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November 4, 2021 at 7:57 am #329geektalkKeymaster
Doctor Who’s Series 13 opener was a FLOP. Any hopes of a Russell T Davies bump dashed. The ratings in the UK are an all time low for a premiere episode and the U.S. ratings are just as bad. Making matters worse, it wasn’t the worst episode of The Chibnall and First Female Doctor Played by Jodie Whittaker era. Turns out The Halloween Apocalypse couldn’t survive The Timeless Children’s Doctor Who Apocalypse.
don’t be ridiculous franklin i’ve readthe files the doctor is a man i’ve hadan upgradehi shut up just shut up shut up shut upshut it up pop after all the franchises thathave been vandalized deconstructed andcompletely destroyed by theentertainment industry doctor whoremains the worst case the absolute bestor worst example of everything woketurns to [ __ ] or get woke go brokechoose whatever you like so why am ireviewing the premiere of series 13 ordoctor who flux and the first episodewas called the halloween apocalypse wellwe’ve already had the doctor whoapocalypse and this entire season andall of my reviews will be nothing morethan an autopsy yes as i reported hererussell t davies the great showrunnerwho brought doctor who back who createdsome of the best television i’ve everseen is returning and if there wasanything that could excite doctor whofans yours truly included it would bebad wolf and russell t davies comingback unfortunately i think this might betoo late as we did get the ratings forthe first season after this announcementof russell t davies and they were thelowest season premier ratings in thehistory of new who and the news doesn’tget any better because we did get theratings in for america a country that’scounted in the past but it’s much moreimportant now considering that the bbchas lost control of the show and reliesmore on the international licensing butlet’s go ahead and hear the spin fromthe bbc explaining the figures forflux’s first episode the bbc’s lyzocannot pronounce your last name confirmthat although the 4.43 million figure isdown on the 4.88 million figure whotuned in to spyfall or more importantlythe people who didn’t tune in this byfall it marks an uptick compared to mostof end quotes season 12’s remainingepisodes wow they are reaching as fluxand yes that’s what the series is calledbecause they don’t want to call itseries 13 but we know what the fluxyou’re doing is a six episode arc ratherthan a standalone story there’s everychance those numbers could rise he addedand there’s every chance they could falloff a cliff so how bad were the ratingshere in the states how about abysmal 339000 whole people watch doctor who onhalloween and even worse that keydemographic you know the number thatactually matters it was a.08 meaning that is .08 percent of the18 to 49 demographic in the unitedstates 112 000 people out of that 339000 people are the ones who actuallycount for advertisers the average amountof people who watch a critical drinkervideo in the first 20 minutes overall ithought doctor who flux sucked but itwasn’t the worst doctor who episode inthe chibnall first female doctor playedby jodie whittaker era and there reallyisn’t much to break down because allthey did was introduce characters ofcourse the episode starts out with anarbitrary countdown clock because that’swhat chibnall does to create falsetension jazz and the first female doctorplayed by jodi whitaker are in a littletrouble but when they get out of thattrouble they land in the tardis on a beda double bed in the console room and youcan hear the shippers squeeunfortunately i think that’s all you’regonna get but this was a historic momentthis is what chris chibnall set out todo this was a penis-less tardis so youknow when a 10 year old is telling you astory or a full-grown adult on twitterthey go and then and then and thenthat’s exactly what this episode was andthen we’re introduced to josephwilliamson a philanthropist historicalfigure known for digging random holesand in this episode he’s digging randomholes and then we meet the new companiondan who apparently is kind of a loserand gives tours at the liverpool museumeven though he doesn’t work there andthen we meet diane who actually works atthe museum his date for that evening andthen two non-binary security guardsrelease our villain who i had to look upon imdb and then we meet carvinista adog man who abducts dan and then we meetjohn and anna in the arctic circle andthen we meet claire who knows the doctorbut the doctor doesn’t know her and thena weeping angel appears and abductsclaire and then we meet vinder onoutpost rose and then a couple ofclassic santarans show up and then wefind out our mysterious villain whosename i had to look up on imdb has knownthe doctor all along but the doctordoesn’t know him and then our mysteriousvillain whose name i had to look up inimdb attacks john and anna in the arcticcircle and then john dies because he’s adisposable white guy and then we findout anna is actually the sister of theunknown villain whose name i had to lookup on imdb and then she turns out to bean unknown villain whose name i had tolook up on imdb and then we find out theflux is a storm destroying the entirefabric of time and space and then theworst news comes of all we find out thishas something to do with the divisionwhich of course is baked into thetimeless children storyline you know thething that killed doctor who i knowthere were some holding out hope thatthe flux would fix the timeless childrenand while that still could happen ihighly doubt it if the timeless childrenwas the last jedi of doctor who then theflux is the rise of skywalker of doctorwho this episode was nothing but a giantmystery box at chibnall trying to do hisbest stephen moffat imitation what’smystery box storytelling simply put it’smore of an emphasis on the mystery thanthe actual resolution with either anunreliable narrator or underdevelopedcharacters put in random situationswhich leads to a lot of online theoriesand speculation generally resolved witha contrived deus ex machina some writerscan pull it off most can’t with thereturn of russell t davies combined withwhat i’ve seen from flux the bbc hasgone right up to but just short ofadmitting failure the timeless childrenis a deal breaker and most of the fandomisn’t coming back unless that iscompletely retconned and even if it isretconned you’re not going to geteveryone back this is the portion of thevideo where we go to the people androtten tomatoes and with the audiencescore the story remains the same doctorwho series 11 is at 20 doctor who series12 is at 16 and doctor who series 13 theflux is at 32from one hour ago richard a half starmore terrible acting and storytellingfrom a corpse of a franchise once thewinner of so many awards now strugglingwith viewing figures hopefully rtd willsave the show matt j one star plot wasconvoluted with pacing all over theplace things felt rushed particularlywith character introductions andintroducing the viewer to plot pointsthere was bad dialogue with charactersdelivering cheesy hammy lines and notreally doing what is being shown johnbishop’s character provided a good comicrelief and was one of the few goodpoints of the show interactionsinvolving his character felt fresh andwas genuinely enjoyable i would say johnbishop’s performance was capable at bestbut comparing it to the rest of chibnokuthat’s award winning todd b half starfrom four hours ago this was a completedisjointed mess the writing was bad theacting was worse not to mention afterthe timeless child the entire seriesmakes no sense the doctor is not a timelord that is technically true becausethe time lords appropriated their powerfrom the little portal baby barry s oneand a half stars better than bad butstill not good that will be myassessment i would love to hope that theseries improves at least the committeefor inclusion and diversity that hasdominated previous seasons are quieterchibnall the writers and the committeehave done so much damage it seems almostimpossible to recover from these woundsdavid r from 14 hours ago half starsorry not enjoying doctor who anymoreand wish it was otherwise we all do juanp half star from 23 hours ago i can’twait for chimnel to be flushed or fluxedor effed and for russell t davies toagain save the franchise peter c with avery thoughtful two and a half stars tobe fair it wasn’t all that bad but ithink chibnall has lost his way a bit iwould argue he never had a way when hetook over as showrunner he had his ownideas about in what direction he wantedto take the show i totally disagree withit and so did a lot of others and therewere a lot of others but they were hisideas and he had a good crack at itobviously aware of the criticism heseemed to throw everything against thewall to see what sticks so now we have afan servicing wannabe epic i would say awannabe fan servicing epic anotheruniverse ending story with as manyclassic monsters as he can stuff in alsoto me chibnall seems to have a stiltedwriting style if that’s what you want tocall it the dialogue is unnaturalspeaking of unnatural i just can’t getpast jodie’s actions and weirdexpressions on her face i’ve triedhopefully things will pick up in episode2. to be fair there are only 40 audiencereviews but i’m guessing the numberisn’t going to go up as the audiencereview numbers go up the one thing thatwon’t be going up is the ratings for therest of doctor who series 13 but i didwant to point out one thing you justheard some thoughtful and sometimespassionate reviews does that sound likea bunch of alt-right istaphobes to youor does it sound like doctor who fansand after watching the show that theyhelped build to what it is for decadesbeing completely deconstructed anddestroyed by ideologues you can’t blamethem for being upset and then add tothat the fans being vilified for voicingtheir opinions and that explains why theratings won’t go up and russell t davieshas a monumental and almost impossibletask on his hands hypothetically ifrussell t davies was to retcon thetimeless children he wouldn’t be justretconning a creative decision he’d beretconning an ideological decision onethat would be considered heresy to thecult but if they do turn things around iwill be very happy to admit i am wrongyes there was a lot to talk about inthis episode that very few peoplewatched rose was mentioned the santaransreturned the weeping angels returned andthey introduced 10 000 charactersunfortunately every bit of those weremore interesting than the first femaledoctor played by jody whitaker who wewill lovingly call dr karen and untilthat problem is fixed nothing is fixedmy good friend yellow flash has pointedout in the past that the attitude of thegeneral beloved franchise nowadays isare you good enough to be our fans whenthe truth of the matter is they don’tdeserve you if you like what you heardplease like share and subscribe if youdidn’t like what you heard i thank youfor listening this long i will see youin the next video durgeronic.complease subscribe -
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