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May 7, 2021 at 8:22 pm #93geektalkKeymaster
Say what you will about Brie Larson, but you really have to admire her for being the first woman to be in a movie. That’s really brave.
eeznope mr. plink it gets his furnace fixedsoon we have another 36 weeks of winterleft what it says here they’re thinkingabout holding the 2020 DemocraticNational Convention here in Milwaukeereally yeah it’s between Milwaukee andtwo other citiesuh what are the other cities Houston inMiami but Miami says that Milwaukeeisn’t classy enough what Milwaukee’sclassy is [ __ ] what are they talkingabout yeah Milwaukee is the most barsper capita approximately one bar foreveryone people should everyone couldget so [ __ ] loaded yeah and out ofthe 20 most drunken cities in AmericaWisconsin claims ten of them that’snearly a third Jay we’re talking aboutMilwaukee not Wisconsin which one’s thecity in which one’s the state is itWisconsin Milwaukee no is Milwaukee inMinnesota or Michigan is there aMichigan Wisconsin who cares all peoplereally know is that Chicago is downthere in Iowa right but what says classymore than art and no I’m not talkingabout the Calatrava Art Museum I’mtalking about a statue honoring aMilwaukee legend the bronze funds afictional TV character from 40 years agowe also have a statue of a canceroustumor and no I’m not talking aboutDustin Diamond hey remember when hedrunkenly stabbed a guy in a bar fightthat was me how embarrassing Milwaukeealso boasts the least deadly pedaltavern accidents andsomething to be proud of and don’tforget you every Friday a bunch ofFatso’s all get together in a large roomand eat unlimited amounts of fried fishand french fries it’s called a fish fry[Music]and Mike what says class andsophistication more than calling adrinking fountain a bubblerthat’s right Jay and Milwaukee’s goinggreen too in fact just last year weinstalled our very first solar panelit’s being used to light the open signto the walk her in drag her out pubthat’s a real place we’ve also finallyremoved all the lead and Cryptosporidiumfrom our drinking water thankfully thewater still contains 5.6 percent alcoholand after nine months of a coldmiserable sunless winter Milwaukee sureknows how to party in the summertime wehave some of the best festivals aroundthat’s right Mike Summerfest is theworld’s largest music festival it lastsfor 11 days has 6,000 bands and over 200million people attend in the eveningthough it turns into a literal nightmareworld of drunken riots and if Summerfestisn’t enough drunk people noise andStreet vomiting for you literally everyday there is some kind of [ __ ]festival going on festivals like locuststreet festival Bastille days Festaitaliana mexicana Fiesta Polish festirish fests Brady Street festival andcream puffs and cheese curd fest[Music]like motorcycles while Milwaukee is thehome of harley-davidson and every Augustis the Milwaukee rally were over 600,000motorcycles from all over the countrycome to Milwaukee to ride around andclog traffic and cause horribleaccidents one of the bikers struck asquad car Milwaukee Police say thebikers were driving fast and dangerouslyall across town and Rev all theirengines who doesn’t love the sound ofsix hundred thousand motorcyclesconstantly but Mike let’s talk aboutfood we all know that Milwaukee isfamous for cheese and sausage but wealso have some of the finest chainrestaurants in all the worlds that’sright Jake and let me show you anexample of a plate from the chef decuisine of one of Milwaukee’s finestrestaurants this is pasta rings with redsauce served with meat done three wayssimply exquisite and in terms ofCommerce Milwaukee imports moresweatpants than anyone in the world evenCleveland Milwaukee is proud to keep allthose Indonesian children employedthat’s right Jaybut sadly one statistic I’m not proud ofis that Milwaukee is some of the mostdisgusting and noisiest movie theatersin the whole world well that’sunfortunate I just bought tickets toCaptain Marvel Oh Oh in fact I think itstarts in like 15 minutesOh oh [ __ ] we better go bye [ __ ] youMiami[Music][ __ ] youdespite being the blandest movie everCaptain Marvel is a lot of things to alot of people it’s the movie RottenTomatoes doesn’t want anyone to have anopinion on the movie dumb bearded whiteguys are protesting they’re so scared ofpeople actually calling this movie outfor what it is which is feministpropaganda now I haven’t seen it themovie other dumb bearded white guys arewhite knighting the movie brie Larsondoesn’t want us to see I do not need a40-year old white dude I don’t hatewhite dudes am i saying that I hatewhite dudes no the movie that inspired aton of cheap clickbait articles fromterrible online journalists who have noidea how rotten tomatos works the movieeasily manipulated twitter obsessedweirdos have given a ton of freepublicity to by convincing themselvesthis corporate product is a feministcause the movie that had charity startedfor it in order for underprivilegedlittle girls to be able to see whichbenefits absolutely nobody but Disneybuy these [ __ ] poor kids some foodinstead you [ __ ] it’s Captain Marvelif the movie is a hit it’s becauseSociety has become enlightened enough tocelebrate a female lead action moviefinally if the movie is a flop it’sbecause of toxic online trolls finallyno other explanations exists eat themulti-billion dollar corporate slop andpretend it’s social justice you weirdosthanks for making the world anembarrassing nightmare everyone what didyou think of Captain miscastthat jake has to have been made bysomebody already right it’s too obviousI thought the movie was adequate andthen I watched a clip of brie Larsonspeaking and now I hate the moviethere’s a clip of her it’s like have youever heard of the Wired auto-completeinterviews or they take Google and theytake the celebrity’s name and be like isbrie Larson and then you know it givesyou the autofill options so she did oneof those and she comes across like justthe most dismissive nasty snarky personis that like a personal attack orsomething is brie Larson left-handed whydo you need to know I’m actuallyright-handed kind of ambidextrous and II can’t believe you even have to googlethat duh I mean why and it comes acrossin her performance a little and I don’tknow why like sometimes she’s brattysometimes she’s a Tony Stark kind ofsmart aleck II you know wiseacres itscracking jokes congratulations agentfury you have finally asked a relevantquestion Oh sometimes she’s a confusedalien mm sometimes she’s stoic I meanthey’re they’re I got a lot of theguardians of the galaxy vibenot because of the soundtrack but alittle bit in her character too likewell that’s what they were going foryeahthat’s that’s the weird thing about thismovie it’s all the the usual kind ofMarvel hallmarks are in place but itnever really gets off the ground atleast in my opinion a lot of it becauseof her performance whereas I don’t knowwhat her character is really she can’tremember her pasts but early on the badguystap her brain so we see her pasts sothen we have to spend half the moviewith her trying to remember her past butwe already know so there’s no mystery ortension yeah which is a problem I thinkwe should talk about the elephant in theroom and and that’s like the controversyquote/unquote surrounding this movie andbrie Larson’s comments at some kind ofwomen in film event and she got a bigold case of foot-in-mouth syndromewell her comments essentially were firstthing I saw was a black woman wasinterviewing her and she says howimportant is women in film what does itmean to be a woman in filmit means it’s really hard I rememberreading when when Captain Marvel wasabout to come out or even in productionearly stages of it brie Larson cast asCaptain Marvel right and it was it was afinally moment you know the Marvelfranchise of 37 movies my female leadyeah but she’s white and so there wasthere is that kind of like they deflatedeverybody and there is there is a schoolof thinking within feminism that if youare a white woman you can’t be a truefeminist because you are not doublyoppressed all I know is that she’s whitelady and she and they’re not quite therewell hold you think about that interviewclip is it’s yeah it’s a black womaninterviewing her and then brie Larson’slike it’s hard for women in the industryespecially black women and if you’re awoman of color then it’s really reallyhard like flip that microphone aroundlet the black woman talk about that likeis that a race splaining could we callit that perhaps then so then you havethis like kind of awkward moment youknow where it’s like we didn’t get ahundred percent of what we wanted and Ifeel a little like then brie Larson hadthe spotlight on her therefore shestarts to do a little virtue signalinguh and then she turns on the white guy’sbeat to show that she is down with thestruggle only 2.5 percent of those topcritics were women of color this blondewhite woman from Southern Californiasure and then then it turns into likethis rant about film critics that 67% ofthe top critics reviewing the 100highest-grossing movies in 2017 werewhite males film critics being mostlywhite men right and then there’s there’sshe broke down the statistics right andthen she’s like I don’t care what a 40year old white guy hasto say about right dude white dude hadto make it sound more condescending yesI don’t care what a 40 year old whitedude has to say about a wrinkle in timebecause that movie wasn’t made for him Ido not need a 40 year old white dude totell me what didn’t work for him about awrinkle in time it wasn’t made for him Iwant to know what that film meant towomen of color too biracial women toteen women of color to teensI’m sure there’s lots of white malecritics that have watched movies thatquote weren’t made for them and saidthat there were great films well I thinkthere’s there’s a the kernel of what shewas probably trying to say is a positivething but I think the way she expressedit was like the worst possible way sureI watched the documentary you’recertainly called horde and waar it’sonly streaming on shutter we’re notsponsored by shutter but it’s a horrorstreaming service it’s a documentaryabout the history of african-americanrepresentation in horror kind of framedfrom like naive Living Dead to get outand so it’s all interviewing you knowblack filmmakers black actors andthere’s one part it’s a really gooddocumentary but there’s one part inparticular where they’re talking aboutthe movie Candyman which is one of myfavorite horror movies of the 90s andthey bring up things about Candyman thatI never would have thought of becausethey come from you know a different lifeexperience different backgrounddifferent history I was like that’sgreatlike I just they’ve made me look at thismovie in a way that I wouldn’t haveotherwise some more voices is a goodthing that’s all she had to say but bylike making it this weird condescendingsnarky like I don’t need to listen towhite dude it just comes across sobizarre different movies speak todifferent people of different races agesgenders but she’s she’s making it out atleast from what I saw that there needsto be more diversity in film criticismwhich is such a small like it’s theleast important thing in the whole wideworld you know what I mean and we’resaying that as people that review moviesbut it’s very very true in terms of interms of social justice yes it is theleast important thing film criticismyeah and and that’s the other thing topoint out too is that what we’retalking about movies like a wrinkle intime like I know that was based on abook but it’s like Captain Marvel theStar Wars movies like these are biggeneric entertainment we know we’re nottalking about moonlight like tangerinewhich is a movie from a few years agothat I really loved that was aboutafrican-american trans prostitutes andit’s a fantastic movement and what arewhat are their review scores Jay a movieabout a black transgendered prostitutedoesn’t speak to a 40 year old white manbut I could betchadollars to doughnuts a whole bunch of 40year old white men gave that movie agood review her logic was comparing thedemographics of film critics to thedemographics of the population this is ahuge disconnect from the US populationbreakdown of 30 percent white men 30%white women 20 percent men of color and20 percent women of color final note onthis diversity good white dudes bad wellthat’s that’s the thing is like she didthose comments and it blew up and thenyou have the like like the angryinternet nerds that like have dwelled onit since like I heard those comments Iwas like wow she sounds like a dingbatand then I moved on but then you havethese like there are people that do likeYouTube videos every day complainingabout brie Larson like she’s justanother Hollywood actor so it’s like youknow it’s just like everybody’s justlost their mindit does feel that way yeah becauseyou’re you’re taking a struggle alegitimate struggle in in many arenasand many jobs and professions and you’rekind of like pushing it into other areaswhere well you’re pushing into somethingthat she knows a good review can changeyour life it changed mineand that’s like the she was one of thepeople that was pushing for the the kindof crowd funding to pay forunderprivileged little girls to go seeCaptain Marvel this is the leastimportant movie that’s ever been made inthe history of cinemathis is empowering if you havesuperhuman abilities and can fly intospaceCaptain Marvel only has power becauseshe stood too close to an engine thatexploded in the facenot because of feminism yeah and so it’sit’s essentially a very bad messageother people besides white dudes likeStar Wars and would love the opportunityto do a set visit did you enjoy playingsuch a strong heroic female characterand if so why please welcome Kelly MarieTran also known as Rose chica so I’mdoing the rest of the cost today as welland of course there’s going to be someStar Wars fan boys that know everythingabout these films like one of the mostpleasurable things to sit thereyesterday at Skywalker Ranch and see youcome on screen in your character thankyou so much general Hux what’s hisrelationship going into the last Jediwith kylo Ren is it really hard to kindof like be in this movie and not sayanything I mean you’re walking a reallythin line here first of all congratsyou’re in a Star Wars movie this isinsane stories I can you tell me alittle bit about the movie about yourcharacter in the movie I can tell you alot about my character you say I onlyknow one truth it’s time for the Jedi toend and I’m also saying I don’t hatewhite dudes I’m just saying we need tobe conscious of our bias and do our partto make sure that everyone is in therightthere’s there’s a there’s a very easyway to say more diverse voice when itcomes to criticism film criticism artcriticism is a great thing because thenyou get more perspectives and more pointof view say I just said itunderrepresented people women go out andbecome film critics cuz we need we needthose voices too I’m brie Larson that’smy statement and then she walksbackwards out of the room[Laughter][Music]would you like to know what you reallyareshould we just get into spoilers okspoilers now that we’ve ranted aboutbrie Larson there’s a plot revelationthat is literally right out of space copwhere the evil aliens turn out to begood aliens actually and like that guy Iliked him I like this a little bit morehe’s trying to get back to his familyoh this is kind of sweet no bad guyswitcheroo yeah it was fine yeah I thinkit was kind of a spoiler essentiallybecause the Kree are villains alreadytheir films and guardians of the galaxywe see the I don’t know the actor’s namebut the guy that in the first guardiansof the galaxy note we’ll Ronan’s in ittoo but even before he shows up we seein free Larson’s kind of her teamthere’s the the one guy that was at thevery beginning of guardians of thegalaxy star-lord who legendary outlawwhen star-lords like I’m starting ohyeah that guy’s Batman drew Housemanit’s like oh so these are bad guys theAmistad guy was he now was that I thinkthat was his first room oh well I Ididn’t like her performance cuz I didn’tknow what she was doing I don’t know howmuch of that is her and how much is thedirection cuz that’s the other thingthat kind of fell flat for me like Isaid it had all the typical Marvelhallmarks the occasional like kind oflight-hearted humorous moments and noneof those landed for me at all likeeverything just felt off yeah it’s likelike like autopilot like the movie wasmade on autopilot and no pun intendedyeahin the clouds I mean I know that that’skind of a complaint about a lot of theearlier Marvel movies they’re all justkind of bland but what they usually getright at the very least is that the maincharacter there’s usually like Ant Manlike that is the most forgettable movieever but you know Paul Rudd’s great isthat man he’s better in the later moviesbut still it does a good job ofestablishing that character I mean thebig overall theme of the movie is youknow obviously her breaking free fromher control by Jude Law yeah and andreally unleashing the full potential ofher Captain Marvel powers and she’sbeing used her memory suppressed beingused by the Kree as part of a like elitesquad to take I guess eliminate thescroll yes the Kree and the scroll yeahagain I’m confused I kept mine you saythe crawl which which is confusing bothof those names together but normally Iwould kind of like be okay with anonlinear storytelling method of jumpingaround and oh you got to find ways toget her on the fact that you’re makinganother origin movie exactly and theorigin movie you know goes from A to Byeah and and this one I kind of wouldhave preferred if it started off likeyou know come on Carole you can’t youcan try to the go-carts with the boysCarole you’re just a little girl herfather or you know and then Carroll or Idraw and crashes it I told you not toride the go-carts with the boys and thenher struggles in the Air Force and getto know the character so you care aboutthem yeah yeah yeah all that you knowlike hey she’s in the Air Force they’rein the bar they’re singing karaoke andthen they have they that’s all done inlike yeah the one guy was like he’s likehey lady you can’t fly with the big boysyeah Iceman character and you know it’slike the struggle and then the thestruggle of the harder it is the moresatisfying it is when it pays off onesureyou have a little scene where you knowshe’s flying against Iceman and you knowhe you can’t make Mach 1 you’re just agirl and then she’s flying the plane andhe’s he’s I’m a man you can’t do betterthan me and she cuts him off and the guyhe crashes into a manure truck why notsure Carol did it she bit him in theraces just like she did in the link yeahwe’re gonna do we brought it brought inthe special scientist ladyher name’s Annette Bening and she’sworking on a secret project and sinceyou won that race you tracted theattention of the higher-ups in the airforce and you’re gonna be the firstfemale ever to to fly this top-secrettest mission I want to bring along myfriend black lady come on cuz she’s adamn good pilot too okay bring alongyour friend black lady so that she knowshow to fly the spaceship at the end ofthe film and then you know the accidenthappens and then maybe like while she’sgoing on her adventures with Jude Law weknow she’s doing some bad stuff and shedoesn’t know it I don’t knowand then she’s redeemed at the end yeahbut you can’t you can’t build up amovies worth of characterization in alittle like snippet at the end yeah yeahthat’s what was weird is like there’sthat montage ever standing up and that’sreally all we get tell me about thisdreamanything you know it’s closing you downmakes you going well that’s the otherthing too I was thinking of because itstarts in space and she’s got her spacecrew and they go on missions and stuffand she’s just acting like a modernearth woman you know and like there waslike a disconnect there for me whereit’s like if and then she comes to earthand is like well if you’re gonna be thefish-out-of-water stuff she should bebecause she’s raised by aliens or hermemories been wiped and all she knows isthis alien life ever be different andthen she regains her humanity orsomething you know but I enjoyed iteverything everything all the pieces arethere but everything’s just off youneeded to have that scene yeah where sheacts I’m trying to think of a moviethat’s that’s almost similar to thatwhere a human is is raised completelyoutside of Earth and they come back yeahbut you need that scene where her andher friend come on let’s go let’s goback to that bar and do karaoke and thenthey put on like girls just want to havefun or something Cyndi Lauper and she’sstill acting alien like girl she’s likeyelling into the thing no no no no noand then like maybe like the music kindof like brings her back a little yeahshe gets into it something a thaws herout and to be more human againyes you’re exactly right yeah she’sbasically the same through the holesjust sassy – Jude Law in the beginningand then then they go to earth and notmuch change there no not a lot of carethat’s the most surprising things that’susually even the weaker Marvel moviesthat’s what they usually get right didyou have a rough day agent fury[Music]yeah and it’s also weirdthat this because this takes place inthe 90s and so aside from I guess we cantalk about the 90s references orwhatever but more than that the factthat they’ve now kind of retro activelybecause it Marvel movies have been goingon for over ten years now they’ve retroactually made her like the mostimportant person in the entire MarvelUniverse the Avengers is named after hershe’s technically now the first eventshe’s technically now the first avengerthey got to retitle that are very titledCaptain America movie this is what welearned from the film how the tesseractgot to earth which ties in with thefirst Avengers movie which is importantnot really inside the tesseract is oneof the Infinity stones yes so it’s notimportant it’s a MacGuffinit’s a MacGuffin that fuels the plots ofseveral films right so it’s said howNick Fury realized that space aliens arereal and that we need an avenging teamAvengers how Nick Fury got his eyepatchNick Fury using a piece of scotch tapeto pull a fingerprint off from when theguy his his a badge then using that onthe doorknob the control panel thingyeah was the most clever thing I’ve seenand then Captain Marvel says I just blowthe doors open with my laser hands yeahand she could have done that the wholetime so her not doing that to help himout earlier just kind of makes her lookinconsiderate she also steals amotorcycle early on but but J well theguy was being the guy was being a douchehe was being douchey it was okay so it’sokay to steal his vehicle but thenthey’re hanging out in the bar and sheshoots her laser fists at the jukebox soshe destroys private profits or hisproperty not paying for it yeah I thinkthey’re trying to make it like cute andfunny but it’s just not if it were elseyeah it all falls flat but remember the90s they don’t go too overboard with itearly on there was like there’sblockbuster and then there’s RadioShackand though there’s some songs that waslike oh no I think I may ease up I thinkthe tipping point wasno doubt just a girl that was cringingthat that made my skin crawlyeah I made my eyes roll back in my headI mean in the guardians of the galaxymovies they these all sorts of pop songsbut sort of motivated by something youhave a Peter quill with his you know hiscassette play is yes man he has anemotional connection to those songsbecause they remind him of his mom andhere just no doubt starts playing for noreason I mean I guess you can do thatother movies these pop songs but in inthat instance if it was a action sceneon earth maybe be fine but in thatsituation it just seemed bizarre it wasit was diabetic music it was just it wasa weird choice well it’s just a girl youknow it’s I’m just a girl oh I get ityeah oh I get a message I don’t know ifthere was a message with Nirvanacome-as-you-are maybe that’s how shelearns to be who she really iscome as you are is that like a personalattack or something I actually Iactually like shifted in my seat becauseI could feel Kurt Cobain rolling in hisgrave underneath me Kurt Cobain wasincinerated j-o and his ashes scatteredto the windafter Courtney Loveand doesn’t have a strong femalecharacter just as an empty shell thatcan do anything by the end of the moviemy same problem with Supermanhe’s not interesting because he can doanything and he’s completelyimpenetrable well they they made her Imean she’ll be less interesting in thenext film I guess but they made herpowers sort of subdued a little wellyeah you have to or you don’t have amovie but then at the end she goes fullforce yeah but that was the end so I’mokay with that I really don’t care thatI mean like this was the connectivetissue between Avengers infinity war andavengers endgame like just to tell youwho this super powerful ultra being isthat’s going to come and help theAvengers stop Thanos I guess right yeahI would prefer if the Avengers didn’thave Captain Marvel and they just had todo it themselves their little ragtaggroup of mismatched characters and andthat we spent years developing that’sthe other weird thing like I said theidea that she’s now like the center ofthe entire cinematic universe just byretconning so then the idea that yeahshe’s gonna come into endgame it feelslike that should be kind of a closure tothis kind of chapter of the Marvelmovies all these characters are fencedalong with I think after this likeRobert Downey jr. is out I think CaptainAmerica’s out some have a send-off andthen yeah and then take a break from allthese [ __ ] movies but the idea oflike yeah and now we got a shoehorn inCaptain Marvel I’m not sure if this is aproper comparison but I was thinkingabout you mentioned infinity war wassimilar to Empire Strikes Back okay soin between Empire Strikes Back andReturn the Jedi we have solo a Star Warsstory that’s what this kind of felt likeyeah well yeah it’s not like you’velearned anything super important in thismovie that you need to know for endgamethis is the backstory of the guy who’sgoing to blow up the shield generator onEndor not the best comparison cuz youknow I see what we’re going you see whatI’m going when I do you see what I’mgoing away I thought where it’s likeokay okie and game is the perfect namefor therethe next film and take a break well butthey share all we have spider-man farfrom home coming out I am though that’sgoing to be I assume that’s going to bea pre infinity war storylineI don’t know spider-man turn to dustjust like Kurt Cobain okay got him soyeah it’s got to be pre infinity or it’spost and the entire existence of themovie is a spoiler yes this this takesplace after endgameoh well there’s the beat Thanos andchange historynow spider-man’s in Rome it’ll end withthe other 50% of life in the universedissolving and then everybody’s is deadand then it’s just then we just likewatch like ultra time-lapse of theuniverse like just stars burning outcold death as they call it right justall the lights going out in the universelike and then the screen just goes blacklike the end of lars von trier’smelancholia and then it just stays blackscreen for like an hour and everyone’slike when’s the post-credits scene gonnahappen through this way for thepost-credits scene yeah[Music]I’m not going to fight your warI’m gonna end it well Jay how do we wrapthis up well Mike what would yourecommend Captain Marvel you liked it alittle more than me I guess you seem tobe okay with the actual movie itselflike I said it was okay I had some funmoments and some good set pieces and alittle clunky in the narrative way indeveloping her character which is a bigproblem because it’s the centerpiece ofthe film but it’s certainly the onlything that’s gonna make the movie standout between infinity or an end game yeahI kind of fumbles that in my opinion Ithink like this movie is heavily relianton a crutch because it is a Marvel movieone it’s got that stamp and itsconnective between two big Marvel moviesand it has all the history for a whilelike when these characters were runningaround I kept thinking of that Jupiterascending movie for some reason I thinkit was like the elf ears or the dog noseor something I have more in common witha dog than I have with you you’re thefirst person to think of that movie inthree years I know but it was a lot ofthe you know the spaceships and you knowand I was like okay what if it tookJupiter ascending and then just likethrough Nick Fury in there and atesseract and you know and then thenjust said hey this is not a movie thethis a you know a Channing Tatum withthe dog knows his is a superhero thatyou never heard of – just trust us andthen everyone would be like this wasgreat 89% around tomatoes score you’renot a man I kind of had that feelinglike this if if completely removed fromthe Marvel Universe yeah as a 100%standalone film no other comic-bookmovies were in existence and they saidhere’s our science fiction film about alady who stood too close to an enginethat exploded in her face and and thenturned into a space spaces laser and andthen a cat ate a cube and had tentaclescome out of its mouth[Laughter]what the [ __ ] is this yeah it’s terriblewell that’s why Marvel was smart to easeinto the cosmic stuff they didn’t reallygo full into it and sold guardians ofthe galaxy that had the benefit ofhaving a really great writer behind itthat could flush it out and make itinteresting and and knew how to handlethe humor a little better yes thetongue-in-cheek fish-out-of-water or funof that kind of fun stuff that audiencescan relate to yeah I guess I wouldrecommend Captain Marvel looking at itas a standalone film no but as a pieceof the MCU puzzleyeah it’s watchable I’m just saying whatI think sure that’s what I do I’ll saywhat I think so J direct then CaptainMarvelI’m gonna say no I think it was thefirst Marvel movie I haven’t recommendedit was just it was just a whole lot ofnothing I was kind of bored just becauseyou know I mean it moved it adecent-enough pace but I just wasn’tengaged by anything did you find SamJackson to be more of a protagonist Ithought he was great in the movie Iguess we didn’t mention him but NickFury just sort of pops in and out buthim as like when he first shows up he’sjust like an agent man yeah I’m the veryvery early stages of forming some kindof something and what’s going on andthen by the end of the movie he’schanged man he truly has a character arcyeah more so than the protagonist whenshe learns that all she gotta do is pullthat thing off actually become laserlady I destroy the cosmosI’m laser ladyso yeah I’m sure captain marvel it’sit’s a it’s not a resounding likerecommendation but it’s a yeah yeah wellbecause I’m at least when you watchendgame you’ll know who the [ __ ] isshowing up because that’s what I’mreally looking forward to that finalAvengers movie[Music]well Jay winter is almost over thatmeans it’s time for summer what are yougonna do with those six days[Laughter][Music] -
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