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May 27, 2021 at 5:09 pm #194geektalkKeymaster
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now several years back at this pointshortly after disney purchased tolucasfilmthey made an announcement thathenceforth everything that came outevery movieshow game book comic book everythingwould all be consideredcanon it’d all be in the same continuityor part of the same history of a galaxyfar far awayif you will and at the time somethingcalled the lucasfilm story group wasformed in order to keep it all straightnow they wouldn’t so muchdrive or dictate or come up with thestory or stories but instead they’d makesure that what one person was doing withthe story be it in a book or a comic oreven a moviethat it basically wouldn’t conflict withwhat either already had been establishedelsewhereor conflict with another story thatmaybe someone else was working onand something else that happened at thisvery same time was a discontinuingand rebranding of the expanded universeno longer wouldany new stories take place in it and allprevious stories would berelabeled legends as to not confuse themwith what new stories would be takingplacein the official canon oftentimes calledthe disney canonand as i’ve talked about before i wasn’tentirely shocked by this announcement infact ikind of expected it when disneypurchased lucasfilmfor better or worse i didn’t thinkdisney would want to be holdingthemselves to decades of materialsnot all of which was consistent witheach other though in all fairness the eudid a rather good job with itsconsistencyeven without any sort of official storygroup there to keep it allin check also again for better or worsedepending on your point of viewgeorge lucas himself had neverconsidered the expanded universe a partofhis star wars it had always been sort ofa canon untoitself and a great one mind you i don’tsay any of this to downplay how good itwas or tomake it sound like i’m happy to see itgo i wasand am and always will be a huge fan ofthe expanded universeand though like i said i didn’t thinkdisney would hold to it as they told newstories i thought they’d want to dosomething completely new and originalwith the sequel trilogy for examplei was still very surprised when theyflat out discontinued the expandeduniverse i saw no reason and still seeno reasonwhy new stories couldn’t continue to bereleased in it i mean if they’re willingto reprint stories with the legends tagwhat’s the big difference between thatand releasing new stories with thelegends tagbut anyway letting that go the sort ofsilver lining that came with all of thisthat was basically promised by disneyand lucasfilmwas that again everything from then onwould be official canoneverything would be consistent therewould be one giant story of star warsand not only that but there would begreat interconnectivity between thestories interesting threads from onesource to anotherwhat you might read about in a bookcould end up being set up for a movienot so much required reading for thatmovie or anything like thatbut that would instead maybe give youextra backstory and or contextit would basically just enhance yourunderstanding of the overall storyand thus your overall enjoyment and atface value i must admit all that soundedgreatso great that i was willing to sort oflet go of all the years and years i’dspent reading and loving the expandeduniverse to set it aside to an extentthough i would always go back to it andreadone of its many good stories from timeto time but i was willing to embracethis new canonas an official canon that would not onlybe well managed bya story group but again would tell epicstories across multiple differentplatformsunfortunately though none of that hasreally happened there have already beencontradictions and some pretty big andblatant ones that i’ll talk about in abitand there hasn’t really been any truegood interconnectivity at least not whenit comes tothe books and comics though there’scertainly been some good stuff in theshows that relates back towell other shows but the books andcomics rarely have any real connectionstowell anything else and when they dorelate to say a movieit’s almost always reactionary it’salmost always trying to fill in a plothole or explain something thatmaybe didn’t make a whole lot of sensein the film and a lot of the time theymake thingsworse it’s rarely if ever truesetup for something coming out and theonly real good example i can think ofthat felt relevant to the movie it wasconnected to and came up before themovieis the book catalyst which is anincredible prequel to rogue oneand yeah as i said before you don’t wantto make any of this stuff requiredreading or you’re going to lose thegeneral audience and probably a lot ofcasual fans as welland though i wouldn’t say catalyst isrequired reading for rogue oneit is about as close as you can getwithout it being just thatbut the real key is it’s good enough tobe worth readingnot that you have to read it but thatit’s a good story in and of itself andthere are some interesting connectionsto the filmand that is important if you’re going topromise those connections like forexample calling something a part of thejourney to the force awakens like thefirst aftermath book didthere should then at least be a shred ofrelevancy to the moviebut there honestly isn’t or wasn’t therewasn’t a connection to it at alland anything you thought might end upbeing a connection to the movie like theacolytes of the beyond becoming theknights of runit never pans out and i know and haveheard some come to the defense of thestory group by saying something likeit’s not easy to keep all this straightand to some degree that is truebut the problem is there are plenty offans out there who keep all this stuffstraightjust for the heck of it just becausethey love it just because they want toembrace and immersethemselves in the bigger story of starwars so if they can do it for the sheerjoy of itcertainly a group of people being paidcan do it tooright but the real problem with thestory group are one of the big ones iknow a lot of people have otherissues of other kinds with the storygroup anyway one of the main problemsis i don’t think they have any actualsort of powerover the story or maybe it’s that theyonly have power overparts of it meaning if someone wants todo something in a comic book that willmaybe conflict or just doesn’t seem likesomething very star wars likethey can tell them no but if someonewriting and or directing a movie wantsto do something that maybe they wouldn’tapprove of or isn’t very star wars likewell that ends up being above their paygrade and they are the ones that gettold no this is how it’s going to beregardless of what happened elsewherein a comic or if say dave filoni withone of his animated showswants to go ahead and change somethingthat happened in a comic book or in anovelthen he can go ahead and do just thatthe story group can’t stop himand we end up with a contradiction inthe official canonand mind you i’m not exactly upset thatsomeone like dave filoni would have thatpower or that he’s used it toagain rewrite canon heck i think heshould be in charge of everything storyrelated at lucasfilm and that would sortout a lot of the issuesnor am i talking about or complainingabout small contradictions or littleinconsistencies that may happen here andthere i do not expect the canon to beperfectin fact i’ve always seen star wars asprobably being told a second hand anywayand depending on who’s telling the storyand to who they’re telling it toyou may end up with slightly differentversions of events for exampleif you tell a story to young childrenyou may give a morewatered down version of events than ifyou told that same story to adultsor just in general two different peoplemay see the exactsame event but how they describe it whatdetails they focus on or maybe leave outare going to differ and so again i’mokay with little inconsistencies i canoperate under the belief or assumptionthat these stories are coming secondhand like i said safe may be the onesthat come straight from george lucashis i assume are taken from the journalof the willswhile everyone else who tells a starwars story is telling what they heardcome fromthe journal of the wills again they’retelling it more second handplus there is another side or way tolook at this altogetherthat what happens in a comic book thatlet’s be honest only a small percentageof the fan base is actually going toreadthat it shouldn’t keep a potentiallygreat idea or story from being put on abig screenfor a much larger audience in otherwords a bad or maybe unnecessary storytold at some point in a comic shouldn’tprevent us from getting a better storytoldelsewhere for example there was a novelsimply called ahsoka that covered theevents between maul and ahsoka duringthe siege of mandaloreand though the novel was good i’m nottrying to bash it day filoni and companyfor the most part all but ignored whathappened in itwhen they made the siege of mandalorearc for season 7 in the clone warsbut they ended up making arguably someof the greatest star wars content inrecent memoryby ignoring that book and now with thefirst episode of the bad batch davefiloni and company have done somethinglike that again they’ve basicallyoverwritten something that happened in acomic bookwhich i won’t get into the details of incase someone out therehasn’t had the chance to sit down andwatch the first two episodes of the badbatchand they don’t want anything spoiledhowever here in regards to this episodeof the bad batch and that comic book andgoing along with what i was saying justmoments agohow people can sometimes see the samething and tell a different story ordifferent version of ityou could i guess say that’s happenedhere there are similarities in the twoversions enough so thatyeah you can probably say they’re thesame or could be the samebut that the one telling the storyfocused on completely different aspectsthan the other onebut still as someone who buys and readsall the books and comics who keeps upwith everythingit is a bit frustrating when somethingjust let’s be honest getsoverwritten on a whim especially forexample when it’s one of the few goodcomics series we’ve gotten in the disneyerabecause the main problem with the booksand comics as i see it is they tellstories about characters or eventsjust for the sake of telling storiesabout characters or events to sell booksand comics and often times they end upfeeling disjointed and sort ofunbelievable which kind of makes the fewgood comics or bookseven more memorable like the one thatgot undone in this caseand a prime example of what i’m talkingabout here about unnecessary stories youcould saywould be the first volume of the newmainline star wars series for marvelwhich ran for 75 issues and is setbetweenepisodes four and five and features ofcourse han lukeleia and so on and sees them all go ontheseoften times strange adventures whichwould very much feel out of place if yousaw them in the movieor at least that’s how i feel about themand you can just tell they’re coming upwith stories again just for the sake ofcoming up with storiesto sell a comic book and i’m not sayingthey’re all bad there are some diamondsin the roughbut you can tell they’re trying to makeit as big and as interesting and asweird as possible sometimes despite notbeing able to really do anything thatimpacts the overarching storybecause that story is already set instone we know what’s going to happen tothose characters in the next moviewhich is only a short time ahead of thiscomic book on the timelineand so they end up doing things liketeasing the romance between han and leiawhich we know can’t come to fruitiontill the empire strikes backand i’m certainly not saying there’s nostory that could be told about thesecharacters in this time period in facti think there is i think there could beone maybe two really good stories intherebut not multiple not 75 issues it justgetsunbelievable and yes i realize this isall fiction anywaybut just get so unbelievable to see themcaptured by the empire time and timeagainonly to surprise surprise getaway in theendand so there’s already this part of methat thinks well maybe the comicsshouldn’t be considered canon anywaybecause they’re adding so muchunnecessary stuffand in this example have now filled thetime period between episodes four andfive with so much odd stuff that there’sno room to have maybe thatone or two good stories that could betold in there in other wordsi think one of the biggest problems withthe disney canonis making content just for the sake ofmaking contentthey don’t have an actual good story totell but they’ve got money to make so astory gets maderegardless while the other big problemis no trueoverseer no one that has absoluteauthority over the story of star warsother than maybe kathleen kennedy wholet’s be honest is not an expert in starwars loreor someone who likely has a very deepunderstanding of what makes for a trulygood star wars storyas i’ve said before sure maybe she canrun a companybut i don’t think she can run star warsitselfand quite honestly it just baffles mehow poorly all around star wars has beenmanaged here in the disney erait could be doing so much better itcould be making so much more money fordisney and making fans happier thanthey’ve ever been beforebut it’s not which isn’t to say thereare no good parts of itthere certainly are but it’s nowherenear what it could bethis is not the golden age of star warsthat we were promised when disney tookoverwell that’s all i’ve got for this timenow it’s your turn to tell me what youthink about all this does it bother youwhen things get overwritten or do youreally not care maybe because you don’treally get into all the other stuffanywayand how do you think star wars could berun better what would you doif you were in charge whatever the casemay beleave a comment below and let’s talksome star wars and until next timethanks for watching -
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