Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Movies General › Ghostbusters › GB Why so many Critics want to see GHOSTBUSTERS AFTERLIFE fail!
November 16, 2021 at 4:57 pm #369geektalkKeymaster
Why so many Critics want to see GHOSTBUSTERS AFTERLIFE fail!
Ghostbusters Afterlife is upon us, and by all indications, it is going to be a crowd pleaser. While audience word of mouth has been stellar, reviews from professional critics have been a bit more mixed, with some seemingly review bombing the movie for dismissing Paul Feig’s 2016 remake, and for catering to the built in fans. It would appear that to some, the Ghostbusters hits a nerve. @AndreEinherjar will begin this editorial by recapping how Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters remake became a cultural touchstone in 2016, and why its failure caused a residual bias against any other Ghostbusters iteration; and finally, what to do about it.
this video is sponsored by skillshareghostbusters afterlife is upon us and byall indications it is going to be acrowd policer both professional viewersand fans who attended the wrightconventions have already seen it and theword of mouth emanating from those earlyscreenings is stellared director jasonreitman an established filmmaker in hisown right who is also the son oforiginal ghostbusters director ivanreitman would appear to have knocked itout of the park but as we shall see thatrubs some professional critics the wrongway while word of mouth from theaudience is stellared reviews fromprofessional critics is a bit more mixedto be clear critic reviews are by andlarge also positive and the reviews thatare positive tend to be overwhelminglypositive at thatwhat is interesting though is thenegative reviewsthe recurring theme in them is that thecomplaints about the movie itself aremostly pedantic the real issue appearsto be that the movie exists in the firstplacebecause these critics would rather havehad a sequel to paul vega’sfemale-centric ghostbusters remakeinsteadas pointed out by that park place it’salmost as if the critics are the onesreview bombing ghostbusters afterlifeover ghostbusters 2016some would argue that critics reviewbombed marvel’s eternals as well butunlike what happened there we won’t seeother critics scrambling to eatthemselves to get back in anyone’s goodgraces this time not over ghostbustersusually fans are the ones accused ofreview bombing why would critics do sucha thing aren’t they supposed to beprofessionalyou serious well for some critics thisis a case where being professional isgoing to be difficult becauseghostbusters hits a nerve we’re about todig into why as i will begin thiseditorial by recapping how paul feig’sghostbusters remake became a culturaltouchstone in 2016and why its failure caused a residualbias against any other ghostbustersiteration and finally what to do aboutitthroughout this video we’ll be comparingthe ghostbusters movies of ivan reitmanpaul feig and jason reitman all of whomare accomplished filmmakers but withwildly different approaches to thematerial that is after all whatcreativity is all about and if thatinspires you to explore your owncreativity then that’s where skillsharecomes into the picture and they have youcoveredskillshare this video sponsor is anonline learning community for creativeswhere you can explore new skills deepenexisting passions and get lost increativity to find your way skillshareoffers classes in topics such as musicphotography film and video productioncreative writing entrepreneurship andfreelancing whether you’re just startingout or you’re already a working creativewanting to up your game skillshare hasclasses to fit your skill level and yourschedule classes are usually under 60minutes and include a combination ofvideo lessons and a class projectenabling you to quickly acquire newskills for instance say you want tobecome a youtuber or you are already ayoutuber trying to grow your channeldespite the algorithm seemingly workingagainst you then the 12 lessons in theclass youtube analytics and seomasterclass ranked number one on youtubewith nadir nadhar najad is for you sinceskillshare sponsors our video wenaturally have a deal for you the first1000 of our viewers to click the link inthe description will get a one monthfree trial of skillshare premiummembership so you can explore yourcreativity so head on over to thedescription and click that link to signup and then we’ll get into why theghostbusters of all things will stir upsuch deeply felt emotionsdoing that however requires establishingsome contextcontrary to popular belief the originalghostbusters is not a comedy that isit’s a comedy too but it is far morethan a mere comedy if that’s all it wasthe movie would have been a merefootnote in history by now not theundisputed classic it has becomeso if not the comedy then what was theoriginal ghostbusterswell for dan aykroyd and harold ramusboth of whom were into the occult it wasa passion project and an earnest diveinto a subject matter they took veryseriously and that came across on screennow i can’t claim any expertise aboutthe topic myself but apparently if youever find yourself in a position whereyou need to obtain information from ademonic entity without being cheated outof your soul in the process then talkingto it the way that venkman did to zul inthis movie is the way to go about italso emphasizing this the movie isfilmed and color graded as a horrormovie not a comedy beyond the occult themovie is also about entrepreneurship asit is about three men who lose theirjobs start their own company and despitered tape getting in the waythey are successful enough that theyeventually can take on more staff andovercome the speed bumps in their wayand then on top of that there were somejokes and funny moments along the waybut those were not what the moviefundamentally was aboutthe sum of all of that though is whatmade the original ghostbusters a classicfor a variety of reasons the sequeldidn’t fire on as many cylinders but thefanbase was there and they wanted morethe 2009 ghostbusters video gamedemonstrated how big the fan base wasand that there was a pent-up and growingdemand for a sequel featuring theoriginal castthe momentum was such that developmentof a third movie actually begun underoriginal director ivan reitman and withthe original cast but as midnight’s edgeexclusively reported at the timedevelopment on the would-be ghostbusters3 ended when then sony pitcher’s headhoncho amy pascal hijacked the projectand wrestled it away from ivan weitzmando check out that vintage video forfurther details link is in thedescription to make a long story shortthough amy pascal did not believe thativan reitman was the right director forghostbusters 3. instead she believedthat paul feig had what it tookactor turns director paul feig was knownfor taking familiar tropes and genresand subverting them by makingfemale-centric parodieslike how spy is a female-centric parodyof tropes associated with james bond andother similar derivatives by moviesthat is fig’s particular schticksubversive parodies that happened tostar women as it turned out paul feigdidn’t know how to make a thirdghostbusters movie featuring theoriginal cast he did however know how toremake the original namely as one of hissubversive female-centric parodiesthat is what he pitched to amy pascaland that is where she should have calledsecurity and had him escorted from thezombie lot which would have saved himthe trouble later on alas she didn’t dothatinstead she loved his pitch and gave himthe green light to proceedthe moment she did that was the momentwhere the titanic struck the proverbialicebergthey might not have noticed right awaybut from that moment the ship sinking orlosing the allegory the movie floppingwas a mathematical certaintywhat amy pascal and the yes mensurrounding her did not understand wasthat the fan demand ignited by the 2009game was very specifically for acontinuation of the originalghostbusters saga fans wanted to see theoriginal cast return to their signatureroles a passing of the baton movie wouldbe fine as long as it continued theoriginal story kobrakai’s style ofcourse kobrakai wasn’t out at the timebut the demand was for a movie thatwould do for the ghostbusters withkobrakai eventually did for the karatekids namely continue the original storywhen amy pascal’s sony instead proceededwith a remake that literally no oneasked for it was instantly rejected andmake no mistake about it the movie wasrejected because it was a remake notbecause there were women in iteven if the remake had an all-male castor if it had been a shot for shot remakelike the psycho remake it would havebeen equally rejected because no onewanted a ghostbusters remakealso had that remake open just one yearearlier that’s all it would have beenanother failed remake franchise doctorwhich would end its days in the dvdclearwind spin right next to otherfailed remake franchise daughterssuch as the karate kid child’s playconan the barbarian robocop the mummythe a-team and many many others and thatwould have been the end of thatthe point i’m making is that if it hadbeen any other year a creative andfinancial failure like paul fixghostbusters would have been but afootnote today but it isn’t is becauseit opened in 2016and in so doing it became embroiled insomething far greater than itselfin 2016 there was an election going onin the us and it turned out to bebetween hillary and the orange man or inhollywood terms it was an electionbetween what they considered good andwhat they considered the ultimate eviland through a series of events andcoincidences covered in detail from ourvideos at the time paul feig’sghostbusters became so associated withhillary clinton that it became symbolicof the election to the point whereseeing the movie became akin to apolitical act almost as important asvoting in the actual election itself yesthis was as stupid then as it is to evensay the words out loud now but that’swhat happenedthe entirety of the entertainment mediacomplex furthered the narrative that ifyou weren’t an enlightened thinker ofhigh models in support of the movie wellthen you must be a toxic man baby andevil trump supporter i think that tobegin with this was just some funclickbait that not even those writing ittook seriously but as it was repeatedover and over by more and more outletswhile the actual election was dividingthe populace many both in the media andinvolved with making the movie must havecome to internalize and believe themessaging of course the problem withchoosing this particular movie as a defacto champion for a political point ofview is that the movie simply wasn’tworthy of the importance placed upon itand it was always going to fail becauseit was the wrong ghostbusters movie andno matter which metric you compare itwith the movie did indeed fail andspectacularly at that for those whobelieve the messaging surrounding themovie will have some very weird ideas onexactly why it failed as late as lastyear paul feig blamed the movie’sfailure on the quote anti-hillarymovement he saw as raging at the timenot everyone agrees with that of coursereluctant producer of the movie danaykroyd seems to think the movie failedbecause of director paul feig himselfbut it just costs too much making iteconomically not feasible to do anotherone so it’s too bad i i you know thedirectorhe spent too much on it and he he hedidn’t shoot scenes we suggested to himseveral scenes that were going to beneeded and he said no we don’t need themand then we tested the movie and theyneeded them and he had to go back andabout 30 to 40 million in reshoots soyeah so uh he will not be back on thesony line anytime soonakroyd’s understanding that the moviefailed because paul feed blew it issignificantly closer to reality thanfeek’s excusenamely that his movie failed becausetrump supporters campaigned against itthat’s an emotional and utterlyirrational responsebut because it is an emotional responseit sticks and that’s the problem facingghostbusters afterlife right nowto many of those who became emotionallyinvested in the messaging surroundingthe 2016 movie its failure at the boxoffice emotionally hurt nearly as muchas how the actual election in the endturned outdonald j trump is now president of theunited statesbecause the entertainment media complexcreated such a tribal emotionalassociation between the movie theelection and its eventual outcome theassociation became permanent it leftsome suffering from a ghostbustersderangement syndrome if you will asthere are those out there who can’t lookat the ghostbusters now not even the newfemale lead team from afterlife withoutseeing the orange man in their place wefirst saw this when ghostbustersafterlife was announcedleslie jones one of the stars of paulfeig’s ghostbusters did not take kindlyto the new movie bypassing her movie thesame way her movie bypassed the originaldescribing it as something trump woulddo because that is the perception thatsome hold ghostbusters fans did not comeout to see the paul feige movietherefore ghostbusters fans are womenhating trump supporters and giving themthe movie they want which ghostbustersafterlife is is something trump would dothis of course is false logic but sadlythere are many who appear to believethat subconsciously if not consciouslyand many of them are part of theentertainment media complexwhich is something we see in how themovie is being i guess review bumped bysome professional criticscase in point in their one star reviewthe guardian wroteconsider the casual cowardice of ascript that uses its own mythology tosubtly erase 2016’s all gals reboot fromthe canon giving the rage choked trollscarpet bombing imdb with zero starratings the vindication they’ve alwayscravedsimilarly in their rotten review vulturewrote the true recipients of thislargesse are the fans who are presumablybeing given what they want after theturmoil surrounding paul feig’sfemale-led ghostbusters in 2016.which for all its weaknesses was ashambling comedy that’s closer in spiritto the original ghostbusters thanafterlife yeah rightwhile afterlife is technicallyfemale-led too it seems unlikely to stirup the same kind of misogynistic wrathin part because it’s less intent onbranding itself this way and in partbecause it’s so outrageouslydifferential to what it believes thefans want as you may have noticed by nowghostbusters afterlife being the moviethat the fans want is something of arecurring complaint in the negativereviewsthere is nothing the regular moviegoercan do about professional criticsdeciding to review bump any given movieoutside of actually reading reviews andsee if the movie is given a bad reviewfor something in or something outside ofthe movie if it is for somethingactually in the movie consider if youagree with the specifics of thecriticism or if the reviewer justtrashed the movie for the high crime ofit being made for you the moviegoerrather than being made for theprofessional criticit would appear critics don’t takekindly to movies made for movie goerswill you let these negative reviewsdeter you or are you looking forward toghostbusters afterlifelet me know your thoughts in thecomments and before you go if you feelinspired remember to click the link inthe description so you too can exploreyour creativity and be among the 1000 toget a one month free trial of premiumskillshare membership -
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