Geek Hut Forums › Forums › MCU › Captain Marvel › Captain Marvel REMOVED! Major Demotion For Brie Larson! Phase 4 REMOVES Captain Marvel Title!
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May 7, 2021 at 8:16 pm #89geektalkKeymaster
Well sure, captain marvel will always be a thing in Marvel but it appears they are losing faith rapidly.
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oh no say it isn’t so i thoughtcaptain marvel was the new iron man ithought captain marvel was the mostpowerfulcharacter in the mcu well that was ofcourseaccording to kevin feige captain marvelwas supposed to take over the mantlein the new mcu phase four and beyondin fact even leading the avengers wouldbe brie larson’s captain marvela billion dollars can’t be wrong itcouldn’t possibly have beenthat people felt the need to uhforcefully go see the captain marvelmovie because i don’t know maybe becauseit was marketedas must see tv for themost important and biggest film in themcuuniverse for endgame couldn’t possiblybethat captain marvel was sandwichedbetween the twobiggest movies in marvel history thatcouldn’t possibly be why the film didgoodand of course being as super strong ascaptain marvel is almost single-handedlytaking down thanos herselfwhy wouldn’t she be leading the newavengers and ultimatelyit looks like marvel has lost faith inheras the phase 4 announcements havedropped todayand they’ve completely dropped thecaptain marvelfilm name it is no longer called captainmarveluh and there’s a whole bunch of phasefour news todaylook uh you know i think thatwe have you know with marvel unveilingthe first eternals footageuh reveals black panther and captainmarvel sequel titlesin phase 4 sneak peek i don’t think thatthis can beunderstated they are literally notcalling the moviecaptain marvel anymore she is no longerthe starof her own movie this is a characterthat got her own moviewithout ever earning it ever beingpopular in the comic booksand then a it was reduced to about a 90second onon screen time in end endgame whybecausepeople didn’t like her character andnow she’s not even the star of her ownmoviemovies are back or at least they are forthe mcumarvel just kicks out of the week with amajor sneak peek at phase fourin a new video entitled marvel studioscelebrates the moviesthe disney owned production bannercelebrates a return to the movies withtantalizing tease of what fans canexpect from the shared comic book mythosover the next couple of yearswe now have some initial footage of theoscar winnerschloe zao’s eternals by the way notinterested at all in that filma title for ryan coogler’s blackpanther sequel it is now called wakandaforeveryou know black panther really mostof the new uhumnew mcu films have been really mediocrei thought black panther was fine fineum you know and i think reallydr strange i liked dr strangeum but most of the standalone i meancaptain marvel i thought wasfine you know six out of ten umblack panther probably a seven out often uh if you remove the identitypolitic drivenuh reviews that movie probably sits at asix or a sevenuh if you’re looking at critic reviewsummost cape movies now are really bad andthey need to bere-they need to be re-donei believe we need to have actual stakesthat’s part of the reason whyi like civil war so much is because youknow people actuallyuh you know didn’t make it through thefilm and even end game there were peoplethat didn’t make it through the filmuh so as for niet acosta who neverearned this but dida whopping two movies one of which isnot out yetthe candyman reboot which will probablybe awful not blaming nia costa for anawful candyman reboot butthe all reboots are seem to be terribleuh actually the halloween reboot um donebyrob zombie was okay i suppose umso need to cuss captain marvel 2 themarvelshits november 3rd 2022.see the media is still calling itcaptain marvel 2 but it isn’t captainmarvel’s the marvels starring uhmiss marvel whose costume looksvery bad but it does look true to thecomic books i’ll say thatand most of her will probably be cganyway so it’ll be difficult to reallyknow how the costume will look on screenum and then monica rambo uh whois a solid character um and they led uptoher getting a bigger role in the filmswith heruh sub starring role like notnecessarily starring role but yeah i’dsay co-starco-starring role in one division ithought she was a fine character umpassing through the barrier to get hersuperpowers felt a little weird butwhateverum at least i guess it does work um evena film release for guardians of thegalaxyvol 3. we’re not getting any majormarvel films until 2022 or 2023.i don’t know how they’re going to beable tokeep the hype machine going umfor these films for another two years umof course also a logofor fantastic four movie i don’t knowwhy we’re getting another fantastic fourmovie they’ve all beenterrible um and black widow everyone’salready forgotten about black widowhaven’t theyblack widow comes out july 9th so whatjust a month from now two months fromnowshang chi in the legend of the ten ringsseptember thirdboth of these films will probably dropat at thirty dollars on disney plusum and i’m not paying 30to watch a movie on my own tv that’s afact umi’m not paying 20 to watch a movie on myown tvunless it’s sonic and i’m trying tosupport it you know if there’s like adifferent reasonyou know if i had to pay five bucks towatch um gina carano’s episode with beargrylls i’d probably do itum but i really have no interest inand isn’t it funny like i used to be sohyped for black widowum but now i’m just like meh you knowlikemeh if it’s on if it’s on i’ll watch itdefinitely not going to pay money for itwhat do you think um have you kind ofi know i read the comments a lot ofpeople are just busy ah i’m done sincei’m gamethat’s how i feel but there are stillcharacters in the mcu that i care aboutyou know benedict cumberbatch is as drstrangeneeds a lot more exploring i think um ifi never got another thor movie i’dprobably be okay with that umbut i feel like thor iron manyou know the incredible hulk these arecharacters that you really needin the mcu um you know everything elsefeels likeuh b squad you know you have ant-man andthe waspquantomania uh around the rest of thewaybut what i think is really interestingis when we look at thiswe’ve got black widow july 2021 shangchi septemberthen the eternals the next month none ofthese moviesare gonna make any money in the boxoffice right umi think they know that i think the bestchance that they have to have like a bigblockbuster hituh it will never by the way it’ll neverbe like pre-lockdownsi just don’t see that um the landscapehas changed there are people like methat would justrather watch the movie at home in mostcases now there are movies that i wantto see in the theater and i want tosupportlike i went and saw nobody in thetheater because it was like a good oldaction filmyou know godzilla versus kong would beanother example is one that i wouldbrave the uhyou know brave the the weather or thethethe um how do i say the the face deityum to support it butmarvel films don’t really rank like thatfor me anymorespider-man no way home again i’ve neverreally loved tom holland as spider-mani don’t think he’s bad um you know ijust always likedtoby mcguire and now obviously he youknowi don’t know i just to me i thought tobymaguire was the bestbut i’m not saying that tom holland’sterrible in facti watched a movie that he was in withrobert pattinsonwhere it was like a deep south uhpreacher who was kind of it was actuallypretty good and tom holland was the starof that and i thought he did really goodum so then you have spider-man no wayhome i think that’s their first chanceat the box office that’s why they pushall the stuff to 20 22.then we get doctor strange thor love andthunder that’s that’s a possible big hitum lady thor jane foster umblack panther wakanda forever they’vepositioned as their their hollywoodblockbusterand then the marvels november2022 the marvels not captain marvel 2not captain marvel not captain marveldoes it againnot captain marvel does dallas themarvelsant-man the wasp quantomania andguardians of the galaxy vol3. i don’t think that this name changecan be understatedi mean you could argue that okay theywant to putmiss marvel in a in like a biggerspotlightfrom a diversity and stuff um but againmiss marvel should you know still be abe playing a supportive role in thisfilm to see how the audience likes heri thought you know bringing captainmarvel out with their own film withoutreally any established lore or comicbook fanswas risky but they mitigated that riskby where they and when they released itum if you went and took like i i justdon’t think the eterna i don’t thinkanyone’s gonna see the eternalsi think like just people who haveliterally nothing to do that weekendum this is a batch of people thatis not are not very popular um now youcould saythat dc um has has pulled this offum as well with shazam you know shazamwasn’t exactlya hugely popular character people knewshazamum and i thought that was a success soyou know i could be wrong i could bewrong the eternals could do really wellum but i think if black widow hit thetheaters now it would be like 600million tops worldwideshang chi it’s going to depend on theeast andi you know whether or not they like itshang chi is not a hugecharacter here in the united states itlooks like a solidyou know like fighting movie kung fumovie but again ihave no interest in paying money to seethat the eternals have no moneyinterest in paying money to see thatspider-man maybe i would see in thetheater would depend who the villainsareum you know get me some classic onesdoctor strange i do want to seeum thor love and thunder not really notif it’s going to be about jane fosteralthoughi like natalie portman um andyou know i think this is uh taika watitiso it’s going to be like another goofyuh filmlike um the other thor movie i forgetthat was kind of polarizing um it seemslike they’re trying tobalance out these are all kind ofgoofball like ant-man and wasp that’sgonna belike goofbally the marvels what do youthink aboutcaptain marvel the name captain marvelgetting cut off the title i think that’sa big deali’m i’m reaching out to brie larson tosee if she’s okay with that and see whatshe thinks i hope you enjoyed this videothough we’ll talk again real soon[Music]you -
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