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May 24, 2021 at 7:29 pm #134geektalkKeymaster
Marvel Studios Eternals official teaser trailer! Marvel’s Eternals official teaser trailer breakdown! Our first full look at the Eternals in their full costumes!
And we got an Avengers reference! Marvel Eternals teaser trailer breakdown and easter eggs. Marvels Eternals starring Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kumail Nanjiani, Richard Madden, Kit Harrington and more.
Eternals is Marvel Studios most ambitious MCU phase 4 and Marvel movie yet!
what’s going on everybody it’s warrenwelcome back to the cosmic wonder andthis morning we just gotthe official teaser trailer for theeternals this is a lot more than thesneak peak trailer that we got not toolong ago this is a full teaser trailerit is two minutesand seven seconds long it was amazingvisually this movie is going to beabsolutelyinsane and there is a lot in this teasertrailer to break downso let’s get started but first reminderonly seven days left in my stormbreakergiveaway all you have to do is subscribeto my channeland cosmic culture to enter this firstscene that we open up onis of an ancient village these peoplelook like they might have justinvented the wheel their civilizationisn’t that far along and that kind ofshows when the eternals show up becauseremember the eternals are essentiallyimmortal they’ve been alive forthousands and thousands and thousands ofyearsthe eternals were actually created bythe celestialgods in the marvel comics the celestialsactually experimented on the earlyhumans so the first humans that weremade the celestials took some of themexperimented on them and created theeternals from there on out they taskedthe eternals withguarding and protecting earth and thepeople of earthand this scene is apparently when theeternals first get to earth as we cansee their ship hereand we can see the people absolutelyshocked to see ahuge ship that is invisible come rightin front of them the first eternals thatwe seeon the ship are icarus and cersei icarusis looking at the window kind ofmarveling at earth pun intended andsarsi comes up and saysit’s beautiful isn’t it further implyingthat this probably is the first timethat the eternals are arriving on earthfun fact cersei is played by jimmy chanjimmy chan was alsoin the movie captain marvel she playedthe role ofminn irva marvel thought that she was sogreat that she got the main role ofcersei for theeternals now from here we see a fewother eternals and get a glimpse insidetheir ship we see salma hayek’scharacter ajax walking down the hall andshe is the leader of the eternals itlooks like she walks into a room and inthat room we getour first look at angelina jolie’s thenaand she looks absolutely insanefina is the warrior the fighter of thegroup which is very suiting for angelinajolienow in this room that the eternals arein we can see several different thingswe get a close-up of salma hayek’scharacter and her outfitand behind her it looks like there couldbe some plants in the background perhapsthese plants they actually put on earthto help the humans kind of start growingtrees and vegetationalthough they do kind of look alien-likeso perhaps they could be something fromwherever the celestials created them wethen seetwo new characters brian tyree henry’sfastos and liam mchugh’s spritenow in this scene we see fastos kind ofmanipulating somethingfastos is the eternals is mastertechnologist and although we don’treally know what thisis it probably is some type of a tool ortechnology that he’s using for somethingthat i’m sure we’ll figure out withinthe firsttwo minutes of the movie also sittingbehind him is spritesprite is kind of the playful tricksterof the group and can castillusions and spread is actually anadult but stuckin the body of a child and although themcu doesn’t ever completely just do whatthe comics did we can assume that all ofthe eternals were indeed made at thesame timethen we cut to the marvel studios logoand the first thing that we seeis cersei with the humans on earthfarming she’s helping them and then wehear the voice of salma hayek’s ajaxsayingwe have watched and guided we havehelped them progress and as she saysthis we can actually see one of theeternal’shands create water on the ground fromherevegetation grows so again the eternalswere created toprotect and guide the humans and itlooks like that’s exactly what they’redoing from the very beginning and we cankind of see the humans progressas sama hayek is talking now theeternals basically help the very firstcivilization evolve and we see that theygo from a civilization that is kind ofjust sitting on the rocks pitching tentsto a civilization that has its very owncity with a large wall around it andthis is pretty muchmesopotamia or since they said they’vehelped them accomplish wonders it couldbe one of the wonders of the worldi wouldn’t be surprised if marvel kindof worked that in there it would bepretty cleverand as you can see in this one scene allof the humans seem to bekneeling to them like they’re gods sothere’s going to be a lot of mythologyfrom real life put into this movieand it looks like they’re going to makeit to where some of the old ancientegyptian gods and hieroglyphics thatwe’ve seenare actually the eternals in the mcusince they are the ones that came fromspaceand a huge giant ship and then helpedthem now in one scene we see one eternalhandinga very particular looking knife tosomebody else this is most likely ajacand i don’t think she’s giving the knifeto another person i think she is showinga human the knife i think she’s kind ofshowing themwho they are and i’m sure this knife isgoing to have a pretty significantpurpose and there was a leak that talkedabout there was a tool that ajac hasthat helps her communicate with thecelestials this could be itbut right now we’re not that certain wealso get a scene where athena isseemingly trainingwarriors remember she’s the warrior andthe fighter of the groupnow if you take a look at her spear thatshe is fighting with it looks like it’sactually made out of some type of energyit’s transparent it doesn’t look likeit’s made out of something like solidgold but one of the powers ofthe majority of the eternals is energymanipulation this is much like we sawfastas doing in the very beginning ofthe teaser trailer dina also wears somesort of a crown on her head that has asymbol on it that i’m sure will berevealed to us during the movie and ifyou look at her face she doesn’t seem tobe that happy she actually seems to berather sad or concernedathena is apparently going to have apretty big secretin this movie according to recent rumorsmost likely the fact that she actuallyhasa child in the comics actually twinshowever she gives the children away toan actual human and she keeps them asecret and this could be her big secrethere and this could be what she’s upsetabout she could be pregnant or she couldhavealready given up the kids now as wecontinue on salma hayek’s character saysthroughout the years we have neverinterfered and here we get a few morescenesone is of lauren ridloff’s charactermakari she isreading and she is reading very veryfast because that is one of her specificabilities she is veryvery fast she’d give the flash a run forhis moneyand as you can see she is actually onthe ship this is actually fromthe same scene we got in the verybeginning and it looks like she hascollected just a bunch of stuff fromhumanity over time from differentcivilizations so it kind of looks likeshe’s living on the shipwe have everything from ancient statuesof the egyptian periods tonew lamps that actually have light bulbsin them so this shows you theirimmortality they can live for thousandsand thousands of yearsand it looks like for makari at leasther goal is to learn as much as she caneven though she was a part of it allperhaps she could be searching forsomething and she has to search throughthe history of the people to find outnow as selma hayek says we have neverinterfered we see sarzi walking throughwhat i’m going to call mesopotamia andthen we see her in modern timesliving amongst the people in normalclothes now this is what cersei doesthis is who she is she actually lovespeople she loves humanity and sheprefers to live with the people insteadof the eternalsnow samahayek says we’ve neverinterfered even though they basicallybuilt an established civilization andeverything is pretty much a result ofthem helping but we see humanity startto kind of go at war with each other andthis is where the eternals don’tinterfere it looks like they kind ofstarted them off and then let them go sowe kind of start to see wars herevillages being ramsacked and theeternals basically just sit back andwatchhowever then we hear ajax say untilnow and there are a few very importantscenes that we have to talk about thefirst oneis of gilgamesh and another eternalholding handsnow the eternals holding hands is nicebut that’s not what we’re looking athere we’re actually looking at what ishappeningin the background in the background itlooks like we actually seesome sort of a figure this looks like itcould be a hologram or a projectionof one of the celestials after all we doknow that the eternals do have tocommunicate with the celestialssometimeshowever in another scene in the villagewhere some of the eternals seeminglylivewe can see one of the eternals fightingsomething it looks like it’s some typeof a horse because it has four legs butit looks like it’sdefinitely not anything of earth now itcould bea deviant the deviants are essentiallyrelatives of the eternalswhen the celestials created the eternalsthey also created what is known as thedeviance the eternals are basically aperfected experiment and the deviantsare kind of where it went wrongand in the comics they’re basically atwar with each other from the verybeginningthanos is actually a deviant himselfthanos was bornof two eternal parents however heinherited the deviant gene which is whyhe looks all purple and weirdand who knows perhaps thanos is actuallythe son of theena that would be a prettycool twist for them to throw in thereand perhaps that’s why the eternals arefinally getting involved thanos isthreatening to kill not only half thepeople on earth but half the people inthe universeit could be that or could be otherdeviant threats as well now somethingelse to note about this sceneis that somebody is apparently mindcontrolling some of the villagerswe can see all of them pull guns out atthe same time and we can see all oftheir eyes are glowingso somebody is definitely controllingthem the questionis who it could be one of the eternalswe don’t know all of their powers sincethe mcu will most likely change whattheir powers areor it could be the villain now anotherawesome scenethat we see is with cersei druid andmakarithey are all levitating off of theground and there’s energy going intothemand in between them now what they’remost likely doing hereis forming the uni mind the uni mind iscreated when several eternals cometogether andjoin their will and intelligence theycome together and createone giant being created of light mindand pureenergy this is going to be absolutelycrazy to see on sceneand it looks like they’re probably doingthis right before they have to fight thebig bad villain at the end of the movieand then we get a few scenes of icarusandcersei they definitely have some romancegoing on here looks like they start outas a couple and then theyend up eventually getting married as wecan see here it definitely looks like awedding ceremony and it looks likethey’re together for a pretty long timehowever it does look like we’re going tohave a love triangle here because weknow that cersei is also going to beinvolved with dane whitmanaka the black knight played by kitharrington and we actually do have ascene here with sarziand kit harrington it definitely lookslike more modern time somaybe her and icarus end up breaking upor who knowsthen we get a pretty awesome scene ofcamille nanjiani’s character who isa bollywood star he is living among thehumans and sort of hiding in plain sightand he’s clearly made a pretty good lifefor himself kamel nanjiani actuallytalked about a huge bollywood dancescene that they did and it looks likethey show us some of that in thistrailerand then of course we get the awesomescene on the cliffsidewhere we see all of the eternals fullydressed in their eternalsoutfits from the left to the right wehave camille nanjiani’s character kingolauren ridloff’s character makari madong socks character gilgameshangelina jolie astina richard madden asicarus salma hayek asajak jima chan as cersei leah mchugh asspritebrian tyree henry as fastos and barrykeegan asdruid and those are the eternals now wehave one more scene left thatkind of answers a question to an extentthat a lot of people have been havingwhich is where exactly were the eternalsduringthe events of thanos we have what lookslike most of the eternals sitting downat a table with avery nice spread that looks like it wasprovided by gilgamesh icarus looks up atgilgamesh and says thank you for thisand he says you’re welcome and thensprite poses a question to the eternalsand that question is so now that captainrogers andiron man are both gone who do you thinkis going to lead the avengers so theydefinitely know who the avengers areso it does seem like they weremonitoring everything but why didn’tthey interferewas there some other threat that theyhad to deal with at this point in timewe are definitely going to get theanswer to that in this moviehowever it does look like some of theeternals if not probably most of ittakes place after the snapthe reason being is because in thisscene kingo who was the famous bollywoodstarhas a character with him who is not aneternal we saw this character in theteaser trailer holding a camera so it’seither his cameramanand or assistant this means that thisscene at the end where sprite asks aboutthe avengerstakes place before the eternals are kindof coming back together and reformingtheir group to take on whatever threatis threatening themso their major threat the one that ajaxwas saying we’ve never interfered untilnowis happening after captain america andiron man are gone which means it’shappeningafter the snap and then of course thefinal scene is of icarus sayingi could lead them i could lead theavengers angelina joliekind of rolls her eyes and everybodystarts to laughand that’s the eternals trailer andmarvel is really treating us with theirteaser trailers their teasers are prettylong over two minutesand they packed so much into this teasertrailer it was awesome but let me knowwhat you thought about it in thecomments down below and let me know ifyou have any questions about it as welldon’t forget to subscribe so you canstay up to date on all things related tothe eternals and the mcudon’t forget to hit that like button andfor live updates you can follow me oninstagram and twitteras always thank you all so much forwatching woof -
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