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October 25, 2021 at 7:39 am #302
KeymasterDune | Movie Review
in an era where respectthe lore is considered by some idiots asan alt-right dog whistle it’s rare thatwe get anything that does that even ifthat source material fits some of themessaging of today yes i’m here to talkabout dune and i have to admit it’s abit of a nerd blind spot for me i havetried to read the book multiple times ihave tried to listen to the bookmultiple times i did half watch thetelevision series that came out about 20years ago my ex-wife liked it so that’swhy i have watched it and i did see theentirety of david lynch’s 1984’s dunereally high on drugs and i walked out ofit thinking i saw something spiritualalthough i didn’t remember half of itnow if i haven’t read the books how do iknow it’s respecting the lore well italked to a couple of friends who itrust who have read the books and theysay it does so if it’s good enough forthem it’s good enough for me by the waythis is gonna be spoiler free and a tadbit low tier i know you come to thischannel for high quality videos and theproper pronunciation of names you willget neither here i’ve got some time tokill before i jump on a plane to go totim cast irl now when it comes to denisvelanev and i don’t know if i pronouncedhis name right and i’m just gonna callhim denis from now on i’m not thebiggest fan of the work i have seenincluding blade runner 2049 which was avery pretty dull film with a bunch ofpeople walking very slowly up todoorways or through hallways and toharrison ford who didn’t even bothergetting into a costume i was expectingmuch of the same with this film and iwas pleasantly surprised now there aresome out there who are comparing this tolord of the rings stop right there ithink warner brothers was hoping theywould have their next lord of the ringson their hands and i heard a lot of dunefans saying that i am sorry to say thatis not the case i would say this was amildly good film that had my interest idefinitely want to see it again thepacing was actually pretty good for thisfilm the exposition didn’t feel likeexposition i feel like i knew what wasgoing on but i did see david lynch’sdune and some of that tv series so thathelped i’m not sure how it’s going toplay out to somebody who’s going in coldit does feel like you might need to do alittle homework there is a lot to takein but it doesn’t feel overwhelming itis a beautifully shot film it is abeautifully edited film it is epic inscale and i’m sure a lot of people aregonna say this and i would agree withthem this does need to be seen on animax screen if you are going to see thefilm at all i wouldn’t suggest seeing iton hbo max for the first time maybe foryour second viewing if you even want togo into a second viewing i’m not surehow the normies are going to take tothis and i’m going to use that as a verybroad term because dune has a veryspecific fan base and audience it isnerdum dialed up to 11 or 12. it’s notfor everyone this is very serious filmand it’s a very pretentious film attimes and it’s missing the one thing ilike and this is just my bias fantasy isone of my favorite genres because i doenjoy a lot of world building but itcan’t come at the cost of a goodcharacter and since this is essentiallya very well made prologue it’s hard toget into any character that either isdispatched early on or you don’t seeenough of them now timothy charlemay thevery wafey lead in this film i guess iscast correctly according to my friendspaul maudib is supposed to be a scrawnykid and and he is a scrawny kid the restof the cast is jason momoa playingessentially a good version of jasonmamoa josh brolin playing a very stoicgurney halleck and stellen skarsgard isgreat as baron harkonnen oh and it alsohas zendaya but she doesn’t really comein until the end the cast is rounded outby oscar isaac dave batista javierbardem and polka dot man amongst otherpeople and i thought they all did apretty good job my favorite scenes arewith the harkonnens and i honestlythought there wasn’t enough and thismight be the only time we ever see thembecause here is the biggest problem withthe film again it is just a well-madeprologue some say it only coversone-third of the book some say it’s halfof the book and it feels like it it endsabruptly and proving that warnerbrothers is one of the dumbest companiesin america i mean they own superman theyhave henry cavill wanting to play thecharacter and they refused to make asuperman film and they didn’t have adune sequel in production when they’rerolling out their very expensive filmit’s not looking good i hope i’m wrongbecause i don’t think this is going tohave a high re-watchability rate withthe normies now the story centers arounda scrawny little prince with superpowers paul atreides or maudib whichtranslates into messiah in the freemanlanguage the indigenous people ofarrakis the planet dune it’s a verypolitical story centered around one veryprecious resource spice which helps withinterstellar space travel and somesuperpower this is a well-earnedquestion that will be asked is this filmwoke i’m gonna say no whatever messagingwas in there was already in the sourcematerial including the all-female orderof the benedezurites who are superpowered but they ended up needing a mananyway so i’m not sure how well that’sgonna play with the feminists there’salso the imperial colonists oppressingthe indigenous people and exploitingtheir land that being said that’sexactly what science fiction is for whatif there was a giant universe spanningkingdom with a jealous emperor pittingone house against another for a preciousresource featuring a superhero spacejesus and for the most part it worked itwas a well-made pretty prologue thatgives you a bit of nerd blue balls atthe end but i wouldn’t be surprised or iwouldn’t blame anybody for just beingfed up with political allegory even ifit is based on a book from decades agotiming is everything and if this issomebody’s first time watching this filmafter putting up with hollywood’spolitics over the last few years thatwouldn’t blame you for just wanting todip out as far as the acting goes theonly standout performance for me anywaywas stellan skarsgard as baron harkonnenlike i said before timothy chalamet iscompetent as paul it’s not terrible it’snot standout and that’s what i would sayabout all of the other performances thisis a very well made professionalspectacle that isn’t a ton of fun andyes again it needs to be seen in thetheaters in a time where not a lot ofpeople are going to the theaters andlastly as far as the soundtrack goes ithink it’s pretty good probably not asgood as the david lynch film but ifyou’re a fan of hans zimmer’s frenchhorn farts they are back in a big way abit of good news and a bit of bad newsso we’ll start with the good news dunefans i think you got the faithfuladaptation that you have been lookingfor unfortunately i’m not sure you’regonna get any more because warnerbrothers made a good film but not agreat one if you like what you heardplease like share and subscribe if youdidn’t like what you heard i thank youfor listening this long i will see youin the next video -
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