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November 14, 2021 at 7:01 pm #365
KeymasterDid Disney Rip Off Warrior A Predator Fan Film For PREDATOR 5? PREY
Did Disney Rip Off Warrior A Predator Fan Film For PREDATOR 5? PREY
hello ladies and gents umright let’s talk about thisdata racer on twitter who generallyspeaking i think is fine actuallyfor the most partcame out and tweeted this as disney’snew female predator movie is a blatantcopy of 2019 fan film called warriorpredator both are about an indigenousfemale warrior who fought the predator300 years ago disney’s so lazy they’reliterally stealing sjw fan fiction nowumi’ve got to come down hard on thismainly just because it’sit’s really really dumbum for someone with a name like dataracer the data that this individual hasis minimal on thisthis isn’t disney this was put intopre-productionand approved when the predator was inpre-production so it’s fox 20th centuryfox so that that’s really important justto straight away i understand people’smass hatred for disney like i get iti rip on them all the time right but doit properlydon’t sit there and go ah disney they’relazy it’s disney disney disney when theinformation is out there which indicatesthat you’re wrongsorry that’s just that is literally justhow it isnowthethe fact of this beinga blatant copy right so i saw this and iwas like wow yeah like that looks like ablatant copy because it does like itit does look like a blatant copy doesn’titumhowever i’ve since watched this filmwarrior predator it is awful by the waylike i mean it is actually terribleshockingly bad like a real real badpredator fan film fan films are normallypretty bad but this is this is [ __ ]atrociousumandthere is i mean there’s gonna be nothingyou know there will be nothingin prey or predator five whatever thatwill be arip-offof this bar the setting the time periodwhichyou knowthe thing about thisand what people need to bear in mind andthey think most of the people jumping inon this sort of hate bandwagon wouldn’tthey’re not huge predator fans theydon’t know any of this stuff but if yougo and read the dark horse comics forinstancethere’s a lot which have been inspiredby the dark horse comics which waslicensed by fox to dark horse to runalien and predator propertiesavp for instance has a machico noguchiuh it’s basically inspired off of youknow the original avp comic machika andgucci getting involved in that etcand the avp film is very loosely and boyoh boy do i mean loosely but very veryloosely based on that comic you’re notgonna sit there and say that they rippedthem offyou just wouldn’tright nowthis on the other handis slightly differentyou know it is slightly differentumbut i can it that thisthe statement from data racer is so isactually really lazyand there’ll be so many people thatdisagree but i just don’t caredisney’s new female product movie is ablatant copy of a 2019 fan film calledwarrior predator you’ve not seen thefilm yet you can’t say it’s a copy comeon like pull your head out your assobviously it’s not you can’t sit thereand go it’s a blatant copy when youhaven’t seen the filmright and this predator fan films likeall of five minutes long it’s not superlongbut here’s the blatant copy partboth are about an indigenous femalewarrior who fought the product 300 yearsago is that itreallycome on nownext you’re going to say that predatorsis a blatant copy ofpredatorbecause a bunch of mercenaries orarmy men fought predatorit’s just lazyit’s like that’s that that’s that that’sthe lazy partand then he has the cheek to go disneyis so lazy they’re literally stealingsjw fan fiction noit wasn’t disneyyou’re being lazy in your own researchdataracer come on stand up to your name dataright this wasn’t disney disney boughtfox they bought something which wasalready in pre-production it would havebeen would have been greenlit it wasalready a gorightput in pre-productionwhen the predator was in pre-productiona long time ago pre any discussionsof disney buying foxbut the lazy part is saying was ablatant copy it’s notnow just as a quick fyiyou can’t have it two ways rightyou can’t have it two ways and i know abunch of people that disagree on here aswell and i’m well i’m self-aware enoughto know this you can’t sit there and sayit’s a blatant copy of a fan film whilesimultaneously bitching and moaning thata female is going to take down thepredator becausethis fan filmthe chick in this winsas in wins doesn’t kill the predatorthey just go their separate waysso you can’t simultaneously say it’s ablatant copy when one you haven’t seenthe film and two you also then thinkthat this predator is gonna die by thehands of the woman like it’s either ablatant copy or it’s not orwhat they’ve done is gonethis is a time period you do realizethis time period has been exploredbefore right like it it has beenexplored in predator films uh not filmsorry in like media in comicssoi don’t know what to tell you likeyou know i i i do genuinely thinkumthat a lot of this stuff is like preciseyou knowat first i was gonna haveuh a male predator versusa male warrior but we’ve seen thatlike a lotso i immediately threw that idea out andsince most of my films arefemale-centric i decided to stick withthat angle my first draft on the scripthad a female warrior taking on a malepredator accompanied with the task offinding a good product costume there wasno way in hell i was going to be able tomake one myselfi wouldn’t know where to start so i didthe only sensible thing i could think ofi hit up social media and began theargus task of looking for professionalcosplayers with legit costumes istumbled upon a gooduh few predators but truth be told noneof them were right fit personality wiseand then it hit mewhat do all the product movies have incommon all the maincharacters are male oh no the heroes andthe predators uh and since i was alreadydoing a female lead story why the hellnot go the distance and have a femalepredator no two female predatorsand and so you know the thing is you cansit there and say i don’t know look atthe end of the dayapparently it was made for like nothingas well which you know kudos to them youknow it’s made for like500um so that’s finebut to sit there and be like oh well youknow they look the same it’s like wellyou know they only look the same becauseit’s the same time periodyou know i get itit does lookit looks sass but you haven’t seen thefilms you can’t say it’s a blatant copythey’ve just done the same time periodyou need to get away from this sort ofreally ignorant stance on things and gowell they’re copying because they’vedone the same time but whatreally20th century foxnine times out of ten are not aware ofthese fan films anyway especially notthis one it hadless than a hundred thousand viewsuhi doubt they would have been awareandalso just as a quick fyithis premiere 2019umi’m fairly certain when did the predatorenter pre-productionbecause i don’t even think they tietogetheractuallythe predatorpre-productionuhso that was in 2018i can’t even remember when it came outbut the predator being released in 2018jesus can’t be that was 2018.wow2018 anywaythat would have been in pre-productionyear before thatso no they didn’tjust completely debunked it straight offthere i should start the video with thisshouldn’t iso no they didn’tuh anyway look it’s just the same timeperiod he goesit’s probably going to be a [ __ ] filmand look if it’s a copy of this wellthen they’re both going to be [ __ ]because this film’s not very good anywaythere you go ladies and gents there’s mythoughts loads of people keep tweetingit to me that’s my thoughts do a bit ofresearch data racerprey was put inpre-production as in being pitchedgetting you know people locked down dantrachtenberg was on boardsame time the predator was that’s pre2018. this was released 2019 the end of2019so now it’s not copyjust coincidenceand that just goes to show that mostpeople are pretty most peoplestudios and fans included are creativelybankrupt when it comes to the productfranchiseloads of people are like oh woman’sgoing to beat the productpredators always diei i want them to win butit’s not surprised if they die have youever seen any of the movies like goddamnanyway um there you go i’m not defendingthe film fyi it’s not even been out yetbut that’s the point it’s not out yet soyou can’t say it’s a blatant copyat your face let me know your thoughtsdown below cheers take -
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