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August 11, 2021 at 2:25 pm #290
KeymasterNormally on a Tuesday we’d hit you with a Caravan Of Garbage review like you would not believe. But seeing’s as we’re taking a bit of a break I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to post our The Suicide Squad review. We get into the underperforming box office, comparisens to the 2016 movie, who lives, who dies, the future with the Peacemaker TV series as well as the villains. Spoilers from 22:19 onwards but thanks for the support!
hello everyone this is just a shortintroduction to let you know that thisis our spoiler free then spoiler heavyreview of the suicide squad 2021 fromour podcast weekly planet which we doevery monday normally at this time therewould be a caravan a garbage video butwe are taking a two-week break so that’sthis week and next week so i thought heywhy not put together something minimaleffort minimal visuals this is more of alistening experience for people whomight not have heard it there’s someother suicide squad videos on thischannel that you might be interested inincluding some stuff later in the weekand also our review of the first what ifepisode marvel’s what if is going uptomorrow yeah leave a like if you wantthat’d be great thanks for the supportand i’ll see you in the rest of thisvideo i am also in it with mason two ofus makes for a better conversation ifeel all right mason go on i lovetalking about the suicide squad me toobut there’s a topic i just want to coverjust before okay uh and this is jamesgunn’s response to martin scorsesesaying that comic book movies are crapand everybody who likes them should killthemselvesthis is in an interview with mtv joshhorowitz is that his name hey it’s memtv josh horowitz yeah that’s right welli don’t know what to tell you that’sgreat i love it i just think it seemsawful cynical that he would keep comingout against marvel and then that is theonly thing that would get pressed forhis movie he’s creating his movie in theshadow of marvel films and so he usesthat to get attention for something hewasn’t getting as much attention as hewanted for it he’s one of the greatestfilmmakers ever existed i love hismovies i can watch his movies with noproblem and he said a lot of things likeyou need help i don’t even need somebodythere explaining his movies to me i getiti get it first watch as well i get itthat’s right straight out of the gateyeah that’s right there are a lot ofthings that this one’s about an irishguy yeah i’m pretty confident there area lot of things that are true about whathe said there are a lot of heartlesssoulless spectacle films out there thatdon’t reflect what should be happening ican’t tell you the amount of times i’vetalked to a film director before theywent and made a big movie and said heywe’re in this together let’s dosomething different from these bigmovies let’s make something differentthan every everything that’s come beforeand then i get movies i get them firsttime yeah work with collaborate with mei watch the movie and i go oh my goshbeginning middle end you and i can makea movie that people will get first timeand then see them cater to every studiouh single studio women be grossed outfrankly so two things going on there onethat he says that he’s using marvelfilms to promote his own films and twothat he agrees with some of it andpeople go into movies with the bestintentions and then get broken by thestudio well i think people should onlyreport the first thing that he said areyou going to make it seem like he’sbeing really mean to martin scorsese forno reason let’s edit this bit out andkeep it just for me and yeah yeah niceand my son i’ll play it to him yeahgreat anyone saw box office for thissuicide squad it cost 185 milliondollars there’s a chunk of change theywere hoping he would make 30 million atthe box office this weekend but it lookslike it’s only going to make about25.7 million at this point we don’t knowthe hbo anyways i saw this interestingarticle about um why this movie mightnot be doing so well uh this is by scottmendelsohn on forbes and the headline isbox office suicide squad two gets tombraider trapped with poor twelve pointtwo million dollars right i mean i sawthat headline and i’m like here i’m hereif i were to read it it would explain itto me it’s what you’re saying you knowjames gunn would get it first go that’sall i’m saying but anyway he’s seen alot of movies though yeah as i can tellbut he can tell us that too uh regularreaders can probably tell you much muchabout the tomb raider trap namely when amuch hyped and anticipated flick becomesa huge hit despite being bad to terribleonly for the much superior sequel tosuffer commercially because the audiencedecided once bitten twice shy classicexamples include tomb raider the cradleof life that’s a bad movie though isn’tit it’s inherently quite bad yeahthey’re both bad they’re both bad i made156 million off the back of the 274million of the first adams family valuesuh 48 million off 191 on the firstteenage mutant ninja turtles out of theshadows made 245 million off the 485million of the firstuh first and the angry birds 2 moviewhich made 147 off the 352 million ihave seen angry birds too he said hecki’d argue that uh a big reason why manof steel two turned into batman vsuperman was to avoid the tomb raidertrap so i thought that was reallyinteresting that i look i think it’svery much pandemic related as well andalso i don’t i don’t necessarily thinkit’s just a sequel thing i think it’sprobably yeah it’s a diminishing returnsforprobably like you know i think the dccinematic universe has definitely hadits ups and downsi think you know the overall the thegeneral public’s overall perception ofit is like this could go either way yeahi don’t know if i want to risk this andspend the moneyuh on something that could be average orgood maybe i’ll just wait for it to comeonto tv randomly and i’ll watch it thenexactly i think also with this budgetand you know getting james gunn i theygave him free reign yeah so i thinkregardless of whether this does wellthey’re going to keep him and he’s goingto do other things and i think it willeventually pay off but again we don’tknow the hbo max number so maybe it’smaybe it’s got insane downloads orwhatever it’s hbo max maybe it is butalso like like with black widow thesethings get pirated probably could verywell see a massive drop off it’s also anr rated movie so you can’t have kids goto it or or younger teens which makes abig difference uh what do you think thestory was oh no yeah suicide’s quite abackup baby or other is it the sameuniverse doesn’t matter uh yes i thinkit is i think it’s the same universethere are enough telltale signs and iwatched this movie and i got it firsttime did you yeah i watched it twice andwe’re unfortunate also in melbourne thatwe sawyeah we saw an advanced screening on atuesday and then victoria was lockeddown on the thursday just when it wouldhave when it came out yeah so i iprobably would not have seen it in themorning yeah it’s right so i we wouldhave missed it i think so well the storyis they’re back yeah they’re back uhthey’re gonna do they’re gonna do asuicide squad mission yep look outthey’re gonna go to uh crikey they’vegot to go to like it’s sort of cuba orwhateverand then do itis that a real place i don’t think sobecause then like you’re killing realpeople i don’t i’m guessing sure i don’ti don’t know the specificsthey the eiffel tower in gi joe rise ofcobrasand that movie stands the test of timethat’s right movie makers don’t carewhose toes they step on or whosemonuments they blow up it’s true yeah umso yeah look we’re going to donon-spoilers and spoilers becausethere’s a lot of spoilers that youprobably don’t want to know that happenyou knowthroughout this film it’s not likethere’s one big thing that’s true it’s abunch of things that happen that wecan’t talk about until and to untilspoilers um ithought this was terrific i had a lot offun with this movie yeah um andwe mentioned before like james gunn hasclearly been given free reign yep andyou can tell yeah because it for youknow for people who don’t know peoplepro most people probably know him fromthe first two guardians of the galaxymovies but pride that we know we knowthe true fans we’re the true fans ofjack garner whatever his name isum that he started with tromathe famous like a gory b-movie companyand then he went on after that to do youknow b movie gory b movies of his ownincluding slither and um the man hitspeople with a wrench super wrench hitteryesand i think this movie has a lot incommon with those onesas well because there is like a like adisgusting dirty kind of gross like youknow guts and it’s gorier than you wouldthink i saw a tweet from someone priorto the release of this movie who’s likeoh yeah suicide squad’s coming out it’llbe nice to see something a bit like theboy’s light and i didn’t want to spoilanything but but i wanted to be likeit’s not the boy’s light it’s it’sprobably the boys and a bit more yeahyeah i guess it depends yeah on theepisode of the boys all of whichepisodes i’ve seen and understoodwhat i do you see that episode of theboys where they kill our whale it’sabout that yeah it’s probably aboutthat’s about that yeahwhat i thought was really good aboutthis despite being over two hours ithought it was paced really well like alot of the times when i see movies ifeel like a common complaint is i comeout and i’m like there’s about 15minutes too much on this your commoncomplaint because i’ve seen a lot ofmovies with you yes you come out you’relike i didn’t get this no no iunderstand literally every movie i’veever seen but that’s not what you say isaw donnie darko the director’s cut andi went that makes less sense than theother cut but actually for me it mademore sense whoa that’s what i said tothe poster of donnie darko in my roombut that’s because you saw it and then ihad to draw a diagram of the movie forlike i instantly came out of the movieand i drew a diagram of the movie foryou and then you’re like oh i kind ofget it i remember you showing me thatdiagram but it was just a paper likesmeared in [ __ ] and i just went oh verygood yeah i see what you’ve done herewow yeah so you know well if anybodyunderstandswe’ve got to keep the secrets and thenyou crumble it up and you ate itwhich i think was too farbut it’s okay james because what was onthere was the true explanation of themovie donnie darko director that’s whati said but if it’s what you said thenwhat you did then is you just ate a bigyou just you just ate a piece of paperwith poo on it so what is it james whatis it huhoh this is a verbal chokehold[Laughter]you’ve got to tap out alwayswhat are we talking aboutbut no i think it’s i didn’t feel a lulli’d love to ask him personally what isthe process of editing andand pacing because i feel like that’slike we can never ask him anythingpersonally because we burned our bridgesthat time we didn’t when we got everyoneto masturbate him it was a good sportabout it but i feel like all of thesefilms have this kind of flow and rhythmto them where they just they just don’tdrag is that is that just me no that’sthat you’re right and this is and thereis you know there’s i think one of thethings he does to sort of maintain thatpace and i think we mentioned it earlieris that kind of like that littleoccasional time shift he does yeah whereyou get to sort of uh you get to sort ofan action beatand and then there’s a there’s a there’sa pause and it’s like but what happenedin another location five minutes agolooking out which also like normally idon’t love but i think also because thetime shifts are so minute yes and thecharacters are so engaging when you jumpbackit’s interesting filling in that gapyeah whereas some movies will be likeremember this and i’m like nothey put the bot they planned the bombdid they okay it’s really good i’mtalking about maybe that man from unclemovie where they kept doing that that’strue yeah actuallyhenry solved this earlier on a yachtlike three days yeah henry cavill threwa briefcase into a i don’t know speedingcar i don’t know what happened to that[ __ ] movie yeah but um but speakingof characters yes i’m enjoying them allof a great lineup we had uh of the newof the new team members yeah uh i was abig fan of the new rat catcher who hasuhshe she needs a lot of sleep i like howi can’t get up in the morning i relatedvery totally very heavily i liked howshe was just rat catcher too yeah likethey just were like whatever all thesepeople are just like be great villainsshe’s just rat gacha but i mean that isyou know that’s super common in thecomic book world it’s just likeso many of the so so many characters arejust like yeah we we killed that guybecause we needed an easy death i’venever read a rat catcher 2 comic book idon’t know if she even is alike but the the last time i saw theoriginal rat catcher he was just likebeingblown to pieces by uh by a robot just toraise the stakes of the the this was uhinfinite crisis oh okay yeah and he wasjust being blown up by an omak robotsure just so they’d be like we’reserious about this and then of coursethey just somebody goes i would like tosee rat catcher again so they’re likethere’s another one there’s a secondi saw an interview with james gunn wherehe talked about how likehow he chose the characters and thenlike what he and not only that but likewhat kind of templates he wanted to usethem for so harley quinn is pretty muchlike straight up harley quinn from thetv series and the comics i guess sobloodsport is like someone from the darkdc universe and like polka dot man islike someone from watchmen like a bgrade somebody who like so i justthought that was really interesting so ibasically went through and i’m like iknow i can see that becausethere are all these they’re verydifferent and odd in their own ways andputting them together makes for a fundynamic but the quest shark design wiseis very similar to the harley quinn yesanimated series but his personality isdifferent i think they intentionallythey they didn’t want to he he talkedabout i think on twitter he didn’t wantto make him the hammerhead because it’shard to get to a moat with that becausethe eyes are on opposite sides of hishead there might have been something todo with like people reacting to him onset because steve agee wason set motion capture who’s also in thismovie isjohn economist john economist yeah iwanted to ask you though so one of thebig problems we both had with theprevious movie is that that suicidesquad teamwere put together in case superman wentrogue yes i feel like though this teamcould deal with that well one of themliterally had shot superman and put himin hospital but did you feel theyyeah they have they are more againthey’re not the vast majority of theteam in the original one were justbrawlers who were a good shot orwhatever but at least in this you knowin this team we have polka dot man whohasacid yeah it’s some sort of some sort ofanother dimension or something they’relike acid or lava polka dots orsomething like that you know and eveneven the team that you wouldn’t even theteam that probably you know wouldn’thave worked in the previous movie likein this movie captain boomerang hasthose seems to have some sort of energyboomerang yes so he’s like he’s his techhas been upgraded yeah you know we’vegot mongal what can she do who knows wedon’t we have to see the movie are yougoing to see the movie to find outbut i think yeah they are they are abetter team king shark tough toughestnails like the hulk essentially he’sreally just like the hulk except he eatspeople yeah yeah um i wanted to ask youas well about because you told menewton’s anything about why will smithdidn’t return his deadshot well seethere’s there is one criticism of thismovie that i would have i don’t thinkthis is a spoiler necessarily uh butbloodsport’smotivationis pretty much the same as he has thesame back story he has the samebackstory as dead and there is a littlejoke aboutsome characters beingquite similarthey’re all supposed to be unique but alot of them kind of aren’t but but so asi understand it i i think this was onwikipedia whether it’s still there ornot who’s to say butthe original plan was to get idris elbaas deadshot yeah but then they were likebut what if will smith wants to returnhis deadshot at some point in the futureso we’ll make idris elba a differentcharacter i.e bloodsport yep should wewatch it his backstory be and they justwent let’s keep it mostly the same he’sa daughter and he can shoot really wellyeah yeahbut he’s more interesting i think ithink so yeah and so in the comics hecan he’s got like a pocket dimensionweapons or something yeah he can sort ofsummon he can summon weapons out of yeahout of thin air basically but this thisversion is different whereas the weaponsare on his suit so he’s constantly likechipping away at like different pullingdifferent things he’s got like variouspouches they’re all sort of modular soyou can like pull one element from oneside of his body and then he can attacha different thing and make it a biggergun and then a bigger gun and a biggergun here’s the thing i think that’s agreat idea i think that the the visualeffects on that are not great there’ssome uh iron mannanotech suit kind of clickety clackityguy yeah it never really comes off aslooking real like yeah you know thereare some there are some moments wherehe’s just you know he’s standing andshooting or whatever he’s you knowtaking a weapon off his chest orsomething like that and you don’t reallynotice but there are a couple of likekind of establishing hero shots where hebuilds a big gun yeah and they do notlook good yeah i don’t even think theydon’t look good i thinkthe design-wise they don’t for what theyturn into doesn’t work from what theyoriginally are yeah and you’ve got tokind of have that transition betweenwhich i oh yeah i don’t i meanit is fun though because he’s got ithe’s got like awesome you know guns andpiano wire and flame throwers andcrosstalk yo-yo thing yeah yeah yeah umi i liked that amanda waller in this uhalso returning yesumjust ruthless yes just like awful andruthless and will do anything and sayanything yeah and i i really liked thatthat idea what i liked about thisparticular one of the things i likedabout this movie that i think wasimproved on in from the previous movieis thisthe the task force x admin team likethey exist in this movie yeah and alsothisthis whole system seems more like realit seems more real to me because it’snot as goodlike a lot of them like they seem to besomewhat like they all send people likecareer bureaucrats who was they’re kindof good at stuff yeah but they’re alsolike they’re making mistakes and like atone point watercolor talk there’swatercolors at one point uh withoutwithout giving away so like somethinghappens to one of the characters and andthe the admin team are just like did noone check yeah i thought youi thought this was your responsibilityto make sure that yeah that particularthing but it’s just them just somethingyou know it just got lost in the shuffleyeah and i’m like this feels more like aas opposed to just this anonymous teamof like you know everybody’s got ahologram table and a whatever and uhit’s all a deep state and all this superhigh-tech or whatever give me so alittle bit of incompetence goes a lot ofa long way to make me go this feels reali even like so like they’ve got thepanel that they unlock if they want toblow up anybody’s head it wasn’t an ipadno exactly and it’s like little samsungand it’s like a little type x kind oflike because they’re clearly juststicking the names on like every time itwas way more of a just like uh yeah likeyou open a box and there’s a physicalswitch you know yeah there’s like asafety cover and then switch and then abutton and it’s like yeah that feelsmore like if the more high tech thething is the more likely it’s probablygoing to fail yeah or or go off or youlean on it well that’s exactly it likethe thing about that that you know thisthe samsungs yeah in the in the previousmovies you could justslip yeah it’d be in your pocket andyou’d reach for it and you couldaccidentally activate it and killeverybody on your team but this youactually need yeah it’s like thepresident and theclip codes or whatever what i likedabout this also and this character ithink gets better in every movie she’sin it’s also weird that she’s only donethree it’s harley quinn margot robbie ifeel like she does have her kind of herown movie going on and yeah right she’sseparate for a lot of it and there’salso like there’s a joyuh and a silliness which is then kind ofbalanced by a competence when she wantsto start murdering people when shestarts murdering people and we see thisa bit in birds of preythere’s no jokes and there’s no likeslap stick it’s just it’s just murderyeah and as she’s doing that there’slike there’s one scene that’s in thetrailers where like as she’s cuttingthrough people she’s imagining likeflowers and birds and whatever and i dowonder whether that’s part of herinsanity where like that’s what she seeswhen yeah rightyou know experiencing this but yeah ijust thought that wasjust really interesting um what do youthink of peacemaker though uhor you can talk about harley quinnbecause you know if i talked about ityeah you’d also have an opinion no imean i’ve seen some criticism that’slike harley quinn’s barely in this yeahbut this is an ensemble i don’t know ithink i feel like she’s in it a lotshe’s in plenty yeah and she also does alot you know yeah she’s got like a wholelike not a lot of them have a side plotyeah because they’re together but shehas like a big chunk of the the movieyou know to herself yeah um anywaywell he’s getting he’s getting a seriesi don’t know whether to talk about hisspoilers yeah i think i don’t knowwhether that’s my that wouldn’t be mychoice necessarily i think he worked forthis though i think john cena you knowis fun what i am enjoying a lot isjohn cena is doing the press tour in thepacemaker suit everybody else is in abeautiful dress or a beautiful suit orsomething like that and he’s just gotthe metal thing on his head and he’sdoing that he’s getting a show yeah it’seither a prequel or a sequel we’ll nevertell i’ll never tell you you know whatsomebody i did really like in this wasrick flaggandas a not that i didn’t like him in thelast one but he’s nice and he’s like funand i and i like him and he’s also gotrapport with like some of the teammembers that he’s worked with beforelike him and harley kind of get alongand him and blood sports have workedtogether before and when they see eachother they’re not like oh i can’tbelieve you left me or whatever butthey’re just like hey what’s going onall right we’re gonna do this thing likeeven him and savant are just like heynice to see you yes we’re gonna worktogether like it makes more sense but ifyou’ve got you know if they have achoice between working with you orgetting their heads blown off yeahyou know you you you want them to andyou know for a lot of them it’s likefine blow my head off or i’m in jailforever like youyou’d want to be like i’m kind of onyour side you know yeah i thought it wascool like there’s not a lot that’sdifferent than him and some of thecharacters you know he treats them asequals he’s not worried they’re gonnarun off he like he looks after them andprotects them and as if you’ve seen thetrailers as like they mounted like aharley quinn rescued you know what imean and things like that i just ithought he was great i thought it was uhreally cool where’s june moon thoughshe’s dead oh no yeah or it’s adifferent universe it’s a differentuniversedo you want to save like the major majorvillain for spoilers even though it’s inthe trailers yesgood ensemble i think there’s a bunch ofothers which you knowthere’s like tdk and black guy javelinjavelinweasel um yeah but i guess we cani mean a couple of it’s interesting umjames gonna always nix his umsnakes his brother into some movies he’sgot he’s he’s the motion capture forweasel i think he’s also calendar manyeah calendar man’s in thisvery very flowanyways let’s uh do spoilers okay i’mgonna say best movie ever had a grandold time best movie ever for me i thinkthis might be my favorite dc movie ithink it’s up there with like this andwonder woman and probably shazam firstwonder woman just glad which i think inlike i probablyi think i was too light on one of thetimeline yeah it’s fine but like inhindsightit’s the subsequent movies have beenworse not only that it’s just prettyit’s just pretty good pretty good isn’tit yeah yeah it’s a very and i wondermaybe that’s because it’s it’s so thefirst wonder woman is kind of so umwhat’s the word i think the ending waskind of like yeah for me and maybethat’s why it’s uh so it’s so earnestyeah it’s not like there’s no it’snobody’s quippingi kids have chris pine he’s quick it’slike what do you mean you’ve never seena dick before because you know whateverbecause of me yeah i don’t think there’sthey’re in a fancy restaurant in londonand the maiden day’s like oh sure noneveroh uh let’s talk about star we’re doingspoilers yes um so james gunn apparentlywas terrified of starro as a kid andthat’s why he put him in but i think hedoes a really good job of making himgross and horrible and terrifying yeahwhereas like we’d made a video recentlywhere we’re just like what a dumbcharacter and the only reason he makesthe card as like a popular justiceleague villain is because he was likethe first yeah but i think there’s likeit’s very it’s very upsetting oh verymuch like the squids that come out fromlike under its arm and whatever yeah itcomes out like it like it it’s so it’sit’s the thethe giant staro creature and then it’sgot like a little stars that are likeface size yeah that sort of face hugpeople and they sort of emerge in aspray yeah like out of its glands yeahit’s very unpleasant um and also what’sinteresting is once you get one on youthat’s it you’re dead like at the endwhen they defeat starro we’re in thespoilers yeah they’re all all the peopleare dead yeah like you would like iimagine in like a lot of all probably inthe like in the old justice league thefirst justice league story where theymeet star probably at the end all theflawless uh stark fish creatures comeoff people’s faces and they’re like geethanks superman you saved usthere’s one that they’ve pulled off aguy takes the most of his face yeah yeahbecause the they don’t they don’t it’snot like they attach with a sucker orlike some sort ofmagic gravity effect or whatever they’vegot likelike a tentacles and like sharp beakthings yeah and a suction pipe and it’sjustit’s unpleasant very unpleasant wouldn’twant to get one in your face yeah i meanwe don’t we don’t really know star warsmotivations i guess that the the thingabout like what what’s interesting ithink about thisvillaini don’t think star is necessarily greatcertainly gross and like a thing toshoot at at the end and that’s kind offun but wasn’t a big beam it wasn’t abig beam that’s very true but it’s sortof what is the k what is the monster’smotivation just to take over the town orwhatever i think it’s also like just thetown yeah i guessbut like it was it seemed to be oddbecause it like and then when staro diesit says i was happy being amongst thestars and just looking at it and it’slike why didn’t you just leave i meanmaybe revenge i guess against but whyare you destroying the peopleget into space even i don’t know yeahgreat question i don’t know i mean you’dbe annoyed because the thinker had beentorturing it the entire time speaking ofpeter capaldi has a so the revelation isthat the mission they went on it’s notonly to destroy like the thing which isstyro well it’s not even to destroystory it’s to destroy any any in fromany information and evidence that pointsto the us being involved in the starroexperiments because they are funding theentire thing for their own research itwas american astronauts that brought toearth yeah and then they’re like well wecan’t experiment on in america yeahbecause then we’ll be rumbled so we’lldo it somewhere else and uh and and theyeah because there was a regime changein this country uh we gotta we gottawe’re gonna destroy all the evidencebecause this might come out and afterit’s got out and seemingly all theevidence is destroyed they’re just like[ __ ] let it go like let it tearthrough i thought that was another kindof interesting thing about amanda wallawhere she’s just like this doesn’taffect me or this country directly so idon’t care i mean it would eventuallyyou would say maybe i don’t knowsuperman would just punch it supermancould just fly through that thing yeah idon’t i yeah he wouldn’t too he totallywould even if you’re like superman it’sa friendly he’d be like can’t take thati’m already in the eye yeah i’m alreadyin the eye and now i’m out of the eyeyeah give me a mere moment there is amoment where harley quinn jumps into itwith a javelin and i thought she wasgoing to like stick into it but there’slike a smooth like yeah so smooththrough the eye which i quite liked andjust that like the blood like sloshingaround inside because rat catches likesent all its rats into it i thought thatwas a really likeinteresting visual of it’s justscreaming in this giant eye that’s justlike yeah it’s awful andi saw a maybe a tweet or something maybepart of a review that said somethingalong the lines of the problem with thismovie i see how you feel about this isthat the it didn’t let the bad guys justbe bad guys because they all turned heroto some extent at the end okay yeahthat’s yeah that’s notit’s not inaccurate but i think theykilled most of the ones who i meanthat’s the thing yeah john cena is a badguy well i think well i think my myfeeling would be that the the point ofmost of these characters that they’renot all inherently like they’re not likecackling yeah villains they’re just likea lot of them i’m an assassin oh yeah orlike you know i ifor rat catcher it’s my you know herfather died and then she just went toamerica and sure she robbed a bank butlike you know yes yeah and it’s likeyeah and it’s like maybe bloodsport isan assassin but he’s not he’s notshooting random townsfolk he’s he’s notlike he’s he’s he’s morally compromisedbut he’s not a terrible person i thinkthe idea was that yeah you know but ialso yeah i think like a lot of thesepeople that are in there they’re not inthere they’re in that prisonspecifically to be used for thesepurposes you know if they were reallydangerous and they couldn’t bemanipulated in this way or you know bepersuaded to do a seemingly good thingthey just wouldn’t use them yeah reallythey wouldn’t use the joker for exampleyeah exactly they wouldn’t use the jokerbut like uh so let’s talk about theopening scene which isjust a just a massacre yeah of memberswhich is just from the one thing i guessi haven’t mentioned yet it’s it’s prettyfunny like it’s a really funny film itis funny yeah there’s a like i thinklike a lot of the humor comes from likerick flag as well you know when they gothrough and they kill all those freedomfighters and he’s just like look i’msorry these guys are [ __ ] idiots yeahyou know yeah and i what i enjoyed ithink you know to the downfall of a lotof marvel movies sometimes is thateverybody’s quippy all the time yeah andi enjoyed the fact that not everybodyrick flags like rick flags trying totake this seriously and nobody lets himi think that’s fine and you know and andyou know ratcatcher was kind of you knowshe was there there were humorouselements there were humorous momentswith her but she was like very sincereand very nice there’s a you know shegets a big payoff with the big ratplague at the end and we get her storyabout her drug addict father and allthese kind of things yeah and you know apeacemaker is playing it for the mostpart quite straight down and you knowobviously he’s he in in wrestling termshe turns heels until yeah but he’smostly you know taken seriously butyou’re right that opening sequence is amassacre yeah they throw weasel into thewater and even like before that he’sjust like you know he’s harmless he’snot harmless he’s killed 27 children butyou know he’s he’s doing this he’sagreed to it and it’s like has he evenlikedoes this thing even communicatelike what did you get him to signsomething does he understand what’shappening here i just and then as soonhe’s in the water and he obviously comesback in the postgres but it’s just thatthat level of incompetency of just likenobody looked into this at all yeah yeahbut then it’s and this and the same withum bloodsport has a has a uh rat ratphotographerno nobody check because they why whywould they yeah that’s it but that beachscene so it’s just liketdk what i liked it that’s the thedetachable kid nathan feeling his armscome off and that he sends his arms inbut they only kind of go at the pacethat he could walk yes and because youcan’t like if you hit somebody with anarm it’s connected to your body and youcan put the whole weight behind it butif it’s just a floating arm sure youcan’t get any kind of purchase onanything yeah so it’s kind of acompletely useless power i thought thatwas really interesting but obviously notuseless to amanda waller because she’slike good cannon fodder yeahhe can technically be on the teambecause he’s super powered yeah but uh iwould welcome people’s uhinput on this is he dead or not i assumehe’s dead because we did a video wherewe mentioned that he’s that he’s deadbecause it’s critically injured andnobody would have got him they wouldhave just left him there yeah yeah iguess that’s true yeah but also probablyi think they i think they would havetaken his photo off the um yeah the theself-destruct machine so he probably isdead yeah but um yeahunconfirmed yeah good good good goodsupporting team i think but yeah yeah ithink it was a good mix of like colorfulcharacterswhat i think and i think wemaybe did a video where we kind offigured out who was going to live andwho was like he could kind of tell fromthe scenes in the trailers who was goingto live and who was going to die but ithink it was a good mix of like you knowbrawlers and and people who maybe arealiens or gods or whatever and and etcand who’s gotsuper high tech powers and who doesn’twhat you know you would look at thatlineup and go i have no idea who’s goingto survive through this yeah you wouldlook at mongal and goprobably going to get probably get fifind through this i mean she’s you knowmaybe invincible maybe invincible wedon’t know not at all definitelyshredded and on fire good saying yeahsad to see captain boomerang thoughhe was your number one big fan i kind ofthought like they’re bringing him backjust to kill him yeah i kind of had theinkling but yeah that’s just how manyoriginal cut how many original teammembers uh it’s harley rick flag amandawalla um him yeah might be someone elseyeah so a couple of those have got to goand scottish wood yes that’s right yeahi’m also glad that there wasn’t theydidn’t they weren’t like we need thethe regular army here or the marinesabsolutely the black ops team we don’tneed them that’s the point yeah exactlythat is the point yeah but one thing ithink i would say is they so peacemakeris killed with similarly killed and he’sin the post credits which means he’sgetting his series yes i would prefer arick flag show too ladies dead yeah theykilled himbecause here’s the thing he’s a regularman and he got stabbed through the heartrepeatedly with like a piece of walltyler yeah that is true he’s nevercovered but just the idea of him workingwith like a different super villainevery week orhe does come back well that’s true alsodo we see james gunn doesn’t really dothat though no but other people do yeahwell that is trueand he’s not you know i’m going to getthe dog get the doginwhat are you doing i’ll pad for timeby talking about the venom 2 trailer soin the venom 2 trailer we see carnagefor the first time in live actioncarnage has appeared in multiple comicsand even animatorsi’m talking about the venom two trailerswe’re already talking about venom too ohhe’s herebut umpeacemaker though whatever i’m gonnawatch it yeah but like like i was sayinguh in this worldwe don’t seewe know we see him rick flack die yeahbut we don’t see him incinerated no wedon’t exactly you could you could givehim an artificial heart yep you couldopen a vat in task force x headquartersand there’s another rick flag cloneready yeah you know who knowsthe possibilities are endless and ifpeople are like i’m sad to see him gothatif if enough people tweet about rickflag yeah once the what’s up yeah what’sspoiler wait a couple of weeks so maybethey’ll bring you back there’s a coupleof um standout like performance sceneswhich i’ve got robot yeah which i justwant to make mention of so harleykryptoniteharley mate harley uh ends up marryingthe president of the of the country thatshe’s in or planning to and then he’slike i’m gonna throw all the women andchildren to the monster that we keephere or whatever and so she shoots himand she does this like and it’s thecredit to margo robbie in the writingthis amazing speech aboutlook the you know i had to kill youbecause i’ve been with guys like youbefore what’s going to happen is even ifi wanted to leave you wouldn’t let meand it’s just going to escalate it’sgoing to become more and more and shejust goes through every step of likejustifying this murder and i justthought that was a really interestingscene that speaks to like the backgroundof that character in the comics andanimated show and also like these moviesyes i thought that was just like areally great moment yeah that reallylike spoke to that character which wedefinitely didn’t get in the firstsuicide squad where it was just likeyou know whatall that and her and the joker sittingover a desk like [ __ ] smiling at eachother whatever the [ __ ] yeah but theother thing is i thought peter capaldihas the scene where he reveals what’sgoing on with starro and he was justlike he just [ __ ] crushed it yeahjust like screaming about like what’sgoing on here and how they’re all likenaive about you know what the americangovernment is up to and i just thoughthe was just like just terrific yeah imean he’s barely in it because he getssmushed yeah but uh we should watch somepeter capaldi stuffin the um what’s that that politicalshow that he doesoh um the thick of it yeah and thenthere’s the movie with jamesyeah i mean because i’ve seen likethere’s this video of him on youtubescreaming it’s true yeah good stuffwhat else i got here r.i.p milton hiltonyeah enjoy that game it’s very it’s it’sactuallyit’s indicative it is indicative butit’s but i think it’s it’s actuallyquite interesting in that he is in somany scenes but like he is relegatedenough to the background that you doforget he’s there from second to secondyeah when he is finally killed and manyof the characters go who what what guyi i was like yeah you would forgetbecause he’s just he’s slightly to theside in most scenes he’s like handing abag of like enchiladas to people orwhateverhe’s carrying a bag or carrying a gunyeahmaybe planting explosives or i forgot togive him eddie um i just quickly wantedto mention other peacemakers saying cnnsorry the tv show i thought when hekills rex brick flag yes and when he’sgoing to kill rat catcher you see thereis like regret there yeah and eventhough he’s just like this is just who iam and what i’m going to do i wonder ifhow heavily that’s going to play intothe show where he’s not going to be asblack and white like that will be theevolution of the character because he’skilling people he doesn’t want to todefend a government which has locked himup to just to to hide the fact thatthey’ve been using this horrible monsteryeah yeah you know they’re likepatriotism though yeah he has to be likeokay yeah yeah i thought that was youknow an interesting angle before goingto this movie i would have assumed thatthepeacemaker tv series was going to belike dumb and wacky yeah maybe it stillwill be in some level he’s mentionedit’s more grounded than this like alittle bit more but um again i’d like tosee a like a rolling cast ofjust super villains they can’t kill youknow what i mean good stuffanyways uh we might not get another onei don’t knowdefense yeah this uh hasn’t done superwell or not at this point but yeah i’ddefinitely watch another one yeah and itprobably would have done better outsideof a pandemic or if they didn’t alreadymake a movie called suicide okay but howabout this james okay just anotherbatman movie yeah well you know whatanother one will do the batman and thenwe’ll do it have they got anything inthe works at the moment i just realizedthe flash movie is a batman moviethey’re making a separate batman movieand there’s also a gotham tv showhappening at the moment as well that’shappening and maybe he’s in batgirl atthe moment i don’t or he’s out of townhe’s always out of town he’s often he’sgonna be in titan’s season three thoughi think who’s gonna play him it’s ianglenn but he was in season two oh yeahengland okay there you go good stuff gotsome tweets here from people who havetheir own opinions if you don’t mindlistening oh well greg carter see whatthe riffraff are talking about gregcarter says had a blast with suicidesquad he didn’t say this suicide squad ididn’t say a blast from the past nothat’s true on the edge of my seat thewhole time never knowing what who jamesgunn was going to kill lots of laughslots of feels goona 424 saysuh suicide’s quite better than the firstone uh though half an hour too longworth a free release on hbo uhtechnically it’s not free because you’reactually playing for hbo sevensand james jamesscript john says i read that star of theconqueror sent his cast members usedcondoms in order to get him characterfor his role in the suicide squad that’spretty good i hadn’t heard that but uhthat is very interesting[Music]yeah should we do the next segment ofthe show yes what’s it called thoughit’s called what we’re reading what elseis it called what are we gonna read it’scalled those two things well it’s calledthe one thing it’s the one title isn’tit yeah it is here we go let’s get intoit everybody okay[Music] -
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