Geek Hut Forums › Forums › Doctor Who › BBC Loses Creative Control of DOCTOR WHO to Russell T Davies?!
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November 4, 2021 at 8:08 am #331geektalkKeymaster
Russell T Davies is returning to Doctor Who for Series 14, and his return was contingent on Davies getting CREATIVE CONTROL over the series… while the BBC focuses on branding and distribution. Does the BBC know it done messed up?
hey guys welcome back to clownfish tvthis is neon i am here with geekysparkles hello and i can’t believe we’redoing two doctor who videos two days ina row yeah we haven’t talked about howlong yeah i mean we used to do doctorwho videos like once a week and justhonestly the interest completely droppedoff a cliff uh as as the interest in theshow declined we found that most peopledidn’t care if we talked about doctorsnor do we care so we don’t what i amcautiously optimistic aboutis russell t davies coming back uhyou know and again i i’ve learnedyou can never go home again i’ve learnedcurrent year that that you know even ifif somebody comes back show runner actor whatever a lot of times it’s a petcemetery version they’re not quite thesame and i don’t expect doctor who toever return towhat it was when it was uh davies anddavid tennantumwhat was really interesting is thatapparently a conditionof russell t davies coming back was thathe had complete controlover doctor whoum now the bbc is already in damagecontrol mode they’re already soccerthey’re already like well yeah but we’vegot this great partnership but hebasically said yes i will come back andi will fix your show you stay in hellbut you stay the hell out of it um sothat’s pretty interesting that alsoshows me how desperate the bbc isto fix the show because we already knowhow controlling they areyes um not that it will get better butwe’re gonna talk about this so before weget into it any further please subscribefor more pop culture news views rantsguys over 239 000 substhank you for the support we do talkabout doctor who not nearly as much aswe have in the past uh used to be one ofour favorite shows it was my favoriteshowi made sure even when you checked out istill watched it uh suffered throughsome of the peter capaldiepisodes but iyou know i was willing to give jodiewhitaker a chancedidn’t work out very welluh and it’s not her necessary i meanshe’s not a good i don’t think she’s avery good doctor butthe story lines have been incrediblypreachy i think so much of the doctorthat works is what they have to workwith yeah like what they’re given towork with like if they have shittystories i don’t care how good the actorsarethe doctors are gonna not be popular beconsidered shitty doctors and that’sjust that’s just what it is yeah yeah umso i saw this last night after we recorda video on the ratings and the ratingsfor season 13 episode one whichpremiered on halloweenwere terrible yep they were abysmal nahah hey remember when you used to put theratings and how it would drop and thenthese would like like makethese whole videos arguing with you thatyou were wrong and then it turned outthat we were rightthat happens a lot not that we’re alwaysright but we’re not i think it’s funnyyou know we’ll cite you know mainstreamsources or whatever somehow it’s all ourfault we made it up and we’re the oneswho just like pulled the numbers out ofour ass in this case the ratings are notgood everybody was talking about it umwhat was really interesting though isuh now i haven’t seen the episodebecause i forgot it was even happeninglike i just didn’t care normallyyeah you’ve been checked out for yearswe used to watch doctor who every weeklive with the kidsloved it it was must-see tv and uh youchecked out during capaldi’s era isuffered through it some episodes were ilove capaldi’s doctor i love capaldi’sdoctorbut again he didn’t have a whole lot towork with what you have to work withreally makes it or breaks it yeahactually one of the best episodes um wasone where he was by himself uh trying tofigure out what was going on it was justjust peter capaldi the entire episodei’m like hey that actually worked youknow get rid of some of the annoyingcompanions and yeahanyway uh matt mcgloin from cosmic booknews who’s been very critical of jodywhittaker’s doctor actually said heliked the episodethat’s good so that’s actually not a badsign because if you can kind of you knowturn so so you know lots of monsters andstuff a lot of people said it wasconfusing anyway most people it doesn’tmatterwhat kind of uh damage control you do atthis point if people have already tunedout they’ve already tuned out and it’sgonna be very hard to get people to comeback make me i’m not coming back sorryeven with russell t daviesi don’t knowi don’t know i don’t know it woulddepend i’ll have to see never say neveranyway this was yesterday and then thebbc responded to this but yeahapparentlya condition of him coming back wasi’m in chargeend of discussionumso the announcement about daviesreturning to run doctor who has beenknown for a little over a month now thisis coming from by miajohnson and thanks to a report from thetimes we now know what else his returnmeans for the series according to theirsources davies made his return next yearcontingent on the transfer of control tobad wolf a production firm based inwales this means that the bbc which hasbeen behind the production of the seriespreviously will now essentially have tohand over control to davies and his teamthey’ll be missing out on a lot of themoney for season 14 and onward becauseof this the times estimates that couldbe about 40 million pounds in commercialrevenue per 10 episodes soyeah bad wolf of course you knowreferencing rightyeah you know bad wolf umbut it wasn’t formed until 2015but uh yeah so he’s like i am in chargethat’s iti am in charge now now the bbc respondedto thisand they said they’re pushing back onthe reports that they gave up creativecontrol well they didn’t they need toyeah i agree i think it’s almost likethey’re outsourcing it like yeah we suckat doctor who let’s outsource brusselslet’s get this straight so people werelike yeah they’re giving it to him andhe’s getting creative control and imight give it a chance again and the bbcthought the best course of action waswas to refute thatyeahpretty muchokay um so this is coming from digitalspy that deal to bring davies and hisproduction partners a bad wolf uh badworld bad wolf back to the fold thatdoctor who is now the subject offinancial and creative interest for thebbc times published a report accordingto the report bad wolf would takecreative direction of the show take itover while the bbc would move intoselling the series overseas aspokesperson for the bbc has sinceresponded by clarifying the bbc willcontinue having commercial oversightcommercial oversight isn’t the samething as creativity no it’s notcommercial oversight as a way to furtherestablish doctor who is a global brandthis is interesting we’re incrediblyexcited about the future of doctor whothey said bbc studios is ultimatelyresponsible for delivering the show andthis production partnership is aboutlong-term investment that will radicallybuild on the already huge success of theshow and franchise worldwide well yougotta bring the success back to build onit they did not say it wasn’t true nothey walked around it so what this tellsme is they’re like yes we suck at doctorwhoright but they said he they said in theoriginal report that bbc was going tofocus onthe long term and overseasis what they said and their statementsays just that it says the exact samedamn thing they’re not pushing backbasically russell t davies has beenhanded the keys to the tardis he’sallowed to do whatever he wants to doprobably with him reason they probablyhave certain guidelines but it’s hisshow he gets to run it the way he wantsto run it and the bbc’s job is tobasically sell it uh you know selladvertising sell merchandise sell itoverseas um but they cannot interfere inhis like you know vision visioninteresting but they didn’t they didn’tdeny it what they did was they talked ina circle around it but that exactbasically what they said was going onthat’s really interesting so for him tocome in if he was like look a lot ofpeople were like yeah he’s on board withthis this massive few retcon that theydid to the doctor andand all that if he really was on boardwith that if he really thought doctorwho was going in in a great directionwhy would he come back and say i have tobe 100in charge of the show or i’m not goingto well to the other point why would thebbc agree to give up creative control orwhatever to him to bring it back to whatit was if it was completely doing greatand it wasn’t having any problems andpeople were all you know on board withthe retcons and everything else they didyeah i i’ll i because i mean even lookat look at the tie-in merch foruh judy whittaker’s doctor they’rethey’re always pairing her up with thetenth doctor who’s the most popularmodern doctor by farand uh they keep going back to even nowyou know this season they’re gonna haveyou know the weeping angels and a lot ofthat you know thethe davies era it’s almost like when youstarted with her and your mandate thatyou shouldn’t have the traditionalvillains in there and the bad guysshould be basicallymenand humanity and whole um didn’t workand squeaky likes to point out that nomatter how you look at it the doctor isalways responsible for rosa parks ohyeah that was yeah that was a bigthey’re the ones that put her in theback of the bus yeah that was a big thatwas a big that amuses him so much youhave no idea he’s just like what thehellsoanyway um very interesting againgod i don’t want to get excited becausei i have a feeling that it’syou can’t go home again i mean the worldis a very different place than it waswhen davies relaunched the show butthe fact that he’s coming in like i meani could totally could you see this withlike george lucas like yeah i’ll comeback to lucasfilmbut uh all these little atlucasfilm they have to shut up and letme do whatever that was a rumor yeahthat they were trying to get him backand give him but he wanted he didn’twant to just be at like aconsultant consultant right he wantedactual to be in there and there wasrumors about that who knows if they’retrue or not but this sounds like withbbc’s statement that it pretty muchconfirmed what they were saying yeah sohe he gets carte blanche to do whateverhe wants uh whether or not it’s going tobe any good remains to be seen i amcautiously optimisticuh given that he he was in charge when ifell in love with the new doctor who umbutyou know that was boohooyeah knew who before it was boohoo butthat was many years ago things changedhe’s changed you know good it’s not likelike new coke or something oh god itcan’t i would say it can’t get any worsebut don’t even every time we say thatit gets worsewe gonna wrap it up yes please subscribefor more pop culture news views andrants guys we’ll talk later bye -
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