Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Comic Books › IDW Comics – Entire INDUSTRY GOES BROKE and ONE COMPANY LOSES IT ALL!
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December 20, 2021 at 3:02 pm #376geektalkKeymaster
so imagine losing everything in lessthan three years because you decide heymy customers they don’t matter that’swhat’s happening right now in the comicbook industry and especially withcompanies like idw that have not onlylost millions over the last few yearsbut are now losing every singlefranchise that kept them afloat i meanthis was a company that just a few yearsago essentially had a license to printmoney and now well what’s a nice way ofsaying you lost more money than yourcompany’s worth yeah the cosmic lotteryit has been very unkind at the end ofthe day we’re talking the loss offranchises like gi joe something they’vehad for years transformers that wellexcuse the imagery they started treatingjust like this gif here and as the roadsign indicates much much more now youand i we are going to talk about thisand much much more today and when i sayloss by the way i am talking about biglosses we are talking about millionsevery quarter fun times huh fun timesindeedah so hey there do all you find folks onthis fine day by the way i hope you aredoing excellently and if you’ve everwondered about the impact of americancomic book professionals going outdenigrating their audience or tellingcustomers after you block tens ofthousands of them at one time that it’sa privilege to interact with you not agod-given right well look no furtherthan the company that we’re going totalk about today the one that is losingabsolutely everything we just found outthat they’re losing gi joe they’relosing transformers and on one idw nowto truly understand the level of trashfire we’re experiencing and rememberthis is all their own making by the waythey did all of this to themselves youhave to realize that idw and theindustry that they represent theamerican comic book industry it actuallyhad success a very high level of successat that and decided hey we’re going tothrow it all away i mean look back to2017here this was a high point for idw theywere trading at over 50 dollars a sharewhen you look at their market summarynow look at them they’re opening at 2and 56 cents a share that’s the worstsince their opening year in 2009 that’snot broke that’s broken and again theydid it all to themselves now one of thefranchises they did this with by the waywhen they’re losing in 2022 it lookslike it’s gi joe they decided that theywould add in politics they decided thatthey wanted pandering instead of profitso they brought in aubry citterson nowwhile representing one of the mostpatriotic brands imaginable this guy henot only treats customers like absolutetrash but he makes fun of 911. i meanthis this caused a firestorm ofcontroversy to when he said hey you knowpeople that are remembering this this isself-centered national tragedyremembrance from people who weren’t evenanywhere near new york city day you knowbecause again that’s going to win overfolks now the guy in charge of idw henot only rewarded this behavior but hedid it publicly in interviews he saidwe’re giving him a new franchise thepeople that are complaining about thisstuff they are absolute track and wellthe fallout from this and many otheritems as well it not only cost him hisjob but it cost the co-founder of thecompany the ceo his job the president ofthe company their jobs as well yeah thisis a company that went from 50 milliondollars in equity and riding at thehighest peak imaginable to barelyholding on with their fingernailsbasically making statements like thisyeah we lost 2.1 million dollars in thelast quarter but hey that’s an increasebecause you know what last year at thesame time we lost 3.4 million dollarsaren’t you proud now part of thathanging on by your proverbialfingernails was maintaining control ofspecific franchises once they figured bythe way hasbro would never ever takeaway from them they didn’t take themaway in 2018 and they haven’t taken themaway despite the damage and despite thedeclines we see yearly but now it lookslike they’re going to lose gi joe and itlooks like they’re going to lose so manyother franchises too now this is oneheck of an impact for idw2 who isalready reeling from other losses seeback in august we found out frombleeding cool that idw they were alreadygoing to be losing the marvel action kidline of titles they needed thosedesperately by the way you think theylook bad right now losing millions uponmillions imagine them without titlesthat actually have name recognition theyalso they lost the star wars all ageslines too and now we’re seeing them loseeven more quote and again this is frombleeding cool over the weekend at sandiego comic comic-con 2021 specialedition there was plenty of talk aboutthe state of the comic book industry asit stands as well as many moves thathave been happening of late and will behappening in the very near future and asbig publishers chose not to attend theshow it meant there there was much lessmanagement of information that flowedone such nugget was that news that idwpublishing based just up the road in sandiego is to not only lose their licenseto produce comic books based on thetransformer franchise from hasbro butalso that they would lose the license togi joe i did not hear anything about mylittle pony but one could speculate andyeah i would speculate there if you’relosing the other hasbro licenses they’reprobably going to go with someonethey’re probably just going to flush youout totally so yeah i mean this this isa big hit and then some now this is adevastating hit for idw by the waybecause they’ve been leaning on hasbrofor a long time as far as gi joe titlesalone are concerned they’ve controlledthe publishing rights to that sinceoctober 2008they had the main line they’ve hadseveral spin-offs as well and this was aviable franchise basically like i saidat the beginning a license to printmoney until around2017 when they forgot who exactly wasbuying those comics who exactly theyowed success to they thought they werethe big dog on campus and well they’relearning that they’re not now to trulydrive home how bad this is going to befor the company i really want you tolook at this here this is fromidwmediaholding.comthis is one of the stock reports fromidw they have to provide this becausethey’re publicly traded and unlike say adisney or a warner since they’re smallercompany you can actually see what’sgoing on with more transparency now whenyou look at net loss income you noticeif it has a bracket around it it’s aloss almost everything that they havequarter to quarter it’s a loss they’relosing a million dollars here they’relosing 4.5 million dollars there andagain we’re talking about in a span ofmonths the only time that they showcaseany type of profit is when theycannibalize their company in fact theydidn’t sell comic books they didn’t selloff any type of movie or a franchisenope they sold off part of their companyto investors even when they took moneyfrom the taxpayer for ppp loans theylost money then i mean that’s how badthings are so this this isn’t going tohurt them this is going to put them inthe ground -
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