscribeif you’re newafter credits comment here i would alsolike to point outeric larson that many comic bookcreators in the west have spent the pastcouple of years telling me thatif you don’t like my politics don’t buymy books or to literallyf off and blocking me and all this stuffi don’t feel too bad for themanyway peace -
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