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January 18, 2022 at 4:34 pm #386geektalkKeymaster
AngryJoe, OtherJoe & Alex Review the Series Premiere and the 2nd Episode of the New Disney Plus Star Wars Series, Book of Boba Fett! Is it worth your watch? Find out!
Music]hey guys the bounty hunter is back inhis own disney plus series this is whatwe have to watch while we wait formandalorian season three uh and and sofar i’m i’m actually happy because uh ii was one of thepeople whouh really liked boba fett uh you know inoriginal star wars i know he only hadsix minutes of screen time and fourlines of dialogue throughout the entiretrilogy but i just thought he was coolyou know i thought it was cool as helland uhand i was into all the expanded lorewhere he gets out of the sarlacc pit andso when we finally saw him show up inmandalorian season two i was very veryhappy and i was like man it was obviousthe whole time when you know he wasrevealed with the spursuh you know because we werewe werespeculating it was other people but butnot really boba fett some people did umand so now he gets his own series herethe book of boba fett um anduh i watched the we watched two episodesthat’s why we waited on this one becauseyesterday a lot of people said wellmaybe the first episode wasn’t enoughand and so we wanted to just wait andand give you our opinion after we sawboth souh what did you guys think of boba fettthe first episode wasn’t enough i wouldhave been pissed if we did a review ofjust the first episode because it wasshort very what’s wrong with you this isa criticism we’ve had with disney starwars stuff for shows for a while is likecome on like this one was better becausewe got 46 minutes of actual screen timeum you know there’s 10 minutes at theend of you know credits but i like thesecond episode i i like this whole thingall the way through but like come on whyis it why is the first episode sothere’s like six episodesno it’s a little more but yeah it’s ithink it’s an eight or nine okay come ondisneyyou’ve got the money i’ve got theattention span let’s go give me an hourlong let’s go seven episodes so you’reyou know we’re in between right there umyou knowuhit it you’re right because we complaineda lot about the mandalorian season oneepisodes being so short and that extendshere into the first episode of boba fetti can’t i guess i just didn’t notice itas much because i got used to themandalorian thing and some of the shortform of of disney plus but you’re rightit wasn’t very satisfying and i’m gladthat we you know waited forwaited for the second onebecause now i get it i probably wouldhave had a different opinion uh you knowit’s it is too short is this story gonnabe worth it but now after having seentwo and what they’re doing with the bobafett character um i really didn’t likeit i really do like it i think it uh itwhat is it it uh earns its place uh itis worth watchingand it expands the character in ininteresting and uh well done waysyeah i agree with that 100 i wasactually super worried after watchingthe first one i did not i i didn’t hatethe first one i didn’t even not like thefirst one i liked the first one but ithad me very worried it’s like wait aminute one the episode kind of felt allover the place one i really felt theykind of disrespect that there’s stuffthat they do so they’re really trying tolean into the western thing which i lovelike there’s lots of in here where theydo but then there’s times you’rewatching and you’re like this is sothoroughly unbelievable as a star warsthing but it’s believable as a westernbut it’s the issue is like you’re tryingto do the homage to the western but inthe star wars universe and you’ve gotand well i guess i don’t know we’redoing spoilers how are we going to dothis uh yeah let’s let’s do a sectionwhere it’s non-spoilers and then we’lldo spoilers yeah so they do these setpieces where you have and we know thatone of the people in the group is whatlike an incredible sniper but like theyact like snipers don’t exist in thisworld like there’s there’s kind ofstylistic choices that they do which arejust kind of off-putting a little bitwhere it’s just like come on like writethis a little bit better i don’t know ifi need parkour scenes as much as i needlike competent street fights umokay yeah the thing for me was like thesecond episode just felt like it shouldhave been likeshortened in in the first episodebecause i wanted to see more of uh himlike taking over a tattooing play oryeah he’s a new dimeryeahso i wanted to see more of that stuff asopposed to like oh this is a dream thenthis is another dream i was like youcould just shorten that up make it alittle bit quicker tighten that up likei don’t need to see how you got yourweapon and this stuff is kind of weirdi didn’t like that part oh i like thatpartwe’re setting up the it’s the book ofboba fett i get that you don’t start youknow in chapter five and then havechapter five be you knowyou could have shortened that you didn’tneed all that there was like a twominute long sequence of a tuscan raiderjumping back before between a speederbike that wascool but like it goes on okay yes i knowthat one scene he’s talking aboutthat’s like the one scene i liketraining though i like the trio i likethe training parti think it was messyi [ __ ] lovedleave that to the first episode yeahsure and then for you to make this partshorter it’s like but it was theshortest episode and it’s kind ofnecessary because we need to start fromthe beginningokay so what did you guys think aboutthe okay souh okay so we got the two episodesbasically in these two episodes we’reseeing uhwhere has boba fett beenuh and what led him to when he appearedin mandalorian uh season two where helooked more like a tuscan raider than hedid a you know a bounty hunter and thisis explaining that and then it’s alsoit’s got its sequences between the pastand and the present in the present he isestablishing himself as the new crimelord um andreplacing umandright um and he wants to rule throughrespect rather than fear and uh we’regonna see how this actually pans out andthen we get all the flashbacks and wherehe’s built up as a character he’sgrowing he’s changing he’s learning andit’s explaining why he is the way he isnowum and i just i think that the actors doa wonderful job umwhat is a timtamura morrison just great great job ilike thethe the angle he puts on boba fett it’sdefinitely different from the boba fettwe’ve seen in star i’m not gonna saythat yeah that’s that’s boba fett it’shis own spin on it but i think thatcomes with this series and how boba fetthas evolved and changed with his tuscanraider uh background now and hisexperiences after being defeated at thehands of han soloyeah accidentally accidentally yeah bobaboba where yeahi love it anyways so i think it’s goodumand you should watch it and itdefinitely is on on par with uh you knowi i i get what you’re saying it doesn’treally feel like a star wars but i idisagree in that and i think that it’sit’s the underworld star wars so itneeds to feel different from star wars ithink but yeahlike perfectly as a guy like that butthis one’s like kind of like there’sthere’s individual scenes i will talkabout like spoilers and stuff i mean idon’t want to make it seem like i don’tlike i really like it i’m a sucker forstar wars always have been and i reallylike this show and it’s got faults butit’s created by john favreau dave filoniuh you you think that the writing is ison par and and this is adding to thelore in the right way uh because disneythe sequel series was the wrong way yeahand so far these television series isthe right way and for me boba fettcontinues it in the right way i thinkit’s on the right track okay it dependslike there’s something that’s importantthat was important for me going intothis if he they established in thetrailers he’s like i want to lead byrespect and i want to you know we’re notgoing to torture we’re not going to dothat which is kind of a departure whenyou think of like uh it’s bounty hunteryeah and so it’s like look i want to seei wish we had saw more of old boba fettlike maybe some flashbacks of him beinga brutal bounty hunter yeah being anabsolute savage for money and thenhe gets this transition he meets thesepeople they teach him it’s like no don’tbe a piece of [ __ ] we do things throughhonor and then he learns and we get thatchange and i don’t feel that change atall i think that when we started inepisode one in episode two he was a goodguy he was a good guy and i i didn’tfeel that he was ever yeah you wanted alittle bit more of you’re kind of apiece of [ __ ] a transition fromthat that makes senselike splitting them off on two episodesjust do it on one episode like alex wassaying do that start it off and thenepisode two you start from thereyeah now we’re a good guy it’s just it’sjust it’s just how much of thetransition did he make before he fellinto the sarlacc pit we don’t reallyknow because it’s not really expanded onso maybe he was already this anti-herothis kind of you know in the middlerather and just looking for a job ratherthanuh kind of the piece of [ __ ] that he wasand i don’t know the holidays star warsfashionsyou know what’s funny is there’s a22-minute uh behind-the-scenes boba fettwhere they celebrate boba fett as acharacter in the tea helm it’s such aniconic thing i mean i’ve got it here thesecond you see this t-shape it’s aboveeffect you know and and they show allthis footage of white boba fett armorthe testing armor and stuff and they getgeorge lucas to finally talk about theholiday special which is a rarity hedoesn’t you know he doesn’t like thatdoesn’t exist but he talks about it andhe’s a wild tongue there’s a lot ofdrugs yeah and you know there’s a clipfrom it where it’s like that guy was abad dude you know uh you know a c-3po orsomething says he’s a bad guy but he’snot a bad guy i mean he was a bad guynow he’s why we don’t know sort ofreformed okaylet’s go yeah so we all like boba fettand we recommend boba fett go watch itand now is the perfect time to watch itif you’ve been waiting i think thesefirst two episodes will get you in andyou can move forward every wednesday solet’s go into the individual episode uhratings and spoilers section okay i’llsee you in the spoilers sectionguys welcome to the spoiler section andthe episode breakdown so let’s talkabout that first episode it’s calledstranger in a strange land so obviouslyuh this is where we get the sceneof how he got out of the pit oh yeah ilike thatso is it okay have you been seeing thestuff going around with patent yeahdescribing the scene and it is literallyshot for shot his hand punches throughcrawls up and i’m i’m so curious like iwas looking for a patent nozzleis credit but it’s not there um i’m socurious how much of that and they got toget one of these guys to get intervieweddid theydid they do that or is that justa common thing to think of that it wasjustwhat’s that phenomenon when you knowit’s just artyou know it’s like the same lifeyeah you have uh you know multiple ideasin the same in the same way so let’s seethat is like oh yeah he just got shotoutyeah he tasted bad gross ohjoe how does he exactly get out i’mtalking about the details the detailshe’s stuck in there then like i guesshe’s losing oxygen he sees the storm thestarstorm trooper he unplugs gets moreoxygen i didn’t even know you could grabus yeah me me either yeah i didn’t knowwhat the [ __ ] that was whatever now iknow they have that universal adaptersall right yesi guess that works and he [ __ ]punches it and just starts using hisflame thrower and justpushes through and digs his way yeahthis is that’s the one part i’m likewait a minutei thought he was going to come upthrough the sarge me too but he actuallycomes up through the sand oh that’s aloti get it i respect itbut i agree with it this is how heshould how he did itbut i don’t know i guess it could havebeen filmed in a better way no i i likedit i liked it but what i didn’t likeor nohold on is that yeah you just feel likehow he ended up there in the first placeis funny to me i like simultaneouslylike it and and hate it and think it’s aa plot hole that thisbadass bounty hunter was just killedit’s because it was the scriptlimitation from you knowdecades ago wheresomeoneyou know gets a lucky shot and it’sweirdit’s it his [ __ ] jet pack sucks sobad i guess that’s why he never uses itwe’ll talk about that why he needed touse it later on in the episode and yeahsogets out of the pit uses thestormtrooper stuff and it was basicallyjust like patent oswald described ithought it was good then um we flashforward to where he is now sitting onthe throneand he’s getting tribute rightandhe needs a protocol droid number onebecausesome aliens are talking in there and hehasno idea what they said but it’s likeokay i’m gonna assume that that was agood thingum and then we get our first sort of uhreoccurring character here which is atwilekmajor domouhtomock shai is the mayor of moss espa umdavidpasquepasqueziquessi i thought his performance washilarious like this i i believe thatsmarmy i hate him like yeah he playedperfectly he’s like i hate him i don’t[ __ ] trust himand he did great uh he wants to expresshis sincere uh you knowrespect from afar he me right exactlyand then he has about tribute as like uhi have a you know i don’t have anymonetary tribute but his warm welcomenow the matter of tributeexpecting he got confused loves you topay him love this character just want topunch him in the face so bad he did goodso he did a great and then they and thenthey do some spare guards um or hespares the guards who had previous we’veseen them in the movie they lookdifferent here to be fair they probablyneed more flexibility in the costumesand [ __ ] because i think the oldversions they look cool a lot they’rejust like bigger yeah messy looking sothey can move around and fight a littlebit better in these two costumes theyare um i forget what thethe guards uh the race of guardsdemorians yeah i think i think you’rerightuh two gamora damn alex okay twogomorian guards spares their lives andbasically ask them you know will youserve me lonely if i spare your yourlives and in this instancethis could have been an opportunity forbetrayal you have an aura of uneasebecause it’s he’s doing things that havenot been done that way before uh there’sexamples your crime lord normally is uh[ __ ] walked around on this bigplatform and [ __ ] and he’s like no iwant to be on my own two feet so he’sdoing things much differentlyand in this case it actually works outbecause when phet and shand visit thesanctuary a uh sort of a cantina that’sbeing run there now what did anybodynotice was that uh maxrebo and band because it was max reboand the modal nodes damn alexthat is max rebo i’m this isokay so he’s asking to clean the helmetsand then they put in a bunch of money ininto the helmets so the cantinas areoffering tribute umand sothere’s no real trouble there but itdoes feel a little uneasy when he exitsthat’s when a [ __ ] goes down and he’sambushed by assassinsum him and shard the order of the nightor something like that and immediatelyi’m like they they get them in this thiscool shield thing they all activatetheir shields they look like [ __ ]ninjas i like the costume design i likethe webbing design i like the situationi see how it works on paper but i’m likejust use your jet pack you’re you’restuck in the thing just go oh [ __ ]that’s it well i thought differently iwas like you’re boba fett like they haveyou surrounding their all their legs areshowing [ __ ] fire fire do that orflamethrower okay fire a rocket behindthemyeahi saw it fly up and then just startfiring down that too right so there werethere were multiple ways that we know inthe lore because we think he’s a badassand we know he’s disrespectful they’rejust pushing him aroundi was like but he fought him on a 2dplane because he wanted to show how badhe is how badass he isi don’t know i i don’t this is one ofthe things i have a huge issue with sofar in the first two episodes is hewants to be he wants to take overjabba the hutt’s empire with onesidekick and that’s it he’s got onesidekick and then he picks up two newsidekicks and then he’s like walkingaround the street it’s just like come onlike get you i got fourwell there’s four people yeah there’sfour total people you’re right uh he hedemands a respect he’s he’s relying onhis reputation clearly definitelyrelying on his reputation yeah forrestand then six assassins show up not oneshoots him because they’re like we gotto use our changesi feel likethis is yeah yeah this is the westernthing that’s boba fett he’s gone soft idon’t like this boba fett he’s like oh ijust want to roll by respect no don’ttorture anyone but how it’s gone but youknow there’s certain allowances made forentertaining action you’ve seen withstreet fights done a million timesbetter no i’ve seen westerns where the[ __ ] bad guys come up and they’relikejust shut shut the [ __ ] up thereshouldn’t even be any talking it shouldjust if we’re gonna go off that logicthen that bad guy as soon as he walkedout of the saloon pop pop he’s dead yeahyeah well that’s not entertaining andthat’s not a goddamn movie these arethese are these are the mostfeared assassins and they use a stickand shield yes it doesn’t make sense andit was done for you know artisticaccentslike come on like we’ve seen i’m withyoubecause i’m like he could just fly upand leave that’s why if he has like anentire troop of like gamoreans they walkout the bar one of the no-name gamoransgets shot because there’s an ambush setup and then they go into a street fightand then there you go there you go areyou [ __ ] kidding me who wants to usesticks against boba fett because theywanted to show off a parkour scene lateron that i didn’t [ __ ] want and no onelikes i liked iti like that parkour scene as theassassins realize that they’re dying andthey’re getting away two of them run andthen he goes out and he actually popsone with his missile yeah the fed needsto go back to his chamber because he’swounded yeah he’s got to get to his bathyes he got to get to his back pops onewith his missile then fennick chasesdown the other two she has her ownlittle fight scene and kills a guy orthrows a guy off the side whichbecause he wants one alive she’s goingto kill her yeah you don’t need themgrab one alive so he’s got one alive toask for you know who the [ __ ] uh whosent you yeah so uh the gamorians puthim back in the ba back to pod and uh atthat point you realize that they andthey actually show up to help from theoutside because the the way it’s filmedand the way it’s shown is they wouldhave been screwed if it wasn’t for thegomorians in there and they wanted tomake that an epic scene where oh theythey are being loyal to them and thenthey’re again loyal to him by puttinghim in the backanyways while he’s inside this back topod is where he has these dreamsequences or the not dream sequence withthe flashbacks in his history so we goback to his time with the tuscans um andat that point he’s captured becauseafter he gets out of the sarlacc pit umjaw was rolled up on him that was thefirst thing and we know that from thatwhole sheriff’s storyline where he gotthe armor and he was likeum and the jaws are funny because theyjust take take the [ __ ] completely hey[ __ ] knock him out again he’s likebarely movesand then then he uh meets the tuscanraiders and he’s taken kind of captiveand prisoneri guess they were planning to use themfor slave labor or maybe to sell him umbut they don’t immediately kill him uhwhich is interesting because the tuscanraiders in the star wars universe hasreally always been shown as [ __ ]savages and they’re bad guys period buti like the way uh tuscan raiders arehandled here and it can be easilyexplained later on they mentioned thatthere’s multiple tuscan raider tribesand some are more aggressive becausethey’re just being pushed out uhyou knowwestern got the american indians out inthe old west that’s what they’re doingand they’re showing a softer side ortheir own culture and this is kind ofwhy they are the way they are becausethey have their own culture and theirlands are being um basically trampled onbut anywayuh they’re attackedi didn’t really understand what theywere digging for melons balanceblack melons is what they’re called butwhat the milkwhat were those likeuh poo poo from the sand creature andthen you drink water from the poo poo sowe got the milk titty titty milk andthen we got the poo poo ori think it’s there’s just some melonsunder the sand sand melon just randommelonsand you can just i mean that’s the best[ __ ] desert everno i wanted a little bit betterexplanation i would buy it if it was uhuh sand creature poo poo or somethingof course right it is gross but it makeskind of sense in that but but so asthey’re digging for these things in thechild there’s a child tuscan raiderthat’s kind of tasked with kind of youknow guiding it’s almost he’s his pet umthey could’ve easily overpowered but goaheadyeah i mean at one point he does youknow but the other but while they’realone you’re saying he can easilyoverpower oh that could easily kill thatkidthey’re as they’re digging one of therhodian who is a little [ __ ] by the wayyes they could have got away togetherhe’s likewell he dies good because the sandcreatureis under the sand he digs it up and itattacks and it’s a santaris it no do you know the actual noanything at this pointanything you say i will believe no no ihave no idea what it is but it lookslike a centaur so it’s a santa santa ilike it yeah it’s a centaur from now onbut fett kills the centaur uh becausehe’s a badass and he saves the tuscanchild and then who takes the head backto camp and you could tell the child isbragging like he [ __ ]killed it but the leader you knowyou know he knows that that bubble wasthe oneit’s just like man you got his head offthat’s crazy nice and he gives him uhsome water andthat shows that at that point he’s nolonger a slave and he you knowyeah and that’s how the episode endedand to be honest with you i really likedit i mean it was short it was to thepoint it explained what i what i hadquestions for in a satisfying wayumit’s believable that he would haveencountered it you know jaw was rippinghis armor off because that’s what jawasdo and then tusken raiders is is likehow the [ __ ] would he survive there outalone he couldn’t possibly do it tuscanraiders greatuh explanation and i thought good evengood action sequences that were filmedin a dumb way could have been set upbetter we could get to the exact samesequencesjust with a better setup a few gamoreansdie and then by then they’re alreadyambushed so he can’t do anything maybehe has one scene where he tries toengage his jet pack and one of themknocks the jet pack out real quick it’sjust these little scriptthings yeah would have helped that scenebe perfect uh it’s not perfect it’sentertaining is what what it is and youhave to have a suspension of disbeliefthat’s the only sort of blemish on itbecause i really like the episode and sofor that i’m gonna give that episode aneight out of ten what about you guysum i’m between a seven or an eight formebecause like i’m still with the wholegoing back and forth with the dreamsequences and it expands on two kind offlashbacks yeah the flashbacks i kind ofwanted it to be a little bit longer okayfor more of the explain explanation onthe flashbacks do more of that make thatepisode longer and then move on fromthere okayumbut there’s a lot of stuff i was likewell he could have just done that i’mnitpicking buti’m probably gonna go with a high sevenokay high seven for me seven umi like the episode i think that everyone of the story points works and issatisfying for me but i really don’tlike the way that some of the thingswere filmed in some of the situationsyep um and it takes you out yeah andit’s just likealex can i bribe you for a point no umthey did confirm that max rebo is aliveyeah but it was a it was a 30-minuteepisode opening episode for boba fettyeah so just like the mandalorian weloved it but we complained yeah but imean like the the thing that i have themandalorian like really propped it upwith some of the other the other fight ii really don’t like that fight scene uhand it really bothers me yeah uh i’dlike this episode then it would be a sixright i i’m above average for sure ithink it’s i’mtrying to determine whether i want togive it a six or seven i think i’m gonnago with the six and what was crazy islike i was so upset watching this it’slike i have to wait a week and i don’tknow if i love this show yet and ireally want to love this show watch itat its release i watched it the day itcame out oh [ __ ] and then i’d wait anentire week going like man i don’t knowif i like this or not what is with thesefight scenes who’s in charge of this andit’s like robert rodriguez what the [ __ ]have you never watched a westernshootout in the street because it didn’tlook like you have and then episode twocame out and i really liked it so okayum sixthat makes total sense i agree you knowand i am saying my my rating is biasedsince we got them back to back almostkind of counted them as one all rightanyways that’s a perspective from whenyou watch two episodes definitely watchit now from now on yeah watch both atthe same time okay so let’s go on toepisode two which is called uh thetribes of tatooine alex what was goingon hereuhsame stuff wewhen how does it open oh it opens withan assassin up nightwind oh yeah yeahyeah yeah so that’s a fun scene yeahwe’re gonna kill you he’s like oh hedoesn’t care about his life or anythingit’s like oh we’ll feed you to therancorand they don’t know that the rank that’swhy i like my rancor umand i like the rancor i didn’t like whenthe rancor died even as a kid i didn’tlike when the raincore died i know iknow i felt bad yeah he doesn’t have arancour boba fett don’t and and don’tgot enough money hasn’t put iran core inhe’s have a drone he’s searching wegotta go he doesn’t have a pet store hedoesn’t have a fourth dude in his crewthird fifth dude he doesn’t haveanything and he got robbed episode oneyes we’ll get there he’s building he’sbuilding you’re gonna take over theentire papillon tattooing with oneperson he got robbed yeah yeah that’sfine and the first step is the veryfirst episodeand then the [ __ ] the helmets fallwith all theall the money i mean he gets robbed thathelmet is worth significantly more thaneverything in the helmet yes uh and sothat you know they threaten him andthey’re like haha it was just a rat buthe gives away that the mayor is theperson who supposedly allegedly sent theassassins out so he goes to visit themayor yeah and uh again we get anotherscene with my favorite ass smarmy[ __ ] um and you know but event he’slike the mayor’s not ready i’m like just[ __ ] punish this guess i was likehe does go inside yeah he doesn’t goaround the table i’m like here we gocome on bob we need a little harder edgeif you’re gonna be the crime lordexactly if you want to respect him likedo that again i’ll [ __ ] kill you orsomething right now i’m just gonnakill youyou’re on the edge yeah um anyways sothen he actually goes to i thorian themayor uh of uhtranslator yeah and uhhe denies that he hired the assassins infact he kills the assassin because onlyuh you know the assassin can sayanything but she shoots him right thereand then everybody starts to point gunsat each other because it’s like what thehell’s going on uh claims he didn’t doit and in fact he he treats him like abounty hunter you know crime lord you’rea bounty hunter here’s some bounty foryou know because these guys aren’tactually supposed to operate around hereon hut spaceum and that’s a little hint because hehas uh sort of allegiance to uh thehuttswho come in lateruh that and that you’re not the crimelord in fact jabba’scousins cousins are actually the crimelord so it’s a pair of huts known as thetwins brother and sister and uh they’rehere to claim um thethrone for themselves yeah it says goback to the sanctuary i thought he wasgonna see something bad in the sanctuaryor something and it was kind of awkwardbecause i was like maybe when he walksin the sanctuary they’re doing somethingthey’re not really supposed to be doingbut it’s not really like that you justgo to the sanctuary and then the hutsshow up outside and he goes outsideunless i miss something no they just goin there and you saythe the owner of the bar says you didn’thear that the huts are in town and it idon’t know why the marriage i don’t knowwhy the mayor just went thereokay i guess they needed that that scenethey wanted to show that dude’s pecksoff againso the twins arrive with a um sort ofexpanded lore character um who is awookie uh called black christiani don’t know if you notice in thebackground there’s one that looks like aweaselfrom suicide squadno he didn’t have any other he hadanother entourage noi do like looking at the backgroundthings yeah yeah i like theshot compositions i think uh you knowother than that first fight scene robertrodriguez is doing a good jobum in in sort of setting this up butanyways he’s like noii’m i’m the crime lord here i don’t givea [ __ ] about the hutts or their claimwhich is a huge thing to say because andand they’re going to come to conflictbut you are not allowed to attack thehutswithout the entire hut you knowconsortium or whatever they’re calledcollective coming down on you and bobafett doesn’t have the power to stop thatso it’s an interesting conundrum how the[ __ ] is he going to get this at onepoint you’re right fennec shard saysyou know we’re going to need to getpermission to kill these guys how isthis going to work uh you could make itlook like an accident maybe is i wasthinking uh butyou know why everyone’s afraid of thehuts because they’ve got dudes and moneyand bob would have got nothing andmassive no dudes and money twilight tohire that guy jeez crash man just standnext to me i’ll pay you yeahit was smalldoes does black uh christinesay chris santan excite y’all yeah ofcourse there’s gonna there’s gotta besome kind of comment i wish you apodcaster instead like a big [ __ ]bokeh like like i want comically largeand the reason that he can use it isbecause he’s a giant wookie i mean he’sjust using that cool if he was crushingsomething while looking at him orsomethingpulling the head off a child he’s likedoing something menacingyeah so there’s a there’s a fun fight inin the future so fat is back in the backto tank and remembers uh this whole bigsequence joe what’s the secretthis is what pulled me off and this waswhatpulled me out of the scene i was likethe tension was rising i was like i likethis i like this you want to stay in thepresent yes you don’t like it when itgoes i don’t want likeagainagain i wanted that to say in the firstone and this is where it dropped for mei was like look i don’t care about thetuscan raiders we understand he got hisrespect now we’re here you thought thathey he got his respect from the waterand that scene that scene’s taken careof yeah right now no more back but let’sgo back we’re going to do that sothey’re trainingand uh the there’s a train that’s comingby as we go the train’s coming backlet’s go attack it and then they theylose they lose so many people it’s morelike the train is [ __ ] every time itcomes through it’s like murdering theirtheir cattle and their [ __ ] peopleyeah they’re protecting their stuff andthey’re just it’s like hey this is ourpropertyget the [ __ ] out but they ended uplosing he’s like all right i’m need toteach these foolsso he goes toone of the containers like a biker barbiker bar he meets those uh guys so hewhoops their assessteals all their bikes he’s like allright i’m gonna take it back this is alittle gift from me to you yeahand then we getthat’s a vlog one of the best scenessomebody’s getting rushed overwell no like the first part is all rightforward stop forward stopall rightwe’re gonna practice nowjumping on board on the train all rightlike jump over they got a little two onemissesjust runslike is he dead thoughbut you get are you out run over byiso we get a little training montage onbikes it’s like all right the train’scoming backwe are we’re going to go attackthey start going by the bikes youyou miss the fact that he it’s veryimportant i think that he has taught thestyle of combat there’s a bat there’sthe chieftain and then a badass fighterbut we get thatagain at various times they fight andbecause he’s earned the tribe’s respectfrom saving the the youngster uh theystart to teach him uh the ways and thenhe starts to use some of that combatstyle and taking out some of the buteverything else is is so yeah soessentially they attack this spice trainfrom the pike syndicate which by the wayyou’re not supposed to [ __ ] with thepikes either yeah well you’re not youknow that’s from rebels they have thespice yetright so they’re likeyou guys are just [ __ ] yeah so he’spushing his floor he steals thosespeeders they lose a few tuscans as asthey’re taken but hey i mean they weregoing to lose a few tuscans anyway everyband that they’ve got yeah um soafter he teaches how them how to ride uhthe badass ken and him get on board theygot this cool little robot that’s likedoing all these different things to tryto get them off using the jet scene sowe got a high speed action chaseagain train robbery staying very closeto the motif ofcowboys and indians and in this caseit’s sort of like a train robbery so ilike it very close to what mandalorianis doing they know what what’s workingwhat the tropes are and how to uh redothe tropes in an interesting fresh wayin within the star wars universeandwhile in the back of my mind it’s likewhy are we spending so much time on justthis train um it’s more like hey manthis is a television series wherethere’s a book of boba fett this is youknow a part of his history and a part ofwho he is now and he’s basicallylearning so this is the time that helearned from the tuscans and uhdestroys the train and uh warns the papikes that you know that they’re goingto have to pay a toll nowbecause they will tuskenare you carrying spices like spice nowhat does it look likelike thatyeahum glitter gold glitter and then afterthat he is officially admit you knowsort of becomes a part of the tuscantribe and this cool little sequencewhere a few of them start dancing andthen more of them dancing and thenthey’re all dancing it’s [ __ ] awesomeand alex maybe here you go maybe here ishis army at a certain point he couldcall on these guys at any time to showup and that might happen in the futurethat it’s like well what the [ __ ] he’sonly got four people when the hutt’scome to [ __ ] with him he’s going to gethis ass kicked maybe he can go over nowto the tuscans and ask for helpat the end uh they they produce his owngaffy stick and you see it on his backwe’ve seen it in the mandalorian seasontwo that explainswell don’t forget this [ __ ] spacelizardlike jesus thank yousurprise [ __ ] throw some dust onitand he goes on a crazy trip that lizardwill guide you i was like what the [ __ ]did you just kill above a fan he’s likeis he gonna have a lizard in his headfor the rest of the series that’s what ithoughtjust listen to your voice i was like thelizard talksyep yeah so he trips the [ __ ] outhe finds a stickfinds a tree that embraces him orsomething and he breaks off the branchesand becomes one with the tree and hisweapon and he comes back and then thelizard comes out of his headand goes back into his little uh cageanyways uh they they build the gaffystick together and then umyou get the cool little dance at the endand he is now officially a part of thetribe so uh it is going back and forthbetween two time periods again in thesecond episode you would and he alsogets stopped and he also gets his suitthat we see him on the mandalorian redrobe with the gunmore like a tuscan raiders yeahyeah uh uh what do you thinkwe’re going with final verdicts alreadybecause yes i really like this episode idon’t know what i hear from youagain i liked where the huts come in andeverythingis rising like we got to try to earn allrespect in this town i wanted to seemore of that aspect yeah but we gotanother flashback with the tuscans i waslike look i get ityeahbut i didn’t reallyenjoy that as much as the presentum i’m gonna go as with the six on thisit’s still good it’s above averagebutlike i don’t like this whole flashbackon hopefully they don’t do they stopdoing that on the third no it’s gonna beall the way back okay i think we’regonna get more butthere’s seven episodes i anticipate likealex will still get it in the third andthen the fourth we’re up to speed yeah ikind of wish they filmed it differentlylike i want to seethat in the beginning if that was alldone in the beginning and then we’llstart from like chronologically okayyeah yeahsimple storytelling okay yeahi don’t mind uh so what was your verdictuh i don’t actually mind the theflashbacks i think some of it can bedone it’s just interestingly i don’tnecessarily love the way all of theflashback sequence wasuh done i think that there was a lot ofi you could have shortened a lot ofthings so we get more to the meat of thesituation there’s a lot of gaffy sticktraining there’s a lot of jumping backand forth between speeder bikes um thatwas great seeing though love that onethey’ve been jumping back and forth overand over and over no no the bike sceneoh yes when yes yeah i get that bikescene was very quickumsoi i think we just see joe sitting in hishouse literally just laughs laughing thebikes i think this episode had a littlebit of pacing issues i don’t mind thelength i think the length is great ijust wish that we got you know there’sso much stuff that they can do there’sso much great storytelling that canhappen here and i think jumping back andforth i’m going to contact like thatextended scene just didn’t need to bethere and i i look i’m going to look atthe episode lengths and the serieslength and goes like this is not what iwanted i wanted more of this other stuffum i still think it’s hilarious that thehuts the huts it makes a little bit moresense that they they’re practicallyfearless that they can walk around thestreet with no one with a gun at allthey’re just they’ve got their slavescarrying them and then one wookie and itwas like hiding in the back it just sothere’s awkwardness in there it’s likelook i want to see that there’s actuallymore tension in there not everyonethinking that they’re invulnerable toyou know sniper fire or a rocket orsomething that would kill them um but ireally like this episode it was a hugeturnaround for me i was worried aboutthe series and now i don’t think i amum so i like this episode i’m gonna giveit an eight yeah okay um yeah i i againi like this one uh i liked it as much asthe first uhit’s it’s surprising to me this one’sdirected by steph green and the firstone was directed by robert rodriguez andi’m surprised by that because you thinkrobert would handle action a little bitbetter than here but here the action hashandled really well and there’s notthings i’m picking out that’s like thatdoesn’t make sense or as whereas i wasdoing that in the in the action scene ofthe first one i just wanted them smalllittle script doctor scenes in the firstone but i really like this one i’m gonnagive this one an eight out of ten uhwe’re we’re pretty solid here um i’menjoying i already like the boba fettcharacter i’m curious how you would feelabout this if you didn’t like the bobafett character if you didn’t alreadyhave an affinity for him is he uhendearing to you and is he is he gettingyour your viewership i don’t knowsomebody who who will have to tell methat but so far i think it’s a solidseries eight out of ten on the secondepisode i’m looking very much forward tothe five remaining episodes umi don’t probably want to see another onelike this where it’s an entire episodeno yes i think this is this is his fullback story of the tuscan raiders we’renot getting uh you know any more we’renot spinning our wheels anymore we’regoing on fully because like the thingwith me is like i was enjoying it it’slike oh [ __ ] shit’s about to go down thetension’s rising and then screeching hotlet’s go backi was likei i again i’m like alex i don’t have aproblem going back and forth between thetwo time periods we have to find it ifthe tension wasn’t there like if he’sjust like thinking about something orsomething something’s going on but thisis like oh [ __ ] this is what’s gonnahappen now this is gonna be the threatit’s like i wonder what’s gonna happenno we’re gonna take you out of thatstory and push you back to somethingelse they didn’t they didn’t what theydidn’t do is they didn’t meet the samelevel of tension so i think if they’vedone a flashbackwhere the the tension is highimmediatelyum i think that maybe it may have workeda little bit better for you where it wasjust like we’re at a tense moment andthen we go like slow[Music]so we’ve got episodes left uh there weresupposedly directed by john favreau isgoing to direct one himself bryce dallashoward returns she directed one of themandalorians dave filoni is going todirect one and kevintancharonis a guy that uh would have done the bigscreen adaption of mortal kombat becausehe created mortal kombat legacy for theweb series they was gonna have him do itbut then he dropped out of that projectin 2013 for other reasons never reallygot to do you know break break in he’sdone a lot of television stuff so i’mcurious how well he does on that sinceuh you know he could have done morecomment and dropped out um but did domortal kombat legacy so uh we got a fewepisodes left i’m looking forward to howboba fett rizzo resolves the mayor’ssituation how he’s going to resolve thefed situation we know there’s a battlemore respect kleegan bowl kind of thingcoming with the uh you know the wookieand and then howhow the future how he factors in and arewe going to get any mandalorian stuff umand and how it goes about for the restof it so or i guess it and i guess bythe end it’s just he’s the crime lordnow and everybody respects him and he’sthe new job is probably the end gamebut okay well anyways that’s it for nowthank you all guys so much for watchingand we will see you on the next angryjoe show thanksyou -
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