Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Comic Books › DC Comics Creators JUMPING SHIP! Top Batman Writer QUITS for Substack!
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August 12, 2021 at 5:47 pm #292
KeymasterDC Comics’ top creators are jumping ship, including Batman writer James Tynion IV. Could this be why Jim Lee did that weird interview claiming everything was fine at DC Comics last week? How many more viable creators will exit the Big Two for Substack, ComiXology or crowdfunding before it’s too late? Will DC be left with nothing but more ‘I Am Not Starfire’ from here on out?
bubbly steve is available for that’ you’ve got less than amonth to pre-order this 15-inch plushiecheck them out[Music][Applause][Music]wow okay hey guys welcome back toclownfish tv this is neon we’re going totalk about dc comics and theever-changingmainstream comic book industry batmanwriter james tinian is moving from dc tosub stack sub stack right it’s like ablogging platform well they’re doingcomics nowthis is after we had some other creatorsjumping ship for comixologyamazonuh you know other deals netflix dealsall this jazz it seems like if you’redoing really really well in comics rightnow the thing to do is pull an imagecirca 1991 92 and uh go work oncreator-owned projects whether or notthat’s uh you know throughan app or you know through a companylike amazonor you know going out and crowdfundingthis this is what you have to do youhave to jump ship and i think thecreators who are capable of jumping shipor jumping ship and everybody else whilethey’re out there on gofundme looking topay their rent that’s kind of situationthat that comics creators findthemselves in now eitherum you’re you’re getting byyou know in the mainstream or you’regoing out and starting uh starting towork on your own projects and and that’swhere the creativity is gonna come fromcomics has been lacking in creativityfor a long time uh because of you knowcorporate mandates and and uh creatorsbeing afraid to create new charactersfor these companies because they knowthey’re not gonna get paid much we’regonna we’re gonna talk about that uhyeah so before we get into it anyfurther please subscribe for more popculture news views and rants guys we’reover 229 thousand substhank you for the support geeky issending this one out she worked prettyhard last couple days and she’s notreally interested in this topicuh even though we make comics we don’tmake superhero comics and uh you knowwe’ve actually been fairly successfulwith our own stuff here and there we’dlike to ramp that up a little bit but uhyeah you know to to follow up on thevideo we did a couple of days ago ifyou’re going to make comics you want tomake comics for yourself or at leastwork with an independent publisher ithink because marvel and dc aregetting close to the end of the lineright just to bring up jim lee in thisuh damage control interview he dida week or so agothat uh you know dc was fineeverything’s fine warner’s not gonnashut us downuh it’s all fine here guys hey why don’tyou do some creator-owned stuff for dcprobably because they knew that uhtinian was gonna leavethey probably knew he was gonna leavesoyou know they’re like hey guys it’s okayover here and this i remember marveldoing something similar i don’t rememberexactly what the deal was but i knowwhen they had a lot of people jumpingship for image back in the day they weretrying to wheel and deal to keep theremaining talent with thembut you know it was it was kind of aburning building at that point marvelback then was doing way better thanthey’re doing nowi mean there really is noadvantage to working for marvel or dclong term because the future is bleakoveralluh you knowyou know these characters get turnedinto a billion dollar moviesyou know if you’re lucky and you mightget five thousand dollarsfor that for characters you created nowi’m not talking work for hire i’mtalking about characters that youyourselfcreated you might get a five thousanddollar thank you from a company likedisney well we’ll talk about that laterbut here we go batman writer jamestinian is moving from dc to sub stack uhwhile the writer’s creator own bookswill continue he’s leaving dc comics andpivotingto the career-based subscriptionplatform i’m not even 100 surewhat sub stack is sounds like a crossbetween a blog and patreon and i alwaysthought it was more of a tech thingso things of dc comics seem a littledifferent in the coming months it’sbecause james tinian iv is leaving heannounced today he’ll exit batman afterissue 117 in november and the jokerafter issue 14 in april 2022where is he headed well he’ll be movinghis talents exclusively to sub stackwith no immediate plans to write anyother superhero comics in the nearfuturethe announcement was made appropriatelyenough on his sub stack which willbecome a subscription-based site whereopinion will basically have completecreative control to do whatever the heckhe wantsand that begins in september with thepublication of blue book an original ufocomicooh ooh i like the sound of that uh bluebook yeah i might i might check that outuh again this is coming from gizmodo io9formerly io9 rolled into gizmodo it’s alot to digest but the writer goes deepinto all of it over on the sub stackbasically had to choose between a newcontract from dc and another from substack the difference being sub stackswas the best contract i’ve ever beengiven in a decade as a professionalcomic book writer a grant from sub stackto create a new slate of original comicbook properties directly on theirplatformthat my co-creators and i would owncompletelywith substack taking none of theintellectual property rights or even thepublishing rightsumyeah so this is actually a good time toleave you know let’s be honest this is areally good time to leave becausewarner mediais merging with discovery and despitejim leeand daniel daniel cherry iiisaying everything is fine to thehollywood reporterthings aren’t fine they’re really notfineover at dc i mean there was a massiveround of layoffs last year and we don’tknow what state dc is going to be in youknow in the previous video we talkedabout howyou know jason kawar at warner does seemto be a comic book fan and he’s kind ofyou know uh keeping the flame alive iguessdefendingthe continued existence of dc comics asa comic book publisher when frankly allof these characters all these ipcould be jobbed out or licensed out toother comic book publishers and theycould wash their hands of it and samewith with marvel comics and disneyso they were trying to do some damagecontrol it’s probably because they knewthis was going to happen and if oneleavesothers are going to leave as well andwhat we’re going to be left with is abunch of i am not starfireyou know that’s what dc is going to beleft with uh massively massivelydownvoted uh trailer by the way uhpeople just are not excited about thatcomic at allum yeah other than to topoke fun at it so sub stack will costseven dollars a month with other optionsand discounts depending on how long youchoose to buy inthe more you support this newsletter thelarger the budget i have to startbuilding the next wave of big cool ideasthat i’m dying to try out so yeah it’sbasically a cross betweenpatreonanduh a blog you know you’re paying forblog content in this case you’re playingyou’re paying for umyou know graphic novel content comicbook contentso there’s no upper limit uh he alsowrites outside of dc clarified ontwitter that none of his creator-ownedwork at other publishers will beaffected by the sub-stack deal thewriter actually gave a breakdown ilaunched my highest selling originalcomic book series yet with the nicehouse on the lake at dc black label newsgot out that my best-selling horrorcomic something is killing the childrenis in development netflix with mikeflanagan and trevor macy’s intrepidpictures and we announced that boomstudios and i are launching the firstspin-off title in the slaughter verseslaughter verse with house of slaughteruh he’s got something going on image toothis is what’s gonna happenoh he’s also got a young adult seriesbecause everybody does now righteverybody does nowso this is interesting of course thewhole creators going to sub stack thinghas been a rather controversial one overthe past few months money problemsuh issues with who is on the platformand who isn’tuh and the list goes on and on so thismove might not end up being as clean andeasy as it sounds no what’s gonna happenis other comic book professionals aregonna piss and moan and make him feelincredibly guilty for looking out forhimself and and jumping ship while hecan this happened with image comics tootodd mcfarlane rob liefeld and jim leeuh they all left they left marvel at theheight of their careers at marvel andthey went and they formed image and theymade even more moneythey made even more money and toddmcfarlane in particularis still reaping the rewards of thatdecision talked about him the previousvideo you know he he took his comic bookfame and he he pushed it over intostarting a toy company he pushed it overinto you know getting uh an animationdeal you know i love the spawn animatedseries on hbo i used to watch it alltimeand uh you know it’s apparently there’sanother spawn movie coming out one ofthese years i i don’t knowbut you know that’s what i’m saying likethey got out while the getting was goodand they looked out for themselves andthey’ve been able to havecareers for decades because of it youknow if todd mcfarlane and rob liefeldand jim lee had all stayed at marveldoing page work you know who knows maybethey would be on gofundme nowlooking to pay their bills because theydidn’t know when to get outit’s like the gambler you know you gotto know when to hold them and no one tofold them and know when to walk away andknow when to run in and uh tinian he’she’s running away running away from dcand i think we’re going to see a lotmoretop shelf comic book creators leavebecause they have tothe direct market is not sustainableit’s gonna get worseas uh manga eats into its market shareyou know it’s it’s gonna get worse guysso you gotta look out for yourself soi’m gonna wrap this one up pleasesubscribe for more pop culture newsviews and rants and we’ll talklater[Music]you -
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