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November 14, 2021 at 6:33 pm #358geektalkKeymaster
Doctor Who Flux RETCONS Doctor Who to FATAL DEATH.
Doctor Who Flux ruins the ailing scifi show even MORE. There are rumors swirling that the “true” origin of the Doctor and the Weeping Angels is about to be spelled out completely, and it’s going to be even MORE of a kick to the Tardis than The Timeless Children. And time comes from the Planet Time?! What IS this show??
hey guys welcome back to clownfish tvthis is neon i’m not here with geekysparkles but she is coming back latertonight just so you know she’s been outand about for a couple days umi’m going to talk about doctor who againuh doctor who flux and the thethe ridiculous retcons to doctor wholikerussell t davies is going to be handeda massively damaged batteredbruised franchise it’s like lendingsomebody your sweater and it comes backwith a bunch of cigarette burns it’s allstretched out there’s some mustardstains other kinds of stains that showup under black light that’s basicallywhat russell t davies is going to geta used nasty crusty sweater that oncewas doctor whohearing some rumors about the continuedretcon of doctor who that they’reactually going to triple downon this this complete retcon of who loreand i don’t think there’s anything leftto go back toi’m going to be honest like i’m hearingall this and i’m like i don’t even knowif i want towant to take a chance on russell tdavies regardless of you know how much ienjoyed his his take on on doctor whoand and regardless of who they wind upcasting as the doctor i think i’m donei think i’m just out i don’t know idon’t know man uh hearing some rumorsand we’re gonna talk about those hearinguh some other uhplot points of flux and they’rerewriting the definition of time itselfwhat the f fudgei can’t i just can’ti can’t so i won’t so we’ll just laughwe’ll just point and laughbefore i get into it any further pleasesubscribe for more pop culture newsviews and rants guys over 239 000 substhank you for the supportwe do talk about doctor who occasionallywe’ve been talking more about doctor whoflex because it’s really floundering inthe ratingspeople are not coming back and i don’tthink anything that’s going on thisseasonis going to bring people back especiallynot if it ends the way that it’s beingrumored it’s going to end with even moreretcons to the doctor’s originsjust checking some of the stories outhere you know chapter 2 war of thesuntarans apparentlythey rewrite time there’s a planetcalled timea planet called time where time comesfrom is thatright there’s a damn planet called timewhere all the time comes fromaccording to cbr i haven’t watched ityet holy [ __ ] i are you kidding methere’s a temple called time it’s theheart of time itself it’s veryfoundation if that’s the case then itchanges everything the doctor knowsabout time and apparently everythingthat scientists know about time as wellafter all she has no idea there’s aplanet called timelet alone what’s function is as far asshe knew the time lords were masters oftime but no there’s a planet called timewhere all the time comes fromoh my godoh my god okay so there’s that andthere’s talk about uh these power rangerlooking villainsuh uh being a lot more important todoctor whothan than originally led on some peoplethink that this is actually the masterumthis skeletor wannabe geodefreakingfreaking uhday of the dead pimp daddy here uh azerand swarm god okaylet’slet’s let’s talk about some potentialspoilers i i gotta give i got to give ahat tip is it adamuh hopefully that’s your hopefullythat’s your nameapologize if i got that wrongput the tweet out todayuh tagged me into it tag nerd roddick’sinto it apparently coming from null zoneoh my god if these rumors are trueseries 13 is going to go down in historyas the worst series everin all time for doctor who includinguh all a planet time these rumors comefrom null zone who to date has been 95accurate on reports so this iscompletely a rumor guysbut sounds like they’re really gonnaramp up the retconshere we go potential spoilers potentialspoilers again i gotta be honest when uhgarrett nerd roddicksaid that uh nerd rock said thatthey were gonna retcon the doctor’shistory that the doctor was going tooriginally have been a little girl orfemale i i kind of laughed i’m like ohthis is clearlysomebody trollingyoutubers they don’t like because that’sridiculous they would never do thatthey’re they’re not gonna they’re notgoing to negate william hartnell beingthe first doctorand sure as hell they did itthey did it and it sounds like it’sgoing to get worse guysso here we go potential spoilersseries 13 fluxends with the doctor going to ancientgallifrey and teaming up with ruthremember dr ruthyeah not that not the one thatnot the one that talks about sex theother dr ruth the flux is counteractedby regeneration energy which sends theflux into its own universe destroying itin the hell priestepisode 6 cliffhanger is davros in thetardis council room asking the doctor tokill all daleksthree the division is established toensure the secrecy of the timeless childand the relationship with the forbiddenrealmso they imprison the leader using hisown technology then he gets out andbrings the flux to the universe thetimeless child resides inthe weeping angels are from theforbidden realm and they’re allcontrolled by swarmswarmrightswarm is an interdimensional beingwho uses the flux to destroyswarm universes which he uses to harvesttime energy to survive hence his namehis official title is the iconthe doctor is his offspringwhatthis is the doctor’s dad are you effingkidding methe [ __ ] are they doingthe doctor is his offspring but shechose a different path and birthregeneration energyinto our universe instead of swarmenergy fluxgod in the finale swarm comparescreation to a chess boardwhere weeping angels are pawns to gatherenergy and he and his sisterare king and queen and his daughter sonwhatever the doctorwhat the [ __ ] is thiswhat the [ __ ] is this this cannot bewhere they’re going so there there areno stakes in this showwhat the [ __ ] is going on doctor who godwhat a what atrash just trashif russell t davies doesn’t retcon allof this trashout of doctor who there’s not gonna beanything to go back tohe might he might polish the turdbut it’s still a turdfreaking planet time planet timetime comes from the planet timemy dad looks like skeletor if he was apimpthe day of the dead lookinggeode where and what the [ __ ] oh my godoh my godit’s dead guys the show is dead doctorwho is just freaking dead if this istruethis is just another one you just kindof likeyou look at it you’re like yeah it’sit’s gone it’s gone forever there’s nobringing this back you can’t come backdoctor who is done if this is wherethey’re going with it it’s just the showis doneit’s it’s f and done umif this is true and again i i didn’tthink that gary’s rumors were true ithought he was being trolledand it’s it turned out to be true thisis probably true i don’t think anybodycares enough about doctor who to bothermaking [ __ ] up anymore becausethe fan base is dwindlingall right so i’m gonna wrap this upplease subscribe for more pop culturenews views and rants planet time theplanet timetalk to you later -
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