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November 2, 2021 at 5:07 pm #319
KeymasterIn Marvel’s hour of need, critics abandon The Eternals … Forbes even mocks it!
Marvel’s Eternals is upon us, and you’d think it would receive a proverbial standing ovation from a unified choir of professional critics. However, it’s become increasingly clear the professional critics appears to have abandoned Marvel. Worse yet, the highly influential Forbes magazine is in a roundabout way outright mocking the movie, on the eve of its release!
For Kevin Feige, this could not have come at a worse time, as his future with Marvel and Disney is no longer as secure as it once was.
marvel’s eternals is upon us and you’dthink it would receive a proverbialstanding ovation from a unified choir ofprofessional criticshowever it’s becoming increasingly clearfrom review aggregator rotten tomatoesthat it will receive no such thing asit’s hovering right around the thresholdbetween fresh and rotten given howdiverse and inclusive the eternalsprides itself on being that should nothave been possible but here we are theprofessional critics appear to haveabandoned marvelworse yet the highly influential forbesmagazine is in a roundabout way outrightmocking the movie on the eve of itsreleasefor kevin feige this could not have comeat the worst time as his future withmarvel and disney is no longer as secureas it once was a few outlets are runningcover for the movie claiming it’s beingreview bombed by bigoted and backwardsfans but this is a mere deflection whichdoesn’t affect the real issue the mediadoesn’t have the eternals back in thiseditorial i will begin by establishingwhy review bumping isn’t the problemhere then i’ll go through what thepreliminary consensus among professionalreviewers actually suggests about themovie and what this in turn might meanfor the power struggle within disney andmarvelever since josh tranks fantastic fourthe usual way of running cover formisguided movies that happens to havediversity and inclusion in them isdisregarding the real source ofcomplaints but then highlight thediversity and inclusion aspects of themovie in a strongman deflection and thenaccuse anyone critical of being evil andbackwards bigots there has been some ofthat in the case of the eternals too butnot nearly as much as you’d expect byand large this kind of deflection has sofar been restricted to occasionalaccusations of review bombing whichcaused one of the stars to tweet out ofturn and he quickly deleted that tweetto briefly address that this so-calledreview bombing is so far a few hundredpeople that haven’t seen the moviegiving it one star reviews on the imdbwhich have since been deleted as far asreview bumping goes that’s prettymundane but those accusations are just adeflection from the real issue which isthat professional reviewers in theentertainment media complex aren’tgetting behind it and the rottentomatoes cryptic score can’t be reviewbumpedthe embargo on full reviews has liftedonly recently but social media reactionswere allowed ever since october 18thalready in our video of october 21st wepointed out that those early reactionshowever positive they may have appearedsuggested that the movie really wasn’tlooking all thatthe now released full reviews bear thatout as the general trend is that themovie is universally praised for itsdiversity and inclusion and for nothingelse by that i mean some reviews maylike the cast other reviews may like anaspect or two of the story but diversityand inclusion are the only recurringpositivesworse yet as more and more reviews arereleased they are becoming increasinglynegative towards everything elseincluding chloe zao’s capabilities as adirector at the time of making thisvideo the cryptic consensus which issubject to change as more reviews comein reads an ambitious superhero epicthat soars slightly more often than itstrainseternals takes the mcu in intriguing andoccasionally confounding new directionsthat’s not a positive consensus on thecontrary it’s a negative consensuslet’s read it again only this timewithout the must not insult marvelfilter ambitious is code for that ittries and failsthat it soars slightly more than itstrains is another way of saying thatway too many times it falls flat on itsfaceintriguing and occasionally confoundingnew directions is a diplomatic way ofsaying the eternals takes the mcu innonsensical and all too frequently inill-advised new directionswhat they’re really saying is that we’renot for the diversity and inclusionwhich the entertainment media complexrates so highly the eternals would bedeep down in certified rotten territoryand it may still get there for itappears quite a few reviewers considersit a complete dud and that does not bodewell for how the general audience willtake to itno one asked for an eternals movie whichdoesn’t have to be a problem no oneasked for guardians of the galaxy eitheryet the moment the first trailer forthat movie dropped audiences were onboard with it as the trailer for itclearly conveyed everyone going was infor a good timenot so with the eternals ever since itwas announced its only real sellingpoints have been how diverse andinclusive it was going to be full stopbeyond that the only promise given bythe trailers was a cloudy and drearymovie with too many characters so whydid kevin feige green light this whatreason do moviegoers have to go see thisfans of the original comics have noreason to go for as we alreadyestablished in an earlier video thismovie sidelines creator jack kirbyinstead director chloe zao was inspiredby the visual style of denis villeneuvebut why go see this poor man’s dune whenyou can go see the real thing insteadright now the derision and ridicule ofthe eternals is such that even forbesmagazine decided to join in on the funin an october 31st piece titled why isit so hard to get hyped up for marvel’seternals the article readseternals is set to flesh out the deepmythology of the mcu introducing newcharacters with powers that exceeds manyof the avengers facing an existentialthreat beyond anything marvel’s heroeshave experienced beforeso why is the online hype beingovershadowed by mockery plot twists andscenes from the film are being memedbefore the film’s release early leaksalong with a mixed critical receptionhas resulted in the film being digestedby the twitter sphere early the articlethen proceeds to show a number ofscreenshots of fans on twitter mockingmarvel’s eternalshere i feel it should be emphasized thatforbes readership consists of financialtypes and bankers you know workingprofessionals and investorsdisney investorsthat don’t necessarily spend their timeon twitterchances are they might not have seen howthe movie is being ridiculed and deridedby fans were it not shown to them byforbes magazine so now they know forbesdoes one better even adding anotherreason why there’s no reason to see thismovie after establishing that the movieis slicing up to be a potential misfirefor marvel the article reads the studiohyped the film up as an important pieceof world building a sizeable piece ofthe mcu’s ever expanding puzzleare we going to need to watch eternalsto understand the upcoming slate ofmarvel films and television shows that’sa good question and forbes proceeds toanswer it meh probably notthat’s not me saying that that’s forbesi’m quoting them meh probably not thearticle elaboratesmarvel movies are designed to beaccessible to kids newcomers andnon-committal fans you don’t need toknow the exact storyline of these moviesto enjoy the next world ending threatmost of the lore amounts to easter eggsan occasional in-joke and planting seedsfor future hype cycle so that’s forbesmagazine telling its viewers you cansafely skip this movie it then proceedsto lambast several earlier mcu movies ifthe eternals should underperform uponrelease this article is going to beextremely damaging to kevin feigeon october 27th we released a videotitled indiana jones pushed back a yearto 2023the corporate game of thrones behind thedelay in many ways that video is aboutnew ceo bob chapic’s takeover of disneywhich we have been covering with writerproducer and former journalist kamranpascha it’s a takeover that has not beeneasy and required a great deal of 4dchess as jpeg is going up against a verypowerful establishment among themmarvel’s kevin feige but articles likethis forbes piece suggest that chapek iswinning and that kevin feige is underincreasing pressure in order for him tocontinue in his current position atmarvel let alone continue his preferreddirection for the mcu he’s going to haveto continue delivering marvel cash todisney’s bottom line if eternals failsto do that there is no blaming the fanson this oneforbes has just let all of disney’sinvestor know whose faults it reallywould be we shall continue to keep youup to date with both how the eternalsperforms as well as the corporatemachinations behind the scenes of disneyand marvel make sure to subscribe andindicate you want notifications on allvideos to ensure you don’t miss out onfuture updates for now though let meknow your thoughts on all of this in thecomments -
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