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May 24, 2021 at 8:04 pm #148
KeymasterKevin Smith Promises That His HE-MAN Cartoon Will Be A Faithful Recreation Of The Original Classic
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hi everyone it’s your boy zach and i sawa fewvery interesting choices of wordsin kevin smith’s uh announcement of somenew art from his uhpower of grayskull cartoon uh but oh i’msorryanimated series before i start 4.99graphic novel this has already been sentto the printersrock and roll ninja graphic novel notdue yetahead of schedule impossible stars ijust talked to the printers it’s thesame printers who have donebasically everything for the last fewyears so we’re going to be doingimpossible stars in nexusat the same time along with a posterthis is a verynice part of the process it’s like ohit’s done it’syou know we’re starting you know sothey’re going prep the thewell the pages for the print files to bepopulated intouh so um it’s gonna be uh nexus is gonnahave the same form factoras a pandemic and then umimpossible stars is gonna be different ithink it will be satin finishwhich is like glossy but not too glossyyou don’t have to like angle the paperand then there’s going to be like a coolspot varnishnever done this before on the cover ofimpossible starsso um i mentioned for years i’m notreally a huge fan ofhe-man at least in uh papillion nebraskait was the dumb kids toy line of choicethey wouldn’t really come up with storylines they would just kind of bash themtogether and then dropone and then say the one that didn’t getdropped one and ifound that not compelling at allyou know with uh star wars withtransformers with gi joeyou would take all your characters yourplaysets your vehicles and you wouldyou know usually you were just rippingoff the latest episodeof the cartoon but you would do your owntake on it i always had snake guys killhimselfbecause of like ptsd because he wouldusually kill the most people and then hewould be very guilty and then he wouldkill himselfso that that was my twist i didn’t copythat from the cartoon because that neveractually happenedso he was announced for this he-mancartoon and peoplerolled their eyes for a couple reasonsnumber one it’s kevin smithwho he’s basically a living meme he justcries for a living he says everything iswonderfuland he used to be that causticirreverent guy and now he’s justcompletecorporate shill he’s also constantlycryingwhich is universally uh detested byeveryone when it’s a manif you’re a man and you’re crying itbetter belike a close family member diedor you are so injured that likeentire bones are sticking out of yourskin like cartoon style like youthere’s very few instances where you getto cryand because you saw luke skywalker onmandalorian nothat doesn’t count oh because you got tosee avengers endgame and it was reallygood no that doesn’t countliterally everything he’s cried for doesnot qualify for crying without being youknowmocked or uh women just being disgustedwithit but that’s his thing he cries foreverything sonobody really expected much and theother thing is thatit’s been a bunch of woke remakes if youyou had that thundercats roarthat got buried um uh boy people reallyreally did not like that don’t take acool adventuretoy franchise and turn it into hipsternonsenseshira was that to a lesser extent she-rai know a lot of people said it wasterrible it was solid it was actuallyit wasn’t she-ra it was lesbianprincesses of poweron autism island butit was solid as a show it wasn’t shirabut it was solid thundercats roar wasjust completeum and nobody expected much andthen we started seeing the art for thishe-man you’re likeoh this is actually looksreally really good it kind of reminds meof what like 15 years ago where theybrought backthundercats and they just did it youknow a very solid adaptation of the oldshowso all of this looks pretty good i’m alittle worried right there but that’sfinebut it’s how he describes it that ifound umactually kind of shocking so uhhe says uh mattel and netflix released10 images and announced the premieredate for the for the attorney and epicwe’ve been concoctingmasters of the universe revelation iguess that’s the official title of itthe series is a two-part story with thefiveepisode part one debuting on july23rd what you see here is imagerycrafted by thefine folks at powerhouse creative inaustin okayi didn’t realize there was like aanimation studio that did like2d adventure stuff in austin umour universe spanning serial takes cuesdirectly from the beloved 80s cartoonso long time fans will be transportedright back to their childhoodsbut even if you’re unfamiliar with themysteries of castle greyskullour cartoon chronicle is invitingengrossing adventure for the wholefamilywhich is something i rarely do withoutan r rating of some sortthis is my favorite part faithfulcontinuationsand recreations of the original classiccharacter designs if you look at itwe’re not suddenly getting black lesbianhe-manit’s a continuation of the originalserieswhich requires everyone to effectivelybe basically the same yeah i can seechanges orco is a littlemore uh aggro than he used to beuh and there are you know some changesfor you knowminor characters but anyone can look athe-man andinstantly realize that that is actuallyhe-man i don’t know this guythis guy i remember one guy was namedtrap jawi just remember that because one of myfriends his mom had a really heavy jawso i always called her trap jawbut um yeah it looks good and i wasactually kind of shocked to see thewords faithful continuations andrecreations he’sreally really emphasizing that this isnot the same we’ve hadover and over again for the last fiveyears whereeveryone’s like okay let’s race swaplet’s gender swap let’s make himeveryone gay let’s make everythingbisexual lightingno it’s he-man so you get i always findit weird when people havehair color that’s lighter than theirskin color but that’sthat’s he-man uh so ifi think they’re tired of failing thisstuff is expensive that’s why thatthundercats remake i think it only gotone or two seasonsit was doing good but they’re like thisis really expensive to do this type ofquality so we need that ratings to be alot higherthis is expensive thundercats roar wasnotshiro was like in the middle when you dothis level of qualityit’s very expensive and requires a verylarge audience so they’re not trying topush awaytens of millions of gen xers who grew upwith this stuffthey don’t want to push away all thepeople who have bought it sincerelyand they don’t want to make it someironic hipster nonsense so you can makefunko pop that can be on some normiesfreaking you know workstationi’m not a he-man fan but i willabsolutely at least give you know thefirst few episodes a try this is agood take and i’m hoping it’s thebeginning of a trend4.99 graphic novel still time to orderit rock and roll ninja graphic novelahead of scheduleand i will have more new comic reviewsup sometimeeventually -
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