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May 7, 2021 at 8:19 pm #91geektalkKeymaster
Brie Larson Captain Marvel 2 In Trouble
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right then ladies and gents we’ve gotsome morecheese larson soft cheese the brie thebrie larsonuh captain marvel nonsense and it iscaptain marvel nonsense but the newrumor explains why marvel studioschanged the titleof captain marvel 2 to the marvelsuh yeah all right well i mean like 10guesses realistically 10 guesses as towhypretty obvious i think as well but uhleave your guesses down below right nowbefore we get started and also link downbelow is this articlealong with two other things my blu-raywe’ve only got 11 leftwe are selling them up to 600 unitsso currently at the last check it was uh11 left so grab it what you can we doship internationally support me supportthe channelsupport original film uh and then i alsohave my second channel it’s a carchannelif you’re interested in cars which someof you are check outcheck on out over there you might likeit i’m rebuilding a rallyhomologation car which proven to be apain in my ass but never mindlet’s dive into this shall we so a newrumor claims to explain why marvelstudios decided to change the name ofcaptain marvel 2to the marvels the marvel studios andthe company’s headkevin feige previously called the filmcaptain marvel 2during the disney investor day 2020presentationand during that presentation feige saidthe fact about ms marvel is that heridolis captain marvel and captain marvel 2is currently in the works with directornia de costaand today i’m excited to announce thatms marvel played byiman will be joining brie larson andco-starring in captain marvel 2 alongwith the grown-up monica ramboplayed by tiana paris who you will havealready met in the upcoming wondervisionnow he would conclude all of that bysaying so by now you should startgetting a sense of theinterconnectednessthat infuses all of our storytelling uhyeah sure alongside his comments theywould share graphicreading captain marvel 2. so they dohave placeholders for these things likelet’s be honest they dobut if it was such a massive success whywould you then suddenly change the nametothe marvels rather than captain marvel 2or captain marvelsubtitle the marvels you know what imean it’s if that was the headliner thatwas what grabbed people’s attention youwould just lead with thatso maybe it wasn’t quite the successthey claimed it washowever marvel would ditch the captainmarvel 2 name in a newly releasedyoutube video titled captain marvelstudios celebrates the moviesas seen in the video the film is nolonger titled captain marvel 2 but nowit is called the marvelsand it will debut on november 11th 2022now marvel has not released an officialreason as to why the name of the filmhas changed however a rumor fromgiant freaking robot claims that it hasto do with brie larson nowagain really important to know yes theydo have placeholderswe know that but again really importantto notetheir trend of using headliner titlesbig names which were hugely successfulant-man ant-man and the waspthe avengers the avengers infinity waryou know the avengers age of ultron soon so forth they usetitles which have name recognitionbecause they were a massive successuh with respect to you know the film andthey want to capitalize on that with thesequel it makes sensei understand that so to suddenly changeitto the marvels whether it was aplaceholder or notthat doesn’t make sense that doesn’tinspire confidenceuh in the title or at the very least inwhat they claimed was a successnow this rumor says according to oursource at giant freaking robot brielarson saw captain marvel 2turn into the marvels because the powersthat be at marvel studios did not feelthat shedelivered in the first one on her own itwas clear that the folks at marvelstudios were not confident that anothersolo captain marvel moviewas strong enough to stand on its owntwo legsnow they would say further claim thathis sourceinformed him that the film will alsofeature blue marvelalso known as adam brashear now bluemarvel is a relatively new character heappearedin adam legend of the blue marvel uhwhich was only in 2008now the rumor itself lookchanging it to the marvels because thepowers that be at marvel studios did notfeel that she deliveredin the first one on her own now iwouldn’t necessarily it’s the on her ownpartthat really makes that much sense withrespect to all of this i would say it’sthe fact thatthey’re just saying yeah she didn’tdeliver that’s the thing that i latchonto herebecause again it’s to do a namerecognition the avengerscaptain america you know captain americathe winter soldieri mean it’s very strange for them tobreak their traditionand it is a tradition you know guidanceof the galaxy gardens of the galaxyvolume is a tradition of theirs to keepthose name brands going because they arebrands they’re brandswithin the head brand of marvelso it’s it’s very odd that they’rechanging it to captain marvelfrom captain marvel 2 to the marvels itis genuinely oddand this is just this is ex excludingmy personal disdain for the cheeselarson uhi’m sure we can all just look at thisobjectively it is breaking theirtraditionso what do you guys think of that firstand foremost do you think that there’sanything in therepersonally i i genuinely think thatthere is now they say look it was clearthat the folks at marvel studios weren’tconfident that another solo captainmarvel movie was strong enoughto stand on its own two legs now thatalso to me indicates that the first onewasn’t strong enough to stand on its owntwo legs andthose reports of empty screenings andthings like that misreporting of ticketsi’d say that there was this adds moreand more validity to thatlike it absolutely doesso pretty odd to be fairpretty odd now they sayfurther you know there might be a reasonto doubt john freaking robert’s claimsas they also speculate that monica rambowill play some role in the marvelsconsidering her history with brie larsoncarol danvers and that was hinted at inone division uh as previously notedfeige already confirmedmonica rambo would indeed be appearingin captain marvel 2. sowhether we can you know agree ordisagree with giant freaking robotsclaimsis sort of all by the by sort of besidesthe point hereuh it’s more the fact that they havefrom what we knowfactually they have changed the namethey have broken with traditionon what they um title and how they titletheir moviesnow that indicates a lot of things to meit indicates that the first one wasn’ttherousing success that they wanted it tobe it indicates that they don’t believethe second one will be a rousing successas they want it to beor that there is indeed any stayingpowerwith this as what they consider to be abrand i don’t think they think this is abrandso yeah again outside of the rumorthe rumor and rumbling that they thatthey’re sort of touting here at johnfreaking robot let’s just break it downthey’ve changed the name they brokenwith traditionand even if they didn’t change the nameand it was a placeholderwell it’s a sequel and they’re stillbreaking with the tradition of keepingthose names as as part of the brand partof the sub-brand of marvel somethingwhich they choose to push out there orsomethingwhich you know gets the normies in therethat really like that justone singular film because make nomistake there are peoplethat do that in the world they justlatch onto one film they’ll watch it andthat’s fine that’s that’s all that theywant so let me know what you think downbelow in the comment section if you arenew here please dosubscribe thanks so much for watchingthough take care -
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